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And Now the Twist

Sometimes Cousins are really twisted.

Dramatis Personae

Eve and Damien. Lo'ihi as GM. NPCs: Yvette

17 June, 2010

Damien learns more about his family.


Eve's Estate, Windward Coast


Plot:White Music

Yvette collapsed onto the couch, a sheen of sweat covering her quivering body as she blinked at the ceiling. Panting for breath, she focused on Damien, a grin forming. An exhausted giggle escaping her as her trembling fingers massaged at the apex of her thighs. "You were... Perfect." Yvette shivered bodily before another giggle slipped out. "I swear I'm trying to get to bathroom... But I don't think I can walk." She started chewing on her bottom lip, staring at Damien with the utmost affection.

Damien is leant against the bar, still naked with a film of sweat covering him. He is sporting a post-coitus dazed and confused expression, looking at the various bottles and items and not quite sure why he's even there. "That was... wow." Still blinking, Damien turns his head to offer a smile to Yvette, the mention of the bathroom finally reminding him why he was at the bar in the first place. "Water!" He coughs and then speaks again. "I mean, would you like a glass of water? I'm feeling a bit parched myself." Not quite waiting for a reply, Damien grabs two glasses and after putting in some ice, fills them with spring water. This down, he now has two glasses to look confused at, the young man still in the middle of a reboot apparently.

The sound of a vehicle can be heard as it pulled into the wraparound driveway. Not because of the poor quality of the almost soundproof house, but because the vehicle for some reason was moving quite quickly. The black, sleek sedan was obviously something from a car agency, and as it roared to a stop in front of the clear glass door of Eve's Estate, it suddenly went silent. Moments later a darkly skinned man in a black suit leapt from the front seat and ran around to the back, looking like he was sweating bullets if the sheen on his skin was any indication. As he opened the back door of the car, he looked decidedly away from the legs that suddenly produced themselves from the near perfect cave of the back seat.

Those legs, miles of them it seemed, where shoed in a set of heels that would have given women of normal women nosebleeds. As they connected to the stone of the driveway, the rest of the woman attached to the expanse of long, sleek, walking limbs exited the rental car as well, revealing herself to be, of course, Eve. Dressed in a short skirted, steel grey business suit cut with sleek, sharp lines that looked like they could cut off her leg at the mid-thigh if she slipped, Eve was the personification of High Powered Bitch. Nothing was out of place, from the line of her skirt, the sharp pleat of the matching business jacket, or the deep, red-wine colored silk of the camisol she wore under it. Even Eve's hair was perfect to the strand, pulled back into a severe french twist that looked tight enough to withstand gale force winds. But really, it was her eyes that held the most to fear, because they were cold. Colder than ice, colder than frostbitten toes, colder than the depths of hell, really. And those ice grey eyes scanned the inside of the house before she made her way to the front door and waited for the driver to open that for her as well.

Mile high heels clicked sharply as Eve walked along the marble floor into her home, giving only a moment's glance to Damien, and then to Yvette. "I see you're getting to know your cousins, my dear. The next time I tell you to call the police if there's a member of the family here, I suggest you listen." Her tone was colder than the hard, viciously piercing orbs of her eyes were. "Yvette. What made you think you could enter my home?"

Yvette smiled innocently, trying to manage her lips to press her upper body up rest against the arm of the couch. As Damien fumbled to find his thoughts, that innocent of smile of hers turned more lovesick as her breast shook with a childish laugh. "Please, a glass of water would be perfect, thank you." Lifting her slicked hand from the apex of her thighs, she lifted her hand, wiggling her fingers at Eve as if greeting someone from the country, before licked each finger clean with a pleased hum. Her eyes looked back at Eve, her happy expression waning. "Because I bring important news from the House of Skavis, Eve..." Her expression grew more pained, her voice quieting as she forced her eyes shut. "Never again, Yvette. I don't want to hear you, see you... Know you." She repeated the words as if it part of a prayer recited daily. Her arms crossed over her breasts, and she drew her legs up to defend herself. "That was extended to everyone... So when I heard about things in motion to claim your island paradise, I came." Her eyes opened, and she reopened her eyes, a cheesy and nervous smile appearing, "Seeing and knowing how perfect he is... I think I understand." She looked back to Damien.

