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Dramatis Personae

Kirsi, Sylvi, and Iara. Rick as GM.

August 17, 2008

Our heroines find some zombies on a mission, manage to foil it.


Okuda Metal Inc - Honolulu


Plot:The Boneyard

It's early evening, though in Hawaii in the summer, that doesn't necessarily mean that there are fewer people in any given area. The edge of Downtown Honolulu isn't necessarily the most touristy of tourist areas. It's not //dark// dark, but the sun has dipped below the horizon, so it'll be getting there soon enough. People are passing by, though they have the general look of going either to the beach, or home, not necessarily lingering right here.

Sylvi had likely enjoyed her afternoon, if her broad smile and quietly relaxed gait had any sort of indication on the matter. Over her back she had slung a case of some sort, the thing fairly large, but fit snuggly against her body. Looking over at Kirsi, she winked to her, gray-blue eyes lumious and sparkling with good cheer. "That was so much of the fun, we have to do that again soon. I haven't spent a full afternoon at the range in far too long." Motioning toward the outskirts of Downtown, Sylvi had purposefully steered them this way, it would seem. "We'll still get some dinner, but I kind of wanted to... peek down the alleys and what not. I know it's foolish, there's no chance that I'll run into the damn blodsugere just walking around. But still, after last night, I feel like I should at least look. Even if I haven't heard back from head office if I can just start burning the streets down with some sort of flame thrower in search of them." Sylvi smirked slightly.

As for clothing, she'd kept it simple in a pair of short, jean, cut-offs that left her long muscular legs free of any extra layers. Of course, after you'd worked that hard on getting a nice all-over tan, you didn't want to hide it, right? For a top, she'd chosen another simple garment, a light pink, ribbed tank top with the word Angel across the front in white print. The shirt went great with her pink Adidas with white stripes and the matching ankle socks. Everything fit well, but nothing Sylvi wore left any extra cloth to use for hand-holds, really. Even her long, blonde hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and then braided tightly into a tawny rope that hit her below mid-back.

Iara had left the university rather late to drop off an assignment before heading back home. It was a long trip back home, but she didn't seem to mind the trip. She had cut across downtown, headed for the outskirts, but slowed down enough to do a bit of window shopping on her way home. Today she is dressed in a flouncy red summer dress and short black shrug, enjoying a light breeze as she walks home.

"Yeah, I definitely need to work more on it," Kirsi says, maybe not as enthusiastically as her taller, blonder coworker. She makes a face. "I don't like guns, really, but sometimes it's better not to have to get close. And sometimes you're out of mojo." She gestures a little with her finger tips, as if she were about to make a sigil in the air, her brand of calling forth her magic. But that would be silly, so there's no meaning to the twirly-doo she does with her fingers, no magic called forth. "It's okay. Patrolling for blodsugeres is pretty much what I used to pretend to do for fun growing up -- my friends and I used to play out Buffy, you know? I always had to be Willow." She pulls a strand of her red hair to indicate why.

"Oh ja, the guns are not as much fun. The bows, though, they are where the real fun is." Sylvi chuckled as she reached up to pat the end of her bow case, giving Kirsi a wink. "They're at least quiet, and I don't have to worry quite so much about people being crazy and trying to steal it from me to shoot me with my own weapon. Trying to shoot a huntress with her own bow is tantamount to attempting to tie your shoes with your tongue. You might figure it out, but you're going to look like a total fool even if you do." Syl waggled her eyebrows to Kirsi. "The red hair is good, there should be more red haired murderers of blodsugeres." Syl's Norwegian accent flitted along her words, especially the native ones, with a lilting ease. "For me it is like fire, fire should always be allowed to be the scariest one in the room should it so choose. Willow was not the scary unless she was evil Willow. Then I loved her."

