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Revision as of 05:58, 27 June 2018



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Rebellious Skavis Virgin and Art Connoisseur

Kat is known as a collector and dealer in art, her services are also on offer as a validator or occasional valuer for auction houses and museums. She can almost always be found in the most bohemian parts of town, chatting with those who create art rather than those who sell it. Occasionally she will make suggestions, although she freely admits that her talents are in appreciating beauty rather than creating it. She avoids all talk of her family where possible, suggesting only that she prefers to avoid contact with them but it is obvious that she is used to having money and the privileges it brings.


Family Troubles

Steadfast refusal to take the step to full Courtier has left Kat far from the good graces of even the most extended parts of her family. Her presence on Oahu is effectively a form of exile, to paradise perhaps but it still gets her out of her family’s hair until she ‘sees sense’ and crosses that line to vampirehood.


High Society
Fake It 'til you Make It
Swan Song

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The Next Big Thing

Old Masters

Questionable Merit

The Incinerator

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Coming Soon

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Name: Katherine 'Kat' Leukai
Apparent Age: Mid 30's
Age: A Lady never tells
Place of Birth: Paris, France
Temperament: Kat is usually cool calm and collected, projecting a serene facade even when she is feeling anything but. One of the few things that she gets really animated about is art, in all of its forms. She is known to be an avid collector and will happily wax lyrical about her latest favorite person or piece. Her anger is rare, but when roused it is icily polite and carries all the destructive power of a tsunami.
Mantle: White Court Virgin
White Court Family: Skavis
Status: Recently Exiled to Oahu
Occupation: Art Dealer
Art Appraiser
Gallery Owner
Languages: English, Etruscan
Theme Song: Coming Soon
Alts: Aoife (Changeling)

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RP Hooks

Do you have an appreciation for the finer things in life? Shall we share it?

Art is life
Are you an artist, or even an artiste, looking for a patron or gallery space? Are you simply another art lover? Kat will happily chat with you and enthuse over favourites.

Courtly manners...
The name Katherine Leukai is somewhat infamous in certain areas of the White Court. She is doing her best to turn her back on what she is. Do you applaud her for fighting for her humanity or think she is a fool? Do you have designs on luring her to the darkside or will you make yourself an ally?

Globe Trotter
Kat loves to travel and trade stories of exotic places. Might you have a few of your own? Or just an envious audience?

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None yet.


None yet.