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A Trio Less Godly

Hubris, the true Achilles Heel of the Gods

Dramatis Personae

Grace, Iara, Isaac, and Volya. Loa as GM.

14 May, 2009

A trio of Godlings cause a little stir on the beach


Windward Coast, Kailua Beach


Plot:Beyond Zebra

While the sun does go down particularly quickly over Oahu, the utter darkness that overtook the beach seemed almost unnatural, despite the fact that it was caused by the thick blanket of clouds in the night sky. As if to counteract this dark blotting of the moon and stars, a few less often used citronella lamps had been lit up along Kailua beach. They'd been placed by people that work likely in the local Kailua Town Shops, to help people find their way to the bodegas and stores if they happened to come out shopping in the all-night village.

Although she generally preferred the warmth and brilliance of the sun, Iara found herself wandering late at night along the beach, surrounded by darkness. Where had the time gone? As she walks along the beach side, she does peer over at the little lamps, feeling a bit peckish. Nothing like a comforting cup of cocoa to warm her spirits. She starts to head towards the lights of the town shops, pondering what to buy..

Isaac seems almost set to stay for the evening, having turned up later than usual to the beach with his usual supplies of deckchair, cooler and a backpack with the essentials. For this evening of relaxation he is wearing warm clothes, a dark nu-buk leather jacket, a round necked dark t-shirt and a pair of black combat style trousers to go with his military boots.

Whistling a cheery tune, Isaac starts to set out his pitch, taking his time and keeping an eye on folks as they come and go, offering a nod here and there in greeting if they come close enough. A familiar face in the distance causes him to pause for a moment, Isaac going as far as to raise a hand in greeting this time before continuing to struggle with his deck chair, the young man starting to wonder how it has ended up wrapped around one of his legs, his brows furrowing in confusion but otherwise gamely carrying on.

Coming from a nighttime class of some sort, Grace looked as though she'd had a long time of it. Still dressed in a pair of black yoga pants that fit her close enough to be more of a shadow of a second skin than anything and a matching, black sports bra with a racer back cut, her tanned, light caramel-toned, skin stood out slightly against the stark color. Her thick, long, almost black, hair had been pulled back into a ponytail and then wrapped into a bun, but there were a few scattered tendrils that had swept free during whatever workout she'd been involved in and were now sticking to the side of her neck, or along the side of her temple, where sweat still glistened on her skin. Padding barefoot across the sand away from Kailua Beach Town, she seemed to be headed toward the parking lot. Under her arm was a bright blue yoga mat rolled up, and over her left shoulder there lay a pale colored towel as if she might have actually been even sweatier than she currently was when she started her walk. As she spotted Isaac, Grace gave the man a nod and a small smile that curled the corners of her lips gently. "Aloha Isaac. Are you testing new things from your shop?" Curiosity had the asian woman's eyebrows up a bit even as her question made her decidedly European accent lilt a little harder to indicate the punctuation. Looking over at whom Isaac had waved to, Grace lifted a hand and gave a delicate wave over to Iara as well, but chose not to call out loudly across the beach and instead waited til the other woman was close enough to be comfortably heard before she offered a "Aloha Iara, nice to see you again."

Volya lifted her head, sticking her tongue out to attempt to catch a raindrop that didn't fall. Regardless, she stood there for several seconds. The pattern of yellow and pink flowers was mostly lost in the darkness, but the material bellowed happily when it caught the wind. Frolicking along the sand, she paused long enough to raise up on a toe to pirouette. The happy half-nymph continued on her way without a care. Pausing long enough to wiggle her fingers in greeting to Iara, "Aloha, Not-quite-vet." She took several steps, performing a grand jete across Isaac's field of vision, screaming, "Aloha!" on her way by.

The waves continued to crash into the shore with their usual rhythm while the tiki torches stayed lit against the darkness on the beach. As a couple of other people walked to the parking area looking like they might have been in the same exercise class with Grace, two of the furthest tiki torches blew out in a heavy gust of wind that carried some strong scents of seaweed and seasalt briefly through the air.

Iara seems quite comfy in a frilly pink summer dress and sandals, enjoying the occasional soft breeze on her skin as she strolls leisurely down the beach. She pauses every so often to glance at the stores' wares, eventually making it down to where Isaac is setting up and offers him a small, shy smile. She's seen him around before, but doesn't really 'know' know him. All the same, she watches him curiously as he seems to get entangled in a folding chair.

"Aloha..Do you need a hand?" she asks a bit shyly, before spying a familiar form of Grace which warrants a slightly wider smile from the girl, nodding to her. "Aloha, Grace, how have you been? Um. I'm so sorry I didn't get to go to as many classes of yours this semester as I had hoped..I guess I got bogged down with final exams.."

Finally, she spots a dancing Volya in another cheerful dress and she cant help but giggle a bit at the woman's cheerful steps and colors. "Aloha!" she greets to her cheerfully, enjoying watching her artistic movements.

"Aloha Grace. I'm only testing a few things this evening, a tactical beer cosy, a tactical spork, possibly some throwing knives if the mossies get too close and whatever I might have left in my bug-out bag." He smiles warmly as she approaches, lifting his head and offering a wave as he spots Volya dancing by. "Aloha Vee! Very nice moves!" With a cry of triumph, he finally gets his deck chair settled, letting it rest and then poking it a few times to make sure it's not just faking it before attacking. Having decided that a break is needed after all that hard work, he unlocks his cooler and pulls out a chilled glass of milk which he sets on the ground and then an even cooler beer which he handles almost reverently before opening. Reaching into his backpack, he takes out a bag covered tiki-torch and an extendable rod which he unravels before stabbing it into the sand, uncovering and then lighting the torch with a jet-lighter which he extracts from one of the pouches on his belt. The torch lit, he looks over to Iara, the light from the torch reflecting off the glittering letters on his shirt, the words spelling out 'stop undressing me with your eyes'. "Thank you kindly for the offer but I think I've got it now. I'm just giving it a few moments to cool off before I try sitting in it. I'm Isaac by the way, I've seen you around but I don't think we've ever talked." He offers Iara a winning smile before cracking open his can of beer and taking a quick swallow. "Heavenly."

