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Mists of the Dead

Sometimes things just need stirring

Dramatis Personae

Ayi, Bjorn, Tabby, and Uma. Loa as GM.

1 January, 1970

On a misty day at the Volcanic Beach, Evil is afoot.


Leeward Coast, Volcanic Beach


Plot:Pele's Kids

The oddness of Oahu weather wasn't lost on the people that visited there, nor was it a shock in any way to the people that lived there year round. It made total sense that on part of the island it could be a beautiful, sunny sort of day, with delicate clouds floating gently on high breezes, but at another part of the island the world could be socked in by mist, like the clouds had just fallen a little too low.

This lovely morning, the Leeward Coast is held in the gentle embrace of a heavy mist, one that carried warmth and damp heat along with it, leaving everything seemingly wet and without cover from the moisture. Some had gone diving and what not along the safer areas, but for the most part the beaches were fairly empty of people, those beach goers opting to head to where there was sun and more visibility. Along the harsh beauty of the Volcanic beach, the dark sands were almost occluded by the weight of the mist, but not entirely. As if everything that got within 20 feet or so was giving a heads up that it was there, or wasn't there in the case of people walking off the shoreline into the water and leaving the sands behind. All in all, though, such a day was quite peaceful with the sounds of the crashing waves muted by the thickness in the air, and the heat of the driving sun foiled by the droplets of water hovering firmly between it and the world.

One person is about in the creepy mists, though if that was by design, or if he just is rolling with it is hard to say. Bjorn is there in, of all things today black board shorts and a light grey T, which probably isn't the best for visibility in a fog filled volcanic beach, but there's the fact he's a mountain of a man to hopefully compensate for that. His grey hiking shoes adorn his feet, his blond hair gathered back into a loose tail to keep the hair out of his eyes as he looks about at... well not much apparently as it's mist with a side of mist. Standing there just taking in the peacefulness, he keeps his thumbs looped on the lip of his shorts as he tries to focus on his other senses for the time being.

"A la mierda esta isla..." The words were followed by a impatient sigh through the mist. Tabby pushed the straps of her hiking pack off her shoulders and let it crash at the back of her hiking boots. "I swear if I step into some volcanic cave and disappear, I will haunt this island until the ocean reclaims it." Her nose wrinkled as she sniffed the air. "I had this feeling I should have bribed some trainer for a room at a gym, but no, loba instincts telling me to get some fresh air. I have this suspicion I've been breathing the same bit of mist in and out for the last twenty minutes based on my lungs screaming." She was dressed simply in a red and white sports bra and a pair of red athletic shorts.

The sound of waves and complaints aren't the only sounds filling the mist laden air. The soft clack of metal on stone can be heard occasionally, with the why becoming apparent to those able to see through the mist. Ayi is, for some unfathomable reason, hopping from one volcanic rock to another, then another, then back again, the clacking sound the result of her metal staff striking the stones each time she lands. She's dressed reasonably well for the humid weather, at least, with a white sports bra and black yoga pants, though a sash is about her waist, as always. This time, however, it's a light blue in color.

The sound of talking does get the white-haired woman to pause in her... Whatever she's doing to look up, eyes squinting as she tries to peer through the mist. "The whole island and not just this stretch of beach? Would be the widest ranging ghost I've ever heard of."

Despite the weather having closed this part of the island off for the regular people that might want to spend some time on the beach, a bright, happy, laughter radiated from Uma as she seemed to find something positively enjoyable about the damp weather. Maybe it was Tabby's bitching. Of course, hearing bright, happy, laughter radiating out of the mist might have been a little creepy, but at least it sounded purely happy... and not the crazed sort of creepy happy you might get if it was some wicked witch out there plotting a hayday. "Don't be so dramatic, Tabs. This is perfect for what I needed. And it's gorgeous, just think how hydrated our skin will be. Won't even need to use lotion today." Spoke like someone that obviously had some sort of unearthly skin care regimen. Uma walked a little past Tabby and stopped, looking left and right, curiosity obvious in her mismatched eyes as she scoped their particular position on the dark sand beach. "This is perfect!" Uma announced it as if they were looking for something specific, even if the specifics weren't mentioned. At the sound of Ayi's voice, though, Uma turned that direction to peer into the mist, as if she was searching for the source. "Aloha!" She called out with a smile that was obvious in her voice.

As far as clothing went, Uma had kept it simple enough. A pair of briefly cut-off jean shorts left her long legs bare down to her comfortable looking sandals, at least as long as they stayed on her feet. Once they found 'the place' those sandals were promptly removed and Uma dug her toes into the dark, volcanic sand. For a shirt, she'd pulled a filmy white tank top on over a vibrant teal bikini top, the ties of which were easily visible up around her neck. Of course, with the damp air, she might as well have left the tank top out of the equation entirely and just gone for the bikini.

