Journal:Mar 16, 2008/Report and Musings

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Joachim Heshmat's Journal

16 March, 2008

Mar 16, 2008/Report and Musings

Some Concerns about the state of affairs on Oahu
Darling Pussycat,

Things continue well here on the island. I've made further contacts and have begun forays into sharing information concerning magic with others. Recently I have come into contact with two individuals who are likely new to it's use. One has agreed to speak with me on the subject in exchange for an explanation of it's use. So far the conversation has been extremely interesting. The other is rather closed off and in all likelihood it will be some time before they are ready to speak of anything they've seen, or been seen doing.

At this point in time I have noted a number of attacks and strange occurrences in my reports to you. Many have been by and large a matter of luck, running into something without expecting it. Both good and bad luck. These events in and of themselves don't concern me. These monsters are predators and they will do what they need as their nature dictates. I can't really blame them for it, but that doesn't mean I won't stop them when they happen.

What instead concerns me is those events which are clearly being orchestrated by an outside party. The event at the beach with the three women. The hornets attacking the zoo. Now a more recent attempt on the beach in the middle of a volcanic fog. I've taken to calling them lightning weasels, because why not? They can look like anything they hit. The name was offered by a friend. My point is that we need to figure out how many players we have. Is this one group? Three? Are any of them connected? Whatever caused the weasels was also controlling them. They had cores embedded in them. I've already begun research on how to deal with it and what might be able to make that happen. Because of the thick fog, there was no way to trace it. I could barely make out where it was coming from.

As a last note, I have not yet begun my efforts to build an Annex in the area. This is an expensive place, and a lot of it is out of my price range. So if you plan on following through with that, I suggest helping me figure out how to pull gold out of the earth's core.

Yours in knowledge, Joachim