Grace's head turned to watch Volya as she quite literally danced across her line of vision. The corner of her mouth tugged into an expression that more thoroughly conveyed a smile, even if she wasn't full on grinning, and her eyes widened slightly in surprise. "Aloha to you as well, beach spirit." Grace nodded her head to the hippy girl giving praise to the night sky and all things sandy before she turned her attention back to Iara and shook her head ever so slightly. "No need to be sorry, Iara. Life has a way of changing our plans for us at its own whim, I've found. I just hope you had a successful term in school. Hopefully some of the contacts I gave you for martial arts instructors will work out and you will have a nice, busy summer." Isaac's gear got a once over with a critical, seemingly black set of eyes as Grace perused it, then turned her deep gaze to Isaac. "Are you camping out for the night next to the ocean? Or just wanting a protection in case it starts to pour rain from all of these clouds while you're enjoying your beer and... feeding the gnats?"

The tide is low and ebbing.

Volya paused, still raised up on her toes. Her nose wrinkled as she sniffed at the scents of salt and seaweed, a shiver running through her. "How she doesn't bury me sometimes..." Her vapid expression was gone a moment longer, her cheerful smile returning as he spun in place to back in the direction of the others. Staring at Iara several seconds, Vee nodded to herself. "I saw you mostly with Doc Keawe, not I usually playing with the bees at the time. I suspect no one trusts the woman trying to get the girls to form a beard of pollinators." Vee's hand waved randomly in the air, a giggle escaping her. "Isaac... Do you appreciate Russian ballet or French?" Yet another giggle escaped her, and she gave a rapid shake of head, having to pull the wild tendrils from her face to tuck behind her ears. "No beach spirit... More forest spirit with a love of the ocean, mostly because it produces the sexiest of goddesses."

While there are certainly a large number of tiki torches lit along the beach, and along the way to the parking area, as a few more of them closer to the surf go out, it's a little more noticeable, mainly because about 10 of them went out at once instead of just a couple. The scent of seaweed becomes much stronger in the air, as if someone were unrolling lengths of it and drying it on the sand next to the surf.

Iara blinks a couple times as she makes out the writing on Isaac's shirt and blushes a bit, looking away self consciously. "Um..Nice to meet you, Isaac, I'm Iara." she notices the tiki torch, her gaze always drawn towards bright lights, almost hypnotized by its brilliance for a moment or two. "Oh, are you selling stuff out here, too?" although after a second glance, it seems he's just taking a break. "Oh.." she smiles a bit and shrugs, "Yes, it's looking to be a nice, relaxing night." although that last gust of wind was pretty strong, strong enough to flutter her dress a bit, and she self-consciously reaches down to make sure the flippy dress doesnt show too much, even if it's only barely above knee-length.

Iara nods to Grace, "Yes, I finally finished all my exams. I'm now an official Veterinary Technician. Now I just need to find a permanent job, but I got some good references from some of the places I interned at. I may see if I can get a permanent job at the farm perhaps, although there are some other interesting places too. Did you just come back from a workout? How did it go?" when she mentions rain, Iara glances upwards at the dark clouds, hugging her arms a bit. It's not like Hawaiian showers are particularly cold, but she's not a big fan of getting wet. "I should have brought an umbrella.." she mumbles.

Looking back to Volya, she nods in recognition, although she's probably seen her elsewhere too. "Oh, yes, I think I've seen you once or twice..You're really talented with the bees." she smiles, "Nice to officially meet you, Volya, you're a really talented dancer too.." Iara pauses as she glances around, wrinkling her nose a bit at the distinct scent of seaweed. Not the most pleasant of smells..

"I'm rather hoping it won't rain for a while yet but I'm typically a terrible judge." Isaac says to Grace, his eyes glancing up for a moment towards the clouds. "If all else fails I can find some cover and continue my evening of relaxation. I had this evening penciled in for a night at the beach and it's darn inconsiderate of the weather not to cooperate so I'll just have to make do." Isaac grins and winks to Grace. "I'll be able to cope with a little drizzle, it can be quite refreshing really." Grinning, he looks over to Volya, taking a moment and a sip of his beer before he answers. "I'd have to go with French Ballet. Russian Ballet has the precision but the French have the passion and it really shows." Letting out a laugh, he nods to Volya. "I've yet to see one though but I hope and dream." Taking another sip from his beer, he takes a quick step to the right and then frowns. "Is there fog due in tonight?" Shrugging his shoulders, he takes another sip from his beer. "Meh, I'm probably seeing things." Squinting, he rubs at his eyes. "Yeah, there goes my night vision." Cheering up some, he looks around to the others. "While I have the Cooler of plenty open, would anyone like a drink? I have water as well as beer."

Grace inclined her head to Volya and partially bowed. "I imagine that if it's a sexy goddess you're looking for, the ocean would certainly produce it's fair share of them. You really are a lovely dancer, and you must be very talented if you've mastered two of the more difficult styles of ballet enough to make offerings of each. That's very commendable." Grace's tone was friendly, and her lips were set into a kind smile that matched the expression of her eyes. When she turned her attention back to Iara, Grace nodded in affirmation. "I decided to do some yoga tonight and there was a 2 hour masters course in Kailua Town, so I joined in. It was quite a workout, and I feel like I've lost my body weight in sweat." She shrugged slightly. "Still, it was good, and I got what I expected from it in addition to feeling as though I can officially pour myself into a bucket with as lenghtened as my muscles feel." Grace's eyes flashed up to the clouds overhead again, and she peered at them. "It might not happen any time soon, they just look heavy, but not like they're going to spill. Maybe they'll clear out with the breeze before we get any of the rain from them. I don't think we're in for fog, though." Her attention slipped from the sky and back to Isaac as he offered drinks, and she read his shirt for a moment before her lips twitched slightly, and she looked like she was about to laugh. When she met his eyes, Grace's were almost glittering with humor. "A bottle of water would be welcome indeed, Isaac, if you'd be so kind."

