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Den of Iniquity

Finding the Red Court rarely works out well for anyone.

Dramatis Personae

Grayson, Ink, and Max. Loa as GM. NPCs: Hailey, Vivica

25 May, 2009

Max continues on her quest to learn more, then Ink and Grayson get dragged along.


Honolulu, Seedy Downtown


Plot:Bad Blood

While Downtown is the hub of all things for most of the Island of Oahu, it's also the hub of the less savory aspects of the island in general. The homeless are more numerous here, especially in areas near the shelters or small parks. There is also an active drug community that thrives and provides more than enough of their wares to supply a small nation, and could easily overdose the entire population of the island ten times over.

It's in this area of downtown that the layer of clean that covers most of where people will visit is mostly lost. There are dingy corners, people sleeping huddled away from prying eyes of tourists while enjoying the partial shade of doorway, and numerous peddlers preying on those weak and in need of pain relief.

The sky is blue and cloudless, the sunlight is bright, and a sultry wind blows from the coast.

It's a lovely day indeed. Downtown is cloudless and the sky is filled with blue. The sun is hot and it's almost directly overhead as noon approaches swiftly. Really, though, even in the seedier areas of downtown, it's a gorgeous day on Oahu.

Despite the fact that there have been numerous clean-out projects through this area, it always seems to be a little dirty. The people are a little furtive, many of them obviously looking for a fix. But the cops just don't seem to come around much, like they knew where this place was, but they'd rather keep the people that frequent it to just this area of the island rather than have them spread like a cancer to where the tourists would see it.

A tall, blonde woman with long, gorgeous hair that looked perfectly styled to be that 'just post wake-up' messy walks along with an oversized, bright pink bag over her shoulder. The bag is noticeable, but so is the rest of her outfit. The high heeled sandals that stand out for being a color of blue that can only be defined as 'electric', the short jean skirt that left the majority of her legs bare and tan. The cropped baby-doll style Tshirt that showed off a good bit of midriff and stood out like a neon sign with its bright white with electric blue piping along the hem, arms, and neckline. If nothing else, she stood out because she looked 'clean' in this area where things just looked a bit dingy. Currently, she's talking to a man that has the careful glances of a dealer, checking this way and that. Rather than paying the man and buying anything, though, she actually handed him the big, pink bag.

Through the streets of Downtown slouches a tall man, ducking from shadow to shadow as best he can. With his black T-shirt faded and blotched by frequent washing, his once-black jeans frayed and faded, and old black boots on his feet, Grayson looks as though he belongs here. The woman and dealer don't get more than a single glance from him, but where he's going is down the street from them.

Her silver hair had picked up grease and dirt to the point it was basically gunmetal. The black hoodie she was wearing was sleeveless, and cut to expose her entire tattooed mid-riff to the underside of her red-sports covered breasts. Her cut-off jeans were almost reduced to a denim bikini over her fishnet shocks that entire her entire legs down to her beat-up doc martens. Max sniffled as she rubbed at nostrils to beat away a crust of dried blood. Warily, she glanced back down the alley, before picking out one of the nearby denizens, whispering to the man as if asking directions. Most of it was unheard save for a few select words, 'smack', 'barbs', and the like.

Grey T-shirt, Blues Jeans, scruffy black boots, slicked back hair...yeah, Ink isn't completely out of place down here. He's not quite scruffy enough for some of the locals but then the heavily tattooed arms and the rather long roll up he is smoking do help to add to the ensemble. It is a lovely day for a stroll and he does seem to be making the most of it but at the same time trying to not look like a witless tourist whilst in an area that even he would have to concede is a 'bit dodgy'.

The sun blazes overhead in the clear blue sky.

The blonde that had just handed over the bright as hell pink bag threw her head back and laughed brightly. The sound should have fit in, really, but it didn't. It was like throwing up a flare in the dark. Junkies and dealers, destitute, homeless, and just plain tired alike all seemed to notice it and turned their head in her direction.

If the attention phased her at all, it wasn't in a fashion that was noticeable. But the dealer she was talking to certainly stiffened up and stared at her. When she leaned a little closer, licked her lips, and kissed the man on the cheek, though, he immediately seemed to relax. Almost like she'd managed to find just the right off-switch for his self-preservation. His smile was almost dreamy when it came over his lips, and he just nodded to the woman.

His words were simple "Mahalo, Hailey. I'll get it done. Just... don't forget me this time, Ok? I'll work it til tomorrow morning if I have to." The keen edge of near begging wasn't hidden, and it put a slight whine in the blissfully smiling man's voice that didn't seem at all to fit the facade of 'tough dealer' he was carrying on. Hailey gave him a saucy wink and a nod. "You know I won't forget you, you're such a good boy. I'll be back this afternoon to have someone take over. You can get off your feet, a little rest at my place does wonders." With that, Hailey turned and started walking. It wasn't toward the more cheery side of town, either, she was heading toward the corner where even the sunshine wasn't penetrating the shadows, in a direct line toward an alleyway that still had lights on to illuminate it, as if the sun just never hit the automatic sensors to shut them down. At least not yet.

As Hailey walked away, the dreamy look on the dealer's face remained, and he watched her with the sort of longing a puppy would watch its owner as they got ready to leave for work for the day.

Among those who notice the laugh is Grayson, the tall man glancing over towards the blonde and the dealer. His head turns away again a few moments later, but there's something watchful about him, the man warier than he'd already been. And when 'Hailey' turns towards the darkest corner, his steps slow ever so slightly so that he'll still be able to see what happens when she gets there.

Max didn't move instantly as Halley left, offering a detached nod to the man she was speaking to. Sniffing audibly, she leaned into walk, and stumbled towards the dealer, unsteady on her feet. She stared at the man, reaching up past the broken zip of her mangled hoodie to reach into her sports bra. The tenner was just as dirty as her, but she tapped her index finger against her breast as some indication as a 'one of', and continued to wait, warily glancing towards movement at the corner of her eye.

