Logs:Blowing Off Steam

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Blowing Off Steam
Dramatis Personae
Kilia: :Leif:

13 June, 2017

Leif tells Kilia how things went after she left


Kilia and Leif's home


After his meeting at Aurelie's hotel. Leif had suspended his other investigations for the time. He'd returned home and was sitting at the kitchen table. The kitchen table is completely cleaned off, there's an old towel laid out. Leif has stripped his service 9mm and is cleaning the gun.

There's a patter of little feet runing from the front door, bare skin slapping against the floor in an off beat rhythm. Slower footsteps follow, and an 'ugh'. Entering the room, Kilia notes Leif's occupation, and calls their daughter back just before she's going to climb her way up the chair to crawl into his lap. She scoops up the little one and carries her over. "Makuakane is cleaning something dangerous. We must not touch it when he's cleaning," she reminds the little girl. She gives a little bounce to the toddler on her hip. "I need a shower in the worst way. I always feel like my face is smothered and can't breathe after they're done making me up." She waits for Leif to tip his head up for a kiss before she offers one from herself and their daughter.

Leif looks up his expression serious but he hides it behind a smile. His work set down for a moment, "Hey you two. I didn't ezpect you two home for another couple of hou.." He catches sight of the clockin the kitchen. "Where did those hours go?" He kisses Ki, "Hey baby." Then kisses Sanoe, "Hey little bit. You can sit in my lap in a bit. I'll finish this up." He looks to Ki, "You going to go take one? I still never figured out the whole modeling thing. Auerelia wanting you to give her people make up lessons. She doesn't know the half of it does she?"

Kilia finally lets go of the laugh she's been holding onto for that one. "Nope. It's amusing how people think that just because you are a model you must always go around all made up..." She narrows her eyes slightly in a questioning manner at his expression, but she doesn't push. "Sunblock and wash off the salt as soon as you can, that's pretty much it." She looks to Sanoe, and the girls pout after she gets kissed. "Let's make something for Daddy to eat, shall we? I'm guessing that he's lost track of the time, and probably hasn't eaten either." "Haupia!" the little one cheers, and is destined for another pout as her mother says- "After we eat. I think we have some Pipi Kaula left, maybe we can make some rice to go with it? Hm? Then Haupia."

"Not till after dinner, Little Bit." Leif says with a serious tone. He laughs, "Evvery night. I miss the vanillia ice cream kick." That was because Dad got to finish the ice cream. "Yeah. I could go for some pipi Kaula." He continues to work on cleaning the gun. "Be careful around Conni. She thinks we're messing with her. She threaten to bury us in the jungle."

"Pipipipipipipipipipipipi," Sanoe sings as they start towards the kitchen, and Kilia puts her down to let her run ahead. Which is a good thing because Leif's words have her spinning around, and any loose papers scattering as the air currents spin around her. "She what???"

"Yeah she threw a fit cause I know what she is and I hinted at it. She thinks you're taughting her too over hitting me with a lighting bolt. So she said something along the lines she's trying to be nice but she would hide our bodies in the jungle. I told her not to worry about it. She couldn't take us both. " He says starting to put the weapon back together now. "So don't trust the Valkeryie."

"Wait, she /is/ a Valkyrie? I thought you were just making a joke because she throws around lightning and looks like a Swedish supermodel. I thought it was cute, and I had a little grin. And she's getting all 'hiding bodies in the jungle' over it?" Kilia's green eyes flash. "She's even more touchy than I am, and that's saying a lot. I /told/ her I didn't have any issues with her zapping something off your chest. What's /her/ deal?" She takes a deep breath as she hears the fridge door opening and realizes she better make sure all the contents don't end up all over the floor. "Damn straight she can't take us both," she mutters under her breath, and then modulates her voice. "Mea naau! Wait for Mummy, please." And she walks towards the kitchen.

"Well, Yeah and there's another one running around too. But Yeah. She has wings and everything." He finishes putting the gun back together. Then he puts the pistol lock back on before putting it in the locking case he keeps. "And that's not the only problem, their was a lot of black magic thrown around in the room." He says moving to follow Ki to help her cook.

"Yeah, well, she's not the only one with wings." Kilia helps Sanoe take a bowl from the fridge, and shepherds as she walks towards the counter. "Do you mind getting the rice?" she requests of Leif, her frown disappearing in a cover smile when Sanoe looks up to her for help. She puts the bowl on the counter, and then pulls a stool over for the little one that she sets her on, one that she's made sure is too far from the cook top for little hands to reach before she turns it on. "And a wok?"

Leif moves to get the things for Kilia and puts them on the counter for Kilia. "I've got a second veiwing of the scene. There's a lot of black magic happening there." He puts his hand down and moves to pick up Sanoe, so she doesn't get into too much trouble.

Playing smooshie with Daddy's face is almost as good as helping Mommy, or maybe better, so Sanoe doesn't complain when she's picked up. She just turns her attention elsewhere, with little, toddler, type coos as she does so. "That's not a surprise is it? Considering what she said about people bursting apart. That's never really nice magic." Kilia responds. She puts the beef in the wok to reheat, and considers. "I think I'll let kupunakane know about Conni's threat. I don't know how Paka'a will feel about someone running around threatening his children, especially a haole." She shrugs. "And, on the very off chance that she does succeed... well, my family will know where to look. I'd really hate to be her in that instance."

Leif shakes his head, "If it comes to that. I'll handle it in the old ways." He says with a shrug, "She might just be blowing steam. I just wanted to make sure you know." He considers for a moment as his face is squished. He raises the girl up over his head looking at her making whoosing noises and flying the little girl around. "I know it's not. But I'm going to work this if possible. I'll probably be dressing in work clothes." Which means sports coat and suits so he could carry his gun in a shoulder rig. "It's kinda scary." He laughs at something. "Man under the smell of gore. It smelled like a locker room."

"She better be just blowing steam," Kilia grumbles. The meat begins to sizzle, and she takes a deep breath, inhaling of the spicy sauce on the beef. She grins and chuckles at the flying Haugen-Hale, and then goes back to work. "Why wouldn't you be able to work this?" She takes the rice and puts it in one of the rice cookers on the back of the counter and sets it, opening the other one to check the contents, then she looks for three plates. She brings them down, and spoons some rice onto them, making a bed for the meat. "Pineapple?" she asks Leif as she goes to the fridge to pull out the little container.

Leif zip the girl around the kitchen, "I dunno. I've been made to seem I don't play well with otheres. There's also the fact the owner has super strength. Is it me or is there a lot more weird on the island?" He then adds. "No on the pinapple. Just not feeling it."

"What, just because Conni went homicidal about your reference to shield maidens?" Kilia asks as she puts pineapple on her plate and the little plate, then balances all three to take them to the table. "Water?" she sets out lunch and then turns to watch the flying toddler with a little smile.

Leif nods, "Sure. We'll see. It wasn't my best client meeting. Water." He moves to sit the toddler in her high chair. He gets her strapped in and the top on the chair. "Up. Up." Leif grins, "After lunch." He sad moving to sit down next to the little girl. He startt to help feed her while Kilia gets the water.