Volya shook her head and grinned widely. "You don't want an umbrella. The wind enjoy them too much, and like to try and carry them away." She pointedly cleared her throat, her voice deepening for a moment, "Talent is wasted on those who do not work hard, and do something with it." A laugh bubbled out of her, "My instructors would tell me I have wasted it." She winked, "And congratulations on Veterinary Technician." She stuck her tongue out at Isaac, "French have passion? Russian Ballet is all about going big and flare! French is more twinkle toes." She jumped in place, futtering her feet in the air before landing. Her giggle was like bells as she nibbled on her bottom lip. "It's kind of you to stay, but I've look given up the chance of mastery of either. At this point, it's just fun for me." Reaching down to pin her dress to the back of her legs, Volya unceremoniously plopped down in the sand. "While I'm sure the ocean has more to offer. I have no doubt I found my goddess."

As Volya moved to take her seat onto the sand, a huge gust of hot, salty, wind that smelled alarmingly strongly of seaweed rushed over the beach and blew out every last tiki torch, including the one Isaac had lit. The tent he'd put up rustled mightily as one of the pegs came loose and it started to look more like a sail than a stationary object ought to. A moment later, the wind died, leaving nothing but the strong smell of salt and decaying seaweed in the still air.

And the darkness was now rather complete.

Iara nods and sighs. "Hmm, I should try yoga sometime..After all those exams and studying and cram sessions, my muscles feel so tense. Yoga looks so relaxing. I'm sure it would do me some good too. I guess I have some free time, now that I'm done my studies though.." she smiles softly at the thought, interlocking her hands and stretching her arms behind her as she tries to loosen some muscles.

"Oh, I'm pretty thirsty myself. May I have a bottle of water? I'd really appreciate that." she looks towards Isaac, following his gaze out towards the 10 or so tiki torches that suddenly blow out. Wow, that's a pretty strong gust of wind..Or is it something else?

She pauses, closing her eyes against the wind and darkness, openning her hears to take in the various sounds, frowning a abit. "...Huh." for a moment or two, Iara seems distracted, just staring down the beach thoughtfully.

Seeming to growl at the wind, Isaac looks over to his belongings as they shift with the wind and then his torch as it goes out. "Oi! I just got that lit." Shaking his head, he heads over to his cooler and reaches in for a couple of bottle of water, his nostrils flaring as the strong smell of seaweed hit him. Doing his best to hide a frown, he hands a bottle over to Grace and then the other to Iara. "You know, I might have spoken too soon." Glancing over to Volya, Isaac raises and eyebrow quizzically before heading over to his deckchair, deciding that sitting in it is the best way to stop it running away. Taking a sip from his beer once he is seated, Isaac lets his other hand rest at his belt, the fingers of his hand drumming against the material while he looks out over the ocean.

Grace's lips seemed to quirk into a slightly more obvious grin as Volya explains about herself. "None the less, that you have both as something you can do for fun? That's excellent. Not to mention beautiful. And your goddess is lucky to have someone so talented." Her genuine approval seemed to radiate from her, even as she reached over and kind of moved her hand around to find the water bottle that was now handed over to her in the darkness. Luckily, it didn't seem like Grace was having too much trouble seeing. "Thank you, Isaac, for the water." Her gratitude seemed a little like she wasn't focused on it, and likewise, when she responded to Iara, she seemed a little preoccupied. "You'd be surprised, Iara, with how much of a workout Yoga is, though it just leaves me feeling loosened up rather than sore like I do after a long day of classes, so it's very much a nice departure. I am less demanding in terms of wanting massages from my significant other this way." Her head turned and she seemed to be scanning the beach. "There are three people coming up this way, though they don't seem to be having any trouble with the darkness. It seems like everyone else has gone back inside or driven off to get out of the night." Curiosity colored Grace's words, though knowing her facial expression was almost impossible without any light to illuminate it for viewing.

Volya shook her head, "You're never truly finished studying. I studied apiology, and there are always new articles to read. Plus there's all sorts of home beekeepers that figure something about their particular environment. Then there's always new pesticides and other chemicals that have unforeseen consequences for honey bees..." Her expression drifted to be more line with a hundred yard stare. "It never ends." Volya sat motionless for several seconds before blinking. Her nose wrinkled again, "The seaweed is much less 'Come here, my little spermies' and more... Well... Dead seaweed doesn't speak at all." Grabbing a couple handful of sands, Volya rolled back up to her feet. "It feels like I should make a disclaimer. So like... For everyone that doesn't believe in magic, goddess, or the less than normal things, it may be a good idea to exit the immediate area. And that way if I end up throwing fire and turning green, no one will feel the need to be itchy."

As the wind seemed to die down entirely, the scent of seaweed clung to the air, and as it did so, the air seemed to thicken slightly. Almost with a humidity, but it was salty humidty, that would definitely cause anything with a normally functioning lung system to get thirsty as their tongue and interior of their mouth and nose went decidedly dry, despite the thickness of the air flowing through them.