Iara glances around, hearing some soft chatter nearby. She pauses to peer thoughtfully at Sylvi and Kirsi, giving the taller woman a soft shy smile as if she recognizes her from..Somewhere, before continuing on her way. She glances through a nearby store window on her way, gazing longingly at some item held in the display case. But unfortunately, it looks like they've already closed. With a sigh she continues on her way, but pauses, tilting her ear as she hears something. "Huh? What was that?" she frowns softly, glancing towards the northeast and starts to quicken her pace as she heads off in that general direction.

"Bored now," says Kirsi in an Evil Willow impression, then laughs, shaking her red head. Back to the topic of weaponry, she begins to add more soberly, "I think-" but she stops, her head turning to the northeast and she puts up a hand, one finger raised in the tacit 'just a minute' gesture.

"Do you hear that?" Kirsi asks, frowning, before she heads off in that direction, breaking into a run and assuming Sylvi will keep up. "Someone was calling for help -- maybe by the scrap yards out that way?" she says, her eyes skimming the distance, as if she could pinpoint the location of the cry -- it's some distance off, wherever she's going.

Whatever Iara and Kirsi have heard, they don't hear it again. The only sounds now are the usual nighttime sounds of Honolulu.

Sylvi lifted her hand when she spotted Iara, giving her a wide, bright smile. "God Kveldt!" She called out to the girl just loudly enough to be heard. Then, of course, she looked at Kirsi and laughed darkly. "Oh yes, that was when I knew I loved the Willow forever. Alison Hannigan Evil was my favorite direction to go, for all of the shows." Sylvi shut her mouth solidly as Kirsi did the whole 'Just a Minute' gesture, likely far more trained to handle handle signals than your average blonde Amazon. She peered at Kirsi and raised her brows, shaking her head. "Nei, I heard nothing. But we should go check. I'm hoping our luck's not good enough that I find the things we were actually keeping an eye out for. I only just got the smell of death out of my nostrils after my third shower last night." She scrunched her nose a little, then moved along with Kirsi, long, muscular legs eating up the distance with ease.

"You heard it too?" Iara glances over at Kirsi, going in the same direction as her although she slows down when the noise dies down. "It stopped..?" she doesn't relent though, narrowing her eyes as she peers around intently. To Sylvi she nods, "Aloha, miss. I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name." she nods to Sylvi, and to Kirsi as well, and continues to head towards the same direction as Kirsi, "I think it came from that way, yes."

"Ha, me neither, from what you described. Maybe it's help for something fun..." there's always wishing. Kirsi glances over at Iara, waving when it's clear the other woman knows Sylvi. "Yeah, calling for help? Sounds like out by the scrap yards maybe," she says. Her legs aren't as long as Sylvi's, but she's a capable runner. As she draws nearer and the big buildings grow scarcer, she tries to keep to the shadows, looking for signs of ... well, anyone in need of help. Or anyone hurting anyone who might need help. That sort of thing.

Our three intrepid heroines move steadily along until they come to a more industrial neighborhood. Or as industrial as Honolulu gets, anyway. There are a couple of scrap metal yards, including one called Okuda Metal, Inc. It's gated and fenced from what can be seen of the front, but there is the definite sound of clanking and scuffling coming from inside the gate. A large pile of scrap obscures what's actually making that noise, though.

Sylvi reached to her back and undid the side of her case with a subtle 'ziiiip' sound that could have almost been missed amid the noises of the three women rushing to the scrap yard. "Not to worry, I'm Sylvi. But for now." She lifted her finger to her lips, motioning for quiet to Iara. Then, Sylvi looked back at Kirsi, pointing to her own eyes, then to the decidedly violently created opening of the fencing. She then pointed to her own chest, and then to the hole, while she unslung her bow from the case at her back with her right hand and unzipped the quiver of arrows at the top end of it with her left. Yup. Goin' hunting! And with that, Sylvi moved to the hole, crouched down, and peered through to see if there was anyone waiting on the other side. The blonde didn't seem too horribly worried about being stealthy, but at least she took the time to peruse the situation before she just burst through like a stripper out of a birthday cake.