Ink almost misses a step when he hears the laugh, a sound that just seems so foreign in this end of town. His attention drawn to the laugh and back to the pink bag toting woman, Ink can't but frown as he tries to figure out just what is going on. Hearing the conversation seems to placate him a little and he finds himself looking to the other denizens of the street to gauge their reactions. He spots Max then, his eyes already drawn to the dealer but he doesn't call out, that just isn't done. Instead, Ink finds a wall to lurk against while the obvious dealer is busy dealing with their current client, his need to ask for directions not quite so important right now.

Hailey sauntered with the ease and grace of someone moving their way through a well-known shopping mall. And she stood out, but she didn't bother to hide herself away, in fact fully seemed to be fine with people watching her move. She even gave waves, or blew the occasional kiss to people she passed, or those that passed into her view. As she made it to the alleyway, she continued down it, nodding to a tall, blunt looking man that was standing fairly ominously just beyond a shockingly bright pink dumpster. When she passed by, it was without incident, as she made her way to a large, absurdly sturdy looking door about halfway down the alley.

The dealer reached into the bright pink bag, moved some things around, flashing a folded up, black, hoodie that was used to 'hide' the contents within the bag. From under it he produced a thin, white, folded packet. He held out his hand for the money and took it, then handed her the packet, giving her a dazed, happy, smile. "Come back any time, kai pipi pua. I don't mind working trade instead of cash, if you're hard up, you feel me?" He even lifted his chin a little, and the sloppy smile on his lips made it all the filthier a suggestion.

Loa dropped Rocco.

Grayson gets to where he's going, the steps to a building. Having reached his destination he turns to put his back to the wall and watch a little more. Something has his intuition tingling, and at the moment he's not quite sure what. So he's just going to lurk quietly in the shade, watching and listening.

Rocco, the large man in the alleyway, watched as Hailey walked past, though it wasn't with the untended puppy expression, or even one of interest, it was watchful. Cautious. He glanced back at the mouth of the alley, scanning like some sort of sentry unit. Dressed in a Hawaiian shirt covered in bright red blooms, a set of chinos in pale asphalt gray, and a set of flip-flops, he shouldn't have looked so menacing. But the guy had a topknot and long black hair that obviously hadn't seen a shower in a good week or two, and much of his facial expression was hidden by mirrored, aviator shades. The only thing easily seen was the scowl on his broad mouth, set against his heavy, angular chin. None of that was even slightly lessened in severity by the breadth of his massive, muscular shoulders or the fact that his calves bulged with muscles.

Max took the packet, clasping it tightly. She managed a groaned reply to the dealer. "Maybe... You know a place to crash round here? I ain't staying at the shelter again... Fucking social workers..." The woman visibly trembled at the thought, her fist white knuckling around the packet, and she hummed a low note, swaying where she stood. She risked a glance where Hailey headed, "She got the time for someone willing to pull tricks?" Her words were drawn out as she rocked from the sound of the wind humming over the buildings.

Ink does his best to ignore the interaction between Max and the rather jaded looking dealing, professional courtesy and all that. As the time-displaced rocker mentions turning tricks, Ink finds himself turning his head to get another view of Hailey, or at least of her backside and finds himself wondering about Max's question. The arrival of Rocco is mostly ignored in that corner of the eye sort of way, the guy seemed like the type not to suffer random inquiries so Ink decided to leave him along. Quite forgetting where he was, Ink takes the rollup out of his mouth and takes a deep breath in through his nose. The reflex act is regretted an instant later as he starts to turn green, having to raise a hand to brace himself against the wall while he tries to decide if vomiting would help with the general odor.

When Hailey made it to the door she knocked twice, and a small, sliding, view door opened. A couple of moments later the slider closed and the heavy, metal, decidedly beige door opened for the lovely blonde. She walked in, leaving the dark, dimly lit alley, for a darker room beyond and just as she stepped through the door swung shut with a solid 'thunk' sound behind her.

The dealer Max was talking to gave her a slow, wavering smile as he looked her over, then nodded twice. Sliding his fingers over his lips, he glanced left, then right, then looked back down to Max with a leer. "I tell you what, give me a taste and let me ride those lips for a while, I'll set you up to go talk to her, wahi li'ili'i. And I'll even give you back that dime you passed my way for the kick start." He jerked his head back toward the alley, licking his lips as he did so. "Haven't had a little hot piece asking to trade in forever, be my best fucking deal of the month."

Grayson's arms - pale, despite the sheer amount of sunlight available here - fold across his chest as he leans against his bit of wall. He seems unmoved by the interaction between Max and the dealer; he can't hear much in the way of detail, this far away, but he doesn't need to to know what's going on. Ink gets a glance, the alleyway another, Max and the dealer another, but he's not really paying direct attention to much.

Rocco doesn't seem to be bothered by much. Of course, he's in a shady alley, acting kinda shady, wearing shades that would make a cop green with envy. Since Hailey has gone through the door, he's now back to just sweeping up and down the alley with his gaze. Like some sort of mutant garden gnome with a security camera installed.

Max's eyes rolled around in their sockets as she apparently couldn't quite coordinate the blinking of her eyes for a moment, as her clenched her midriff. She gave the man a slight nod of agreement as she slipped the packet into the top of her bra. "You find me a mattress and a shitter, and you can work more than my lips..." She bit her lip, but with her general state of pallid complexion and apparent stomach issues, she was more of a mess of a human being. The woman stepped closed to grab one of dealer's hands as she started unworking the top of his pants to get beyond. "Don't play with me..." Max pressed her whole body up to his.

Watching the state of Max, Ink does his best to mask his concern. He starts to sidle over as negotiations are made and takes a long drag on his rollup to try and help with the persona he is trying to put across. "Oi mate?" Ink asks, keeping his voice at a level that will at least carry to the drug dealer. "Do me a favor and give me a 'yelp' review for the blowjob. At those prices I'm tempted my self." This said, Ink backs up against a wall once more, leaving the two lovebirds too it, not quite knowing if having an audience if their 'thing' or not.

