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A Nip in the Fog

Perhaps you should choose smaller fish...

Dramatis Personae

Akhlut, Bjorn, Felix, Iara, Kai, Nala, and Yazhu. Loa as GM. NPCs: Matthew, Ronnie, Vivica

2 March, 2009

Red Court Vampires strike in the fog


Central Oahu, Mililani Side Street


Plot:Bad Blood

Fog had rolled in through Central Oahu, leaving everything heavily veiled. Even though it was about 11pm at night, things had a strange, fuzzy sort of glow about them because of the streetlights found strewn and obviously on along the streets of Mililani. Near the small 'downtown' section of the mostly residential area, the businesses glowed from within, giving strange, bright, splotches into the fog to light people's way inside, where they can spend their hard earned money. Better still, while not everything was open, a few of the standard 24/7 locations were up and running to be considerate to those with late night cravings. The gas station, the mini marts, and of course the local 20 Pho 7 noodle house.

With the fog rolling in, Akhlut absently clicked his tongue as he walked, groaning in the back of his throat. "When people build their homes so close together, it tries to confuse my direction..." His mouth formed into a wide smile, showing his tongue as he looked at Nala. "I have the best company to be lost with, I believe." Laughter rumbled in his chest. The man was in a pair of khaki shakes, black leather boots, a pink hawaiian shirt, and a blue 'Bud Light' trucker cap that had seen better days.

Pale grey mists half-hide the world around you.

Bjorn was out and about, most likely looking into trying out said 20 Pho 7 place, seeing as the type of place a night owl like himself should become acquainted with. Dressed in worn blue jeans, his grey hikers, and today's tee shirt a black one with a picture and lettering in white of a tea bag saying tea shirt in it, he has his hair pulled back into a tail, a few strands still about his face as he makes his way slowly as he tries to not get lost in the fog. As he sees another large form start to approach , along with smaller form adjacent he slows up and stops and merely gives an, "Aloha," though he tries not to call out too loudly since the atmosphere seems to be one that lends to a feeling of quieter being better.

Nala laughed warmly, her voice giving the rolling sound a defined, contralto tremor. Lifting up the hand she had held in Akhlut's, she turned her wrist so that she could place a kiss on the back of Akhlut's hand solidly. "At least we're getting lost leaving the baby shower instead of going to it." Her bright, blue-green eyes reflected the light of an overhead lamp, despite it's being diffused by the blanket of fog. "She was shocked you knew she was having a girl, most of the guys there chose to be on team blue." When she heard Bjorn's voice greeting them, Nala turned her attention to the man and lifted her free hand in a greeting wave. "Aloha ahiahi, Bjorn! It's been a while." She continued walking with Akhlut, bearing closer to the 20 Pho 7 noodle house as well. Provisions were important, after all, when lost in suburbia. Nala herself was dressed in a pair of cut-off jeans short enough to leave the majority of her muscular, toned, legs bare. On her feet were a simple set of sandals that looked like the slightly more expensive version of a flip flop. As for shirts, Nala had gone for pink as well, wearing a pale pink Tshirt that fit closely to her without leaving any extra fabric. Her long, dark, hair had been pulled back into two pigtails and braided to hang down her back to either side of her spine.

Kai had just exited the 20 Pho 7 Noodle House and seemed happily full as he waved to some guys and gals who were dressed in baseball hats, uniform shirts and carrying gloves and/or baseball bats. "Great game guys. You have yourselves a good night." The somewhat shy Asian said to the small group who departed from the restaurant. It looks like Kai had just finished a pick-up baseball game, since he was wearing a Seattle Mariners baseball cap, an unbottoned baseball jersey with a white graphic t-shirt underneath with a picture of the Koolaid man smashing through a wall and the words "Oh YEAH" written underneath it, grey adidas track pants that had quite a bit of dirt on them and black running shoes that were covered in dust. He had a black backpack slung over his shoulders and was carrying a baseball bat as he waved one more time at his departing baseball buddies. As he turns to head to his parked car, he notices a rather tall man who happens to have a familiar face in Bjorn who is approaching the restaurant with two others whom he doesn't recognize. "Aloha and evening Bjorn. How are you?" He says in a cheerful tone and nods politely to Nala and Akhlut.