Iara nods to Sylvi and continues to move quietly. She contiunes to peer around, deciding that introductions can wait til later. For now, she moves cautiously, keeping an ear peeled for any sign of trouble, but picking up little more than the sound of...Wait, was that..Grunting? From the other side of the fence? She steps to the foot of the fence, peering up..Waay up. Guess she wont be climbing that thing! And it looks like there's a hole in the fence, fortunately? But as Sylvi goes in first, she steps back and waits for now, continuing to peel her ears for anything funny.

Kirsi taps Sylvi, then points to where a pair of boots can be seen sticking out from behind the scrap heap. They look like they're attached to feet. She makes a face with her eyes closed and her tongue out -- dead? -- then one with her hands peacefully tucked under her cheek -- or asleep? It's one or the other, and really, who's going to sleep next to a scrap heap? She's putting her bet on the former. She peers around, looking for whoever the voice belonged to -- or anything else.

The rustling and clanking continues from behind the scrap heap. There's a noise that definitely sounds like grunting, as well as some...shuffling? Maybe. Then there's a *CLANG* as a flat piece of metal gets flung out from the heap, and smashes into the chain link fence almost right where Kirsi is standing. It has been flung with enough force that it calls to mind something that is not quite human. It hit //hard//.

Sylvi rocked back a bit, as she was also right there at the fence, then shook her head. She lifted her hand, pointed at the fence... and then went through it. Sylvi used the fence with her free hand to give herself a little momentum to push through a touch of distance on the other side of the barrier, attempting to avoid the 'slag' alley being created by flying metal. Once inside the scrap yard, Sylvi stayed low in more an attempt to keep her perspective than to hide, then looked around at the ground, checking over the man that Kirsi had pointed out. Her bow was ready, but not pulled up. One never points the business end of a weapon unless one has to use it, after all. Thank you Ms. Manners for all your words of wisdom.

Iara blinks as she sees the boot on the ground, scratching her head and just shrugs at Kirsi. Still, she peeks around, trying to get a better look, waiting to see if Sylvi has discovered anything. She closes her eyes this time, openning up her senses fully now, relying more on her keen sense of hearing than anything else.

Then, when she finally understands what she is hearing and smelling, Iara gives a shudder. "They're..Not human..They're not even alive!" She opens her eyes then, catching sight of the creatures and grits her teeth. "Zombies...?" It is then that the piece of metal goes flying and she flinches, darting back.

"Sylvi, are you alright?" Once she's ascertained that she is, Iara's usually gentle amber eyes narrow, become hardenned, determined. "That's it, I'm going in. If that guy is still alive, I've got to help him..!" she steps through the hole after Sylvi and also checks over his condition before trying to deal with the monsters. "Is he alive?" She still speaks in whispers, not wanting to attract the monsters' attention anymore than she has to.

When that sheet slams nearby, Kirsi's eyes widen and she puts a hand to her chest as if she could calm its pounding from the outside. "Zombies?" she echoes, looking at Iara, her head cocked with confusion. "Where do you get that? Shit." She glances to Sylvi as the other woman points to the fence and nods, then follows through after Iara. She moves in a crouch, letting Sylvi and Iara look in on the boot's owner -- if there is one -- as she begins to creep to the other side of the pile to peer that way. She doesn't have a weapon with her, but holds her hand slightly out, ready to raise and make the sign of the Valkyrie if need be.

When Sylvi and Kirsi gets around the pile enough to get a better angle, they them, too. Two of them. They look human, and yet they're deep enough into the Uncanny Valley that they're practically six feet under. Which is, of course, where they ought to be. One of them looks freshly dead -- it's pretty much just the shambling movements and extra pale skin that give it away as decidedly not human.

Well, that and the fact that there's a flap of skin hanging off the back of its head that is exposing its skull.