The dealer made a bit of a self-assured chuckle. "White girls always wanna be on their back. We'll get to that later, right now, I just need you on your knees." He tucked the bright pink bag under one arm, and used the other to wrap around Max to lead her toward Rocco's alley. There seemed to be no bother on the dealer's part to hide the erection that Max was unearthing from the top of his jeans. As Ink asked for a review, the dealer looked over at him and gave that sloppy smile. "I'll let you know, brah, just make sure you aren't slinging someone else's crap at her. I think I wanna keep this little wahine on our source." He gave a short lived cackle, followed by a impatient grunt as he and Max started moving again. Once at the mouth of the alley, he called out "Yo! Rocco, I got an audition. Gonna need you to step up front for a minute, yeah, brah?" He nodded to the large man in his Hawaiian shirt, and then continued to lead Max back into the alleyway, behind the pink dumpster. Once they were on the other side, those with exceptional hearing could likely identify the sound of a zipper, and those without it could still see the back of the dealer's head as he looked down and helped lead Max down to her knees, so she was no longer in view. Just a dealer hanging out behind a dumpster. Normal. Totally normal.

Grayson lurks, continuing to watch the area. One corner of his lips hitches upwards ever so slightly as the dealer is led away, and the other corner matches it at Ink's request. Particularly the 'yelp' review request. But mostly, he's just lurking.

Rocco looked at the Dealer for a long moment, his expression impassive. He moved closer to the Dealer and Max, looking at the tattoed woman for long enough to essentially assess her, and then he grabbed the bright pink bag from under the dealer's arm. Holding it like it didn't bother him to carry a bright pink ladie's bag, he walked out to where the Dealer had previously been standing and took up his post, looking like a far more distressing version of the original dealer. Still, if anyone came up to him with money, he committed the transaction without a moment's pause. He did not, however, offer trade.

Max didn't even give Rocco the slightest glance when the dealer called him. Max was all about the dealer apparently as she wrapped her thighs around his. The dealer's hand was forgotten as well, her hand wandering all around. She offered a hungered groan to the man, before sniffling. And the trousers, dropped around the man's ankles. There was a quick glance of anything would note in the alley, signs of cameras, windows or scaffolding as she dropped to her knees. There was a wet sound of a finger entering and exiting her mouth, before the woman went straight to working the back door as much as she was working the front with her hand.

Seeming content to wait for the up-cumming review, Ink does his best to make himself comfortable as he leans against the wall. Finishing his rollup, he drops it to the ground and stubs it out, then letting himself sink to the floor, his knee bowing out forward until he is sat on the heels of his boots. Letting his head rock back until it is resting against the wall, he closes his eyes and takes a breath, apparently dozing a little after his spliff.

The dealer's sound of surprise was quickly muffled by him making a particularly masculine sound of pleased assurance as he leaned back against the dumpster, which didn't move in the slightest. The fact that his eyes were closed and skyward definitely indicated he was enjoying himself. That review might be a good one.

Grayson's smile only grows a hair broader at the sounds. Still, he's not going anywhere - he's just part of the furniture. Honest.

Rocco continued to man his post out at the dealer's original location. He made a couple more transactions, trading money for small white packets, sometimes a handful of them, sometimes ones and twos. He ended each transaction with a small, almost polite nod, then just stood there waiting like an impassable pillar.

Max glanced at the alley once more, double-checking handholds, anything beyond a monolithic block of concrete and brick. Then the woman focused her due diligence on the one before her. Trading hand for mouth to free up a hand to mind the children. Into it or not, the woman added a humming to her bobbing throat as she continued to work the backdoor, anything to get to the finish.

Ink's nostrils flare for a moment and then his nose wrinkles, the tattooed Welshman having apparently picked up on something rather unpleasant. His eyes still mostly closed, he starts to going through his pockets, pulling out a packet of chewing gum which he starts to unwrap. He pulls out two silver encased pieces of gum, letting them rest in his hand while he continues to go through his breathing exercises.

Apparently the drugged out dealer was having a good time, because he made a rather loud noise, and slumped. No warning to the woman that was earning her dime packet of whatever terrible drug she'd purchased. Nah, she was there, she should have been expecting whatever she got. He looked down at Max, a little dazed, and gave her a drooly sort of smile as he wiped across his lips with the back of his hand. "Damn, wahine." He then fished out her filthy, folded up, 10 dollar bill and dropped it down to her, letting it fall to the ground for all he cared. "Get yourself cleaned up, and I'll get you in with Hailey. You got any listerine or something?" He unceremoniously did up his pants, sorting himself out.

"Sounds as though it was more of a 'moan' review than a 'yelp'," murmurs Grayson, leaning away from his wall to stand straight again, with a hint of a smile. Hanging his hands from his trouser pockets by the thumbs, he looks towards the alley again, his curiosity evident.

Max took her licks and kept on ticking. She hummed a response, slipping off her and pawing at the ground for a moment, having to make two attempts for the 10 dollar bill on the ground. "Lister?" The woman droned in response as she attempted to form words. She got up slowly, stumbling back to the opposite side of the alley in front view of Ink (and Grayson). The woman made a wide yawn, stretching her arms as she nodded to the dealer in reply. Her fingers shook and pointed, then run her fingers through her greasy grayed hair to pretend at looking presentable. Then she waddled to the door of the building, adjusting her shorts along the way as she picked at her canines with her fingernails.

Ink gives out a jaw cracking yawn as he gets to his feet, watching Max and the dealer finishing their business and then heading in the direction of the alley. "Thank fuck for that, I'm busting for a piss." Walking along at a lazy pace, he holds out a hand with one of the silver strands of gum extended, winking to the dealer and then grinning to Max as they get close. "Gum?" He asks, extending his hand as they pass each other and then ducking into the alleyway himself, the sounds of a zipper opening and then the seal is broken as Ink goes about emptying his bladder.

The dealer makes his newly loose and free walk with Max, though he looks at Ink and sizes him up for a moment, peering at the guy curiously. "You really wanted a review man? 10/10, will give more free tastes. Now, if you wanna try it out, I've got some dimes I can sell you, she obviously does it for a dime." He adjusted his pants and smirked a bit as Ink handed Max a stick of gum, then walked up to the door and knocked on it twice. When the slider opened he leaned in a little and spoke "I've got a girl for Hailey, she wants to turn tricks. Decent mouth, and she's definitely strung out." He nodded at the guy behind the door and the slider shut. When he turned back to look at Max he grinned. "We'll know in a minute if Hailey's looking for more pussy for the street. Just sit tight." The dealer glanced over at Ink, not bothering to be subversive about it, but just making sure the inked guy was taking a piss, then he looked around the alley, doing a rather less than stellar version of the 'Rocco sweep' of the place.