While the fog doesn't really spook Iara as much as it once did, and it is not as hampering as it should be, it is still not something she particularly enjoys as she hurries home from a late night exam at the university, taking a few short cut routes through downtown to get home. Of course after such a long night of studying and wracking her brains, she is feeling a little peckish for a little pick-me-up and she slows down as she spies a few 24/7 stores, searching for one that might sell a good strong brew to keep her awake on her long trip home.

The sounds of familiar voices nearby, and a place she has not tried out before - 20 Pho 7 noodle house - cause her to change direction to intercept the others heading in that direction. And once she gets near enough, she offers a shy smile and wave to those gathered, some of them little more than familiar faces. "Aloha ahiahi, Bjorn. How are you?" she pauses a moment, trying to remember the name of Akhlut and Nala, perhaps having crossed paths with them only briefly and ends up just smiling and waving to them. "Aloha ahiahi. What a strange and foggy night it is..I wonder if this place is any good?" she nods towards the noodle house, stepping aside quickly as Kai steps out. "Oh, I'm sorry.." she blurts out automatically.

Dressed in a cute flared lacy red summer dress, a short thin black bolero and strappy black sandals on her feet, Iara looks comfortable in the cool fog, dressed for a late night walk in her usual favored colors.

Felix was pretty happy with the weather frankly, reveling in the wet and the hard to see and just the whole thing of it. He'd eschewed 'nice' clothes for running ones; a pair of shorts, good sneakers and a loose mauve tanktop that had a dog picture and the legend "Dogs: They're Good." With the world full of fog, it nevertheless wasn't THAT hard to make out two particular figures in the mist. He gave a friendly wave to Akhlut and Bjorn. "Hey it's Olsen and Johnson, the Hellzapoppin boys. Aloha." He nodded to Nala, grinning widely. "And Fathom and Young Skywalkah." He said the last part as it should be, clapping Kai on the shoulder. "How ya been man? Getting into any trouble lately?" He smiled at Iara and gave her a nod. "Aoha Iara. Long time no see. How've you been?"

Yazhu walks through the foggy night quietly, a light step that carries her on steadily. As ever, she stands out in the modern environs with her anachronistic clothing, a light cloak added over the blue and white ruqun, more for the hood which she has drawn over her head. The rest hangs behind her, off of her shoulders.

A small bag hangs from one shoulder, a hand gripping the strap. A bag well packed, but not too heavy for her it seems. She's nearing the area from the more dense residential portion of this neighborhood. A housecall, perhaps. Though with her smooth expression, it's hard to tell if it was a good or bad one. Her eyes flick towards the folk gathered ahead of her at the noodle place. Moving from one indistinct figure to the next.

Loa dropped Matthew.

As people moved about through likely the only bustling place in Mililani this time of night, the Noodle House, the fog continued to lay along the earth like a loving blanket. Things were not dry, and neither were they cold. The sound of voices speaking came in disembodied waves through the fog as people called out salutations and wished others happy nights. Randomly, an 'Aloha!' could be heard coming from people as they came upon one another through the thick, greyed out world.

Akhlut leaned closer to Nala, his grin remaining, "Men use the stars to navigate, but I doubt many have contemplated what they going to do if they arrived there." He gave the woman's hand a squeeze, and he offered Bjorn a warm smile, "Ahola!" He rose his free hand to wave to the man, and Kai as he slipped out as well. "The fog is busy tonight, but they will have to find their own star to guide them..."

Looking at the growing gathering of familiar faces Bjorn offers a wave as each other person shows up in turn, greeting everyone. "Well seems everyone else had late night ideas as well. Cept Kai, you look stuffed and ready to sleep all that food off." He looks at the Pho place and then asks him, "Good stuff then eh?" At Nala he answers, "It's been awhile yes. How have the both of you been? Well I hope?" Iara gets a wave or hug, depending how close she gets to the man.

