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On Account of Rain

Just a nice walk out in the forest...

Dramatis Personae

Bjorn, Felix, Kai, Max, and Owen. Loa as GM.

22 April, 2009

A group come across the leavings of the Red Court's hunger.


Windward Coast, Hau'ula Forest Reserve


Plot:Bad Blood

It's really a beautiful day out, early yes, and raining, but there's just something about the Hau'ula Forest that keeps the rain from becoming too much a hindrance, and leaves it as more a pleasant misting of water. People are out and hiking, though not in any large numbers, as it's a bit early for the non-work aligned to really be out and about unless they're over achievers on vacation. All in all, despite the warm, gray, weather, things are looking downright gorgeous in the forest and all of the day-blooming plants are alive with vivid color, making the air smell of delightful Hawaiian blooms.

Felix had paused by the side of the path to rest for a bit and relax in the rain. Dressed in a pair of running shorts, fairly new looking running shoes and a tank top that showed off the tattoos on his back and shoulders. Hair slick with the rain, he leaned against a tree with his arms behind his head, staring up at what he could see of the early morning sky through the forest canopy.

Kai is out for an early morning hike before heading off to work to clear his head, invigorate his spirit and get himself in the right zen place to start his day. An introvert by nature, he recharges his batteries by doing things like this on his own and although he does enjoy the company of people, he needs his "me" time as well. He is dressed in a simple white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up, dark khaki pants and running shoes for the hike. Over his shoulders is his trusty backpack of course and as he walks along the path he spots a familiar face. Smiling and with a wave he calls out to Felix. "Morning Felix. How are things?"

Max's lip curled into a sneer around her stogie as her tawny eyes regarded her surroundings. Her oversized white tank top, with a tire tread decal, hung loosely on her shoulders, exposing the violent red sports bra underneath. "Fuck..." she growled around the cigar as she pushed the strap of the elongated bag, and it made a metallic clank as it hit the ground. She kicked at the dirt with her Doc Martens before turning around to unzip the bag. Pulling out an old spiral notebook and opening it, she squinted at the tree tops and beyond. "I swear I better not be in Singapore again..." Absently, she picked at the crotch of her cut-off jeans, as she learned in Charm School, with the intent of moving her riding fishnet stockings.

Looking like someone born into the wilds of the jungle, Owen made his way through the Hau'ula Forest Reserve like a native. He had dressed in a pair of dark gray cargo shorts with more pockets than free cloth that fit him closely enough they didn't require a belt to hold them up. None the less, a woven belt was worn with a couple of leather utility pockets attached. For a shirt, he'd gone with a simple, Robin's Egg blue tank top that left his decently fit and now rather decently tanned arms bare. Over his shoulders was slung his usual day-hike backpack in olive green, again covered in utility pockets. Whatever he was doing, Owen looked pretty damn prepared. As he came through a fairly overgrown pathway and met back up to the main walking and hiking path, he spotted Felix and Kai. Lifting his hand, he offered both a wave and a warm, wide, smile. "Aloha kakahiaka, you guys out early enjoying the morning rain?" Owen himself didn't seem too put out by the ran, and let it just soak through his hair, down his back, like it wasn't the slightest bother. Naturally, at the growled sound of expletives coming from a familiar voice, Owen turned his head toward Max, then crouched down a little to look at her under a few tree branches, offering a lopsided smile. "Better. Oahu." The light chuckle in Owen's voice was easily audible as he stood back up and backed away from the stand of trees that Max seemed to be behind, lest he get clobbered by something.

And then there was a Bjorn. Green board shorts, today a white tee that says 'If I were a bird I know who I'd poop on' and his grey hikers. Hair tied back into a tail, he slows up as he hears some familiar voices, finally calling out, "Aloha," as he gets closer to the people that also decided to be out in the woods in the rain.