A couple of moments went by, and the large, metal door opened. Behind that door stood a heavy set man that was somewhat pale, and looked like he'd not been out in the sun for a while. He'd started white, and was decidedly going for translucent at this point. "Come on, girl. This way." The man looked over at the dealer. "Get back to your fucking job, pissant." And he made a shoo-shoo motion to the dealer.

The dealer just nodded and backed away, notably checking out Max's ass as he did so. "Tomorrow, wahi li'ili'i. Gonna take you up on that mattress ride." He shook his head, muttered the word 'shiiiiiit' under his breath, then turned and started walking toward the mouth of the alley.

The show over, Grayson ducks into a doorway and doesn't reappear.

Rocco maintains his position at the dealing point, waiting to be relieved.

Max blinked her watery eyes as Ink passed her, the woman sniffling and rubbing her on tattered shoulder of her hoodie as she took the gum to pop into her mouth. The woman nodded to the dealer and waited, slowly chewing her gum. When the door open, and the huge man beckoned, she nodded again, attempting to adjust her walk, rubbing her hands together as she headed inside the building. Max pinching her cheeks to get some color back into them, allowing her travels to be guided as need be.

At least remembering to 'reel in the beast', Ink zips himself up and then looks up at the drainpipe and the loose window grill. Taking a breath through his mouth to fortify himself, he starts to shimmy up the drain pipe, using a simple hand over hand climbing technique and making the distance easily. He slows somewhat when he reaches the top, letting out a muted curse when he notices just how small the window grill is. Hanging there for a moment, he tries to consider his options while trying not to think about how well he doesn't blend in against the side of the building.

Once Max enters through the door, along with any breeze that might follow her, the door is closed solidly behind her. It's dark in the building, at least in the entry room. Very dark. So dark that there is almost nothing but velvety blackness. And then, a little light seems to filter in from overheads that have been to a dull, barely there, egg-shell white color. There are a couple of people laying on what look like blow-up pool mattresses, sleeping, curled up on their side or just flopped out on their stomachs, in full states of dress in the first room. The large man that had opened the door for Max led her deeper, though, further into the building through a doorway that led to a much larger, very open area.

In this room, things are more well lit, though not by a ton. A vague sense of indirect lighting and some random lamps that are lit by dull bulbs. There are people pretty much everywhere. And not all of them are sleeping. Silhouetted by a naked bulb toward the back of the room are two people obviously having sex, though there seem to be others doing the same. The noises are somewhat hushed, but it's not just the people fornicating making the noises. Some people sound rather pleased and are simply laying on another blow-up mattress, splayed across a couch, or slumped in a corner filled with lots of weird, mismatched pillows.

The evidence of drugs is spread around like people didn't care what was noticed. Arms tied with lengths of stretchy tubing and needles puncturing them, glass tubes with stains from the frequency of use. Silver packets with burn marks from where various substances had been free based. The place smelled like sex, saliva, sweat, and bodies. Not dead bodies, but living, breathing, functioning bodies. In the back of the room there are two doors marked with purple neon signs, one with a woman on it, one with a man, suggesting there were toilet facilities separate from the den of iniquity.

As the newcomers came in through the door, no one stopped what they were doing save for the tall blonde woman, Hailey. At first, she was standing near the back of the room, kissing the neck of a man who was nude and busily screwing another woman, whom was folded over a couch. The sounds created by the man slamming against his chosen 'receptical' seemed to almost be setting the pace for every other couple that was currently making use of their genitals.

Hailey licked the man's neck, wiped at the corner of her mouth with the edge of her thumb, then walked over toward Max with a saucy grin on her lips, her hips swaying. "I hear you're looking for a pimp?" Her tongue was a decidedly dark shade of red, like she'd just licked a cherry clean free of its hue.

The breeze that came in with Max seems to have stopped with the closing of the door. Nothing gets knocked over, or even rustled, by the now-lack-of-wind.

Outside, Rocco stands his selling post as the dealer comes up to him, reaching out to pat the large, dangerous looking man on the arm. "Man, you should loosen up a little bit, Rocks. You could get some of what I just got, and be all relaxed and shit. Here, gimme the bag, you go chill out and enjoy your nice, shady alley." The dealer definitely seemed to be in a good mood. Rocco just looked down at the man with a slight frown, handing over the bright pink bag without a word. He turned, and started walking toward the corner... and the alleyway. It wouldn't be long before he was able to see clearly down the whole thing, and anyone that couldn't blend into it.

Max didn't bat an eye at the happenings in the room, she was entirely too familiar with the goings on of the place, or was more than a little out of her own mind. She focused on Hailey, giving the woman a nod in response, even even swallowing the gum that she had been working between her teeth. "I'm looking for a place to stay where the social workers aren't judging me... If it's here or the corners, I'll pull down tricks." Max sniffed again, and rubbed at her raw nostril, and visibly trying to correct her posture to questionable effect. "Even better if the pigs don't come around here." The idea of police added a touch of venom to her hollowed voice.

"Okay boyo, this isn't the oddest thing you've done this week..." Ink mutters under his breath as he carefully shifts his weight on the drain pipe, leaning across for the window with the broken mesh and then grabbing hold of the sill with once of his hands. Keeping one of his feet still on one of the drain pipe's clips, he reaches across with his other hand and then swings free, dangling above the alleyway for a moment before he heaves himself up to the window.

It becomes quickly evident that this is going to be a tight squeeze and Ink has to go in at an angle, squeezing in one shoulder at a time and then wriggling like a dog worrying a bone until his torso is through the gap. After he has gotten his chest though, the rest of his progress is noticeably quicker, his legs vanishing from view in a flash, followed by a muffled thud from inside as Ink's eagerness to get in loses its battle with gravity.