"Cousins?" Damien blinks, his mouth dropping open as he looks between Eve and Yvette. "Oh my God, I've become a Floridian!" Sagging against the bar, he reaches for one of the glasses of water which he drains in short order. Taking a breath, Damien pushed away from the bar and straightens up, doing his best to get his thoughts in order as he heads to the other side of the couch to get some of his clothes from the floor. He is however not a barbarian so he does hand over the other glass of water to Yvette as he passes. "I feel I have been mislead, even if it was by omission." There is nothing defensive about his tone, he is more stating the information as he processes it. "I'm now wondering if the text message I got that called me here was genuine." Looking perhaps a little bewildered, he gathers up his pants and slips them on, opting to go 'commando' rather than fish his boxers out from wherever they landed. Still in the process of buttoning his pants, he looks up to Eve. "Okay, so I got the wrong end of the stick with your phone call. The Police though? I am a little confused by all the urgency."

"I don't really care if you're confused, my love. You should have done what I asked." Eve's tone hadn't warmed in the slightest and her expression likewise hadn't softened, even though she was speaking to Damien. If anything, the woman could have been molded from the very rock used to shape the floors and the sweeping lines of the counters within the house, marble and severe. Her attention shifted to Yvette. "You should have called, not defiled my son. You know full well the entire family's been directed to not come within 100 miles of him at any time. And now you've gone ahead and fucked him. You should go out and enjoy the time you have left in this world." Eve shook her head slightly and turned to walk toward the bar, reaching for her favorite bottle of tequila and then going about setting herself up with a heavily laden glass about half full of the sipping liquor. "So then, tell me of these plans while you get dressed, Yvette. You wouldn't have shown up in person if you didn't want the joy of giving them face to face." Even turned back from the bar to zero her gaze onto the naked cousin sitting in post coital sweat on her couch. The swallow of her alcohol was steady, calm, and somehow the alcohol remained a liquid despite the fact that the chill around Eve almost seemed able to freeze it solid.

Yvette's eyes followed Damien's every movement across the living room, and her expression could only be explained as one of awe, as a shuttered sigh escaped her lips. "I didn't call you here, but the very idea that you came, so I could meet you was one of... providence." Her brow came together as if she was confused by Damien's outburst, and she looked back to Eve. "Is Florida where you and Damien take your lovers' retreats? I've been there... But it seems like a downgrade in quality compared to the scenery here." Yvette held back a delighted sound, setting the glass of water on the floor before rising to her knees, staring at Eve, fanning the air wildly in the attempt to contain the excitement, "It's like our trip to Cleveland! I was so PERFECTLY stretched and hollowed, a roller coaster of orgasm and tears..." The excitement drained as she remembered the longing and distantness of the memories, and her gaze lowered to Eve's feet. "Defiled? You haven't?" The confusion set in once more. "OH, I recall the warnings, Evelyn, and yes, I violated them..." Her jaw tightened, "But so was everyone else. I walked in here with only a cook, a butler, and Heath Idle in my way. They're already suring up alliances to surround you and pin you inside this little glass house." Her fingernails bit into the back of the couch, then she huffed and turned to step off the couch to watch back to her dress. "I... LOVED you! I always have! And the FUCK--" She squeezed her eyes shut and covered her mouth to silent herself a moment as she slapped at the ground to snag her dress.

There are situations where internal alarm bells ring so loud that it almost voids all thinking. Damien is having one of those moments now and seems terribly torn between staying with his mother and leaving the room at high speed. "Mother. I'm aware that you despise whining so I'll try to be brief. Suffice to say I was confused as to the type of family. I have possibly been watching too many Scorsese movies." Letting out a small sigh, Damien turns so that his back is to the bar. "It was a quip Yvette and in bad taste I feel although I'm rather curious as to what you meant by 'Defiled, you haven't?'" When Yvette starts to erupt, Damien finds himself glancing towards the exits, quite aware with his job that family disagreements can turn nasty. Seeing as he is near Eve anyway, he cocks his head to one side and murmours 'Cleveland?' through the corner of his mouth, quite unwilling to take his eyes off the somewhat volatile cousin in the middle of the room.