Not far up the path from where Kai and Felix had stopped to chat, a mostly balled up piece of tinfoil sat on the ground, fairly unassuming save for its location. A little bit beyond that another tinfoil sheet, a little bigger than hand sized, was laid out open on the ground, only crumpled a bit like it had been carefully unfolded, with the center covered in a smeared, burned, brown substance. As a soft breeze caught the branches of the trees nearby, something that looked to be about the color of the same, bright magenta flowers blooming on the tree shifted in a different way, making it obvious it was someone's Tshirt that had been carelessly thrown onto the swaying limbs.

Felix looked over and grinned as Kai came around the bend, pushing off the tree to go greet the other man with a nod. "Doing alright thanks. You?" He nodded upwards. "Good to see you in daylight. Nice change of pace." He raised his hand in greeting as Owen was spotted, craning his head slightly to try and spot the source of the swearing beyond. "Aloha Owen. Damn right. Kind of weather that makes me want to get out and take it all in." He breathed in, raising his hand to Max as well. "Hey Max. Welcome back from wherever the hell you were." Bjorn got a nod and a smile as well. "Aloha big guy. How goes?" Something caught his eye and he looked over, spotting the weirdly discarded wrappers. He frowned. "Some asshole litterbug..." His attention was pulled further away by the shirt caught on a tree branch though, and he looked around, raising an eyebrow. "Funny, I don't hear anybody else. Who the hell could this belong to?"

"Glad to hear Felix and I'm doing well thanks." Kai replies in a polite tone to the shape shifter and then chuckles at Felix's daylight comment. "Yeah, it is certainly for a change isn't it? Enjoying the morning rain as well I see..." But when Felix turns to greet Owen as well as the other's who have come into view, he turns to face them as well and bows his head politely in greeting. "Aloha, Owen, Max and Bjorn. Looks like we all share in the enjoyment of a morning trek through the woods in the rain. So how are things?" His attention is then caught by the tinfoil on the ground that Felix is now looking at, as he walks closer to examine it with curiosity. "Huh, odd...not sure what is on this but it could be drugs or something else but someone tried to burn it." He glances around after Felix's exclamation about littering and then see's the tshirt hanging on the tree. "Not sure but it could be kids or who knows. A clue or a mystery perhaps?"

Max puffed around her cigar as she looked over her shoulder at Owen, "Sup, stalker." Dropping her spiral notebook on her ground, it spilled onto the ground as well. "Now that I know I was in fact in this jungle, I have to check my pits and holes for inch-twigs." Plucking the stogie from lips, she gave an upnod to Felix, "Man, if you feel to check out and comment on every piece of garbage, I recommend staying away from the East Coast. You'll never make it down a block." Her eyebrow arched when Kai continued, "I guess you don't know too many people that freebase... I feel sorry for anyone that is barefoot." She replaced the cigar between her lips, turning and bending at the waist to stuff her notebook back into her bag.

Owen looked over at Bjorn, then blinked and looked up at Bjorn so he could see the man's face. He lifted his hand and offered a wave to the large man, giving him a nod. "Aloha kakahiaka, it's good to see people out here enjoying the forest even when there's rain." He glanced over at Felix and nodded to him, his smile widening further. "My tour group cancelled this morning because of the rain, so I get to have a nice, day-long hike on my own without any tourists this morning. It's a pretty glorious thing, but it's really too bad for them that they cancelled." Owen's attention was caught by Felix and Kai paying attention to the trash left on the path and his smile turned to a slow frown, giving him a more solemn set to his face by far. "I find drug paraphernalia up along these trails far too often, really. They've got a bad streak of it here, bunch of meth and other terrible things people are putting into their bodies." He peered up at the shirt hanging on the branch and then walked over in long strides to rip it down, though despite the slightly violent movements, he was folding the shirt into a neat, sodden, square as he looked back to Max, his grin returning. "Luckily aren't many up here in the forest barefoot, unless they're around the swimming holes." Owen's gaze moved back to the path and he started moving forward a bit. "I think I'll see if I can find them, make sure no one is laid out naked for some poor tourist to trip over on their afternoon stroll."