Iara glances at Grace, only nodding a bit slowly, distractedly. "Hmm, you noticed them too, huh? They seem to be..Singing, chanting something, although I cant quite figure out what it is." she frowns, "I don't like it though." she nods to Volya's warning, but clenches her fists, determined to stay put. "If there's trouble brewing, I'll help.." Iara wrinkles her nose, taking a cautious step towards the group of three and nearly chokes. "Phew, something dead, decaying..Ugh, is there a corpse or something..Else..?" she'd rather not let her imagination go too wild though. Maybe it's just dead seaweed and nothing more than that. One can only hope..

"Sorry, did you say singing and chanting?" Isaac eyes Iara with a certain amount of alarm before turning to squint into the darkness. "You can see in this?" Isaac says a moment later, turning to regard Grace for a moment before looking back into the darkness. "Of course, if you handed stared at the damn tiki torches you could probably see to you big ijit." Volya's warning causes him to blink and look back at her. "Green and itchy? Oh dear." His shoulders slumping, Isaac shrugs out of his jacket which he leaves on the chair as he gets up, draining the last of his beer and taking another sniff at the air. Smacking his lips, he takes another sip from his beer. "Anyone else suddenly thirsty? OH! We dealing with those who died at thirst while on the sea? Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink and all that?" Rolling his shoulders, Isaac lets his hands drop to his sides, the young man flexing the fingers on each hand as he continues to watch.

Grace lifted her water and opened it quickly, taking precise mouthfuls of it and swishing it around to try to dampen her inner cheeks and gums before she swallowed. She cleared her throat softly as if trying to make sure it was wet enough to speak and then said to Volya, "I certainly don't find things like people becoming green and throwing fire to be a problem, as long as you don't start throwing fire at me. I'd much prefer to all agree we're on the same side before we start into anything that might define what the other side is..." Her voice trailed off as the parched nature of her throat made it impossible to speak in more than a whisper, and so another drink or three were taken. "I certainly won't be leaving if there's an issue, it seems like something it's better to stick around and handle than leave to just overrun the island." Wariness entered Grace's voice more thoroughly as she seemed to roll her shoulders back a bit. "They're almost here. I'm on your side." She said this for the benefit of the group around her, as it wasn't loud enough to be directed toward the approaching trio.

Volya's mouth twisted into a frown, "Is it a pissing contest? I feel like this is how they start." Squeezing the fistfuls of sand in her hands, the grind slowly oozed until empty. When you were, she clapped her hand together. "I'm more on the light loving sort, and they seem to want it dark, so... No." A warm swirl of air, scented of honeysuckle and morning dew. As her palms came apart, a golden ball of fire formed like a miniture sun. The veins under her skin darkened into green along the surface of her skin and her eyes took on a faint green glow. Like a child throwing a bowling ball, Volya pitched the sun into the air with a shout. The 'sun' began to glow hotter and brighter, illuminating the beach. "I'll try to be careful with my aim, though it's fantastically easy to get carried away." Waving her hand over her hand to the trio down the beach, and shouted cheerfully, "Aloha!"

Loa dropped Glaucus.

Loa dropped Leucothea.

Loa dropped Ino.

As the light comes up into the air, sure enough, it illuminates the beach easily in 100 feet radius around where it hangs in the air about 10 feet up. There is a large amount of dead seaweed that has washed up to shore, and it kind of shifts and moves as the waves hit it, but certainly doesn't seem alive.

There, walking, are three figures. The one in the middle is decidedly male, obviously so in part due to the fact that his 'clothing' was a rotting layer of seaweed that hung off of his shoulders and down his back more like a cape or cloak, but did nothing to cover the frontal view of his absolutely nude body. His skin is the shade of light butter, and his frame seems almost chiseled enough to be cut from granite, despite the fact that his limbs and muscles move with liquid grace as his steps carry him across the sand.

To either side of the well built male were two female companions, and they looked eerily identical to one another. While they weren't wearing anything so overblown as a cape of seaweed, they did seem to share the male's predilection toward avoiding clothing. They were likewise naked, with one of them wearing what looked like a low slung belt of dead seaweed that trailed tendrils down her legs as she walked, and the other wearing a spindly necklace of what looked like anenome spikes in a complicated configuration to create a layer of lovely shapes over her bare upper chest. Both women had skin the color of a pale, shell-colored, off-white and were built thin with firm musculature and flaring hips, as well as breasts that had likely succled more than one offspring, considering how heavy they were. Not unpleasant to look at, but not the breasts of untested youth.

When the light came up, all three lifted hands to shade their eyes without even thinking, and were decidedly blinking their solidly, deep green, marble-like eyes as if to get used to the brightness.

Iara coughs a bit more, reaching hastily for the bottle of water that Isaac had offered earlier and twists the cap off, thirstily gulping down some of the cool, refreshing liquid. Anything to get that burning saltwater taste out of her throat. When Isaac begins to slur his words, Iara just arches a brow at him, wondering if he has any actual words of wisdom to share or just ramblings of a drunk man.

"Umm..Have you meet these three before?" she asks of him before nodding to Grace, uncertain of what exactly they are up against, but readying for anything as she clenches her fists slightly, sinking into a half-defensive stance. Iara would rather not fight, but if these people are here to cause trouble, that's a different story. When Volya produces that brilliant ball of light, she smiles a little and nods to her, feeling comforted by the warmth and cheerfulness in the midst of all the darkness.

Blinking a couple of times as she adjusts to the brightness, Iara peers back at the three, drawing a deep breath and averting her gaze politely, shyly. "Who...Who are you?" she asks of them, hoping they might be reasonned with, whoever, or whatever they are.

The tide is low and slack.