The other is practically a skeleton. Its flesh is literally sloughing off as its bony fingers digging into the pile of scrap. It tosses another piece of metal behind it, then just continues to dig in the pile.

The figure that Kirsi saw seems to be a man, with an Okuda Metals Inc. workshirt on his torso and a bloody wound on his head. He is either unconscious or dead, and the zombies are completely ignoring him for the moment, intent as they are on whatever they're looking for.

Sylvi looked at the man on the ground, then back up at the zombies for a moment. Without dropping her bow, she put those insanely toned muscles of hers to good use and reached out to grab the man's body, around the knee, locking her elbow in place for a good hold. Then, Sylvi dragged him without so much as a grunt, away from the line of possible fire from the metal the zombies were flinging about. Syl didn't stop moving the unconscious or possibly dead man until he was behind another tall enough pile of scrap that he'd be safe from further injury courtesy of metal projectiles.

Iara arches a brow at Kirsi and shrugs, "Rotting flesh? One a half-skeleton? Definitely not human. They seem to be..Searching for something, in the scrap metal? But what, I wonder?" however her first priority is the injured man. As Sylvi reaches him first she moves to the other side. "Careful, try not to move him too much, or it will aggravate what wounds he has." But when she grasps him by the knees, she gasps a bit, looking quite horrified by her mode of transport and bites down on her lip. Right now, getting him out of the line of fire seems to be the priority.

Kneeling next to the man once he is moved to safety, Iara tries to stabilize his neck and head as much as possible, giving him the once-over to make sure he doesn't have anything sticking out of him or any gushing wounds before checking his vitals. The bleeding head wound is noticed with a frown and she pulls off her shrug, pressing it against the wound as hard as she can, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Thank goodness. He's still alive, probably just suffering from concussion and a head wound." she frowns, "He is breathing, but barely. We need to get him to a hospital!" Without a second thought, Iara instantly flips open her phone and dials 911. "I'll try and keep him alive until an ambulance arrives. Think you two can take care of them?" she nods towards the zombies.

"I didn't see that when you said it outside the gate," Kirsi says a little wryly, "and I don't have a bloodhound nose, but now I see them, yes, clearly they're zombies." She glances at Sylvi. "What do we know -- we can kick the shit of them to death -- that's about all I remember?" Zombies weren't high up on her list of things to worry about, because really, who wants to make a bunch of dead slaves? Gross people, that's who.

She looks around, finding a good sized pipe that she picks up, hefting it in her hand to feel for its weight. She moves toward one of the zombies and takes a swing for it's face -- or what's left of it. Annnd it's a swing and a miss. The thing is faster than she gives it credit for.

The talking on the phone does catch the zombies' attention. The really dead one looks over its shoulder, scanning with its one remaining eye until it sees Sylvi and Iara just as they get behind the metal barrier. It reaches down, grabbing a piece of rebar which it flings in the direction of where the guy is. The bar misses that barrier by several feet, though it does land within reach of Sylvi, should she decide to break cover and grab it. The zombie does not pursue that quarry, though, and instead goes back to digging through the pile. However, it's just in time to dodge that swipe from Kirsi, too -- it dodges a lot better than it throws.

Sylvi's blonde brow rose high over her left eye, her focus hitting on Iara for a moment as the woman started talking, and using her phone. "Not so quiet, I suppose then." And of course Kirsi was off attempting to bash a zombie in the face. "Not so quiet at all. Remind me to arm you both with knives or something the next time, ja?" Sylvi shook her head and pulled the large, rather sexy compound bow in her hand up to the ready while her other hand reached into the quiver she'd opened up at the top of the bow case, and pulled free an arrow. The gleam of the bow's slick, metallic blue carbon fiber and the matte black draw string might have given it a little show quality, but the real stunner was that when she pulled the draw string back with the arrow in it, there was utterly no sound. In fact, the only whisper made even as she let loose the arrow at the zombie that had attempted to throw a hunk of metal at herself and Iara was the whistle of the drawstring cutting air, like someone had breathed high and fast to catch their breath after a run but been surprised midway through. The arrow was flying true, but for some reason, the Zombie's head that had been perfectly lined up in her sights dropped down just low enough that the arrow sailed over him, impaling a hunk of metal with its rather impressively sturdy tip as it shuddered, then finally fell still. "Shit." Sylvi spoke the word quietly, her frown tugging at her lips.