The sound of people talking, and hopping around eventually drew Bjorn from whatever he was trying to listen, smell, or perhaps ponder as he stood there. True the mists had already started to make his shirt stick to him some as he focused his attention in the direction of people, especially because they sounded like familiar-type people. So he made his way a little more in the direction, at least until he could start to make out shapes in the direction. Calling out the big man offered a wave along with his, "Aloha!" He walked a leisurely pace, something much safer with the limited visibility.

From the mist, a voice eerily crept its way along the beach, something with a touch of malice. "Look, if you don't agree with this, say so now. I didn't come out here in this blasted daylight just to talk about your feelings." The obvious grumpiness of the female voice had it sounding like it was almost grated through teeth. "You asked for this, you asked for a plan. I gave you a plan. Either accept and give me the money we agreed on or end this now."

Another female voice, decidedly less annoyed, chimed in "Sweetie, this is exactly what you wanted when we started talking about this. Did something happen? Did he do something to make you afraid, or to change your mind suddenly? Just... remember all the reasons you wanted this." That voice was obviously attempting the 'sugar gets more flies' version of the coersion. Perhaps the owner of the first voice had simply run out of patience.

Tabby's eyebrow arched as she watched Uma, "Of course you'd find it perfect. No need for smoke machines to distract your audience, nature has provided." Glancing down at her own arms, she rubbed the humidity into her skin, "I suppose I should be grateful for the mist, another day of putting off my transformation into a negrita." She paused long enough to lazily wave a hand in Ayi's direction, "Hola." There was a sigh, and another 'Hola' in Bjorn's direction, before she looked back to Uma, "That's if you don't trip on someone in the process." And to the two other females in the fog, and raised her voice a hair to be heard. "If you are waiting for some sort of drug shipment, please move a mile down the beach before launching off a flare."

Ayi seems about to call out a reply before the voices drift along the beach. "Daylight?" Head tilting to one side she glances up at the sky, then around at the mist shrouded landscape. "I think that's in short supply here." Then the rest of the words catch up to her and she's hopping off her rock and idly spinning her staff in her hand as she exclaims, "Oh! Drama!" She starts to wander along in the direction she thinks the voices were coming from before Tabby's words prompt her to pause and call out, "Also, save me some in that case! Drugs that is. Not flares. I don't really need one of those."

The tide is high and slack.

Uma shrugged to Tabby and stuck her tongue out at her before lifting her arms over her head and spinning in a pirouette. She gave a wave to the incoming, large, form of Bjorn and offered him a broad grin once he was close enough to see more than just the oblong shadow of her moving arm over her head. "Bjorn! Hey man! What's up? I didn't expect to see anyone out here at all... and now it seems like everyone had that idea." Uma smirked and shook her head, rolling her mismatched eyes as she did so. "A girl never gets a minute to practice her craft in peace, unless she rents a ballroom or something and bars all the doors." Ayi passing her way down the beach got a smile from Uma, and a snorted laugh as she glanced at Tabby with the mention of drug deals... and then saving some. "You know, I always was curious what happens with drug deals. Do they go down on foggy beaches?" Interests piqued, Uma turned to look down the beach and started a lazy, loping sort of skipped-trot as she peered ahead. "Do you have any extra flares?" This called out loudly enough for the women down the beach to hear. "Because I might actually take one... if you do.. you know.. for science..."

A quieter voice, this one obviously trying to whisper, or at least stay at less of an obviously carrying tone, came in response to the first two. "Stop! Look... I get it... I asked you to do this, I just... I didn't think it would be so soon." Her voice immediately stopped when she heard other voices incoming. "I thought you said we wouldn't have to worry about other people being around? Isn't that why we came out in this awful weather in the first place?" Now that third woman, whose voice had seemed almost timid, was speaking with the sharp intonations of someone who was used to bossing others around. And used to making that slight authoritarian tone in her voice sound like a threat, without speaking it aloud.

Bjorn blinks as he slows up, hearing the other people talking about something potentially shady, though as everyone shifts and heads in that direction he alters course. "Sounds like someone else was hoping for privacy as well..." To Uma he replies as they move to see who's speaking, "If you like I can move further down the beach as well, if you want some secrecy to work." He looks about the mist, though a skeptical look grows on his face as he hears a third woman speak. "Sounds like I picked quite the day to try to relax. Probably should've worked on my project..."

The first voice, still annoyed, and now even more terse, spoke up loudly "No, no drugs. Mind your own!" A slight accent hinted at that last word, like maybe she'd worked quite hard to get rid of something akin to a British lean to her phrases. "Look, let's just get back to the car, you sign, you pay, it's done. Let's go, /sweetie/." One could almost feel the glare given to the other voice with that one. Maybe to both of the other voices.