"Yay!" Isaac says with a grin as the sun globe floats over head, raising a hand to absently bat at his ear as the scene unfolds in front of him. Draining the last of his beer, he is starting to feel slightly less croaky although the sense of thirst just doesn't want to be shaken. Croaking in answer to her question, it takes Isaac a few tries to get the words out. "Not socially?" Smacking his lips once more, Isaac takes in a deep breath that only makes things worse. Shaking his head, he narrows his eyes at the fellows that are approaching and comes to a decision. Closing his eyes for a moment, he pulls at an internal well of power, his eyes blinking open with a start and his head rocking back as it starts to flood out from him. Smells of hill topped meadows and and summer flowers seems to wash out from where Isaac is standing along with a wave of power, washing over each of the group there and taking that gritty sense of thirst along with it. Isaac seems to glow for a moment as the power leaves him before he sinks to his knees, tilting forward and reaching out with a hand to stop his fall even as a giggle escapes his lips and a shudder rocks his body. "Oh..." He takes a deep breath but doesn't make to stand, his body twitching occasionally as he tries to get his focus.

Grace shook her head steadily, her mouth having slid back into a solemn, but not quite stern, flat line across her face. Her dark brown eyes, so dark they could easily be mistaken for black, were fixed on the three approaching figures as the light came up in the sky. The only reaction she had to the change was a nearly imperceptible squinting, but it passed quickly. "No pissing contest from me, I'm far more interested in making sure there's no contest at all, really. Beautiful light, by the way, dancer." Grace's stance was deceptively relaxed, and she let the yoga mat and towel she'd been carrying fall to the sand at her feet, which were comfortably shoulder's width apart. "I've never met these three, no, they don't seem familiar. But then, I suppose I'm not of the sea or even of the earth, so they might not be something I'd run into anyway." She glanced back at Iara, turning her head just enough to give the young woman a slight smile of reassurance before she lifted her undropped bottle of water and took another long swallow from it, moistening her vocal cords.

When the wellspring of moisture-rejuvenating magic washed over her, Grace shivered slightly, her grip on the water bottle causing it to crush in her hand and water to spill out, dribbling over her fingers to the sand. She blinked, then looked at Isaac with her eyes gone wide, the dark centers of them seeming to grow deeper, like bottomless wells of absolutely nothing. "Isaac... Thank you." Grace licked her lips, now comfortably not having to re-wet them with an outside source, and swallowed back saliva that seemed to spring forth to her salivary glands and flood her mouth. A small amount of pink colored her cheeks for a moment, before she shook her head twice, in a decisive fashion, and turned her eyes to look at the nude trio, waiting for their response to Iara's question.

The female to the right of the trio shifted her hand away from her eyes first, and peered forward at the four around Isaac's tent. She offered a slow, steady, smile that revealed teeth that shimmered like abalone shell. "We are not here to alarm you, or those of this island, we were told of this beautiful place, and had to come see it for ourselves. That you would make the sun for us while we are so often sojourned in the night is high praise indeed. They were not lying about the joy the native people take in glorying to their Gods." She touched her hand to her chest, holding her palm over her heart, and seemed almost ready to break down in tears of seeming gratitude.

The female to the left then bowed her head softly, her smile a close-lipped version, but none the less utterly glorious to behold. When she lifted her head again, her gaze took in the four ahead of her one at a time, and a shimmer in her solid, dark green, eyes grew more obvious. "Beautiful worshipers. Such a gift to find on an island I had never known. To touch something with my flesh, to know with my soul. How lovely. Do you care to come closer? Do you bring other gifts? Have you needs?" She reached out with one of her hands, hold it out to the four on the beach, as if offering it for any of them to take hold of.

The male between the two women just watched, his smile quiet and serene as he simply soaked in the warmth of the light that Volya had provided. His skin seemed to darken under it, in steady measure, growing a bit closer to the yellow of good, homemade, butter. A satisfied, decidedly pleased, sound left his chest as he nearly purred and then gave a soft nod of his head toward Iara, Volya, Isaac, and Grace.

Volya stared at the mostly naked trio. "Knee-jerk nymphy reaction is somewhere in the land of rose leaning towards crimson... Summer is more uhhh... I want to say glass parking lot, I think..." She squinted her eyes, then hissing, rubbing her hands over dress covered mammaries. "Shhh..." Gently clearing her throat, she blinked at Iara, "Uhh... Are you sure veterinarian is your calling, because it's like a world of penises and vulvas. I want to say that she want to be looking in the correct direction when someone starts shooting, but now it seems out of place." Volya eyed Isaac as he collapsed and a giggle slipped out, "And this is why having a low center of gravity helps." Vee's attention shifted to Grace, "Uhhh... Thank you." The half-nymph beamed happily before she looked at the trios, and seemed all the more puzzled at what she was hearing. Raising a hand to waist level, she pointed to the ball of light. "This? I was thinking more tool of seeing, or globe of daylight. And in all fairness, I have this serious thing going with a sea goddess, granddaughter of Opuhala."

Iara continues to sip thirstily on her water, nearly emptying the thing as she warily eyes the slowly approaching nymphs (or whatever the heck they are)..Until Isaac steps forwards to cast another summery spell by the looks of it, this one bringing to mind a soothing green spring meadow and lush flowers that flow over her like a gentle spring, melting away the grittiness.

She sighs softly in relief, but notices Isaac falling to his knees in the same moment. "Hey..Are you alright?" ever the concerned nurturer, she steps towards him, offering him a steadying hand lest he lose his balance. "That was amazing..Thank you.." she murmurs, still keeping a wary eye on the approaching three.

When the first woman speaks, she continues to watch them carefully, uncertain if they are honest in their words, all the while racking her brain to remember her mythology classes. Volya is given an odd look as she seems to relax as much as Isaac, but something she says gives her pause. "Oh...You must be.." she blinks slowly, turning to face the trio, bowing in what she hopes is a respectful bow, deciding to play it safe, shivering a bit at something. "I am afraid I have nothing to give, except for a warm welcome..I hope that you are enjoying this night.."