Loa dropped Vivica.

As Ink came down onto the floor, it was with a splash. Mainly because he'd landed into the men's bathroom. Luckily for him, he didn't hit a toilet, or land into anything particularly gruesome. He did, however, land in a shower stall that had the water running, leaving him soaked from the spray. It was luke-warm water, so not a horrid shock. In the shower stall with him is another man, sitting in the corner, staring at Ink like he wasn't sure if he was actually seeing the tattooed man suddenly appearing. The nude young man opened and shut his mouth multiple times, rubbed his face, his eyes, then reached out to try to touch Ink. He must have been under the water for a while, because his fingers are very, very pruny.

The bathroom that Ink is in actually has quite a lot going on. Multiple shower stalls, multiple urinals along the wall, multiple sinks, and 4 closed off toilet stalls. There are no shower curtains on the shower stalls, and the only other person in the room besides Ink and his shower mate is a young man sleeping on the floor of one of the toilet stalls, with the door shut and locked while he snores near the base of the porcelain throne.

Out in the main room Hailey chuckled softly and shook her head. "Oh honey, the cops don't come anywhere near this place. They know how to keep the rest of the city happy." The tall blonde woman reached forward to push at Max's hair, shoving it out of the way of her face as she leaned closer and peered at her. "You've got a hot look. What do you put in your veins?" She eyed Max's arms. "Or are you a smoker? You've got decent teeth for someone that freebases." Hailey looked at Max's mouth. Then she stepped up closer, putting her hands on Max's shoulders so she could turn her around, and eye her critically from top to bottom. "You don't freak out when it comes to anal, right? You're good with all the freaky shit as long as you have a nice place to stay and get your drugs?" Hailey was obviously sizing Max up, and even went so far as to spin her back around, and lift up her shirt and sports bra without asking, checking out the woman's breasts. "You might want to remove some of these piercings, johns can be rough and rip them out, and you might get an infection."

As Hailey went through checking Max over, another woman entered the room via a doorway that led even deeper into the dark building. She was undeniably good looking, with dark hair and a gorgeously precisely bowed mouth. Her legs were carrying her toward Max and Hailey, and she too seemed to be checking Max over as Hailey catalogued Max's pros and cons.

The lack-of-breeze remains unwinded. All's quiet, and nothing's here. Honest.

Max widened her stance to maintain her from swaying too much, but was puppetted without resistance. "Smack mostly... Or oxy... Fucking wax." Idly, Max rubbed at the red welts on her forearm, more visible on the areas absent of ink. "Anal... Oval. Vag. I ran out of the pill, so there's that." Blinking an eye, she managed a wavering nod. Her jaw cracked as she attempted to stifle a yawn coming on. "Sometimes they like good teeth..." She managed to shrug a shoulder as she continued in her drawn matter. "Guys... Chicks, so long as I get mine." She kept an eye closed to focus with the other. "I get the pierces have to go. Sold the one downstairs."

"Hey man, it's all good, it's all good!" Ink says in a cooing voice, reaching out gently to let the sodden man touch him before backing out slowly from the shower. Taking note of those in the room and the state of his clothes, Ink quickly gets undressed only lingering for a minute as he tries to work out what to do with his meager belongings. Deciding that there is nothing too incriminating, he leaves his gear in a corner and then does a quick search of the room, finding a pair of slightly too big flip-flops and a stack of towels. Hoping the towels are at least semi-clean, he wraps one round his waist and then after putting on the flip-flops, he heads for the door, raking a hand through his wet hair and doing his best to look stoned.

The darker haired woman came up next to Hailey and grinned at Max, giving her a once over. "Oooh, cute. Did you get this one in here for me? You know I love the walking artwork." Her voice was a cooing purr and there was something vaguely leonine about it, like there was a roar waiting just under the surface. Or something waiting to pounce and bite your face off. Reaching out, she quite literally tugged on the piercing through Max's nipple and grinned wider. "Tell you what sweety. Go lay over there. I'll give you a quick test run." She looked at Hailey then and winked. "I got this, you go finish up what you were doing. I think you're going to have to find another champion, though." She nodded toward the back of the room where the man had obviously finished screwing the woman on the couch. The two were now slumped, nude, and in repose, looking like they were falling asleep in a haphazard spill of limbs and torsos.

Hailey left Max's shirt up and just nodded, then swatted the woman solidly on the ass, to get her moving toward the couch that Vivica, the darker haired woman, had motioned to. "Go on, kid. Viv will check you over and make sure everything's working. Then we'll set you up with somewhere to rest for a while. We even have showers." Hailey's eyes tracked through the room and she let out a sigh of disappointment as she noted that Vivica was right, and her previous 'stud' was no longer in full swing. Most of the sexual activity in the room had died down a bit while she'd been busy examining Max. As Ink walked out of the shower, naturally, Hailey's eyes were caught by the man's tattoos and the fact that he was freshly cleaned. She grinned, and started walking his direction with a slow roll of her hips and a glimmer in her eye. "Hey there, you look like you're ready to get started. Which poison was it for you, big guy?"

There's the subtle feeling of being watched. Then again, in here, it's pretty much a given, and nothing to do with that errant breeze earlier.

Shadows lengthen and the light turns golden as the sun sinks toward the west through a clear sky.

Max let out a soft sound as a piercing was tugged, and stumbled forward as her ass was swatted, and stumbled her way over to the couch. A ghost of a smile appeared for a split second as she walked over to the couch. Her attention was drawn up to Ink... Her eyes narrowing slightly. There was a long pause as she started undoing the button and zipper on her jeans. Her mouth made a couple of false starts before the words follow their way out, "Don't I..." The words oozed out as she took a breath, shifting her hips to slip her way out of her jeans.

"I'm a huge fan of Oxy." Ink grins as he says this, giving Hailey an appraising gaze and apparently liking what he sees. Now he's in the room, it's quite obvious what is going on and Ink quickly decides that there's no point in being shy... not that he ever was anyway. Reaching for the towel at his waist, he quickly undoes the tuck and then casually slings the towel over his shoulder, giving Hailey a view of genitalia that has been described as 'both terrifying and breath-taking' by reviewers.