"Oh come on, oh man... if this was a drug thing that would be awesome. I could use a little mellow whenever we have to do this shit, Nemmmmmmmmm.. OUCH! MY fucking lip!" The second voice that had seemed much more collected only moments before had turned petulant, and a hiss from someone seemed to coincide with the cry of pain.

Off in the distance, not far really, maybe 40 feet away, three shadowy figures could be ascertained in the mist. One of them was far taller than the other two, by at least 6 inches, but the three shapes were close together.

Tabby exhaled a laugh and shook her head, keying in on Uma. "You grew up on an island, how do you not know that some drug deals are carried out on beaches? It's all matter of quantity, and borders. Over land, you have to stick to roads which is problematic if there are checkpoints. Over water, you have the whole coastline to make a drop. It's generally small craft that bring it in, because the larger boats require canals, which means port authority checking things over. Then you have to ask when the deal is made. Movies get it all wrong. I mean what kind of asshole wanders up and down the beach with a briefcase full of money in hopes of someone shows up with a boat full of drugs? No one." The latina shook her head and glanced at Bjorn, then raised her voice for the trio again, "Yes, we were all supposed to stay home and work on projects, because we were all, absolutely wrong about the number of people swarming around the fog."

Ayi lets out a loud, putupon sigh. "No drugs? Suddenly my interest is dwindling." She pauses a moment before adding, "But not gone, because still, shady deals and drama!" She pauses in her advance toward the three figures in the mist, turning to face in the direction of Tabby. In a completely serious tone of voice she says, "If I had a briefcase full of money I would definitely wander up and down the beach hoping for a boatful of drugs." Spinning back around she drapes her staff over her shoulders, hooking her arms about it as she wanders toward the figures again. "So! Shady deals on dreary days! I'm a very curious monkey, I must admit. Like George. What sort of dark deed is being discused?"

Uma slowed slightly to make sure that other people could catch up with her, though she likely wouldn't have to wait long for Bjorn, and Tabby.. well Tabby was never all that far away from the leggy brunette anyway. "So... no flares either?" Uma called that out toward the trio, eyeing the three of them a bit as she kept moving forward. Ayi announcing her plans with a briefcase full of money caused the young woman to snicker again, and she looked back over her shoulder at Tabby, flashing her a wicked grin. "I bet I could totally do a bit with that. A briefcase full of money, maybe even an incoming boat... make it like a skit. Only have people completely drop jaws to the ground when they make the deal, and end up with a briefcase full of like.. tamales..." She looked up at Bjorn and shrugged her shoulders expressively. "No need, there are people. And of all the people, I'm pretty sure I can't do anything you haven't already seen. This is more like... you know, keeping the /fans/ from seeing. Or the people in the audience." Uma winked and moved unerringly closer to the trio of female voices, though she was careful to stay far away to the side from Ayi, lest she be accidentally thwacked with the staff draped over the other woman's shoulders.

"None of your business, thank you." Came a sharp reply from the mist, and one of the three started moving up the beach toward the parking. "Come on, then. Let's do this. I honestly don't want to be out here with you two any longer than I have to. It's bad enough those people over there might see us. I don't need any more possible eyes on." While the woman's voice might have been a quiet, aggravated, hiss, it carried in that odd way that mist and fog seemed to allow. Almost like she was hissing her words directly at the people walking up rather than the people she stood nearby.

The tide is high and ebbing.

At the mention of heading to the car Bjorn starts to slow up. After all they seem to be complying with taking their suuuper sekret shenanigans elsewhere. It's however the smell that causes him to stop dead in his tracks and start to sniff the air. "Anyone else smell that? What the hell died..." He starts to look about, sniffing in different directions to try to pin down what it is that's causing that, or if it's from the three that are heading out.

Up ahead, the two women that had been making the suggestions of compliance seemed to nod, and turned to start back toward the parking lot. As everyone gets a bit closer to the women, it would seem that the tallest of them was actually wearing a full coverage burka. It was dark material, making it so that she still looked like little more than a dark shadow moving along the beach. The second tallest woman was wearing a full head-covering hajib, along with a veil attached to the front. Unlike the taller woman, though, she chose to wear something a little brighter than the dark, navy blue, and was wearing her clothing in bright colors of pink and purple. Other than that, she was covered in layers of fabric that looked quite akin to a garbasaar.

Tabby grinned at Ayi as the latina took up her pack to carry it as she moved along side Uma. "As a general rule, please don't start passing briefcases over to boats that ride up to the beach. Law enforcement gets incredibly irritated when their time is wasted." Her nose wrinkled, "Please do not be in possession of a dead body... That means I have to call the PD and her lawyer and manager, and explain the situation, then mi dia esta jodido..." The woman glanced at Bjorn and groaned, "It is a small consolation that someone's other half is ruining their lives as well."

