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Scientific Emissary to the Great Sphinx of the Library


I'm blinding myself, with science!


Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
Never Ask a Bird Headed Man Where To Get Fried Chicken
Seek Unknown Lands and Never Fear

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Iolana: A blast to pal around with. It's nice to have someone you can really let your hair down around.
Wren: Runs Atworth Acres. I'd be happy to have you at my back whatever the situation. Also... damn good pancakes.
Conni: Kicks serious ass and a friend besides. Hard not to look up to her.
Haruka: Good friend, helpful intern, fellow librarian.
Kirk: Here's to working together. I hope you find your place in the world my friend.
Healani: Brilliant, calm, willing to put up with my silly ass. What more could you want in a friend?


Akhlut: Glad to see he's ok. Seemed to feel the same about me. Big as a friggin house this one.
Lola: Complicated as hell, but damn good in a fight.
Mila: Didn't go in the hole. Did get squished by my mistake. Still nice enough to drag me to the hospital. I'll have to send... something culturally appropriate I dunno...
Keha: Willing to yell at idiots taking selfies. Sounds good. Don't know if I agree that the workers should have been left for dead but given what happened...
Anuhea: Had a nice chat. Promised to teach me how to dive and surf after I recover.
Zep: Anyone with such a true appreciation for humor is surely a classy lady.
Eve: Beautiful as all get out but kind of scary. Knows how to keep her head in a crisis by the looks of it.
Leif: Takes care of his family and others. Not a bad guy in my book.
Kilia: Keep fighting to protect your family and your island. We might have something in common.
Heath: Foul mouthed and foul minded. But I'll be damned if the man can't take a beating and return it like a son of a bitch.
Noemi: Seems calm, cool, collected. Thinks of others before herself. Good sense of humor.
Rick: Thanks man. You're a life saver. Hope I helped clear some stuff up.
Muriel: Comes off as cold and aloof but I think she cares more than she lets on.
Juniper: Nice lady. Might be a student of mine some day.
Nala: I like the way she thinks. And she seems to know a lot about the local lore.
Kirsi: Charges in and kicks ass. Ghost Fight Club is on!
Sylvi: Kick ass lady who turns out to be an ass kicking lady. We've got more in common then I thought.
Iara: Nice kid. Definitely afraid of something, but stands up for counting anyway.
Carver: Looks like he has a story to tell. Doesn't look like he cares to share it. Fair 'nough.
Shawn: Surfer fella. Seems a quite type, but nice enough. Had a run in with killer cacti apparently. Knows how to throw around the heavy.
Ember: Down to earth farm girl. Nice company.
Bjorn: Real big fella, and a good guy. Great company on a hike.
Enola: Killer threads and tats, not afraid of things that bump.
Isaac: Takes the absurd in stride. I like that. Definitely has a few surprises tucked away.
Molly: Clearly has experience with the weird in the world and knows how to keep her head. Nice lady.
Volya: Not one to tolerate messing with the plant life and can totally do something about it. Great at parties.
Fiona: Keeps to herself a bit it seems, but friendly and has a cool job.
Lili: Glad you weren't drowning! Always wonderful to meet a fellow lover of the onomatopoeia BOOM!
Casey: Definitely a badass, baseball bat swinging, divine buttkicker. And a swell gal to chat with.
Grace: Lovely and badass. She's agreed to help teach me how to fight. Maybe one day I can tell her how much I actually appreciate it.
Aidan: Up and coming Private Investigator. Sounds like he has some great drunk-at-a-bonfire stories.
Mellie: Amazing artist and longtime resident. I hope to see you again sometime.
Yohko: Seems like she'd be a nice kid if she could learn to friggin' relax...
James: I might have a man crush...

Lost In The Stacks

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Played By: Elyas M'Barek
Joachim main.jpg

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Name: Joachim Heshmat
Apparent Age: 26
Age: 26
Place of Birth: Pennsylvania, USA
Temperament: Curious, Intelligent, Eager, Quirky, Humorous
Mantle: Emissary of Power
Patron: Hypatia, Great Sphinx of the Library
Status: On Oahu, Learning.
Occupation: Scientific Researcher
Languages: Coptic, English
Theme Song: We Are All Connected - Symphony of Science
Magic - Mystery Skulls
Freaking Out - Mystery Skulls
Divine Moments of Truth - Shpongle
Synchronicity 1 - The Police
EXGF - We Are The Hearts
GG Magree - One By One
Space Truckin - Deep Purple
Alts: Aksel (Minor Talent), Corrine (Valkyrie), Felix (Shapeshifter)

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RP Hooks
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: While not always as clean as could be, making sure there's always room for more knowledge is busy work, and needs a clean space.
Comedy Cures!: Joachim has a killer sense of Humor, at least it kills bad moods. Like Quirky?
Always Researching: Every piece of information could be valuable.
Space Is The Place: Joachim currently works at the Honolulu Observatory as a visiting professor of Astrophysics. Like looking at the stars too? Stop on by.

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