
From Tenebrous Isles
< Rick
Revision as of 09:02, 26 November 2017 by Rick (talk | contribs)

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Practically Local: Rick has lived in Hawaii for 15+ years. If you'd like to know him in some capacity, page or mail in game.
Yo Teach: Rick makes his money giving surfing and ocean swimming lessons, mostly to tourists, but he's not particular. Maybe you'd like one?
Phantastic Friend: Rick sees ghosts, and they see him. Do they see you, too?
Beer Me: Rick can be found hanging out in various bars around the island.
Those Summer Knights Rick is not the Summer Knight, no. But he has recently become Emissary of Adena, the Pixie Matron of Summer. Are you Summer or fae-friendly? Come by and teach him stuff.