Bjorn offers a nod and a wave to various people as he spots Felix talking about tin foil and a random shirt. He replies first with, "No complaints," before answering in regard to the stuff in the trail, "Not something you see everyday..." He looks at the foil and then adds, "Well here anyway." Looking about a bit as Owen talks about finding the possible person the shirt and other items relate to he offers after a moment, "Need an extra set of eyes? Or do you already have an idea where they'd wander off to?"

As gazes roved their way up along the trail further from the small foil wrappers, an empty, half-gallon, plastic, bottle of Jim Beam laid on its side, collecting water droplets in its hand-hold impressions. A bit further up the path, a pair of shoes was placed onto tree branches, the over-the arch style sandals looking rather stylish on the thick foliage. The sandals in the tree seemed to mark another fairly overgrown path, but if that didn't give enough of a hint, one of the bushes near the mouth of the pathway had recently been smashed under something, so it bent to the side and its 2-inch thick trunk had broken and splintered.

Felix raised an eyebrow at Kai. "Clue? I mean... someone's flinging their shit all over the place. Sorta weird. You gotta kinda wonder why." He looked to Max and shrugged, nodding towards Bjorn. "What the he said. On the east coast it wouldn't be worth mentioning." He did look down at his own sneakered feet though and grinned. "Yeah... rather not step on any needles or broken stems or whatever." He chuckled at Owen, heading after with his hands in his pockets. "Yeah sorta ruins your nature hike finding a naked, tweaking meth head in the middle of the path." His eyes followed the short trail of litter and clothes towards the cave entrance and the smashed up tree outside. "Huh. Looks like he went this way Ranger Owen." He nodded to the Jim Beam bottle, speaking in a slightly goofy voice. "Looks like whoever it was finished their pic-a-nic basket and went inside to sleep it off."

Kai nods at Max's comments. "No but I used to work with underprivileged kids so I've seen my fair share. I guess with all that I've seen so far on Oahu I ignored the most obvious." He then mutters under his breath. "Some Sherlock Holmes I turned out to be..." He looks over towards Owen once more and smirks, "Ah the wizard. Too bad about your tour group cancelling but a little rain never hurt anyone. I find it kind of therapeutic actually." As he listens to Owen talk about finding drug paraphernalia on the trails, his smirk turns into a small frown. "That isn't cool but it is a reality unfortunately." Nodding to Bjorn, "Yeah, in Seattle it was a lot more common than here that is for sure." But when Felix spots the cave, he looks towards it as well and shrugs. "I guess we should go check on this person just to make sure they are okay before we continue with our hike then? I'd feel bad if we didn't at least check."

Max exhaled a laugh, "You'd like to think there's no one barefoot on your hallowed paths, but there are surfers and hippies that think Pink Floyd are messenger from G-d." Picking up her elongated bag, she pulled the strap over her shoulder. Max shook her head, "This place is the crossroads on the Far East and the U.S., plus it's a tourist trap. Vacation means extra money which means market. Four out of five surfers could probably point out the meth dealer on the same beach. Take a back alley in Honolulu, and you'll like step over a junkie." She puffed on her cigar, the smoke also spicy, "Take the blinders off, there are drugs all over this island." The punk shook her head and started to lazily follow after Owen, as she lifted her arm, one at a time, to thoroughly check them for whatever.

Owen gave a nod to Bjorn and offered him a friendly enough smile. "Yeah, I can't say that I've never wanted to be a Ranger, as Felix called me, but I'm actually just a tour guide. Owen's the name, though." He motioned toward the trail that was slightly overgrown. "Anyone that wants to come is welcome, I don't much relish having to haul any drunks or people methed out of their head to their feet by myself." Glancing over to Felix, Owen winked. "Not too bad, really, Ranger Owen. Much better than Tour Guide Barbie." He looked over at Kai and nodded, then glanced back to Max as his grin turned lopsided. "Unfortunately you're right, Max. This place is pretty much a drug dealer's dream." He started down the overgrown path, squinting a little to look for this cave that Felix mentioned. "Not sure where you see the cave, man, but if we run into it, that should be interesting."