Rolling his shoulders, Ink slinks along toward Hailey, padding softly and making full use of what light there is as it dances over his still moist skin, only accentuating his rippling form. Getting to her side, he turns and offers her an arm and showing her a winning smile. "Shall we?"

The evening stars come out as the red-orange sun sinks below the horizon.

Vivica followed after Max, waiting while the other woman shifted her way out of her clothing. She watched, grinning. "Was it heroine, baby? I'll get you fixed up." Viv went over to one of the plethora of little tables along the side of the room, heaven knew they were everywhere, and grabbed a fresh, wrapped syringe along with a spoon, a lighter (which she struck to make sure it worked) and a springy length of tube. She sauntered back over toward Max and gave a broad smile while holding up what she found, following it up with a little giggle. "Look at what I have for you, sweet girl. It's going to be suuuuuuch a good sleep tonight for you." Once Max was on the couch, Vivica moved to sit next to her, then started prepping the spoon with the heroine, spitting into it, then dropping in the brownish tar lump, before she started to cook it. "Where do you want it?" She eyed the woman and all of her tattoos, ostensibly checking her veins to see which ones were used the most often.

Hailey gave a broad, rather pleased smile to Ink and cocked her head to the side, examining him from top to bottom, and then back up. "I think I can handle that. How many, and do you have a straw of your own hidden somewhere or do you want to borrow mine?" She chuckled softly and moved over to the man that was standing at the door. "Give me four oxy, will you?" At which point the man produced two small, clear bags, each with two pills. She pulled a little glass tube from between her breasts and winked to Ink on her way toward him, before she reached out and quite literally grabbed him by the cock with her free hand. "Follow me." Which she urged quite properly as she led him toward a sturdy looking folded up mattress of sorts toward the edge of the room, one that was propped against the wall to make a cushy seat that could essentially be flopped on. Naturally, there was a table near it.

Was that perfectly ordinary bit of empty space moving for a better look? No. That'd be silly. Still, there's definitely that feeling of being watched.

Max actually licked her lips as her mouth went dry at the sight of the venom, a shiver running through frame as she slipped out of her panties, and fishnets. With a groan, she stepped out of her boots as well. Stark naked, she leaned on the couch to control to shake in her limbs. When Vivica started to eye for a spot, Max gave a slow shake of her head, "You said you like the ink... I don't want to deface the paintings with my choices... You should pick." Lifting a foot to place the ball of foot on the couch, then she let her eyes close, trying to control her breathing from becoming an outright pant.

The stars glitter like diamonds in the deep sapphire blue of the night sky.

Ink has no choice but to follow, not that being lead by the cock is uncomfortable but it will get so soon if he doesn't start moving. "I think your straw will be better then any I had hidden." Offering Hailey a wry smile, Ink settles on the sofa, letting out a grateful sigh once he is settled. Completely calm and unbothered by his nakedness, he offers Hailey a hand and gestures to the space next to him on the impromptu sofa.

Vivica grinned like some sort of very dangerous beast with its prey in sight, examining Max thoroughly from head to toe. "Lay down, I know a wonderful place." She nodded to the couch, fully expecting Max to comply. Then she went about finishing up the hit for her. It was a simple method, in goes the little, rolled tight ball of cotton, then she opened the fresh syringe and filled it with the amber liquid that had more than one addict panting in the room, just from the watching. "I think you'll like this, I promise, I'm very, very good." She looked up at Max from where she was sitting on the couch, and then nodded to her legs. "Once you lay down, spread your legs open for me, one on the couch, let the other foot be on the floor."

Hailey grinned and shook her head, giving Ink a little wink. "Just a moment, lover. I need to get you set up." She did a little shimmy, moving between him and the small table, then bent over to give him a lovely view from the back as she poured out the four Oxy onto the table and proceeded to crush them with a nearby ashtray into a fine powder. Once that was done, she used the tube to roll the powder out flat, then broke it up into four lines that looked disturbingly equal. All the while, her booty was moving in Ink's face, clad only in a bright pink, satin thong that showed up quite well against her skin and the fringe of her short, jean skirt. "Here you go, sweetheart." Her tone was dripping with no small amount of honey and promise as Hailey stood up and turned to face Ink. Once she was facing him, she slid her hands up her thighs, to her hips, and tugged down her panties in one fell swoop. "Now, you just go ahead and shift around so you can get as much of that as you want, and I'll just... sit right here." At which point, Ink had a lap full of blonde.

That being-watched feeling only continues. For now, at least.

Max barely restrained a groan as she listened to Vivica, swallowing the knot in her throat. There was a point in there where lies were absolutely meaningless, and all that memories of poor and fantastic memories. The woman did exactly what she was told, laying back on the couch, making one leg onto the back of couch, and the other foot on the floor. Her expression twisted to one of distress, battling with the desires for a drug that only sleeps and never truly dies. Reaching back, she gripped the arm of the couch, trying to edge back her breathing from being hyperventilation. Blinking, her dilated eyes were on Vivica and the coiled up dragon in her hand.

Ink proves to be multi-talented and flexible, leaning forward with one hand to snort a line of Oxy while using the other to position himself under Hailey, gliding his hand along her thighs and then her backside, deftly lifting the back of her skirt and then opening his legs as he lifts his head back up with a loud sigh, his eyes blinking wide and his lips parting in a wide smile. "Oh yeah, now I'm in heaven." Setting down the tube for the moment, he wraps his other arm around Hailey to keep her steady, pulling her closer to his body and waggling his eyebrows as he looks her in the eyes. "I hope you're not planning on walking anywhere later." His grin grows wide enough to almost split his face as he dips his head forward and opens his mouth, running his tongue up along the side of Hailey's neck, his pupils starting to dilate as the Oxy hits his system.

The waxing gibbous moon rises into the sapphire blue of the night sky, dimming the light of the twinkling stars.

