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Close to her Heart
Abdiel - 'I love you so much it hurts, not being able to see you much is killing me. This isn't the way it's supposed to be..'
Peter - 'All this time you comforted me in my loneliness and heartache, and I can no longer deny how I've always felt about you..'
Angela - 'A fellow shifter and an aerial one at that. I'm so happy to meet another and one I can share the skies with.'
Aurelie - 'Friendly, outgoing and generous owner of the hostel we are staying at. Likes to talk a lot! I like her already!'
Bjorn - 'Wow a bear shifter. In spite of your size, you seem kind and gentle. I hope I can learn art techniques from you.'
Juniper - 'Another shifter who has a cute Lolita style and shares a loneliness with me. Seems nice, and even more lost and confused in love than I am..'
Shawn - 'Thanks for helping me on the beach, and thanks for the surfing lessons. Sorry for the awkwardness.'
Aidan - 'Another PI, there seem to be many in town. He seems nice enough..'
Aksel - 'Seems to show up in random places, and why the heck did he hide in a bathroom? Ummmm...Nice enough guy besides that..'
Amalesh - 'Kind yogi who helped me see the truth and remember what I really was when I first came to Hawaii. I'm sure I saw a third eye pop up on his head once? I hope that someday you can teach me how to meditate!'
Anuhea - 'Another fun surfer girl. She seems warm and friendly, plus she offered to give me a proper swimming lesson in the sea no less! I'm a little nervous, but determined to overcome my fears.'
Edward - 'Big Russian who reminds me a little of Bjorn and Petey if they were merged. He is very interested to learn more of the shifters in the Forest Reserve, but it is not my place to tell.. He seems like can be trusted, but I dunno..'
Haruka - 'Nice girl who offered me iced tea, and talks at length about steampunk, airships and bullet trains. Japan sounds like a curious place.'
Healani - 'Seems to be close to Aksel. Somewhat mysterious and full of interesting knowledge of Hawaiian lore. All that death talk is a bit creepy though. Not sure what put her in crutches..'
Joachim - 'Another neighbor at the hostel. Friendly, a bit nerdy..And capable of hurling an array of magic at his fingertips. And what's with the wings? Definitely not normal.'
Kilia - 'Looks like another local. She's warm and friendly, and introduced as Leif's other half.'
Leif - 'Met him once, under an umbrella. Gave me water on a hot day, and seemed reluctant to believe in weird stuff happening around Hawaii. Hopefully you wont experience the darker side of this beautiful place any time soon.'
Lili - 'Cheerful, friendly girl who is into firedancing, apparently. I'd love to watch her dance sometime. I wish I had that energy and boldness.'
Molly - 'Brave girl who ran into danger with nothing but a stick. I'm sure I've seen you in Oxford, maybe?'
Wren - 'Friendly, kind and polite and a close friend of Conni's. Can't say I understood the necessity of a duel but he seems honourable enough and knows his stuff. Thanks for taking care of Peter.'
Aolani - 'Came out of nowhere, jumped in the water after the kraken..Is she okay?'
Casey - 'Wielded a holy bat against demonic foes, using the power of prayers..Reminds me a little of Abdiel?'
Conni - 'Another Amazon-like woman who made an appearance at Aurelie's party. Flies on feathered wings but definitely not an angel. A little scary with her lightning. About as volatile as the other winged girl but with some more wits about her.'
Corrine - 'Wow, a magic user of some sort? Seems okay, hope Pele's servant didn't wack you too hard.'
Eve - 'Rich, Amazonian woman who seems to be in opposition to Aurelie. Seems to be a person of some importance.'
Heath - 'Saw him briefly at the Hostel party but only in passing. Apparently affiliated with Eve. Very helpful and knowledgable. Impressive, intimidating the kraken like that!'
Iolana - 'Strange woman who seems to get drunk a lot. Apparently she can see ghosts too. I wonder if she has seen my parents..?'
Isaac - 'The author of many badly timed, terrible jokes in the face of danger..'
Jane - 'Beautiful, exotic winged girl who was surprisingly rude and abrasive when I sought out her help regarding the blood ritual at Ho'Okipa. Don't know what had her so uptight but obviously had something to do with the fallout from that party.'
Lola - 'Red is a vicious bully who thinks she owns Peter. Purple seems nice but..'
Nick - 'You seemed overly comfy in the water, even in the face of danger. Be careful!'
Rick - 'Seemed alright, very alert and helpful during the kraken thing and the demon twins. Can..Can you really see ghosts? I wonder if you can help me..'