Bjorn smiles and nods to Owen. "Bjorn. Nice to meet you. And sure lets see what we find. To be fair being a tourist place Hawaii does spend a lot of time trying to cover up the drug use. It's easy to put the blinders on if you don't know what to look for. Had I not spent time in Chicago or Los Angeles I wouldn't have a clue." He pulls back some of the foliage and lets Owen and whoever is coming along lead the way before following up.

As the group trooped their way through the overgrown path, there was only enough room that they could go single file. It wasn't more than 50 yards before they came to an opening in the path, though, which led to a nice area where you could have sat and had lunch around a little campfire at one point. Now, though, it had obviously been inhabited by others. The 3 fallen logs that had set up a rather nice seating arrangement around a campfire area had various things set onto them, clothing, another bottle of Jim Beam, this one mostly full and open, collecting rain water to help keep the appearance of not being touched other than losing its lid.

Of course, aside from the impromptu camping trip that someone had taken, they'd managed to leave more than just their drug and drinking paraphernalia behind. Laid over one of the fallen logs, with the moss that had grown on the surface rather scraped up and torn away, was a naked man. He'd likely been sitting on the log at some point, but now he was laid backward, back arched at a sharp angle, with his flaccid genitals and legs facing toward the entrance of the little camping nook, and his upper body flopped over the back. His skin was slightly grayed, even under what had to be a native Hawaiian tan. There was no movement in the man's form, no tell-tale sign of breath or anything else.

Crumpled on the ground near where the campfire might have been was another man. He'd fallen to his side, and was wearing a pair of shorts around his knees, leaving his bare rear exposed as he'd taken a bit of a fetal position. His skin was also a pallid gray tone under the brown of his native Hawaiian tan, and he didn't move as people approached from the treeline. With his bare back to the entrance to the camping area, his long, wavy, and now rather wet hair laid in a puddle around him, dark and slick.

Felix grinned and slapped Kai on the back good naturedly. "Buck up dude! Ain't nobody Sherlock Holmes. You probably don't even want the cocaine addiction. But we should totally check." He gestured towards Max with his head. "She's not wrong though. Wherever there's people, there's drugs. I mean... you can't swing a dead cat in the dorms without hitting a weed dealer." He nodded to Owen, giving the man a thumbs up. "Ranger Owen sounds pretty snazzy to me. Plus you get that sick hat." He blinked, tilting his head. "Huh... yeah no cave. Huh. Definitely a trick of the light and not at all that I like to jog when I'm high." As they moved through the foliage into the clearing Felix stopped short, caught between bemusement and concern. "Well there we go. Sociology lesson and and hiking trip all in one." He ran a hand through his wet hair and looked to Kai. "You said you've got medical training right? These guys look like they definitely need it." He glanced at Owen. "Do you? Cause I got no idea beyond the basics."

Kai grins sheepishly when Felix slaps his back, then replies to the comments "Nope, certainly don't want that and yeah my idealistic self would love a world free of illness, suffering, disease as well as world peace like in John Lennon's song but then I get the reality check." He follows Felix and Ranger Owen along with the others up the path, then blinks when he gets to the scene but his brief shock is quickly replaced by professional instinct and quick action, as he quickly assesses the situation. Sighing. "I'm afraid they are both dead...but something is odd. It doesn't look like rigor has set in yet but there is no pooling of their blood." He walks towards the closest deceased victim, taking care not to disturb too much of the surroundings as he wants a closer look for examination. He bends his knees as he steps beside the body, taking out a pen from his backpack and then touching the skin of the deceased man's arm to figure out why there isn't any blood pooling.

