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Dead Silence

The Dead Speak

Dramatis Personae

Healani and Volya. GM: Lo'ihi

10 May, 2010

Meeting the strange is part of everyday life on Oahu.


Valley of the Temples, Windward Coast


Plot:Ito Know the Problem

Valley of the Temples

Deep in a lush valley, along the 2,000-foot Koolau Range, lies the Valley of the Temples. The resting place for many of Hawaii's departed, the valley's hilly landscape is scattered with hundreds of freshly placed tropical flowers, like torch ginger and bird of paradise, to remember loved ones.

The main attraction in the Valley of the Temples is a Japanese temple called Byodo-In, which translates to the "Temple of Equality." The temple is a scale replica of a temple in Uji Japan and was constructed entirely without nails. The Byodo-In was dedicated in 1968 as a centennial commemoration of the first Japanese immigrants in Hawaii. Famed Kyoto Landscaper Kiichi Toemon Sano planned the Japanese garden complex that houses Byodo-In with extreme attention to detail, from the gravels ripple-like design to the small bridges over the fishpond.

The deep drone of the sacred bell (bon-sho) regularly fills the tranquil temple grounds. Visitors are customarily required to ring the bell before entering the temple as the sonorous sound is believed to bring happiness and longevity. To set off the five-foot, three-ton brass bell, you must pull and release a wooden log called a shu-moku.

Inside the Byodo-In sits an 18-foot Buddha covered in gold leaf. Visitors are welcomed to light incense and offer a prayer. Outside, peacocks and black swans roam the garden grounds. Turtles lounge beside the pond filled with koi. The Koi fish symbolize love and friendship. This is what the place is like in spring.

The world is dark and foggy. Everything is half-hidden, nothing clearly seen. It almost feels as if you walk through some other world. It's warm and the air feels damp and still. The dark shapes of nearby trees loom at you suddenly out of the deep grey fog as you approach them.

The Valley of the Temples is generally known for one of the most beautiful resting places in the world. Even beneath the fog and ribbons of mist somehow enhancing the flowers, statues, and markers throughout the valley.

Being super late in the world, the living was not to be found. People anyway. Well there was a Volya present, and she was... Mostly human? Anyway, the happy hippy was dressed in a eyeburningly pink bikini and a yellow wrap. Saddles... Were somewhere. She was giggling and apparently attempting to hula, then she would burst into a gigglefit, waving her hands in the air and whispering to the mists.

The ghosts were mostly entertained it seemed, with a somewhat more solid looking young goth woman watching the nymph is an amused smile.

Out of work Healani slowly makes her way to the temple. She is dressed in dark navy blue scrubs and sweatshirt. Taking her time, she uses her crutches to make her way towards the structure. Her long hair has been pulled back into a bun that rest at the nap of her neck. Her steps are sure. She pauses in the mists to watch the woman, for a moment.

"Noooooo... I understood that to be a one that was reserved for lovers," Volya let out belly laughter as she stepped backwards. "And therefore it would be inappropriate, or at the very least expressing the wrong mess--" Her eyes lit up upon seeing Healani, and the nymph went bounding from one foot to another up to Healani, stopping with a double-footed plant less than two feet from the other woman. "ALOHA!" She offered a wide, sweeping wave of her hand in greeting. "It's not weird, I promise!" She said with a wide smile, "It's probably just pixies! Or spirits! Or voices in my head, but being polite is just the right thing."

The goth woman slowly turned her head to watch the changeling dash to Healani, and silently pressed a raised index finger to her smiling lips.

"Aloha," Healani says with a smile and a slight bow of her head, "Or the spirits of the dead, they are here. They are always here. Amused and entertained at the moment." She tells the girl. "This is also very holy place. I would says it is interesting and different, but never weird." Her dark eyes come to rest on the young woman before her. "So pixies and sprits? Very interesting, very unique, I cannot say I have ever seen those before. I have read and seen the play a Midnight Summers Dream." She leans her weight on her forearm crutches.

Volya grinned, taking a bounce back from Healani, and nodded excitedly. "Mostly, I was thinking I was weird. This place is really beautiful, though..." She frowned a touch, "I have this personal issue with any form of cut flowers. There's a barbarism to cutting off sex organs and hanging them places." Her eyes narrowed, "Spirits is definitely too broad a term. The dead... Maybe the living. Willow-wisps--Will'o'the'wisps are on that blurred line of dead and fae, and it just seems rude to pin them down..." Vee shrugged her shoulders, and her smile returned, "Rusalkas live in that spot too." The half-nymph beamed, "It feels like I haven't seen you in like... Forever. I am definitely telling Mila. Did you want to sit?"

The goth woman moved closer, not even causing the slightest swirl in the fog, stopping not far from a bench as she watched.