Eve took another swallow from her glass of tequila, allowing it to sit in her mouth and chill on her tongue before she let it slide down her throat. Her eyes didn't leave Yvette as she moved, watchful like some sort of snake just waiting for the heat signature to stop moving for a moment. As Yvette spoke something did change about Eve, something that started small. A shimmer in her eyes as a silvery sort of gleam took over along the rims of her irises. By the time Yvette was picking up her dress off the floor, Eve's eyes were a shining, shimmering, silver burning with enough light that it reflected up onto the cieling from the liquid in her glass. A brief flicker of time passed as her tongue swiftly passed over her deep, red-stained lips before Eve tore her eyes from Yvette and looked to Damien, pinning him with the glimmering ice of her eyes. "If it had been the mafia, they'd have been here likely for good reason. And likely on invitation. Not here to bring tidings of a less fortunate situation." While she wasn't relaxing, per say, at least Eve's words didn't sound like they could cut glass at the moment. No, instead, they sounded hollow, almost revertebrating with emptiness.

When Eve looked back at Yvette, her lips had cast into a slight frown. "The fact that you came to warn me is valued, Yvette. But you know full well that I have my own reasons for not wanting you around. It's not just my warnings to stay away. Damning yourself for a taste of my son was impetuous and thoughtless. You should be out in the world drinking all it offers you, not trying to lick up the droplets of what was never to be yours." Eve's skin had started to take on the subtle, gleaming tone of silver white, making it pale, making her shine slightly like there was some hidden lamp directed at her flawless flesh. When she took the few steps toward Yvette, her legs shone like they were catching flashes of a camera. Rather than reaching out to touch the woman's back with her long fingers, she bent her knee, and brought it into contact with the right side of Yvette's back, just barely touching. Lifting her heel, she allowed her knee to glide up just a touch, though she continued looking down at Yvette with the unflinching mask of hard stone that was her facial expression. "What on earth were you thinking?"

Yvette slowly opened her eyes, her mouth quivering as she spoke. "I understand that I have directly violated the terms set forth. I have entered your house without invitation, and as such I am not protected by Accord or even my own powers..." Her voice cracked, "Family is more important than all, but I will wait and accept if you need to give someone to take me to the airport." There would be no airport. Her eyes slowly opened, tears beginning to form as she risked another look to Damien, the corner of mouth lifting in the ghost of a smile. "She used the word defile... But it was the farthest word from mine... I meant perfection, Damien. Watching your demon come to surface in your gorgeous silver eyes... Your cock swelling within me, the release..." She shivered bodily at the thought, then Eve came closer, lording and threatening. The whole of Yvette's skin tightened at Eve's word, a sickened and needy mood falling from her. Her frame oozed to the floor hunging over her own hands and knees. A rope of drool fell from her lips as she refused to swallow at the knot forming in her throat. Yvette did not to shield the scent of her own despair, discernible than the sex that dripped from her cunt. "Because I needed know... I need to know how you picked Henry Idle over me... And the moment I said Damien, I knew. Perfection... The sweetest pain that I can never achieve." A gutteral animalistic sound escaped her, the arch of her back forcing her body downward. And one after another, her breast, forearms, and cheek pleased against the floor. She continued, the stench of her own despair building with each syllable, "Does he taste like his Father? I swear I could taste you on him..." Never once did her skin pale, her demon thoroughly shackled by the crossing of the threshold.

Possibly lovers? The lawyer in Damien really wants to run now. While fascinating, the interplay between his mother and Yvette is ringing alarm bells that would make Freud proud, that and there is a 'vibe' about some of Yvette's statements that disturbs him. His body tenses as his mother goes silver, all thoughts of leaving now past as he tries to assess the situation. Taking a deep and hopefully calming breath, Damien turns to face the bar, making an effort to un-hunch his shoulders and stand upright. With quick efficiency, he makes two more drinks, one for Eve (a refil) and a tequila for himself. Glass in hand, he turns back to face Yvette, although facing her would be a little difficult what with the angles on all that. Pale blue eyes regard the situation in front of him, the young lawyer doing his best to analyse this in a clinical fashion. "I'd pay a pretty penny if someone would fill me in as to what is going on. I think I get that your relationship is complicated, I also understand that there are complicated feelings in play with my mother and father. What I don't understand is why this feels like someone trying to escape a cult." He does his best to speak softly although it is difficult to keep all heat out of his voice. "Does he taste like his father? What sort of hillbilly, twelve thumbed situation are we talking about here?"