Max shrugged a shoulder, "The world is a machine that shits out mediocrity. Mankind has been trying to get high and escape it back when clubbing a bitch over the head and dragging her back to a cave was called 'Date Night'." Coming to a stop when they neared the camp site, her eyes scanned from one unmoving form to the next. The punk shook her head, "I'm going to call this way beyond medical training. You don't turn that shade of gray from anal and a few drinks." Her head tilted to the side, "Nope, I'm calling it. We check the wallets for cash, and book it." Shifting her bag in front of her, she fished in a side pocket to get out a pair of black leather gloves and slip them on. She nodded to the guy bent back and spread eagle. "The last two people I saw ODed and toast had raging hard-ons... Unless that dude has one of the saddest pricks in the world, I feel like it should be saluting us."

Owen grunted a slight laugh at the thought of being 'Ranger Owen' and then shook his head. "The hats are snazzy, but I honestly don't think I'd do too well with all the equipment they make the rangers carry now." Of course, then they came to the campsite, and any positive or laugh-inducing thoughts were swept away. He took a slow, quiet, breath and shook his head. "Crap." He was moving around the campsite then, examining it with eyes that seemed to be quickly riveted to different places, before he started to look over the bodies. Max's statement got a rather crimson shade to come over his cheeks as he turned his head and stared at her for a moment, jaw working like he might talk. But then, something clicked, and he looked back to the bodies. "I mean... as much as I'd rather not walk up on a dead man, uh, raising the flag, I don't think you're wrong Max. If there's no blood pooling, and they're not out here rigid as flag poles..." Owen's eyes narrowed as he moved closer to where Kai was examining the man laid back over the fallen log. He examined the fellow from the waist down, his eyes fixating on a point at the man's inner thigh, not far below the crotch. "I swear I'm not some creeper, but does anyone else see those tears in his skin right there?" He pointed to the dead man's inner thigh.

At the sight of the dead bodies, Bjorn frowns. "So sad..." As the others take to examining the place, Bjorn tries to stay back out of the way mostly, an extra large man in the middle of everything wouldn't help but get in the way. That is, until the mention of a wound from Owen, that brings Bjorn over to him to examine where he's speaking of. "A wound? Is it bleeding, or not enough in itself to cause their..demise? Wonder if the other body has one."

The two men continue to lay where they were, and the rain continues to fall in its almost gentle way, washing over everyone in the somewhat cleared glade the two dead fellows had elected to camp out in.

"Oh wow damn. That just sucks." Felix grimaced, scrubbing a hand over his face at the sight of the two dead men. He grew slightly pale as Kai spoke up. "No blood pooling? Like... they've got no blood?" He blinked rather stupidly at Max and Owen, shaking his head. "Dead bodies do what now? I've heard about the shitting yourself thing, but not dying with a hard on." He grew paler as Owen spoke while checking out the body. Quick hustling over to the other, he flipped the man over and started checking him, neck and groin as well. "Uh... yeah same here, not a creeper... this guy's got em too. Check the other dude's neck." He got up and stepped away from the body. "I... really don't know how this shit works, but... this is kind of freaking me out." He looked to Bjorn and Kai, shaking his head. "So much for daylight."

"This doesn't make any sense...I'm going to get a medical kit in my car and I'll be right back." Kai says as he stands, nodding to both Owen and Felix's comments about the tears in their skins. "It doesn't seem like this was caused by an overdose but I want to be sure before we jump to any conclusions." Again he is careful not to disturb anything around the two bodies, as he makes his way back down the path and heads back to his car as quickly as he can. But unfortunately for poor Kai, his direction sense isn't always the best especially when he doesn't have his morning coffee so he may be a while since it is most likely he got lost along the way.