Healani's eyes go to the goth woman, then they go to Volya, "I would like that thank you, a seat would be good. I came out here to just be and to say prayers." She smiles as she goes to sit herself down on the bench, it is a ritual she goes through. The bench is not far from the goth woman. "They are but offering to the dead. Some of the hybrids are not able to reproduce. Interesting way to see them, the orbs that is. They are but the departed. They do whisper, or can. Their voices are soft. It has been a long time. Almost a year, I think or it could be more." She turns her head in direction of the other woman. An eyebrow is raised, an she gentle points to a spot near her for the woman to stand.

Volya bounced on the balls of her feet, smiling and waiting for Healani to take her seat, and once she was settled, Vee hopped her way over, and took a seat as well. "Pixies are like that... Mostly quiet voices, but they're small so they can get really close to your ear, so their shouting gets WAY more effective. Then there was almost being a station for a pixie train. The problem being that there was a part that felt decidedly unviolated and almost... Excited. But again, I have problems." Her smile widened to a grin, and almost immediately shattered. "Plant slavery is a problem... When you bred things so they're unable to bred, everyone should be able to see the moral problems there, I think. The scent of mowed lawns in basically the grass screaming in agony..." She nodded, "I get the offering part. I was sweeping the graves clear and offering hulas." The changeling showed Healani the palms of her dirty hands.

The goth woman tilted her head as Healani gestured, and she again moved to settle at the spot Healani indicated. The goth's skin seemed porcelain, holding the soft glow of moonlight. Her dress of a flowing thing of pure black, seemingly without stitch and poured over her. Her eyes nightmare orbs, eating the light that diffused through the mist. She held up a finger, gesturing to the place with a wide arm, before staring back to Healani.

"What are you then?" Healani asks her as she turns to look at her. Her eyes are as dark as the night. Her body cold, there is no warmth radiating from her. "I also would not worry, we all have our quirks. The issues are what give us character and define us. They can be a burden but they also give us our unique perspective of the world around us. I have issues, I tend to be a bit self righteous about a few subjects and I have physical limitation that bring on their own issues. I would not change anything as I am what I am. The question is what brings you here? Solace or just the beauty. They do appreciate what you have done but you must never remove what has been given to the dead." She then looks back over at the goth woman.

Sighing she hauls herself up and locks her brace back in place before she moves towards the woman. She then lightly reaches out and touches the other woman's shoulder. A slight nod of her head is given and a gentle smile.

Volya stared at Healani, her smile never wavering, though a nervous energy made it through her body as she started to rock in her seat on the bench. "Uhhhh... I think I was following the voices?" And Volya just leaned into Healani, pressing her face to Healani as Vee closed her eyes, taking a deep breath through her nose. The nymph hummed happily, a giggle slipping out. "Oh wow... You smell like you have akua ON you, but not really in you..." Healani's sense of balance shifted over as the nymph pressed into a breast, sniffing twice more before leaning back to allow room for Healani to stand. The changeling grinned, "I am a half-nymph, maybe Leshy? But definitely mattress of the gods... If you had akua in you..." Vee pointed to the peeks of her own breasts, "Instant nipple. And a servant of the Summer Court of Faerie." Vee blinked in confusion at Healani as the woman put her hand on the fog. "Huh... Yah... No taking things, because that's stealing."

The goth woman was quite solid to the touch of Healani, and she held her smile. Pointing to Vee, the goth shook her head, then pointed to her mouth, and finally held out her hand. A wisp of black flame appeared in the palm of her hand, dancing for a moment before, it formed into the shape of a skull before it burned away. And she pointed to her own mouth and throat.

Healani's head turns towards Volya, "Do you know someone, a gothic woman. With skin of porcelain." She asks her. "I would say that I am what I am to be. I am keeper, shaman of lore, nothing more. I know the islands and they know me. I am not a mattress of the gods. Just keeper of the lore. Summer Court? " The question is asked.

Leaning into the Mist Healani whispers in the gothic woman's ear. "Speak and I shall hear, just as you shall hear me. You are death knell, the banshee. Do you come for her or to me? I am to go with the marchers."

Volya looked more puzzled, "Uh... Goth woman? I'm more beach bunny and drum circles, but the anti-vegan doesn't go well in those circles." Vee paused for a long moment, "We're the Summer Court. Fire, emotion... More fire and emotion." Her eyes widened in horror, "Life, growing things, but there are some twists in there... Like a bunch of growth kills things... Viruses. It's a chore to keep the anger down, else we just make asses everywhere." Vee just started at Healani, "We don't get along with Winter, like... At all. It's a nemesis thing."

The Banshee smiled at Healani, and shook her head, before pointing to her own throat, then placing her hand over the M.E.'s heart, the smile becoming pained. She then patted Healani's hand before stepping away. The woman then pointed over and over again, stopping on each of the many dead inhabitants here. Again, she lifted her hand, the black flame forming once more into the shape skull, before it faded. Then the mists seemed to deepen, thickening in very certain places. Every word on every grave and memorial becoming impossible to read, and the offerings seemingly vanishing. At this, the banshee frowned, staring at Healani with her black eyes as her expression grew almost fearful.

Leaning forward into the Mist Healani kisses the Banshee's cheek with a nod of her head. She then leans back and seems to notices the changes. "They were yours to reap." A nod of her head is given.