Isaac takes a long calming breath, turning to look at Volya and sticking his tongue out at her in response to her statement. "I'm hardly a dancer and anyway I'm carrying a lot around my belt." Good save, totally believable. Clearing tears from his eyes, he looks to Grace and then Iara, taking the offered hand after some subtle trouser adjustment with his other. "You're both very welcome." Getting somewhat unsteadily to his feet, he looks over to the approaching trio and has to stifle a body shudder as they ask their question. "We uh..." Clearing his throat, he starts again. "We have simple food and water to drink, beer as well for those who should wish it." He directs this at the approaching trio, his eyes going wide as he takes in the sight of them.

Grace... well. Grace didn't seem to be really clearly focusing on much other than the people coming closer, though the pulse in her neck was visible and there was still a decided flush to her cheeks. Like she'd just now finished working out instead of over half an hour ago. She glanced over at Iara as she almost mentioned who the people must be, and raised her brows. "Who must they be?" When Isaac spoke and offered simple drink and food, Grace scanned over him, her brows raising as he was forced to make quite specific adjustments. Her attention then moved to Volya, after her announcement about being with a Goddess and naming the lineage, which made Grace blink again, registering surprise after surprise tonight. Licking her lips to sooth some of the sweat that had beaded on her upper lip, she finally managed to speak "I'm afraid I have no offerings to make, I unfortunately didn't come prepared for such a meeting. If you intend to be around the island longer, I'll surely make an effort to be better prepared for surprise encounters in the future. But I have nothing I need at this time, your offer was kind but I have to decline." She was speaking very carefully, and nodded to the three in their almost-garb of seaweed.

The tide is low and rising.

Iara bites her lip, glancing at Grace, "I think...They may be, uh, deities of the sea perhaps..?" she murmurs softly to her. But it's been a long day and exhaustion seems to over take her. "I'm really sorry, your highnesses, but I must take my leave. It..It was a pleasure to meet you all!" she bows again, backing away a few paces before hurrying off.

The female to the right of the trio looked to Volya and inclined her head. "Ah, the quaint local Goddesses, I do so look forward to meeting them all. And ensuring that the heirarchy is maintained. I'm sure that in no time, gifts given to any of us will be gifts given to all of us, sweet child of the forests. And whether you intended your light only to see, you've given us the gift of warm light, which we so rarely enjoy. Please, accept a gift in gratitude? Even an unintended gift is a gift none the less for those receiving it." She looked over at the male and female with her, nodding to them as if to verify their agreement.

The woman to the left simply nodded to the other woman and smiled brightly, her abalone shell teeth glistening. "Oh yes, a gift for certain. It was earned, even if it was not intended."

The man in the middle seemed to smile even wider, and he stepped forward, bringing the two women along in his wake while he held out his hand to Volya, his other hand pressed over his heart. "I can see that desire within you to house the babe of a God, little one. Come, we can ensure you aren't left barren and wasted on this island so lacking in the touch of the true Gods of this Sea."

Volya hissed a bit, squinting her eyes and making a half turn to cross her legs where she stood. Holding her hands out in front of her, she started to wave her index fingers at one another as if trying to communicate. She hummed a note, then she hummed again, blinking when Grace spoke it. "Who must they be?" The woman was having trouble rubbing two brain cells together at the moment, so repeating words may have helped define them. Volya made a low grumbling noise as Iara explained, and she nodded slowly. "That..." There was probably more, but Vee continued to nod, chewing on her lip. Vee turned her head to stare at the trio. "Ummm... Summer..." The woman shook her head, "No. The light was for the sake and mine, so pretending it is a gift is no more than taking the breath I exhale and calling it a gift. It is not." Vee bite her lip, squeezing her eyes shut, and after a pause shook her head. "Isaac... If I'm getting turned on by a potential Fomor, you're probably having problems too. So I'm just going to fry me some pretenders to the throne alright?" With a growl, Vee turned her body to untwist her legs, exhaling a strained moan. "The sand is always prettier when its glass."

Still quite wobbly on his feet, Isaac starts to make his way to his cooler, a beatific smile plastered on his face and a tent at the front of his trousers that is matching the one he has already pitched. "Was up?" He says, blinking slowly and turning his head to look at Volya as he does his best to focus. "Formor?" Isaac has to deal with a rush of conflicting emotions as he takes in Volya's words, the Summer half of him quite apparent in what it wants to do but so very conflicted by which of the 3 Fs to partake in. "Glass? Yes. Glass. Glass would be... good?"

Squinting as he tries to focus, Isaac draws upon his heritage once more, a golden nimbus envoloping and leaving the air full of the smells of summer. Raising his left hand, he directs a wrist thick bolt of pure light at the centermost of the figures, the expendature of enduring almost pitching Isaac foward once more once the magic has hit its target.

Grace looked between Volya and Isaac for a long moment, but it seemed to be settled between the two radiating summer and life, especially when Isaac reached forward to shot pure light at the man in the middle of the nudist trio. All that life blooming around her, the sensation of being quenched, it was enough to make the woman nearly off her head with the delight of what she was feeling. When she turned her head to focus on the man in the middle of the three incoming people, her eyes slipped to being truly, completely, solid black orbs in her face. There was no reflection off of them, as if they literally absorbed the light rather than reflected or refracted it. Her skin paled slightly, going a bit wan and grey under the caramel tone she usually maintained, and slowly, dark blue lines tracing the veinwork around her eyes, mouth, and down her neck started to be visible as they pulsed under her nearly transluscent skin.

The man in the center, after being struck with pure light, suddenly grew pale, like he'd lost the majority of his bloodflow, to the point that any yellow tint left in his skin only made him retain the palor of someone that had been smeared by buttercups. He started to sweat, and he licked his lips, then wiped his hand over his face before a tremble started in his limbs that made him appear much like a tree quaking as the earth shook beneath it during a major tectonic event. He let out a sound of suffering, like he was losing something vital, something important, and it made even his voice shudder as it left his body on breath that couldn't quite carry sound as well as it ought to.