Max interlaced her fingers, ensuring the gloves were fully seated before she dumped her other sized bag on the ground once more. "So no blood pooling..." Max repeated the words as she scanned the ground, choosing her steps carefully to avoid leaving her boot treads in mud. She made her way over to the second man, squeezing his pockets to test for contents. Poofing on her cigar to build a bit of a cloud around her while she was in close proximity. With a grimace, she gave a nod. "It does with heroin ODs... I think coke too, but yeah... One last erection for the world before splitting the coil. Heroin also means shit and cum too."

Owen's frown became more sharply defined as he looked at the two torn wounds, then shook his head. "There's no blood left in these wounds, and they aren't even closed up, just holes into the guy's body." Moving with purpose, Owen placed two hands onto the log and hopped over it, bringing himself in line with the upper half of the back-folded dead man. Leaning down he peered at the man's neck and let out a soft word under his breath, one that sounded a good deal like "Fuck." When he stood back up, he looked over at Felix with a grave expression on his face. "If that guy's got the same wounds, and there's no blood in them? I can't think it's anything but vampires. This guy was definitely bitten by a vampire. At least twice, that I can find, over the big arteries they tell you never to cut open or you'll die fast. I don't think these two died from what they were inhaling off the foil. I'm pretty sure they died when they got drained like a couple of economy sized juice boxes." Owen rubbed the back of his head with his hand, sending water spraying from the sodden filaments thickly plated to his head with rain. "If someone wants to use a cell phone or a radio to call for the cops to come get these guys, I can step over there a bit so I'm not causing anything to combust." Owen definitely didn't seem like he was pleased with the current situation, or what they'd found. "Damn reds. Here. I just wish it wasn't daylight so we could have caught them in the act and taken care of them." The man's typically warm, hazel eyes flashed with anger and a flicker of disappointment.

Bjorn frowns when he hears vampires again. "Seems the remaining half of the duo we dealt with has been busy... Or even worse, more than just besides her." He looks about some at the scene, perhaps for any tracks. "I wonder..." Course it would've been easier before they all started walking around the campsite. "Makes sense though if it was her, possible explanation why they are in states of undress." Well, besides the explanation they were getting naked for each other, but less struggle with the first hypothesis.

Nothing else moves in the area besides the people looking over the apparent crime scene. Just the gentle breeze, warm and summery, along with the pitter patter of raindrops dripping from leaves and tree branches, and of course the occasional sound of a branch creaking under the weight of sodden flowers and leaves.

Felix looked to Kai, nodding as the man headed off for a first aid kit. He leaned against a tree, looking a little frazzled all of a sudden. "We'll be here man. Get through the forest safely." Taking a deep breath, he looked to Max. "Really? I... had no idea. Weird. But yeah, I totally think this was vampires. Bjorn's right. We've met the same ones a few times. One of them got slightly eaten, but the other one got away. But... how do you drain one guy like this without the other guy totally freaking out?" He pointed from one to the other. "Never mind the two sets on each. Someone went high and someone went low I take it?"

Droplets splash in puddles at mid-day.

Max slipped the wallet out of the first DOAs pocket, opening it in full view as she checked the contains. Pulling out the credit card, she picked at the edge. "Looks like these boys take their escapes in every form... Edge of their cards are fucked and used for making lines." Slipping a ten out of the wallet, she pocketed it before returning the wallet back into the corpse's pocket. "This island doesn't get all judgy about a chick or dude sucking your dick. So jumping to conclusion on males or females." Making her way to the second pair of pants, she again checked the wallet. "Plus they're twins. Same birthday and last name. That's a fantasy for like... Everyone. These two have seem each other going to town in full view. I'm not saying they're flamers, but they don't stop if you walk into a bathroom." This wallet kept its cash, and she returned it. "I get as dextered as a walkman, so why don't you make the call College Dragon?"