Nala greeted Kai, Felix, and Iara with a wide smile, her bright eyes sparkling slightly as they took on the glow of the 20 Pho 7's neon gleaming out into the fog. "Aloha everyone, this place seems to be drawing out all of the moths. At least the flame seems to be delivering." She grinned at Kai, who'd obviously enjoyed the meal. Stopping far enough back that the stream of baseball players wasn't blocked, she looked between the people there and seemed content as her gaze moved back up to Akhlut. "I imagine they'd figure it out, even if it was a little clumsy at first. Never forget people's tendency to adapt. Though, you're very right, they're going to have to find their own." She gave Akhlut a brief kiss on the cheek, standing up onto her tiptoes to do so, before Nala chuckled softly then looked solidly to Iara and nodded as she lowered back to her heels. "It is kind of odd, but it's better than the Vog, and it gives kind of an interesting quality to the light." She took a deep breath, then grinned even wider. "And with the air so still, it really holds onto scents. Maybe that's why this place is so popular tonight?" The impending form of Yahzu got a nod and a warm "Aloha ahiahi" along with a curious once over as it would seem Nala wasn't one to shy away from openly examining someone new that caught the eye. When Bjorn asked after them, Nala took her eyes away from her curious focus and looked up at the big Nord, grinning. "We've been very well, mahalo. I hope the same for you. If you're going in to get food, maybe we could eat together. It's been awhile since we all shared good food."

"Hey Felix." Kai replies with a smirk and a soft chuckle after the skywalker reference. "I'm good thanks and the force was with me tonight as my team won despite this crazy fog. They almost cancelled the game but since we were in extra innings, they just let us play it out until someone won." He blinks and adjust his baseball cap with his free hand. "Trouble? Well, you know me...rarely the trouble maker but often the trouble taker." He then gives a polite nod towards Iara and Yazhu, when the two ladies approach the now small gathering as he introduces himself to those that he hasn't met before. "Hi, I'm Kai. Nice to meet you." He says with a gentle smile and a tip of his baseball cap. He then looks up at Bjorn and nods. "Yup, very full and will need sleep soon but not until I digest some. If your all here for the Pho, it is pretty good and I highly recommend the number 3 on the menu if you like the medium rare beef and brisket. For those with a bigger appetite, I would suggest the large size and the shrimp salad rolls with peanut sauce is quite delish as well." He glances between all the new folks, Nala, Akhulut, Yahzu and Iara as this rather obvious foodie happily provides them with pertinent food scouting report information.

Iara hugs her arms, stepping as much out of the way as she can as sportos rush past. "Oh, it really is a lot more busy than I thought it would be tonight.." of course it's not that cold, but the fog is not terribly cheerful. "I suppose we can't really control the weather. I prefer the bright and cheerful sun, but I suppose nature knows best." she shrugs, peering into the noodle house curiously, inhaling the delicious scent of exotic foods and that makes her stomach grumble all the more.

She smiles up at Bjorn, giving him a quick hug before nodding to Felix. "Yes, it really has been a while. I guess midterm exams has been keeping me pretty busy. I've had to take a break from my work at the farmhouse.." Oh yeah, that's probably where she saw Akhlut from. She peers at him curiously. "It's..Akhlut, right? Nice to meet you again.." finally, Iara peers curiously at Kai and nods shyly. "Nice to meet you, Kai. I'm Iara."

She notices Yahzu, another person who seems only vaguely familiar from somewhere or other and she smiles and nods to her. "Aloha ahiahi. Coming to the noodle house as well? It seems popular tonight.."

Felix gave a friendly wave to Yazhu as she appeared out of the fog. "Aloha Yazhu. Good to see you again. Business going well? Got any cookies?" He looked a bit hopeful at that, smiling at Kai. "Doing alright man thanks. Just out for a night run. I love weather like this." He took a few deep lungfuls and turned aside to cough into his elbow. "Oh damn it got up my nose..." Wiping his face he grinned. "I didn't even know this place was here, but maybe I'll grab something on the way home. I could do with a ton of sou on a night like this." He gave Iara a thumbs up. "I know the feeling all too well. Inchin' closer to Spring Break though."

