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Mermaid Chanteuse


Stalk is Cheap


Blackmail is a Dirty Word

But Mooooommmm, I Don't Wanna Go!

Wet Foot, Dry Foot


Ksenija Mink is known for two reasons. Firstly, she is a very regular fixture at many of the jazz and blues venues around Hawaii. She's a superb performer, and has the sort of voice that really knows how to make a crowd bend the way she desires. Most nights, if she is not indulging her inner party animal, she can be found giving voice to raw emotions while wearing an expensive cocktail dress. She also composes - but so far, this is a characterstic that has yet to come to the public eye.

She is also famous - or perhaps more rightly, infamous - for being part of the new Bright Young Things; that society set who spend too much money, act irresponsibly at social events, and and get their photos published in trashy magazines, usually looking drunk, having wardrobe malfunctions, or sticking their tongue into some celebrity's earhole. Ksenija is especially notorious for the latter. It seems like she has another beau every month, and just as soon as they get comfortable with her behaviour, she gets bored of them, and immediately dumps them for someone new. She seems almost determined to work her lascivious way through all the eligible males in the islands, and is about ready to start on the mainland States. She has no shame, and if society wishes to brand her a tart whose underwear spends more time on the bedroom floor than on her person, she doesn't seem remotely concerned. Double standards! She hates them! She would not be judged so unfairly if she were male, after all.

However, she can be extremely jealous and obsessive, as well. She has been in more than one catfight with another socialite, in public, because of a man. Some call her one of the new wave of Female Rat Pack singers. She is in no hurry to deny this.