Another loud sigh escapes Ayi, followed by the sound of one end of her staff thudding rather heavily into the ground. "Now, now. Let's not go running off here." There's still a smile on Ayi's face, though a hint of malice has creeped onto that expression now. "After all. You still haven't answered what sort of shady deals are being done, yes? And I really would like an answer. Between the disparaging remarks about daylight, the, apparent, stench of death or the like, and the fact that I can practically taste the sheer xie e, the sheer evil here..." Shaking her head Ayi clicks her tongue almost admonishingly. "Well, I would be a poor legend if I simply let you go without answering. So. Answer."

The fog is grey-white in the light of mid-day.

Uma blinked, looking around at the others with her curiously, her dark brows raised in twin arches over her strange eyes. "Wait... what? Scent of death?" She made a face unconsciously in response to that, shaking her head. "I had a guinea pig die while I was away one weekend, I got home and it was absolutely disgusting. The whole house smelled like the poor, little, dead guy. We had to have it deep cleaned. I don't smell that, though. What on earth are you guys smelling? It just smells... well it just smells wet and still out here." Uma inhaled obviously through her nose, trying to pick up a scent, then when Ayi elected to push foward on the suggestion that things ought to be explained to her, Uma's eyes widened. "Holy.. Evil?" She turned back to stare at the three people, those dark figures that were only now more obvious to the eye, and stopped moving forward. "I don't feel like Evil is any better than a dead body."

The third woman was dressed in what could only be 'business casual' attire. A smart set of slacks that looked like they'd been pressed within an inch of their life to get a sharp seam along the front of her legs, covered her lower body along with a set of black boots that were undoubtedly made of fine leather and designed to be comfortable while also looking severe. For a shirt, a button down, likely previously pressed cotton shirt in the pale shade of baby blue, starkly different than her black slacks, fit her comfortably though it had started to cling along her shoulders as they'd gotten progressively soaked with the water in the air. Her hair was cut close, a pixie style, leaving a face that was easily in the mid-40's exposed to full view. Unlike the other two, she had her arms bare where her shirt stopped at mid-bicep, and hadn't bothered to cover up her face or head. When Ayi spoke, the woman looked at her with her eyes round and surprised, almost in shock. "Wha... what?" She looked back to the other two, fully garbed women and seemed to be wavering, indecisive. "Why... It's not something that's anyone's business!" Though she tried to repeat it with the fortitude she'd had earlier, the woman's voice was wavering, ner nerves starting to fray.

Bjorn glances back at Ayi, a brow raised. As he sniffs the air toward the two fully covered women, and then to the third whom Ayi seemed to be addressing, As she seems to waver he asks simply, "Are you sure what you want is worth the price? Be careful, I've found when it's too good to be true... that's because it is." He shifts his weight slightly, then takes a few steps to the side, putting himself out of the same line as the others, but not that much further away from the strange three ladies and their even more strange shady daytime secluded dealings.

Both women with more completely covered bodies and faces turned to look at the incoming crowd of Ayi, Bjorn, Tabby, and Uma. A hiss of annoyance came from the tallest of the women, and she moved her arms out a bit, which released a disturbing scent into the air. Now that everyone was a bit closer, the smell of rot was pushed enough by the movement of her arms to carry to those without hypersensitive noses. Something that smelled musty and like it had been left out to cook off in the sun after it had died. "Oh leave us be, there's nothing here for any of you. We've all but concluded our time here, and we'll be gone. Just go. This is truly not your affair." She motioned with a hand toward Ayi, which was covered in a dark blue glove that looked disturbingly like the rubber gloves some women use to wash dishes. As much as she might want to sound intimidating, the woman just seemed to sound more annoyed than anything.

The woman clad in pinks and purples simply turned until she was facing the woman dressed in her business wear. Leaning in closely, she spoke in a harsh tone "I wouldn't suggest going back on things that were began in good faith, Sweetie. You know full well that the plan doesn't have to be set against only those you choose it to be." There was a pat on Martha's shoulder, but the woman wearing Pink had elected to wear pretty, frilly gloves in dark purple, lace flouncing around her wrists. "Come along." While her tone was quiet and almost gentle, the eyes in her face were hard and without forgiveness. Cold, dark, and empty of anything but determination and warning.