A man exited the noodle house, pulling a black blazer that looked fairly snazzy on over a zipped up, dark gray hoodie. The overjacket was also in marked juxtaposition to the set of close fitting athletic pants he wore, the dark blue colored garment looking maybe a size too small for the well-built man. His shoes were a set of low slung sneakers, and he notably had no socks on with them. The hood of said hoodie was tugged up to cover his shaggy, brown hair, and he looked around with a set of dark brown eyes that seemed to scan everyone in the immediate area. Of course, the fact that they were all the only things really discernable besides the restaurant in the fog might explain that. He rubbed at his nose with the back of his hand and cleared his throat slightly, though the sound turned into something more akin to a trembling whine as his eyes fixed on Akhlut. The young man jerked his hood forward a bit, attempting to occlude the view of his eyes, before he started walking in a direct path toward the very large man. Once he was within a few steps, the young man launched himself at the tall man in pink, giving a sharp sounding snarl as he did so. Of course, it looked more like a child attempting to sneak attack a father as Akhlut merely reached out and stopped the man's forward progression with a hand at the center of his chest, causing the young, now solid black-eyed, man's breath to whoosh from him in a rush.

Loa dropped Vivica.

Loa dropped Ronnie.

For Yazhu, the flow of greetings that meet her nearing give her pause. The young woman seems unaccustomed to such direct, casual greeting from strangers, given how she slows and studies those before her mutely for just a moment. But civility is civility and she answers with a slight forward bow of his head and a quiet, precise, "Good evening." Felix, however, she seems at least casually familiar with. "I do not. I was delivering aid, not food," she explains directly. The sudden violence startled her, the calm mask of her expression fading for an instant as her attention darts towards Akhlut and his attacker.

As if it doesn't really care about what's going on, the air remains still and filled with the concealing layer of dense fog.

Akhlut let out a warm chuckle and nodded to Iara, "It is the nature of the farm that people come and go as the wind takes them. It sounds like you have a better excuse than good surf." The man grinned and nodded, "It is one of my names." Putting on the hand holding Nala's Akhlut attention and direct it towards Iara. Maybe it was an attempt to make introductions, but his free hand shot up to push his assailant back. The sound that followed could only be describe of jovial laughter. "Just because you can see the fish, does not mean you can bring it into the boat." Releasing Nala, the happy laughter continued as he reached for his attacker to grip the man by his forearms... His grip immediately slipped the sleeves over Matthew's hands, and Akhlut spun Matt in place to wrap his own arms around the poor attacker.

Bjorn might have tried an introduction with the new differently dressed person, but then there was a thwarted attacking. And an attacking where the attacker was recognized even. "...That's the guy!" He looks to Felix as if to confirm that he's not seeing something, and then starts to look around since Aklut seems to have it well in hand and if Matthew was around then the other two might be as well.

Out in the foggy parking lot where the overhead lights do little but emphasize the blanket covering the world, a grunted sound of surprise is heard from a male throat. Immediately following that, the sound of three, solid, wooden objects hitting the ground and rolling comes clearly from the fog, though it echoes oddly, as fog tends to cause location to be a tricky thing. All that silence that follows is quickly filled by a gurgling and coughing sound that ends all too soon, followed by the sound of thin sheet metal being dented in by pressure.

Nala grinned broadly to Kai, nodding to him. "Wonderful name, Kai. He le'ale'a to know you. And mahalo for the advice on dinner. We usually just get four of everything so Akhlut has a snack for the walk home." She winked at Kai, then looked fondly up at Akhlut. When Iara introduced herself, Nala looked over at her and smiled. "Oh! Yes, Doc Keawe mentioned he'd had a young assistant named Iara there for a while. Nice to meet you, Iara." Nala looked like she was about to say something, specifically to Yazhu, when the young man launched himself at her mate. Her bright, blue-green, eyes widened and she stared at the man, her jaw setting and clenching for a moment as indignant anger crept over her face noticably. "HEY! What on earth are you doing, haole?!" Her voice was nearly a hiss, though when Akhlut immediately turned the man around to face away from him and turned the blazer into a straight jacket, humor caused the edge of Nala's lips to curl up into an amused smirk. "Why do people go after the bigger fish? Too greedy, should go for smaller fish." The smile on her face quickly faded, though, to nothing at all as Nala whipped around to look out into the fog. "Someone's... not alright." Nala took a step away from Akhlut, going out into the fog a little, with her head turned specifically in one direction. "Akhlut, something worse was successfully fishing, out there. Did you hear that?" She peered into the fog as if it would reveal something, which it did not.