Iara smiles at Kirsi and smiles, "No worries, just didn't want you to think I'm crazy or anything." glancing at Sylvi, she shrugs, "Sorry, can't risk a life, it's not worth it." Hey, she wasn't exactly yelling afterall. She continues to work on the unconscious man, checking his pupils, searching his body for any other wounds but focuses primarily on trying to stop the blood flow from his head.

Fortunately her shrug is pretty stretchy and the sleeves are long enough that she can wrap them around his head, soaking up enough of the blood to stabilize him for now. When the piece of metal flies in her direction, she braces herself for impact, wrapping her body protectively around the man's unconscious form. Fortunately the zombie misses and she breathes out a sigh of relief. "What on earth are they searching for?" she ponders aloud.

The second zombie sees its companion getting attacked, and maybe there is honor among the dead -- or maybe it's just that it's worried its mission will be compromised. Whatever the reason, it leaves off what it's doing and lurches toward Kirsi, taking a swipe for her with one pale, cold arm. Swing and a miss, this time.

Kirsi's quiet now, because she's trying to dodge zombie attacks. She dances back from the swipe of the second zombie coming to protect the first. "Silent but not deadly," she whispers at Sylvi due to the Amazon's miss, but it's a friendly barb, said with sisterly love. She glares at the zombie grabbing at her, and veers back, both hands on the rebar like it's a Louisville Slugger, and swings like she's about to hit a ball, smacking the thing in the shoulder as it lurches awkwardly in front of her. "Stee-rike." It's quiet. She's now channeling Buffy, not Evil Willow.

The zombie who had dodged Sylvi's attack lets out an unearthly moan...and then just turns around again, starting to root through the pile once more. It really seems as though it cannot be deterred for too long. Probably good for our heroines, but perhaps not that good for someone else, depending on what it's looking for.

In the distance, there's the sound of sirens. They sound like they're getting closer.

Sylvi snickered darkly, the sound ending with a snort as she shook her head. "Tell me about it, I should probably have just picked up a rock and started throwing at this rate." She aimed her bow at the zombie that had been after Kirsi, then let loose another arrow, silent, straight... whiff right by the second zombie. "Dammit, whoever let these jerks watch Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later needs to be tossed into an ant pile, covered in honey, ja?" She pulled out another arrow, because she absolutely had to make this work at lest once, dangit!

The zombie may have missed Kirsi the first time, but it's not going to be deterred like its fellow. Maybe it's because it's newer, more freshly dead -- whatever the case, it doesn't seem as dogged in its pursuit of whatever it's pursuing. After dodging the arrow from Sylvi, it swips for Kirsi again, this time making contact. It's not much, but its strength can be felt in that punch.

Iara glances around, watching the battle unfold nearby, but refuses to abandon the unconscious man. Afterall, his breathing could stop at any minute and he is still too near to danger for her to feel comfortable. She periodically checks on his vital signs, and tries to keep his body as still as possible, still applying pressure to his head wound. The sound of sirens is a relief, although it may be a bit difficult to explain the zombies.

Iara peers intently at the zombies, looking a bit anxious. If they're undead, can they even be killed? But she's seen a few zombie movies. "Maybe try aiming for their heads..?"

The zombie's punch makes Kirsi stagger back a couple of feet, and she wrinkles her nose, swiping at her face like she can rub off the bacteria that no doubt is now all over her skin. "God, I need a shower," she says, a little shudder running through her shoulders. She pulls up the rebar again, this time slamming the thing rather than swinging it, so that the end of it hits the zombie in the chest, trying to knock him over as well as maybe, you know, break its ribs, or the like. "They can die, just gotta bash them a lot..." She glances at up at the siren. "Shit."