Tabby glanced at Ayi and back to the tall figure, "And this is why you have these conversations in back rooms, there's less of a chance of being disturbed." The latina looked back to Uma. "The real question is, 'What doesn't my nose catch?' It is permanently set to TMI. If I had to pick who I felt more sorry than myself, it would be you. Everything that you once thought was private, not so much. And for that, I apologize." She gestured to Bjorn, "And now you know he cannot respect those lines either." Her attention drifted to Martha and Nalana, "Martha... If you picked this spot, I have no clue about the plan. If these two picked, then I think once that deal is done, you may be outgrowing your usefulness to them. You want to change the place to somewhere like the Fallen Pig." Dark purple bruising spread around Tabby's neck as she stared at Nalana, "And you want to accept the change of location gracefully."

Martha seemed to be a bit beyond hearing things at the moment, really. She was shaking. Her body trembled hard enough that the water that had once collected around the curves of her shoulders sprinkled off of her in a fine spray. For those with keen noses, the scent of fear and of urine was obvious as she wet herself, seemed to shrink down into herself, and started walking toward the cars. She kept her gaze averted from everyone, looking down at the ground with her eyes wide in her face, water droplets falling off of her short hair and raining down her face. Both of Martha's arms came over her abdomen and she hugged herself tight, trying to find some sort of comfort, any sort.

Uma's eyes might have seemed as wide as they possibly could have been, until things started going downhill. Fast. "Wait! No! Don't go with them, come here! I'll get you to safety. You'll be alright. We won't let anyone hurt you." Uma reached out her hand and walked up closer to the foul smelling duo and their urine logged third wheel. "Come on, come with me. Don't go with them." She narrowed her eyes at the other two women with their full body covering, and reached out to take Martha's arm. "Come on." Uma then tried to urge Martha to walk away from the women instead of joining them on the path to the cars. Perhaps she knew that the people she was with would help keep her safe, or her faith in them was absolute, because Uma's words rang solid and true. She fully believed and was encouraging Martha to do the same, everything was going to be alright.

The tide is low and ebbing.

Ayi seems about to say something more to Martha, but then notices that Uma seems to have that handled. So instead she moves between the businesswoman and the more colorfully dressed mummy-impersonator. Who somehow manages to be the more intimidating of the two. "You know, I do appreciate the attempt," Ayi comments to the dark-clad woman. "But the tone was all wrong! You have to inject a certain level of menace into it. An implied threat just isn't threatening without! And then there's posture, and... Well, here. Let me show you." Attention turning back to the rainbow-clad one, Ayi gives a grin, lips spreading to reveal as much teeth as she can. "You should ply your dastardly deeds elsewhere, because if you don't..." Here her grin seems to widen as her head tilts down, casting shadows over her face. "My ancestor was rather renown at handling demons. Actual demons. I think I am more than capable of displaying to the world just what the inside of a couple scavenger's craniums look like."

A little off to the side, Bjorn doesn't get too close to the trio that were making their way to the cars, though Bjorn moved at a line that put him in that direction toward the vehicles as well maybe almost moving past them so he could cut them off if need be. At Ayi's mention of being skeery and her words he stops though, blinking as he looks at her some. He looks at M-Redshirt to see if she takes Uma's advice and stops, but otherwise he lets the people that seem to be more diplomatically making head way do the talking. He's better at smashing things, so he'll wait there until things need to be smashed but otherwise let the others handle it.

Nema made a sound that was disturbingly inorganic, like two rustling sheafs of paper crumbling together while being rubbed at a fast pace. "Enough of this. Words. Glass cut them from your treacherous tongues!" Then the fully enrobed woman dropped into a crouch, her hand plunging into the sand at her feet. Spires of sharp, jagged glass erupted up from the beach, reaching up toward the sky in tall, wickedly twisted, crystalized vines. They didn't seem to care who they hit, they were everywhere, filling the area with the vicious, and obviously dangerous lances of cutting pain, enough so that they even cut through her own clothing where it was caught on the rising columns.

Nalana, the seemingly more intimidating of the two, took advantage of the situation created by the glass spires and rushed forward at Martha. As she did so, one of her feet was nearly slit, as well as up the side of one of her legs, by the reaching spire of glass that came up out of the sand near her. Never the less, she continued her forward momentum and slammed into Martha's back, sending the business woman forward, until her head encountered a glass spire which skewered through her skull, until she was left hanging like a rag doll at an askew angle, blood and mist water dripping down her face, and down the spire that had taken her life.

Tabby twisted back from the vines of sand and glass, risking a glance at Uma, "Tortuga arriba!" Whatever the fuck that meant. Tabby blurred into action, weaving and jumping around the glass until she had it up to Nema. Immediately gripping the woman thing by the dress, Tabby threw their weight into a roll sending Nema to ground with the emissary springing back up to be on all fours, snarling.