As they chatted, Felix caught sight of a somewhat familiar face coming out of the noodle place. And a familiar jacket! He raised his hand to the man, about to call out when he watches as Matthew suddenly lunged for Akhlut. With hilariously predicitable results. Rubbing his eyes with thumb and forefinger, he stepped well clear of the flailing, stinky young man. "Oh damn dude! I was gonna ask for my jacket back but I think I'd just burn it instead hell." He frowned. "What have you been up to dude? You smell like a freaking abattoir." He grinned at Kai and nudged him in the side. "Good word right?"

As Akhlut wrapped Matt in a bear hug, he scratched a hand through his hair, nodding at Bjorn. "Yeah it is! Matty right? Not looking so good there buddy." At Nala's words he perked his own hearing, trying to make sense of the noises. "Do I hear a really thick milkshake? Ooooh Matty... what did you do? Could you not stay away from those two? Dude she was super hot but this is the second time I've seen you covered in blood. And it's the second time I've seen you. There's kink and then there's like... whatever the hell you're doing."

        • remove above

"Nice meeting you Iara." Kai replies to the young woman and then turns to Felix. "Never hurts to keep in shape my friend and you don't mind this weather?" He quirks his eyebrow slightly and then replies with a slight grin, "You do know that stories that contain trouble in it sometimes begin with...It was a dark and foggy night." He then looks up at Bjorn and then to Nala, "Things are good and thanks for your kind words miss." But then this dark haired dude from the restaurnt attacks the big fellar Akhulut but is quickly subdued. "What in the...that ain't cool man." By reflex his right leg shifts back a bit as he gets into a guarded stance, glancing around warily just in case there are other attackers and he spins his baseball bat to an upright position like it was a sword as he grips it in both hands now. Despite the rather surprising attack, his demeanor appears calm and his breathing controlled. "I have a bad feeling about this..." He says after hearing those strange sounds coming from somewhere in the foggy distance and then yells out into the fog, "Hey...does anybody need help out there?" He then glances over towards Akhulut. "You got that guy under control? Umm...is it just me or does he have really black looking eyeballs?" He then takes one hand off the baseball bat to adjust his baseball cap and says to restrained man. "Just calm down man...we don't want to hurt you. Was the Pho really that bad from the restaurant...cause if it is, you really should just speak to the manager or give them a bad review on the internet..."

Iara nods and smiles softly to Akhlut, "Yes, now that this semester is almost finished, I look forward to working at the farm again. And it is nice to meet you too, Nala." she smiles and nods to her. Her tummy continues to grumble hungrily as she waits for the crowds to pass before taking another step towards the door of the popular restaraunt. But her path is once again blocked as another person steps out. This man however, seems to catch her attention for a moment, pausing to peer intently at him, nostrils flaring as she sniffs the air. "Huh? What's this..Felix..?" she narrows her eyes, stepping after him, confused about something it seems, shaking her head as she tries to figure something out. And then, before she can react, the man rushes at Akhlut, who stops him easily. Iara continues to watch him intently, frowning softly now. "Who..Who are you?!" When Bjorn makes that revelation, her brows arch curiously, "You know him? Who is he?" But the scent of fresh blood causes her to frown deeply, ears twitching. "This isn't good.." she shakes her head, moving towards the source of the sound, perhaps a bit more bold than she should be as concern overrides caution. "Who's out there? Show yourselves!"

As they chatted, Felix caught sight of a somewhat familiar face coming out of the noodle place. And a familiar jacket! He raised his hand to the man, about to call out when he watches as Matthew suddenly lunged for Akhlut. With hilariously predicitable results. Rubbing his eyes with thumb and forefinger, he stepped well clear of the flailing, stinky young man. "Oh damn dude! I was gonna ask for my jacket back but I think I'd just burn it instead hell." He frowned. "What have you been up to dude? You smell like a freaking abattoir." He grinned at Kai and nudged him in the side. "Good word right?"