The first zombie continues to hunt through the refuse, shoving its hands into the refuse and leaving what little bits of skin it still has left on its fingers behind on the pieces of metal. And the sirens are //definitely// closer now -- they must only be a block or two away.

"I do believe I've been trying to do that, young lady. If you'd like, you could always pick something up and start helping?" Sylvi couldn't help the soft chuckle after she spoke to Iara, had to relieve the annoyance of missing the previous shots somehow. Then, to Kirsi, Sylvi called out, "Don't you worry, Sis. You keep him dancing like that you'll sweat it all off in no time." She winked at Kirsi before she focused her aim on the zombie that was fighting against her fellow Valkyrie. "And... once more, for the cheap seats." She let out a slow, long breath and loosed another of the silent projectiles from her compound bow. It sailed clean, straight, like it had a purpose, and then it hit into the zombie's head, slamming through the temple, into the rest of the skull to properly stake itself into the brain, all the way through until it lodged the spiked, dangerous end of the arrow into the opposite side of the skull. "There's the target." She murmured the words and glanced down at Iara, grinning since the damn arrow finally hit where she'd intended.

Distracted zombie is distracted. After the hit on Kirsi, maybe it's feeling very pleased with itself -- or maybe it's feeling nothing, since it's dead. Probably the latter. However, it looks like it might lunge for her again, but just as she hits it, there's a loud *CRUNCH*. And then it gets an arrow right through its head. It falls onto the heap, and twitches a couple of times, before it stills. Oddly, it doesn't actually seem like it's dead -- but it also doesn't seem to be moving purposefully anymore.

Iara shakes her head at Sylvi. "Soon as the ambulance comes, I will assist you as best as I can. This guy is on the brink of death, and I cannot leave him for a second or he may die. Just a little longer.." She nods to Kirsi as she explains how zombies work, still doing her best to keep the wound from spilling out anymore than it has, and her hand has not left his head for one moment, still regularly checking his vitals The sound of nearby sirens is a good sign, really. "That's a relief..Dont worry about the ambulance, I'll..Try to explain it, somehow."

"Nice shot," Kirsi says, wiping her face again, no doubt still feeling the cold clamminess of the flesh that punched her. She wheels around to try to shove that length of rebar through the throat of the other zombie. She connects, but the contact doesn't seem to do much to phase him. "It's like fighting a brick wall, I swear," she grunts, rubbing one of her hands on her shorts, then the other, no doubt feeling the reverberation in her fingers and knuckles from her hits.

The zombie gets hit, but this one, oddly enough -- or maybe not -- just keeps rummaging around in the pile. That is, until it stops, and pulls its now totally fleshless hand out, its fingers wrapped around something. It pushes itself back from the pile and starts to shamble right on past Kirsi, and past Sylvi and Iara, too, toward the opening in the fence where it must have come from.

It gets there just about when the ambulance pulls up and the EMTs start getting out. One of them starts toward it, perhaps thinking that //it// was the one that had called -- but then he sees what it actually is.

"Oh my god //what the fuck// IS THAT?!"

Sylvi let out a hiss of a sound. "Oh no you do NOT, kuksuger!" Stepping in behind the zombie before it could get out through the hole in the fence, Sylvi wrapped her arms around it. Not just around, really, but up, barring both of her forearms against the front of its shoulders and using her compound bow as a pressure bar along it's neck. Ah yeah, baby, full Nelson with carbon fiber assist. This mostly skeletal being wasn't going anywhere. "Kirsi! What has it got?" This asked as she dragged the thing back from the opening a little, to leave space for the aid crew to get to the fallen man. "Iara! Get the guy out of here, his ride is here, ja?!"

The second zombie just lies there twitching. It is not doing anything at the moment.