Eve took a slow breath in, and it was like someone threw white phosphorous into a pool of water. Her skin glowed like she had swallowed it and it was burning her alive from the inside out, her eyes caused gleaming light to bounce around off of the walls, the floor, Yvette's skin, and of course the clear liquid in her glass. "You defiled him by not letting him enjoy himself as fully as he could of, just by knowing what you are. Who you are. And what he could have actually achieved with you. You took from him the opportunity to truly fulfill a need he doesn't even realize he has, Vette. You could have given him so much more, and made your suicide so much more meaningful. Instead... you gave him the cheaper of the rides. Whoring yourself out like one of our little strung out girls that parade through this house professing talent with a tongue, or a willingess to try anything." As the woman had gone almost fully prone to the ground, Eve couldn't really touch her with her knee anymore. Instead, Eve lifted her foot up off the ground and placed that insanely sharply heeled shoe onto the back of Yvette's shoulder. "Your desperation has made you weak when it should have sharpened you into a blade to put a scalpel to shame."

Eve turned her head to look at Damien as she pressed her foot down harder against Yvette's back, causing the flesh there to divet under the spike of her heel. "And you, my beloved child. You couldn't even tell what she was? Just took her at face value, even after a warning and telling you to call the police. These mistakes will have further reaching ramifications than you know." If ice could burn, it would do so in the air around Eve. The hollowness of her voice was like a void, begging people to crawl into it, to sink down under its currents, to be welcomed into nothingness as she shone like a divine spirit of devastation with her foot planted firmly on her conquest. "The warnings she brings are important, but if you'd just listened to my instructions, this situation could have been massaged in a different direction. I could have found you some other family member with less in the way of fond memories of my own to sacrifice to your libido." Eve turned her foot slightly, scraping the heel of her shoe in an arc as she pressed the sharp point of her toe deeper into Yvette's skin, making it ripple. This creature standing was the mother he knew, surely, but also the mother she'd not unfurled in front of him often. Not quite what she might have reveled in before the days she'd gone for the softer 'diet', but truly a being that could cow an entire building full of people had she so chosen. And right now, that emptiness, the hunger, the sheer rampant boiling of her demon seemed to be sucking the life out of the room.

Yvette's hands spread along the marble floor as her breath coming in shivering pants with Eve hovering over her. A pained sound escaped her, blinking her eyes behind a mist of hair. "You're think so strangely, Damien. This is about bloodlines, the only bloodlines that matter. We are Royalty. And your father... Was the Usurper that silenced the Throne." A whimper trailed from her lips, "As you drove into me... Pulsed within me... It was like lightni--" She fell silent as Eve spoke to her, taking every word of the Skavis as wood for her own pyre. It exploded out of her as a pained shriek. Her nails dug out the marble, and without her vampiric resilience, they began to fold or tear from their beds. Clenching sex caused her vulva to ooze as she moaned, broken, yet unashamed even as tears began to fall. Her words broken, "I am a whore... HE is a Prince! The product of the Woman I was to love and loved... And The Unbenting!" She wept, her body shaking from the pain and pleasure of heel, "Am I exactly where I'm supposed to be."

"I wasn't on guard mother and no, it wasn't obvious, at least not until..." Damien breaks off, looking downcast for a moment. "I was inept, I see that now. Routine had dulled my senses and I mistook Yvette for a Courtesan." The young man seems to wilt under Eve's scrutiny, raising a hand to steady himself against the bar before he feels ready to speak again. "Look, I'm not the Kwisatz Haderach and I had no real desire to go all Caligula on people." He pauses then, his eyes seeking out Yvette. "Not that you weren't delightful company of course." He glances to his mother, not quite able to hold her gaze. "I'm assuming I don't have hemophilia and other related diseases to worry about. No talking to trees and running off to set up a dutchy that makes biscuits or some such?" There is something of a sardonic tone to his voice now, Damien still trying to get his head around it all. "The family thinks of itself as royalty. Okay, a little cultish but I guess it must have seemed that wasy when people were still hitting each other with thigh bones. I thought there was something of a clean break? What did Yvette mean about father? Are you in danger? What about Heath?"