The woman to the right of the trio of apparent Gods let out a sound of dismay. "CHILDREN. You must truly be taught manners." She spread her arms out, splaying her fingers wide, and then brought them up above her head to bring her palms together in a thunderously loud CLAP. As it occured, three coffin sized columns of water came up from the sand, and completely engulfed the forms of Volya, Isaac, and Grace. Luckily, they were able to expend a great amount of will and get themselves free from the confines before something happened to fully trap them there, which left all three soaked to the bone, but with no other harm done.

The second woman let out a sound of dismay that sounded almost exactly like the first woman's, but she turned to the man that had been in between them, and immediately started looking him over as if she were some sort of diety physician. Her hand moved and hovered over the man's heart, then began to glow brightly, with sickly pale light that seemed almost greasy. "No, you've been sapped... Either end this or we need to step away, so he can heal, mother!" The woman cried this to the other female that seemed to be, for all intents and purposes, her identical twin.

The man that had been standing in the middle was looking worse for wear, to be sure. He still shook like he was about to tear himself apart with muscular contractions beyond his control. Shaking his head violently, he looked at the woman performing his aid and growled under his breath with a voice that could possibly have shaken the very island. When he stomped his foot on the ground, a massive wall of hardened, shining, dead seaweed mixed with rough sand grew up in front of him, creating a sort of carapice wall that almost circled him entirely and provided definite cover and obvious protection.

Volya was barely holding her balance, her expression twisted in anguish as she fought her own body. A sob escaped her when Isaac spoke. And the light he unleashed on the trio earned the thinnest of smiles. "Not alone..." She watched as Grace went full Jade, and a strained laugh escaped her. But it was the water that rose from the sand that got her moving. Volya let out a scream, the faint glow of her eyes flared to a brilliant emerald. Raising her hand, a fountain of flame erupted from palm, striking the wall of seaweed. The seaweed hissed with steam, but once the water had dry, the conflag went to eruption as the plant material incinerated, and the air was filled burning embers that rained across the beach. The sand before Glaucus was reduced to glowing glass. "Do you think that was a gift too?" Vee croaked, her vocal cords harshened by the scream.

Sinking once more to his knees, Isaac looks almost completely spent, sweat pools on his forward and the young man is starting to sway. Looking over to Volya, he manages a weak smile, nodding at her words and then blinking as he looks to Grace. "Nice erm thing that you did there!" Starting to feel quite woozy now, he looks up and calls out to no one in particular, "Get Mila guys, say 'Vee needs help!'. Taking in a deep breath, he then turns his attention back to the trio of quite angry godlings? Raising both hands this time, he channels with all his might, a swirling bolt of liquid sunshine erupting forth and almost sending him backwards with the effort of the spell.

The tide is high and rising.

Grace looked over at Isaac, her eyes not seeming to narrow so much as she just stared at him, watching him practically melt to the sand. Her gaze shifted to Volya, who wasn't seeming entirely bound in reality either, at the moment. She took in a deep, fast, breath and shivered as her body broke out in goosebumps and her breasts tightened enough that the spires of her nipples were clearly evident through her sports bra. "Delicious..." She murmured the word, and her empty, black, stare fixated onto Glaucus again, the man in the middle of the trio of godlings. A dark, deep, sound left her, almost something that ought to have been heard behind closed doors only, and the dark blue veins that pumped under her skin seemed to grow darker, and more plentiful.

This time, the man didn't fare nearly so well. He'd taken another direct hit from Isaac, which had him reeling back, his whole body threatening to simply spasm him in half it was shaking so hard. And then, his skin went white as parchment, thin, like it had become brittle. The supposed God's eyes rolled back into his head, and as he fell to the ground, his fingernails, toenails, and hair sloughed off in heavy hunks, strained and thin, like they'd simply become to fragile to remain embedded in his flesh. He lay unmoving on the ground, silent, without any movement in his chest to indicate life or breathing.

Leucothia's rage couldn't be contained by her expression alone. The very air around her vibrated as if it had coagulated into solid sea water. She shook with so much anger her skin started to glow like she was some sort of deep sea angler fish setting a lure for all the other creatures nearby, and would soon be consuming them. As she lifted her hand forward, palm outstretched in the direction of the three who had been fighting against herself and her brethren, she hissed under her breath and forced a gnarled series of words from her lips "Beaten on the rocks, no better you deserve." The magic grew, palpably... and then just as it started to come into the world, and become a real thing, Volya managed to gather herself enough to drive her own power at the godling. And all that juice that had built up, intent on performing some sort of terror upon the three of them, fizzled, died, and was nothing but a spark as it fell to the ground, expired. The goddess gasped audibly, eyes wide as she looked at Volya and then spat to the ground with distaste.

Ino fell to the ground and knelt near Glaucus as he lay there unmoving. "They've pushed him into nothing but a shade, Leucothea! We need to get him home, now, before he grows too aggitated, or confused!" She turned her dark green gaze to the three on the beach, then bared her teeth to them. "When next I see you, I will rip the flesh from your bones with my teeth and ensure you are alive the entire time I dine on your softer bits, small mortals. You deserve nothing better than your untimely death at the hands of those to which you mean NOTHING." She shifted forward and covered the man's body with her own, and then the ground started to shimmer and give way, allowing them to sink into the sand as it become overly saturated with water. Soon, the two were simply gone.

Volya narrowed the emerald orbs that were once her eyes. Tendrils on living seaweed sprang from the sea that she had kept calm. The seaweed whipped and struck at the goddess's ankles and the woman barely evaded them. The half-nymph continued stalking towards her. "Pele... Hi'iaka... Haumea... Kane... Ku... Opuhala... These are the gods and goddesses of this island. I suggest you speak you, as well as the Summer Court of Faerie, as they own these islands." The woman hissed through her teeth. "Respect them, if you care to be respected."