When Nema cast her spell, Ayi slammed her staff into the ground and jumped up, balancing on the end. Which, naturally, left her out of position to prevent Martha from getting killed. Ayi's face twists in a snarl as she drops back down to the ground, her hands sliding along her staff until she finds a good place to grip. Then with a mighty swing the steel rod slams into the colorfully clothed woman's face. And then again, and again, until one swing is met with a crunching noise. "I did mention exposing the inside of your craniums to the world, yes?"

Things were happening fast, and Uma barely had a moment to get herself together as glass spires started shooting up from underfoot. Rather than accepting it as happening, she spread her hand out, fingers splayed wide, and wiped it across at about hip level, palm down. Underneath her feet there was a circle of heavy stone, thick and solid, which caused the sound of shattering glass as spires attempted to break through it but couldn't. Turning back to look at Martha, Uma stared at the woman that she'd been trying to get away from the evil twosome, her jaw dropped open as the horror of what had just happened dawned on her. Martha had been thoroughly murdered by the spires. "Oh my god..." Her voice came out as a thin, thready sort of whimper that carried a little bit of vibration as she shook in shock. Hearing Tabby, Uma snapped her attention toward the woman, her eyes overly wide. She blinked once, nodding with a jerky motion of her head. Moving her arms in front of herself in a crossing pattern, like she was about to take in a huge, cleansing breath, she closed her eyes as a wall came up around her, growing from the sand. It was solid, opaque, and looked like stone. Uma was effectively surrounded by a large, oblong, obelisk.

Glass, then blood... That poor lady... And he couldn't get to her in time. A snarl of rage, and Bjorn didn't bother trying to get his clothing off first. He just rushes her, shifting into the giant bear that he is as he does so. Running full out he dives at the prone one, moving to bite and claw at her, a roar as he tries to maul the thing that killed someone,.

The tide is low and slack.

Nema let out a roar of sound, the stench of her breath making its way through her burka and filling the air around her, stinging the noses of those with any acute sense of smell. While she might have been torn initially between lashing out at Fenrir's get or at the Bear attacking her, once she made her decision, it was with gusto. Her hand slashed forward at Bjorn and what hit him felt more like a solid wall of burning plasma as the air particles burned the water of the mists away and slammed against his side, singing his fur and bruising him from hip to shoulder, along his entire right side.

Nalana sagged, her jaw looking a little crooked as black, rotting blood started to ooze down her face. She stared at Ayi, cruelty shining like hard cinders in the back of her dark eyes. Lifting her hand, she pointed a frilly-gloved finger at the get of the Monkey King and waved it back and forth. "You with your self-righteousness. Little girl, you have no idea what you've managed. You may have opened my head, you may even fell me today. But you'll be unleashing worse. Far worse. Because at least I didn't hate you all before today. And now, you've ensured that I do. Oh and I do. I hate everything about you. Every bit of your fabric, every hair on your body. And I have enough hate to bring it down on every single inhabitant of this island. Even if I die, you'll never free this place of the hate you've unleashed on it under this god awful sunlight." Nalana took a step toward Ayi as she spoke, her voice grating and vicious, her teeth clatting shut hard when she stopped talking.

A rope of saliva fell from Tabby's clenched teeth as she growled. The polar bear was plenty reason to get back on her feet and out of the way, which she did. Her tawny eyes glanced at Ayi and Nalana, "Just wait your turn, puta." Her attention locked on Nema, and Tabby stepped behind Nema, chopping the side of her neck with the blade of her hand, enough to cause the right side of Nema's body weakened. And in that moment, Tabby drove a foot into the back of the weakened knee to cause Nema to drop to all fours. The latina stared daggers at the polar bear, "Will you quit fucking around!?!" Tabby turned, muscles tightening as she ran towards Nalana.

Ayi continues to grin confidantly as that gloved finger is pointing at her. Then Nalana starts to speak, and that grin falters. Her grip on her staff tightens, gaze cast down until Nalana fishes speaking. Then Ayi lifts her gaze, glaring at the colorfully clad woman and baring her teeth angrily. Her tail becomes obvious at this point, a flash of white appearing and disappearing under her sash as it lashes side to side angrily. Then there's a glint of steel as her staff lashes out, slamming into Nalana's chest to knock her to the ground. Then the staff is spun around to send the end slamming into her jaw. "You would stain this place with your rage, your hate?" Any attempt at rising is met with another strike from Ayi's staff as she continues to speak. "Would condemn this place to an existance of being constantly plagued by your impotent rage at being unable to stand before me?" Another strike to Nalana's jaw then Ayi's leaning down to stare at her. "I am a child of Sun Wukong. The Great Sage, Equal of Heavan. So release your rage, release your hate. So that it, too, can fall before me!" Then Ayi straightens up, lifting her steel staff over her head before slamming it down to drive the end through the creature's head and into the sand.