Eve sighed softly, though the glow didn't subside, it stayed burning like ice from the core of the earth. "Yvette. You could have been so much more. One day, I could have given up this life, chosen to come back to you and continue our delightful little treck across the world. But no, you've ended that now. Any future enjoyments are going to be impossible when Henry finds out and you end up a smoking corpse that no one will ever find." Eve pushed slightly with her foot, shaking the form of the other woman, before she stepped back and stood with her feet about shoulder width apart, staring down at Yvette's body, and the shoe print she'd left there. A long, slow, series of three swallows had her finishing her drink, emptying the glass, while she stared down at Yvette. "The warning is appreciated, Cousin. As is your sacrifice for the sake of giving Damien somewhere to put his cock for a hot minute."

Eve's attention turned back to Damien, then, and she raised a brow, which had a strange, glowing effect that looked like a trace of lightning shooting over her eye. "You come from royalty. Not cult royalty. You are directly of the Skavis bloodline, as am I. You just happen to have also come from the Idle bloodline, my love. Which makes you a prince in more than two aspects. If you think that what Henry Idle has isn't a kingdom, you have given yourself the rosiest of glasses to look at the world through. You and Heath, you are both luxom." Eve's Etruscan slipped out a little, with the proper term for Prince peppered in there. "And Heath is fine. Though anyone associated with me may be at risk if the Court itself has decided they're no longer alright with having to keep their distance from my territory."

Yvette let out a series of sobs, and as Eve lifted her feet, Yvette drew her limbs into her, curling up to slowly force herself to stand on weak legs, dragging her limp dress to side as she did. "My Mech..." The Etruscan word for 'Queen' or 'Lady' uttered, "There is a clan of yaoguai... Oni... They are strengthening. Land and means..." She stared at the floor, offering the slowest nod to it. "I was dead the moment I slipped from my mother's womb." She held her breath until the shake of silented sobs passed. "Thank you, my lauxum... For something I didn't deserve..." Her lips trembled to form a happy smile in spite of all her despair. "Would you have me wait here for judgement, or should I leave my address and prepare?"

"I always thought of Father as more of a Robber Baron but I do see your point." Damien says this with a smile, acknowledging his mother's words with a nod. "Okay, royalty. That's actually rather exciting but if history and very expensive schools have taught me anything, it's that Royalty comes with a whole slew of other problems. Speaking of which..." He is silent for a moment, save for when he is taking another sip from his drink. "Mother, do you not have some sort of pseudo embassy status here or is a more machiavellian system in place. I mean, if this is an embassy and it's been breached then you must act I think. It's all appearance isn't it?" Damien takes another sip from his drink and then looks to Yvette. "I think I'm starting to understand... perhaps. Buggered if I know what Yaoguai are although erm... isn't that mandarin for bear or something?"

A few moments passed with Eve doing nothing but tapping her long index finger silently against the side of her empty glass. She seemed to be thinking, and even though her brilliantly glowing eyes were affixed to Damien, the concept of her actually being able to see anything aside from what was processing through her mind. Finally, she managed a blink, and turned her head down so that she could look at Yvette again. "Stand up, go take a shower. You reek badly enough that I want to drink you dry, and I'm not sacrificing my hard work to fall to the temptation of a dead woman." Eve's eyes flared slightly as she spoke, and she seemed to have to force herself to step back from Yvette with sheer will. "For all those years believing I understood what love was, I knew nothing of it until my son slipped from my womb. That you'll never know this, I pity you for your loss. But at the very least, know I thought I loved you before I understood what it was."

The glow from Eve began to dim softly as she walked back over toward the bar to refill her drink. Once the glass was given more of the luscious tequila, Eve looked over at Damian and sighed, shaking her head. "Being the kind of Courtier that I am actually leaves me open to harsher judgement and ruination from the court than most other members. Save yourself, perhaps, because you simply don't know the rules well enough to play by them. Even worse, you've never really lived as a full courtier. I didn't prepare you for a full immersion with the court because I wanted a better life for you, and I'm quite sure that your Father would have found a way to see me deep inside the earth if I'd even started you on the path my parents used to prepare me."