Iara nods to Sylvi, arching a brow as Sylvi tackles the fleeing zombie. Wow..She's really strong! "R-right!" she nods and very carefully grasps the guy by the shoulders, summoning all her strength, determined to help the unconscious man no matter what. She manages to drag him out of the hole and into full view of the EMT before they can go any further inside and into the battle that lays beyond.

Drawing a deep breath, Iara climbs to her feet, waving her hands. "Over here! This guy got knocked out by some crazy punks who started attacking my friends." Punks? Punks. Forget the skeletal hands and dangling flesh. She steps aside to let them load the unconscious guy onto the stretcher. "He's alive but conscious. Possible concussion, breathing is shallow, and he suffered a head-wound. I've tried to stabilize him as best as I can.."

Kirsi starts darting around the zombie, trying to see what's in his hands while he's grappled. "A circuit board, it looks like. That's pretty weird," she says, glancing over at the hole Iara climbs through, then back to the zombie that Sylvi has all wrapped up. "The hell does a zombie want with computer parts?" she says, her brows knitting together as she moves closer, looking for an opening to either hit the thing again, without hurting Sylvi, or to grab the object it holds.

It is lucky that Iara is able to drag the man out of the hole, because the EMTs do //not// look like they are about to go into the place with the thing that Sylvi is now holding. In fact, they are barely listening to Iara -- only intense training keeps them able to do their jobs at the moment.

They get the guy into the stretcher and into the back of the ambulance just as the struggling skeletal zombie breaks the hold that Sylvi has on it, and starts shambling for the exit again, still with that thing -- which, as Kirsi rightly noted, is a circuit board -- clutched in its bony fingers.

Sylvi let out a grunt as the nasty bag of bones managed to get away from her. Reaching out with her right arm, Sylvi gripped onto the forearm of the skeletal being, holding on tightly. "Someone get this thing from him... but be careful!" She growled under her breath at the creature. "Stop squirming, ja? I need to just check your ID."

Iara smiles softly at the EMTs, trying to keep them busy with the injured guy as she explains the situation. Once he is loaded onto the stretcher and the ambulance is hopefully speeding away from danger, she turns her attention back to the second zombie, the one that is now running towards her and carrying something...Odd..In its bony little hand. "Oh no you don't!" no time to ponder however as Sylvi grapples it a second time. She leaps towards it, trying to yank the circuit board out of its hand while it's being held down.

Kirsi takes a moment while Iara's darting in to grab the motherboard to pay look around, listening. Her brow knits and she moves closer to the zombie, her head tilting. "Do you hear that?" she asks, but it's loud -- the siren is starting up again. "There's a sound... a pulsing..." she looks at the zombie, trying to pinpoint just where, and points at a lump on its back. "Maybe this thing..." she says, moving in and, well, pulling up its shirt to examine what's there. Hold tight, Sylvi.

The zombie gets held again, and then its prize is being taken away from it when it had it in its grasp! Kirsi pulls its shirt up just enough to reveal what looks like some sort of walike-talkie or radio receiver -- or something -- clipped to its rather gross belt, right before it makes an attempt to get the circuit board back from Iara, though it misses.

Sylvi cocked her head to the side. "What the hell...?" She looked at Kirsi, then at Iara. As the darker haired woman battled with the zombie over ownership of the circuit board, Syl waited for a good angle. "Juuust like fishin with the polar bears, ja?" This said under her breath to a silly, slight, tune like she was humming a song. Then she reached in and gripped the radio, rather firmly, jerking back hard enough that the apparently rotten belt breaks and the whole strip of the belt + the radio is all pulled free. Sylvi was left holding onto the belt, then shook her head, dropped the radio to the ground, and crushed it under her heel, rather savagely. "Shit, check the other one!"