The misty light dims slightly.

Uma remained inside the obelisk she'd created for herself. It wouldn't do to go distracting Tabby while she and the others were handling the insane duo. Better to wait. And not create a bigger problem. From the sound of it, people were handling things just fine outside anyway... if the sounds were any indication.

Ow! The burning hit his side, and the giant bear rolled to the side, bellowing in pain and then rage. As Tabby got the retched thing Nemu to it's knees, Bjorn once again charged back at it, bringing his clawed paw down with all it's might on it's head removing it from the shoulders. He continued to smack and tear at the thing over and over after even after it stopped moving, until finally seeing that they were both stopped, the polar bear sat back onto it's behind, shaking his head some and catching his breath as he looked down at everyone, his paw curled up some against his wounded side as he did so.

As Nema died, any spires that had been left growing up from the beach simply dissolved, and splashed to the ground in puddles of ectoplasm. The spire of glass that had been holding up the corpse of Martha fell as well, though that puddle was liberally colored the shade of blood, and soon contained the slumped body of the woman in her business attire.

The tide is low and rising.

The bodies wrapped in so much cloth didn't change, really. Though they spilled thick, rotting, blackened blood onto the beach as they lay defeated. The stench was solid, and soiled the air around the corpses pungently.

Tabby paused in time to see Ayi hammer one bitch to death with a giant pipe. When the latina realized her eyes weren't tracking the movement of the staff, but a rather pissed off white tail, Tabby turned her attention back to Bjorn the bear. "Well that... Covers it. Mostly." Tabby rubbed at the line of dark purple bruising around her neck as she walked back to Bjorn. "You have clothes near or do I need to swing by somewhere to get them? I'd make a call, but mierda like this is exactly why I don't have a cellphone." Heading over to the stone egg, Tabby slapped at it. "Ven, mariposa!" Tabby took a step back. "I'll pick up anything that the cops may use to ID anyone... But I'm going to check the cars... See if whatever they were making a deal over needs to not end up in an evidence locker.

Ayi simply stands there, leaning on her staff and glaring at the corpse for a few minutes. Then she straightens up, takes a shaky breath, and runs a hand through her short hair. She yanks the staff up to free it from it's temporary posting before her free hand reaches back to smooth out her sash and try to hide her tail again. Though with it continuing to twitch there's no guarantee of that. Blinking she looks around, seeing the other covered woman on the ground and just as dead. "R-right. I guess we're done here then but for the cleanup." Her eyes are drawn to the end of her staff nearest the ground and her nose wrinkles. "Definitely cleanup. Followed by a drink or ten. And possibly getting laid."

The hardened rock that had formed a sort of coccoon around Uma seemed to slough, starting at the top, then dripped in thick, clear ectoplasm that started to run down the sides, until it was just Uma standing there, covered with a layer of ectoplasmic splatter, in a puddle of the stuff. She blinked, looking around as she wiped her face off to get some of the clear stuff away from her eyes. Uma raised her brows to Tabby, "Holy... crap. You guys got them? Good." She stepped around the corpse of Martha ginglerly, not wanting to disturb the poor, dead woman, and moved over to where Ayi had dropped the brightly clothed woman. Staring down at the shattered, oozing creature that had killed Martha without hesitation, Uma's mouth twisted into a frown of distaste. Then, she leaned forward a little and spat on the dead 'woman'. "Su pudre en el infierno, pedazo de mierda." Her voice was hard and angry, eyes looking at the body with its shattered remains in such a way that it was obvious she might have solidly wished to be the one that committed the destruction. Looking at Ayi, Uma nodded to her, as if agreeing with the woman entirely in her methods "A drink or 10, after that. I'd buy you a night with one of the hookers on the island if I didn't think you could drum up a lay by yourself." Then she started her long-legged walk over to Bjorn, reaching out to touch his massive shoulder to pet along his thick fur as she spoke quietly. "Are you alright?"

There's a slight wince as Bjorn's fur is run through, mostly because everything hurt. But Tab had a point about clothing, and other important things that had to get dealt with. Having sufficently caught his breath enough, the large polar bear began to shrink, fur disappearing for skin, the burns turning back to healthy skin as well as the eleven feet car sized Bjorn turned back into the just really large drink of water Bjorn the man. Now looking more up, at everyone instead of down he answers Tabby first with, "Might be a clothing vendor nearby, but yeah I didn't plan for glass throwing torch wielding corpses." He frowns, but then smiles at Uma. "I'll be alright, just mostly exhausted, and a little tender on my side." He puts his hand over his side just to double check that he is indeed all patched up. Glancing about he adds, "Anyone seen what's left of my shorts? I could use my keys and wallet."