Yvette offered a smallest shake of her head in response with Damien, "History is so much more and less than the reality, my Lauxum. There are graves of children, not to be named. Every moment is a test for us... A string of stroking our despairs and hopes in a dance to know what is glass and what is more... It's the most beautiful of--" Her gray eyes shifted back to Eve, a quiet hiss escaped her as her nipples erected, her hips began to squirm at every lashed syllable. Tears rolled down her cheeks, as a ghostly smile played on her lips, "Yet I have seen the deepest part of you, feel it masticate on my soul. And not your son's as well... A part lives on in both, so how can I not be so wholly grateful?" The dress dropped from her fingertips, and her hands gripped her breast, squeezing them hard enough that the blood fled from under her fingertips. "Dances that let me dream for eternity..." Yvette sniffed, nodding her self, bowing her head deeply before walking out of the living room, pausing to just experience the house and get her bearings, because taking course towards a bathroom.

"So you both really just wanted to break away..." It is more a statement than a question, Damien working on putting the pieces together in his head. Lighter refreshments are in order it seems and Damien retrieves a Coke from the bar which he elects to drink straight from the can. "Courtier seems to have multiple definitons here, erm... I do appreciate what you have done for me. You know that right? It's uh odd to find all this out now but I can see why you didn't want me to know." Hearing Yvette speak, it takes Damien a moment or two to adjust, not quite sure what this 'Luaxum' business is about... or perhaps not wanting to know. He spends a few moments studying Eve in silence, waiting for Yvette to be well on her way before speaking again. "Her whole reason for being here, or erm perhaps excuse, she mentioned someone taking away your island paradise? Why act now? Blissfully ignorant as I have been, I thought business had been going on as usual? I certainly don't think I'd heard anything odd coming from Father's neck of the woods either. Heath would have mentioned something surely? Or at least hinted strongly."

Eve turned her head to watch Yvette pick her way across the floor over toward the bathroom, but only from the corner of her eyes, sending glimmering lights with thick, dark shadows caused by her heavy lashes. Once Yvette was out of immediate eyesight, Eve turned her attention fully to Damien. Her skin had calmed in its bloom of brilliant light, but her eyes still shimmered like molten pools of cold steel. "She never wanted to break away. She also never wanted me to break away. It meant that she could no longer be close with me. Because it's far too easy to stop eating like a starving skimmer. It's far too easy to have that much of a banquet presented and devour it until I have to bring in other victims for it to feed off of in order not to lose itself entirely to its own demons." Eve smiled slowly, a barely there curve of her lips that were shadows of a horribly dangerous memory. "Your mother was never the women of love you've known before your birth, Damien. There were no more perfect monsters on this earth, which is why seeing something that reminds me of that makes it much harder to hold onto the fact that I am now only a middling monster." Eve shook her head and took a long swallow of her tequila. "As for the concept of Asylum. I'm afraid that you don't quite have the idea at hand. I chose to separate myself from the courts in as much as I am able. I cannot completely separate myself, though, as I'm still a courtier, because it is what I am. To the very cells that make me. And everything else about me. Your father's warnings are the largest reason why the court hasn't come near you in your life."

The shower came on after a few minutes, Yvette was no stranger to luxary, nor was she that could waste when given the opportunity. One must experience the highest peaks of existence to truly appreciate what it is to be taken in every hole whilst laying in a river of sewage. And Yvette started singing about Three Sisters in Etruscan.

"Choosing not to get involved but being dragged in anyway?" Damien raises an eyebrow, regarding his mother carefully for a moment. "You've always been a woman of love to me, don't sell yourself short. We skim, yes but then that was also a choice. A stronger choice than some could make, this much Yvette has proven..." His eyes go to the floor for a moment, embarrassment now showing on his face. "I think she tried to get me to drain her, I think. It was..." He shakes his head. "I didn't though, that's the important bit. What about the rest of this though?" He guestures with a hand to the house at large. "She said 'they' were coming or something. Do you have any idea as to why they're disregarding all the warnings now? As much as you might loathe to do so, would contacting Father be an option? Might he know why this is happening?"