Moving through the air, like it was being held by invisible wires, a bright green packet that was a little larger than palm sized came moving through the air. It kind of danced, zigged, zagged, dropped a bit, then came back up before starting its forward progression toward Isaac, of all people. Once it was in the air over his head, it dropped entirely, like someone had cut the invisible cord, and it bounced off the top of his noggin, onto his shoulder, then finally came to rest on the beach next to him. The label on the bright green package reads 'Nestle Milo' and there's a picture of a chocolate candy filled with cream.

Isaac lets out a long belly laugh as he realises what has happened, the laughter threatening to overtaking him as he tilts his head this way and that. "Well done might warriors, I love you and I'm proud of you." Settling on his back, he slowly starts to unwrap the green candybar, leaving a suitable large chunk resting on his stomach for no apparent reason when he is done talking to the air. Taking off a chunk for himself, he reaches up with the packet. "Anyone feeling peckish?" Isaac is in quite a state, his trousers are now soaked through which might be a mercy in itself and he seems to have sand everywhere. Unzipping a pocket in his jacket, he pulls out a mobile phone and after activating it, dials a number and has a quick muted conversation. "Guys? We just fought the Fomor and lived. That's so far up the totem pole power wise I don't know if we can beat it. Vee! How the hell did you do that twice? Grace? That was some amazing work with the thing you did there."

Grace was watching the goddess still left behind, her solid, empty, black eyes staring at her as a slow, dangerous, slanting smile crept over her lips. It looked far too much like Grace might well have enjoyed herself, or was thinking of enjoying herself further. "I'd suggest you leave, or you won't be going anywhere after you lay lifeless, you'll be left to our mercies, and I have precious few of those to go around." The fact of the matter was that she didn't attack, she just let the other goddess know that she easily COULD continue to do so. She glanced over at Isaac from the corner of her eye, though it was hard to tell with the fact that they were solid black orbs. "I'm afraid that won't do much for the hunger I've got right now. I might need to find someone that puts out what you were putting out earlier." Grace made a quiet, hollow, huffing sound that might well be what she considered a chuckle. Her attention then turned solidly back to Volya and the Goddess left behind.

Leucothea, angered and obviously frustrated, looked at the three with a narrowing of her eyes. "Until we meet again. I'll be sure to request that your bodies be served at our welcome feast, children." And with that, the enraged goddess started to sink into sand that suddenly became overly saturated with water. Before a few short breaths could be taken, she was gone, sunken beneath the island, presumably to the sea, or to some godforsaken edge of the NeverNever.

Volya let out an exhausted laugh at the threat. "For some reason, I doubt they will bringing much to the negotiation table to be making demands." Bending at the waist, Vee reached under her dress, and with a few groans, stripped her panties down to her ankles to step out of them. Wringing them out, she shook her head. Blinking, she stared at Isaac, "I mostly did nothing... I felt like I did something, but that was mostly Summer going all novelty on me." She hummed, "I'm not quite sure how I'm standing. It's more like hovering across sand on wet noodles. And as my girlfriend isn't here at the moment, and I'm feeling like... Insane nymph..." Her eyes glanced at Grace, "Do you mind breastfeeding, or something? God knows Isaac is mostly cow milking it up like a terrible barbarian." She waved her panties at Grace, "Like thank you... For being awesome. I feel like I owe you, but I have like nothing by sexual favours coming to mind at the moment, so..." Vee rolled her hand in a helpless gesture as she unbutton the top of her dress.

"Vee? Your own personal Goddess is on the way, she should be here soon." With the rest of the tustle over, Isaac blinks and lazily turns his head to Grace. "Will you be okay? I could potentially magic up a bit but if you're anything like my friend that's not quite what you need. I'd offer to help but I don't know what it would entail and you did just help us with the fishies." Doing his best to sit upright, Isaac starts to dust off his t-shirt and jacket, suddenly concerned about appearance it seems but not so out of it that he doesn't first set down that lone chunk of chocolate that had be resting on his chest. "Is there someone I can call for you Grace or do you want to borrow my phone? It's still working thankfully." Watching with a grin as Volya gets undressed, Isaac looks down at his trousers. "I'm going to have to wash these or they're not going to bend anymore one they're dry. Damn but that was intense and the twins are still kicking. Oh Summer, please stop playing with my spuds!"

Grace looked between the two with her solidly black, utterly matte eyes, blinking, and then stepping back finally, lifting up her hands. "I'm... Please give me a moment." She cleared her throat, closed her eyes, and took a long, slow breath that only shook a little as it started. Her color slowly returned to normal, the shade of soft caramel that marked her rather than the pallid grey, death-like tone that had overcome her. When she opened her eyes, they looked like her normal, so dark brown they might be black eyes, very human. Grace offered a soft, barely there smile to the two of them, even as crimson rose up her cheeks and created a decidedly embarassed blush across her face, down her neck, and even across her collar bones. "You're both very kind to offer, but I have made it long enough as a creature reaching for the light that I wouldn't want to take the step back into the shadows that feeding from either of you would be. You owe me nothing, I was here, and I helped. This island is my home as well, and I am even less interested in being the lapdog of a God or Goddess than most." She nodded to each of them, though didn't look either of them directly in the eyes, or at any place where anything might be ready to be milked, no matter what sort of creamy white they might produce. "Please, be safe, I'm going to head back to my home and try to find some balance before my boyfriend stops by, or I'll have to ask him to stay away for the night, and it would almost be a tragedy tonight." And with that, Grace bent easily to pick up her now rather sodden towel and rolled up yoga mat, and started her brisk walk to her car.