Tabby stared at Uma and her cursing, a frown didn't appear until Uma started spitting. "I doubt they're going to try and pull DNA with the oozing bloody mess, but you do not need to be added to the pile." Tabby stopped to head back to her pack to dig out a pair of rubber gloves, slipping them on and heading back towards Martha to check the woman's vitals, and pockets. Glancing up at Ayi, Tabby frowned. "Take it from an ex-cop. You need to clean that staff and not have it on you until you're away from here. Shit like this don't fit nicely in a report. I don't want you getting picked up for desecrating a corpse." She looked at Bjorn, and a smirk appeared. "Take it from me: Always keep a spare set of clothes. As for your shorts? Not sure if you needed to grow fur to destroy them." Yup, the woman was still checking Martha.

Ayi looks at the end of her staff again and lets out a soft huff. "Yeah, yeah." She shakes her head before making a face and saying, "I'll have to stash it in my room for a bit." She absently drags the dirtied end through the sand to try and clean it some before looking at it again and shaking her head. "Or see if I can find another solid steel staff around here somewhere and just get rid of this one."

Uma nodded to Bjorn, then gave him a slight smile, looking him over, followed by a wink. "I'll find your keys and your wallet, but I don't think it's gonna be big enough to cover anything up. You want my shirt? You could like... use it as a modesty sock or something?" She stood and peeled the thin white shirt off of herself and dropped the damp fabric onto Bjorn's lap, since she had on the bright bikini top anyway, then went about looking through the shreds of clothing Bjorn had left behind when he went full Beastmode. She looked over at Tabby for a moment mid-search and nodded to her. "Sorry Tabs, it was a heat of the moment thing. That bitch was just... worthy of being spit on. Though I wouldn't have done it if she was on fire." The jingle of keys marked her finding those, and then once she had found the wallet, which took oddly longer, she made her way back over to Bjorn to hand them over. When she looked over at Ayi, she offered the woman a smile. "You could use the ocean water to get the rest off until you can get it wiped down with some bleach, maybe." Taking a slow breath, Uma looked around in the fog and shook her head. "If you wanted to check her car we should do that soon. Then we can call in a tip about the bodies... I hope they don't close the beach for a week because of that black shit oozing out of them."

A thankful nod was given to Uma, after hers and Tab's comments left him ever so slightly pink just under his eyes, Still he kept himself as covered as one can be, waiting for enough new clothing to survive scrutiny, hell even some sweatpants, though when you get most of your things from the big and tall... Bjorn looks about where he thinks he transformed and adds, "Oh my Mobile as well... Crap I hope it turns up. I think soon as I get proper clothing a drink or ten sounds /amazing/."

Tabby's hands left Martha's neck as she stared for some sign of life. "If it's porous it'll mostly impossible to clean. I'm just saying that walk down the street with it when the cops are on the way to find one to three bodies with blungeon wounds is asking for trouble. On the other side of island or next week, no one will care. Same shit I do with my gun. If I fire in a situation that could be construed as illegal, it and I are in different places while the cops are looking." Tab carefully searched her pockets, checking cards, wallet, staring confused, then replacing them before using the key fob to unlock the car and pop the truck before replacing it as well, on Martha. "I'll call in the tip, but not when everyone is together. I fear a world without payphones..." Tabby headed over to the car to check the inside without getting inside, opening the trunk. "Yes, the puta deserved it, but you leave the spitting to me. It's included in my invoice." Closing the vehicle back up, Tabby headed to her bag to put it over her shoulder while she took off her gloves, pocketing them. Inspecting a small metal object, she sniffed it carefully. "Fallen Pig, it is. And you should start mourning your mobile now. Uma called up shit in a moment of emotion, basically the same as tossing your phone into a microwave for a spin."

"It's... Metal?" Ayi shakes her head and stares at her staff. "I do not know how porous it is. I will clean it off and see how well that works." She slings the staff over her shoulders again, though she's careful to keep the messy end from touching her. "For now I am going to find somewhere to stash it until I can clean it. And get out of here so you can make the call without me being spotted here." And with that Ayi turns to start walking off along the beach, angling her path to carry her away from more civilized areas as best she can.

Uma apologetically glanced at Bjorn and shrugged. "Sorry, I was... definitely not thinking about whether people's electronics would work later." She cleared her throat and motioned to Bjorn. "Come on, we can stop by your place and get you some clothes. You can sit in the back seat, I think I have a blanket or something in the trunk. And you.... Oh, I'm Uma by the way." She offered her name to Ayi and a wave. "Take care, and come see my show some time!" She looked back to the other two and smiled. "Let's get out of here. This place reeks." Uma shuddered and walked over to Tabby, nudging the shorter woman.