"I'll be contacting your father, to be sure. Which is also why I know that Yvette will, in some short number of hours or days, no longer be in the land of the living. But he also needs to know that his warnings are going unheeded." Eve took a slow breath in, then another solid swallow out of her glass. Reaching out with her hand, she rubbed gently along Damien's shoulder and offered him a slight smile. "Those that haven't chosen to live as I have, and as you do, greatly judge those of us living on the miniscule amount of fuel we have to choose from. They think of us as weak, and in some ways we are weaker. If we eat fully, we're stronger. But we just take a little off the top, and are always hungry." Eve squeezed Damien's shoulder softly and then let go of him, reaching over to pick up the bottle of tequila again. "I can only imagine that the court has decided to jump into my little kiddie pool now because of this new alliance they have. If they believe they have power enough to overcome their foes, they'll bring it to bear."

"How dangerous a situation are we in? Are we talking shadowy figures with daggers in the night or more mundane threats?" Damien is doing his best to keep his tone neutral, still somewhat displaced from the situation even after all he has heard. "He'll really kill her just for coming here? Why take the risk then? We live in a wonderful technological age where email is a thing." He takes another sip of his coke and then turns to regard Eve. "Coming here to just try to sway you seems like an odd move as well. Is this just about destroying the line?" His history lessons seem to be paying off at least, or just fueling an already overactive imagination. "You mentioned an alliance, does it have anything to do with these yaoi guy people?"

Eve looked at Damien like he was somewhat.. off. "I'm literally talking to you about what she just told us, together, here in this room, Damien. She warned us of the new alliance, what on earth else would I be talking to you about when I mention an alliance?" Eve was obviously a little bit on the annoyed side, and chose to stop talking a moment to take another drink. "He's going to kill her because she fucked you, Damien. They aren't allowed to touch or come near you. And she quite obviously did, or she wouldn't have been licking your foolish seed off of her hand. what kind of a man doesn't wear a condom when he's screwing a supposed prostitute provided by Heath of all people?"

The cheerful Etruscan singing continued, singing volumes of one of the sisters laying with their father...

"Hey, a little room for the shell shocked prince please?" Damien drains the last of his coke and then turns to set the can on the counter. "I'm aware that I'm confused, that I don't understand the terminology and that I'm far too sober to deal with most of this. She mentioned some oriental sounding group that were encroaching or something? I was also assuming you had a greater grasp of what was going on than I did." Damien takes a long, deep, calming breath. "It's like someone hitting me with the details of the engine work they've done on their pride and joy. I kind of get it while they're speaking but I'd be buggered if I could repeat it later. As for the the other thing..." Damien shrugs his shoulders. "I always try to be careful and use a condom, my demon didn't care though. It was a... close thing really. Also, in his defense, he'd never get me a truly skanky hooker. Not twice anyway."

Eve just shook her head and gave Damien a chiding look that spoke a million words, all of them he'd likely heard the first time he'd failed to get what he wanted from someone else and had resorted to calling her for help. "Damien. She told us that the court is allying themselves with these Oni. I don't know more than that because it was the first I've heard of it. Yvette literally came here to tell me about it, so I can't have learned more since that moment. Unfortunately, I don't quite have that level of omniscience." Eve sighed softly and shook her head again, reverting to a more thoughtful look. "All I know about the Oni is that they're... fairly extreme by terms of the vanilla culture you seem to think we all belong to, my love. In terms of the court, they fall in line with many of our ideals. So it makes sense that they'd side with the stronger members of the Skavis line, and I'll just have to verify with Yvette if it's the entirety of the court or just our Family coming to take their pounds of flesh and acres of emotions off of these islands."

Cheerful Etruscan singing continued, the subject bending to another sister that wrestle control by seeding the threats of scandal...

"Does know one know how to use a phone?" Damien sighs as he starts to pace. "Learning that you aren't omnipresent hurt just a teeny bit." He says this with a grin and a wink to Eve as he continues to pace. "So Oahu is your fiefdom? How are you supposed to respond to threats from abroad. Do we have a navy that I'm not aware of?" Already knowing the answer, he waves a hand in a dismissive guesture. "So we go to the matresses or whatever the Mafia call it? Or do we just look out for the guys with webbed toes and three thumbs on each hand?" Damien becomes aware that he is getting heated and takes another breath. "It just all seems a bit.. I don't know. People dying for getting their rocks off, shadowy clans fighting over Hawaii." A thought comes to him then and he looks over to Eve. "We are not the only erm interesting people on this Island, surely that would cause problems for anyone who wants to set up a buffet line?"