Iara blinks at Kirsi as she mentions the electronic thingy on the zombie's...Belt? "Some kind of..Electronic receiver? It's being...Remotely controlled?" However, she doesn't have much time to ponder more on that as the zombie lashes out at her. Still, she darts back with surprising ease and agility as the zombie attempts to grab the circuit board away from her. "Hmm, now what is so important about this piece of metal..?" she peers at it, trying to remember what she learned in computer class about circuitry..But is pulling up a blank. Computer class was never one of her best classes. "Not sure what this is for, wonder if it is another controller. But was it really that important to retrieve? Unless it has some sort of data on it." She sighs, "Wish I knew more about computers.."

"Huh," says Kirsi, moving quickly to the other zombie that's already fallen to find a similar device -- this one already broken, probably thanks to her and Sylvi's Valkyrie tag teaming. "We should take these... if they're finding shit in a junk yard to use, let's not leave them more shit to use... if there's more of them." That is a less-than-fun thought. She rubs her face again -- there's nothing there, but she won't feel better til she's had a shower or three.

The zombie looks like it's going to try to go for Iara again -- that is, until Sylvi smashes the radio. When she does, its hand drops to its side, and it just...stands there. It is clearly alive -- it still moans occasionally, and kind of looks around as though in a daze, but it doesn't move, or try to get the circuit board from Iara again. It's as though it has lost its purpose in unlife, and now is relegated to waiting until something else imbues it with a new one. Or just smashes it to death. It doesn't look like it would fight back, but you never know.

Sylvi sighed and looked at the two zombies, frowning. "Alright. I think... I'll just rot them down to nothing. If you two want to step back, ja?" She took hold of the zombie that was just standing there and moved it closer to the other one, so they were right there, hanging out... fairly useless. "We don't want these being used again, or going back home to... mum or dad, ja?" She took a breath, nodding to the two ladies when they gave their acquiesence. "Ja." Lifting her hand, Sylvi stared at the two zombies as a sickly, oily green shimmer started around them, starting at their feet. "Smertevann." She spoke it quietly, her wings coming into full view, the thick, luxuriously black feathers of a raven done large enough to carry the tall woman easily. They ruffled slightly, as her eyes slicked with the same green, sickly color, then flashed with pale glimpses of verdant lightning. The zombies, as the process went, slowly rotted to liquid, then to what looked like mould, then eventually, were just two, greasy black spots with piles of silica where their hair had been and calcium powder that was only vaguely held to form via the grease from their once-flesh.

Iara arches a brow, nodding wordlessly as Sylvi gives her enough warning and she steps back to a safe point of view as she watches, a little shudder going through her body. It's almost..Creepy. Is that magic..? "Those wings..I've seen them before..You're a valkyrie..?" still, she sighs softly as she watches the zombies get dissolved to nothing, her healer instinct immediately taking over, almost feeling sorry for the things. "But who would have the technology and know-how to control zombies..And for what purpose?" she bites her lip, peering back at the circuit board, "I suppose I can keep it for safe keeping, until I can find someone who knows more about these things." she nods to the two of them. "Well, it's been...Interesting, you two are pretty strong, glad I'm not on the receiving end." she smiles, "I'll let you know if I find anything more on this circuit board here. But for now, I should head home."

"Well, that was fairly disgusting," says Kirsi, wrinkling her nose at Sylvi's little spell. "Clever trick, though." She glances to Iara. "Don't think it's too high tech. These look like walkie talkies or something. The know-how, that's another thing. A necromancer, is the terrifying answer to that. The question is what he's trying to do with that technology." The circuit board is nodded to. "And why he needs zombies to do it. I mean, really, just call the Geek Squad, am I right?" She heads to that hole in the fence, bringing with her the broken radio she doesn't plan to leave behind for any new zombies or their maker to find. "Let's go to the gym, hit the showers, then go find some beer, ja?" she says to Sylvi, holding the fence open for her sister from another mister to follow on through. "Be safe," she adds to Iara, before straightening up and heading back toward where they left the car.

[[Category:Valkyrie Shapeshifter Scion_Logs]]