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< Leif
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Well Known


Conni: Valkyrie. She likes to hit big things with her spear. She can throw lighting around, and the lighting is painful. She seems nice when not hitting things or throwing the lighting around. Wren seems to like her. I can't blame him.
Wren: Some way tied to the Fae. He's a big, strapping, and honest country boy type. His mother seemed to teach him manners, and he buys into the whole Aloha thing. He seems to like Conni.
Aksel: Nice guy, he likes to share his beer and food. He likes to talk about deep philosophical things, especially with Healani. I wonder if he knows he's surrounded by ghosts?
Healani: Nice gal. Accidentally interrupted her and Aksel's late night beach meet up. They were talking philosophy and offering beer. I didn't have the heart to tell them they were doing the whole beach meet up thing wrong.
Aolani: She's been marked by a power. Not sure which one, I need to ask Kilia. She can turn into owl, and seems friendly. She knows where to get the good shaved ice. After the turtle thing, I need to ask Ms. Owl, 'How many licks to the center of a toosie pop?' Strike that. It could be misconstrued. I don't want to be slapped or explain myself to Kilia. I guess the world will truly never know.
Volya: Some ties to the Fae, not sure what's going on there. Definitely excitable and got the whole Bohemian, flower child, hipster thing going on.
Amalesh: He's got something going power wise, not sure what I saw. Bold choice in scarves. He needs a better bug repellent. After he finds the repellent, I need to ask him where he got it.
Nala: She seems to know Conni. She seemed concerned about the kid picking up sea shells.
Akhlut: He was hanging with Nala and knows Conni. I wonder how long it took him to dig that mound he was sitting on. He seemed to eye the kiddo. That might be a concern.
Angela: She was helping Nala dig something up. Not sure about he choice in NFl teams, but not everyone can be blessed to be a Vikings fan.

Out of Sight