Eve gave one of her dark, ominous chuckles, the ones that had nothing to do with mirth in the slightest. "Oh this will be a problem across the board, especially as there are other 'vegan' vampires here on this island with us. This sort of thing can cause huge problems. And the local spirits and various God-beings certainly won't be at all happy with true courtiers setting up as they see fit here." Eve gave a ghost of a smile, then walked closer to Damien, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on his forehead as her height and the impressive inches of her heels made her easily several inches taller than him. "I love you with every ounce of myself I can love you with, my darling. My little boy. My only child. I love your brother as well, almost as my own son. And again as a companion. I wouldn't allow either of you to ever be harmed. I'm going to have to discuss this with your father and find out more about what the plans are from the court. But until then, I'm fairly sure that us sitting here getting upset over it will do nothing."

The shower cut off soon after, and minutes passed as she sang the verses of the last sister who staying in the emptied castle, holding the hand of their father, draining him dry as he died. Yvette returned, wearing a bath robe and slippers, walking straight to her dress and shoes. Her pale eyes landed on Eve, and her innocent smile returning. "May I have a kiss? A final sendoff as I await my fate?" Her words purred as she walked over to the bar, taking a couple of napkins and pen to write. "My hotel's address... I've been staying there for a couple of weeks. And the clan's address." She wrote on the second one, her bright and cheerful smile returning as she looked at Damien. "Maybe a final kiss from you as well." She groaned, "I have no doubt that stroking your naked bodies at the same time would be divine."

A sense of calm seems to come over Damien as his mother places a kiss on his forehead. "You are quite right. I think I'm going to go out and find Heath and Andrew, make sure they're okay. Then I will find out what Heath's plans actually were for this evening. Seeing as how this could be the calm before the storm we'd better make the most of it." He seems oddly cheerful about the whole thing, perhaps taking his mother's advice to heart. He busies himself gathering up his clothes and is so a little forewarned when Yvette returns. "You seem awfully calm about all this. It also seems a little morbid don't you think?" Damien shakes his head and looks to his mother. "I'm going to grab a shower and then I will be going out I think. Well, after you know... Is there anything you need before I go?"

"Yvette, you smell wonderful. But tell me, is it just the Family, or is it all of the courts that have their sights set on my quiet little hamlet." Eve looked at her cousin for a long moment, then polished off her drink, so she could set the empty glass down solidly onto the bar. After everything, it would seem like she should have maybe shifted to resettle her clothing, or adjusted her hair, touched her French twist as if to check it, but Eve did none of that. She looked perfectly precise, just as she had when she arrived, and seemed to have the utmost faith that it hadn't changed in the slightest. Eve offered Damien a soft smile and a nod of her head. "Of course my darling, enjoy your time with your brother, as always. At the very least, it'll end more enjoyably than this encounter." Eve glanced between Damien and Yvette, her lips pursed for a moment. "I'll leave the choice to you, Yvette. You may choose to have a final kiss from me, or a final kiss from Damien. You do not get both before you embrace your fate. Choose now, as my son has plans for the evening."

Yvette blinked, her head tilting as she focused on Damien. "I warned the woman I love of impending danger, and was thoroughly impaled by the reason I was never to see or speak to her again... What is there not to be calm about? Do you question yourself when you are graced with such completeness?" She seemed genuinely confused for the moment, then she let out a childish giggle. Her eyes shifted to Eve, and a bright smile shined through, "Thank you, Evelyn, your words always go wanders for me." She drummed her fingers on the bartop, "It's a complicated question, Eve, but I think it is just our blood involved, save for the Oni, but it has been years of piecemeal information..." She frowned a touch, "Decades... And you know there it's mostly coming at everything sideways. My sister is out of the loop due to a murder weapon appearing in her car, and my niece was tragically kidnapped, raped, or tortured by the Red Court? I sent flowers." The woman shivered, pain passing through her features at the thought of her choice, when a gutteral moan passed her lips, causing her to grip the bar. Yvette blinked her dilated eyes until the occurance was processed, and laughter bubbled out her. "The perfect tease... How I missed it." Letting her hair unwrap, she scratched the towel against it, then set it on the bar and stripping out of her robe to expose her cleaned body. And she slipped her dress back on. "I'll see myself out." She picked up her shoes, and walked towards the door as the scent of despair began to build after. "Damien... You're perfect... Just like your mother."