Owen shook his head slightly. "If you've seen them around, are you sure there's only two? Or is it just the two you've seen so far?" Owen glanced over at Bjorn curiously, though his frown was still solidly in place. "And I don't have a ruler with me, or a measuring tape, but it didn't necessarily have to be two different vamps. The guy on the log, well, blood would have moved to his head when he got bent back, and the rest is nice and easy to get from the place he was bitten. I don't know how in control of themselves they were if they were stoned and drunk, too." He looked over at Max and nodded thoughtfully before Owen rubbed at the back of his head again and turned his attention to Felix. "Do you have a phone on you, Felix?" Stepping back from the body and the campsite entirely, Owen made sure to leave space between himself and pretty much everyone else there, just to be sure he didn't fry out someone's phone in his agitated state.

Bjorn raises a brow at the mentioning of jumping to conclusions. "I only mention a female because that's the one we know for sure is still alive, otherwise no, there would be no jumping to conclusions." At Owen's question he replies, "They were the only two we stumbled across, but no idea how many more there are. We rescued someone from them that was... changed, but supposedly hasn't fed yet. I haven't been the one keeping an eye on him though so..."

Felix nodded, stepping to the side to pull his phone out. It took a bit of time for him to relay exactly where the bodies were and their condition, and by the time he hung up he was looking a little green. He sighed again, scrubbing at his hair. "Ah damn this is so crazy." He nodded to Bjorn's comment, looking a little nervous. "Yeah. The one that got away. I don't remember her name but I'm kind of hoping your right, the both of you. If she's not getting out making more, that would be fuckin loverly." He looked back to the two corpses. "I... don't even really get it. I've seen some super fucked up shit since coming to this island. I've... DONE some super fucked up shit. This is weirdly different though." He looked to Bjorn and nodded. "Oh well that's a relief at least. Glad to hear he's still being sat on. Maybe if he ever gets out of this he can buy me a new jacket." The levity was a bit forced, but he set his shoulders and collected himself as he looked to Owen and Max. "So cops are called and on their way. Pretty much just told them the truth. I mean... not the whole vampire thing of course."

Max grimaced as she chose her steps carefully and head back to her bags. "Vampires? I heard some rumors back in NY. I just blew them off for whatever reason." The woman groaned, "Now I'm going to have to read a newspaper, fuck my life." The woman shook her head as she got back to her bag, lifting it onto her shoulder. "I don't blend in every circle, but I'll see what I can dig up. Mostly cause I feel a mild kinship for all druggies... Well, maybe not those adderall college kids, but most of the others." A dry laugh escaped her, "They have fifty bucks between them. I got ten bucks the pigs call it ODs and bury it."

Owen gave a thumbs up to Felix when his phone worked, seeming slightly relieved. "If you guys want to take off, I can stay to leave a statement for the cops. I don't have anywhere I have to be today, and I was just going to mill around the forest anyway." He looked at Bjorn for a long moment and nodded his head slowly. "If you haven't been watching him, do you know who has? Or if anyone has? They're... dangerous. Even the ones that haven't fully turned yet. They can lose it at a moment's notice and go full black eyes without much provocation." A slight shudder went up Owen's spine as he mentioned this, but when he looked back at Max he grimaced a little. "It's not like they can just go full on Vampire in their reports. It would cause a massive panic, or worse, would get them fired. They'll definitely bury this as an OD, without a doubt. Especially with all the drug crap we found on the way up here. I'm betting it's not even the first time the cops will have seen these two. Twins stand out." He motioned to the bodies. "If you do find anything out, will you let me know? I have personal issues with this particular kind of vampire. They killed a massive number of my people, not all that long ago, and we're still reeling from it. If they've got a den around here somewhere, it's got to get taken care of. It's just too dangerous to leave alone."

"I'll ask around and see who still has his stashed," Bjorn says to Owen. He starts to carefully make his way back out, adding, "They are indeed dangerous. It took a few of us to stop the one, the other ran. I would not wish to face many of them. Not sure if they left anything behind but if you have ways of tracking I could show you where we first bumped into them Owen."