Vivica proceeded to tie the length of stretch tubing around the top of Max's thigh while she held the needle in her mouth, grinning around it down to Max. Once that was done, and fairly tightly, she moved the syringe to her hand and leaned closer to the woman who laid spread for her. "Now... I'll show you what I'm going to do with my mouth before I do it with the needle... just to give you a little taste." And that was really it, before Vivica moved her mouth to Max's thigh, just on the inside, opened her mouth, and began to kiss her. The shock of it might come from the fact that her mouth carried with it the touch that could induce certain ecstasies, just like that of Heroine itself. As she licked and kissed at Max's skin, Vivica allowed the sensation of that delightful, dreadfully addictive Kiss, to overtake Max's senses, until she finally bit into the woman's thigh and drank, her free hand pressing to Max's belly and moving up to cup a pierced breast. It certainly wouldn't look like Max was in anything but ecstasy... and wouldn't feel like it either. It took a little time before she stopped doing what looked like sensually kissing, rather deeply, along Max's inner thigh, and when she pulled back, there was a deep bruise, like she'd left one helluva hickey. Vivica groaned softly and licked her lips, which were momentarily a bright, candy red. Then she eyed Max, smiled, and proceeded to inject her with heroine directly into the throbbing vein along the inner thigh, just below the more vital artery. She undid the tube, letting the blood flow, and stood up looking pretty damn hale and hearty while she left Max to the throes of a heroine induced stupor.

With Ink, Hailey gave a bright, delighted sort of laugh as he taunted her. "Heaven, yes. But if you plan on making it so I can't walk anywhere later, you've got your work cut out for you. Best get started." She watched his face, then leaned her head back as he kissed at her neck, her eyes closing for a moment before she took a deep breath. "That's it..." When she had the opportunity, she nuzzled her way down his jaw, toward his neck, then whispered into his ear. "I'm just hoping neither of us can walk tomorrow." At which point she made herself good use of everything Ink had to offer. It wasn't until they were quite solidly connected, though, that she actually opened her mouth against his neck and licked at him with her dangerous saliva, giving him the touch that could, again, induce the ecstasy of heroine. Naturally, she made use of that bodily elation and took the time to enjoy him for a little bit, before she finally gave in and bit him, drinking, suckling... and making sure he'd be sapped of a bit of his energy at the very least for the next day. Seeing as she didn't always get people so healthy, she naturally stayed with Ink until he was no longer able to perform, but left him in a puddle of himself, naked, and looked pretty damn healthy as she pulled her own panties back on some time later.

Max continued to control her breath, as every syllable of Vivian caused muscles to quake and shiver through her body. And then that fucking Kiss came. In the maze of back allies and underground clubs, there was really no experience that could have prepared her mentally or physically for it, and Max's mouth open wide to take in a full breath, only to unleash a primal scream of pure unabased pleasure. Her eyes went wide as she shivered and shook. Her nails momentarily bit into the couch, and threads popped. When the venom settled into her muscles, she was almost liquid, as she trembled, and arms went limp. Her nipples peaked to a painful hardness, as she panted for breath, each successive one going more shallow. When the mouth left, she made a pained sound of heartbroken lose, and she forced her noodled arms to have her hand trace over her face, breaths, abdomen, and beyond while staring at Vivica. As she watched the syringe plunge, her breath fell completely shallow. Collecting what little awareness she had, rubbing two brain cells together to recognize a very real fear of her lungs failing in combination. With her strength and awareness fading, Max reached out to touch the air, fingers piercing the fabric of reality and peeling back the world to the Nevernever. Ectoplasm, trickled from the hole, the volume going as the pass widened. Max was capable of feinting surprise, but rather took the newly found liquid to add to her own at the apex of her thighs as a last hurrah as she swallow in a breath.

Vivica was enjoying the view, watching as Max certainly gave herself over to the last of the pleasure inducing things she planned to introduce to her, when she stopped and stared at the air above Max's head. As the tattooed woman opened the rift, tearing a path to the other side, Vivica stiffened. "Hail. HAIL." She hissed the words, and her eyes slid to pure black as she seemed to shiver. "Come here." She gazed down at Max, then looked back over at Hailey. Rather than waiting, she walked over to the other woman and jerked her away from Ink, while she was still pulling on her pink panties. "LOOK." And she showed the rift in the world to Hailey.

Hailey's eyes didn't go slickly to pure, shimmering black, but they did suddenly have a hungry set to them that had been momentarily sated when she'd devoured a bit of Ink. She eyed the rift, walking toward it, peering at it, then looked down at Max. "Yes. We'll have to bring her in. Make sure she doesn't get raped or die or anything. Put her in the rest area, and give her a blanket. For god's sake close this thing up, too, or someone's going to fall in." She leaned over Max, staring into her eyes. "Good girl. Go ahead and go to sleep now, precious. I'm sure you'll feel all better tomorrow." Reaching out to pet Max's hair softly to sooth her, hopefully into relaxing enough to let the rift go, Hailey continued to eye it, as if watching for anything that might come through. "That, my dear, will be very useful."

Oh yes. Definitely being watched now.

Blinking awake, it takes Ink quite some time to recognize where he is, a far from unusual state for the Welshman and he doesn't seem that surprised that he is naked either. He lets out a happy moan as he recalls some of the events of the previous evening and it takes him a couple of attempts to finally get to his feet. Incredibly grateful that his flip flops are still there, he slips his feet into them and does the walk of completely unashamed as he heads into the bathroom to first empty his bladder and then to put on his hopefully dry clothes.

Inks reason for following Max into this house is so completely lost on him that he doesn't give it much force as he carefully limps his way out of the club, feeling a sudden need for a smoothie and perhaps a long nap in his own bed.

Max tracked the warmth traveling through her, her eyes coming to a flutter when the dragon's venom took over, and Max let out a long breath with a oozing sound until she feel silent. Her expression slackened in pure dreamy bliss, and the pets just caused her eyes roll around behind she slitted eyelid. Her body lost all tension, following the sensation of melting into the couch without regret or regard.

And as Max faded into her drug daze, the oozing of ectoplasm slowed, and the rift slowly but surely began to retrend itself until it closed completely.

Hailey nodded her head thoughtfully, then motioned for Vivica to do what had been asked. Stepping away, she headed back further into the darkened rooms of the building, moving toward a section that way far away from the main area.