She looks over at Voyla, "I would say come and stay close to me Volya. "If you hear drums, and see torches, strip and lay flat on the ground. If you value your life." She then, "I am not joking." She looks to the banish do the same stay close. She switches to Hawaiian with ease,"Show me, what you seek why you disturb this place of rest, this is not for you to touch. I am the keeper, Leave them be and do not take what is not yours."

Vee blinked, "There's something so natural about hearing drums and being naked on the ground... It would really feel like a Tuesday for me... Is it Tuesday?" It was clear that Vee wasn't joking either. And Vee got up slowly and moved to Healani. "I know it's not polite to a--" The nymph gently placed her hand on the small of Healani's, Vee's eyes becoming glowing green orb. Heat passed through Healani's back, spine, and legs. And quite strangely, her legs took the weight from her crutches. And what is Summer Magic without impulse! Everything southerly became aware, and she probably just ovulated. Vee winced, "I probably should have asked first."

The banshee pointed to Healani and herself, then the ground, before making fists. The woman made a pained look, trying to wave her hands in the air as if to clean it. Then she nodded and darted through the valley, past graves to a line of graves, where she stopped and pointed to all but one.

The one grave now has her attention. Healani look at Vee and she is puzzled, "I can feel that leg, how long will it last?" She asks her. "It take the weight." Out of habit she brings the crutches with her and she moves towards the one grave that has been pointed out to her. She moves towards it. For the first time since she was 10 she could feel both legs. She looks back to Vee. "Thank you, Tuesday is drum circle?" She says to her. She leans forward and looks to see who is on the grave. She then nods her head. "To cleanse what was and what is." She murmurs.

Volya followed after Healani, making a buzzing noise before answering. "Oh... Summer magic is like the opposite of an exact science. In the back of my mind, I realize I had this sadness for never asking about the crutch, and that is not there at the moment, so until I start feeling guilty again? But I should apologize in advance for the need for exact grooming. Yes, it sounds weird, but it's the heart take over rather than the head."

The graves are those of the Ito Family, Five of the six graves of the diseased date, and based on the years. The father is alive and sixty-one years old. The children all died six years apart after the mother. The mother was the only one with flowers in it.

The banshee's lips became a hard line as she stared at the graves. And she paced down the line, her hand thrust through each headstone and waved about. And lastly, she pointed to the father's empty grave, a black flame slowly spreading on the headstone.

The rain started falling, cutting through fog as if to beat it down. And the mostly clueless Vee gasped, "Oh, black fire is... Like really pretty." The flames hissed as the rain hit it. "So like... You do black fire?"

"It means someone is not dead and they should be. Someone has cheated death or has been removed." Healani reaches out murmurs a Hawaiian prayer over each grave as she lightly touches each one with her hand. When she reaches the one with the father she places her hand through the flames and touches the grave. Her eyes are dark and they reflect the fire. The rain and wind is ignored for the moment. Her other hand holds her crutches. "Ito." She murmurs softly to herself. "No, A friend did."

Vee winced, grabbing Healani's wrist to pull it from the fire. "Damnit, Healani, please do not play with faerie fire!" The woman's expression was distraught and more than a bit angered, her eyes flare green once more, as the heat of the burn spread up her arm, lessening the pain. And Vee let out a soft moan, her chest beginning to heave, then she swallowed and forced her breathing to slow. "Healani? Hey. If you keep doing shit like that, I'm going to start panicking. Not good. It takes a toll on me, and I'm half of it. It's not going to be good for you." Green veins began to darken and spread through Vee's exposed skin.

The Banshee nodded to Healani at the name, pointing to Jiro Ito's empty grave. Then she pointed to herself, miming like there was a wall around her. With a scowl, she pointed to Healani, then Jiro's grave, then Akime's (the wife's grave).

Healani looks at Volya, "I am sorry! I will not do that again, is there anything I can do for you?" She asks her. She pulls her arm out of the fires and steps away from the grave. Her eyes are on Volya. "I am sorry, I will not do it again. Next time you would be better off by not doing that, I forget I can feel."

She turns her gaze back on to the Banshee, "I will help you out, but you must be patient with me. Seek me out and I shall help you."

A nervous laugh slipped out of Volya, "I think the doing should be left for my girlfriend." She cleared her throat gently, "I can totally feel the superfeels coming on. It sounds like the opposite of you. It shall be handled." Her expression turned immediately grave, and her voice raspy, "Thoroughly..." The expression held for another second before a giggle slipped out. "And there goes my cycle... Again." Vee rolled her eyes, the green veins slowly beginning to fade. The woman blinked, and she looked around again through the falling rain, before smiling at Healani, "It's good to not be the only one that talks to themselves."

The banshee pointed to herself, then to the ground twice. And she pointed to Healani, then to the mountains behind them. The black flames slowly faded, and with another scowl, the banshee spit on the empty grave of Jiro Ito, and in a trick of the rain, she was gone.