As Akhlut wrapped Matt in a bear hug, he scratched a hand through his hair, nodding at Bjorn. "Yeah it is! Matty right? Not looking so good there buddy." At Nala's words he perked his own hearing, trying to make sense of the noises. "Do I hear a really thick milkshake? Ooooh Matty... what did you do? Could you not stay away from those two? Dude she was super hot but this is the second time I've seen you covered in blood. And it's the second time I've seen you. There's kink and then there's like... whatever the hell you're doing." He looked to Kai and shook his head. "Nah man. Last time we saw this dude it got weird. Some lady tried to punch Bjorn in the face. Bjorn! He's got like... the least punchable face I know." Giving the big man in question a thumbs up, he looked out over the fog along with Iara. "I dunno... but something is."

Caught up in a bear hug from behind, the young man with brown hair was jerking this way and that, thrashing in an attempt to be free. His eyes were solid black orbs, shining and reflecting the light of the 20 Pho 7's neon. As he moved, it only seemed to prove that Akhlut's hold on him was unbreakable, and he just snarled in pure frustration. "LET ME GO!" He stilled when he heard the sound out in the fog, for a moment, then he shook like a leaf in a gale force wind. "Oh god, Let me GO... You need to get out of here... GO.. LET ME GO!" Panic overrode any of his sensibilities and the man bounced and gripped at Akhlut's arms like he might somehow wrench them open.

If Vivica is out there. No one knows it.

Akhlut continued to hold onto Matthew's arms as he spoke, "I believe you're made a mistake... When you leap at someone in a threatening manner, you lose credibility." Then Matt kept squirming, Akhlut starting laughing again. Then he gripped Matt around the waist to pick him up bodily. And a second later, Akhlut put him on the ground, putting one of Matt's ankles back t

to start wrapping one of the sleeves around the kid's ankles. "This is good exercise to get you stronger." Akhlut's laughter seemed to rattle within his ribcage as he was joyfully hogtying the lad.

Blinking as Nala starts to walk into the mist more Bjorn asks, "Did this suddenly become a vampire movie?" He looks down at Matthew, and then says, pretty much to everyone, "Be careful I don't think anyone wants to run into whatever might be out there alone." He frowns as he takes a few steps out, but more to put himself between whatever is out there and the group, stepping behind Aklut so that nobody could do anything to him from behind.

The faint sound of something thudding against thin sheet metal can be heard, but it's somewhat subdued, and fairly weak.

Nala took a breath, then glanced back behind herself to look at Akhlut, and nod. "You tying him up so you can come out with me, then, e ku'u aloha? Or anyone, really, just to watch my back? I can hear them, and tell where they are. But we need to hurry." Urgency filled Nala's words as she stepped out a little further into the fog, leaving just the pale pink of her shirt lit up enough by the neon glow of the 20 Pho 7 noodle house to make her location notable. "Really, we need to move. I think they're not going to make it." She shifted back and forth between her feet, all but bounding, like she could hardly keep herself back despite the ill advised notion of going out there alone.

Kai blinks, "A slaughter house? So...this Matty guy works at a butcher shop?" He replies to Felix and then glances between Bjorn and the shapeshifter student. "So you guys have met him before and he seems pretty darn scared. He's either wanting to get away from us...or whatever else might be...uhh, out there?" He quirks an eyebrow slightly at one of Bjorn's comments, "Vampire movie? Oh great...you aren't serious are you...wait don't answer that. I already jixned us from my earlier bad feeling about this comment." He glances towards Nala and nods. "I'll come with you and lead the way if you know where we are going." He notices taht Matty is very well restrained by Akhulut right now, so he isn't too worried about him being much of a concern at the moment. "Wait...I think I know where those sounds are coming from. Follow me instead! Someone might need our help." He then rushes off into the fog, like a pick-up baseball player in not so shiny armor, since his uniform is covered in dirt while holding his baseball bat high above his head, like he's some sort of samurai warrior charging into fray.