Vivica moved over to Max, lifting her up entirely too easily, after setting all of max's cloths on top of her abdomen for lack of a better way to transport them. Even the boots! Then, she carried Max into the next room and laid her down onto a sleeping platform, afterward moving her clothes to the floor next to her and then covering her with a blanket so she could rest peacefully through the rest of her high. She then moved away from the 'quiet' room, and was on her way toward the exit door that led to the alley.

And the lack-of-anything follows Hailey, to see what she's up to now.

Hailey moved to the apartment area at the back (front?) of the building. Waiting until she had closed the door behind her, she turned on a soft light that lit up the whole main room, then walked into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, she allowed the water to heat up while she slowly stripped out of her clothing but seemed decidedly preoccupied. She carefully set a few drug-related items onto the counter, including the thin glass tube she'd let Ink use to snort his Oxy, and then stepped into the shower to start washing the evidence of her earlier escapades down the drain.

Vivica, on the other hand, left the building.

Not touching anything, not moving anything, even not breathing too deeply on anything, the lack-of-anything explores the room(s) with great care, seeing what's to be seen and finding what's out to be found.

Sweet Oblivion! Open your arms!

Once Hailey was finished getting herself completely clean, she stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself up in a thick, terrycloth towel that definitely could have been considered a 'bath sheet'. Walking out into her living area, she took a seat, then leaned back and closed her eyes, holding a bottle of lotion she'd brought along with her. After a few moments of focused breathing, like she was perhaps meditating or just focusing for some reason, she started to apply the lotion. It wasn't moisturizer, or at least not JUST moisturizer. It was SPF 100 sunblock. And she literally covered her entire body in it, starting from her feet, then working her way up all the way to her face, ears, neck, even the edges of her hairline.

The nothingness doesn't watch. It simply lurks quietly, once it's ascertained the contents of the bottle, and waits.

After letting the disturbingly thick substance absorb into her skin, Hailey makes her way back to the bedroom, then pulls on a set of clothing that's a little less suggestive than what she'd work earlier. A simple pair of black yoga pants, a tank top with a built in bra, and a thin enough, breezy running jacket that matched the pants. She even pulled on socks and running shoes. Honestly, she looked like any other blonde that would be running along for her health on Oahu. After that was done, her hair went up into a ponytail, and the normal looking blonde left her apartment area in the dark building, heading for the metal door to the alley.

The nothingness is quite happy to leave the little apartment behind, but there is still work to be done. Time to get a better look at the whole building, and map it out properly.

Hailey didn't waste much time, and was soon gone through the doors, leaving the den of iniquity behind her.

Grayson's investigation of the rest of the building provides him the following information:

The bathrooms are fairly well equipped. both have 4 shower stalls, no curtains on them. both have 4 closed toilet stalls. Both have several sinks, and both have stacks of towels, not white, but they don't look filthy. The men's room also has multiple urinals along the wall. In the men's there is a naked young man in a shower with the water running tepid, all pruny, looking like he's seeing the world through entirely different eyes. There's also a young man passed out in one of the toilet stalls, breathing against the base of the toilet, but alive. The women's room is empty and all of the showers are off.

The very dark room that Vivica had come out of when she arrived to 'handle' Max was actually filled with nothing but sleeping platforms. There was no sexual activity, though there were a number of people that shared sleeping areas. They didn't all necessarily seem altered, maybe just exhausted. This is also the same room where there is some drug processing work obviously being done, by 4 people that are the only ones awake. There's a partition to where they are, so the light they're working in doesn't disturb those that are asleep while they sort out doses of different drugs that would inevitably be sold. The people counting out the drugs look tired. All also exhibit signs of having been bitten within the last week or so, at different stages of healing.

Just past that room is a smaller, quiet place that looks disturbingly like a private apartment. It's pitch black, no light from any windows. Of course, Grayson can see that the windows are simply completely painted in, but other than that it looks painfully.... normal. A bed, a couch, a television. Even a small kitchenette, though it seems to have not been used in the last century. The closet contains lots of attractive, women's clothing, that would fit the tall Blonde woman, Hailey. It's a little too tall in size to have fit Vivica. The room also smells decidedly more like the blonde than anyone. There are no pictures up on the wall, but a hairbrush holds blonde filaments on the counter in the bathroom.

Aside from the apartment, there is also the business front, which is actually well lit, but empty. They've made their place of business an empty, out of use, location for a company that has the words COMING SOON! in bright red letters written across the front windows. The lettering is fading and looks like it's been there quite some time.

When Grayson finally finds the stairs that lead up to the second floor of the 2 story building, the door that leads up there is completely locked, made of metal, and sealed tight. It also feels cold. Like the entry way to a meat storage locker.

After deciding he'd like to see the second floor, Grayson exits the main floor, and climbs to the roof via the attached fire ladder he finds at the end of the building. Once there, he shifts into his snake form to make it so he can use the smaller ventilation shafts leading from the second floor to the roof.

As Grayson gets his snaky self down into one of the smaller vents, he's able to move through the ventilation system. It leads him along the ceiling of the second floor, which is cold to the touch, just like the door had been at the staircase. When he manages to get to an exhaust vent, which is actually sending through warm air being cycled, he's able to see into the second floor. It's huge. The entire second floor of the building seems to have no walls, it's just a wide, open space. Of course, that wide open space isn't empty.

It's chilled, yes, kept cool. It's not really cold enough to be considered likely to keep food good, but it is light tight to the outside world and nicely mellow inside. Like somewhere you'd want to hibernate under a large number of blankets, with someone to snuggle. And that's just what it appears to be for.

In that room are a multitude of mattresses, all along the floor. On each of the mattresses there are people, sometimes a single person, sometimes two people snuggled up. Everyone appears to be asleep. There is no scent of death, and everyone's chest is rising and falling as they breath. But they're definitely being kept in 'cool' storage.

There's some long observation from the snake in the vent, and then it turns and departs. It's amazing just how much speed a small-yet-invisible snake can get up as it extracts itself from a confined space and coils down one side of a ladder. Scouting accomplished, without that even having been an idea this morning - now it's time to get the results to the people who matter.