Iara continues to stride forward into the hazy fog, stepping in next to Nala. "Don't worry, I've got your back." she answers her, peering around as she sniffs at the air. "I wont let anyone get hurt.." she shivers a bit at the mention of vampires, glancing at Kai. "Gosh, I really hope we're not dealing with Vampires..But I'm smelling a lot of blood. Blood and sweat, fear and horror. Someone's really scared, probably in pain." Iara shivers again, not out of fear for herself but fear for whoever is out there being preyed upon, but she continues to sniff the air, trying to figure out where it's coming from. "Who's out there? Are you hurt? We're here to help!" she calls again to the darkness.

Felix watched with an increasing frown as his former jacket was used to hogtie someone. He couldn't do much besides shake his head. "Oh man... yeah. Just go ahead and keep that Matty." Running a hand through slightly damp hair, When Kai charged off he slid a hand across his face, shaking his head. "Dude... evey time I see you, I swear..." He looked to the two big fellows and nodded at them. "Right. I'm heading in." He raised his left hand, which sported a colorful beaded braclet. "Try to look for this? Just in case. So you don't smash my head in by accident." He gave Bjorn a friendly pat on the bicep, nodded to Akhlut and headed off after the others.

As Kai went rushing off out into the fog toward the sounds he'd heard, there was a rush, something like a breeze that wasn't quite so breezy suddenly caused his hair to buffet. And then something that felt like a steel band wrapped around his upper body, tying his arms against his sides. Another steel-strong band moved around his neck and choked in on it, cutting off his ability to speak. Those bands, well, they were arms upon closer inspection, because plastered against Kai's back was what had to be a female body. Still, as he was grabbed and silenced in the fog, unable to be seen by others, he was now quite solidly held.

Matthew, the dark haired man, laid on the ground under Akhlut and pitifully struggled against the much bigger man as he was effectively hogtied. He whimpered, starting to cry as he rested his cheek against the ground and shook his head. "No... please, let me go. Get away. Oh god, let me go."

Akhlut patted Matthew on the thigh, once the hogtie was finished. "I suggest to relax for the time being. If what you said about running being a good plan, I suggest you stay quiet as not to draw attention..." The giant of a man frowned, "I'd feeling bad if something happened to you while I was gone, so you can come with." Akhlut listened for a moment, looped his arm under Matt's knotted limbs, and started carrying him as Akhlut headed after Nala and Kai.

When Akhlut finishes with the hogtie, Bjorn starts to follow along into the fog as well, bringing up the rear. He frowns though as it starts to go quiet up ahead. "Everyone alright up there?" He tries to listen to make sure everyone's still with them, sniffing the air as well as he moves along, trying to stay at the ready.

As people began to approach the area where they'd been hearing the noises, well... it became aparent in the pale, odd, glow of the overhead light in the parking lot that a large, dangerously wide man was on top of another man, whose legs and arms were covered in a baseball uniform. Those legs and arms weren't moving anymore, though. The thing that was on top of the baseball player lifted his face, looking at the impending group of people, and smiled with lips and the entire lower half of his face covered in a thick, candy-red coating of fresh, dripping, blood. He shifted, hefting the body he'd been on top of so that it was overhead, and then threw it toward Nala, managing to have the arms and legs flop against the woman from the hips down, and peppering her with splatters of blood on her own bare legs as it stained her cut-offs with splotches of red. He then gave a snarling sort of chuckle, and leapt off the car to land on the concrete silently, crouched, with muscles bulging in his plain, gray, Tshirt.

Nala shook her head and reached out as Kai passed her, frowning. "Wait..." She shook her head again then glanced over at Iara to give her a supportive, albiet slight, smile. "Yeah, let's go." As Akhlut and Bjorn also came up to start moving over, Nala took a soft breath and started forward. Glad to actually be moving toward the situation rather than waiting, her footsteps weren't slow or measured, and she headed in the direction she could hear the sounds. "Kai?" She called the man's name, curious, as they didn't seem to catch up to him. When they came upon the sight of the apparent vampire feeding on the baseball player, the look on Nala's face was one of pure shock. "K.. Kai?" And then the body was flying at her, and Nala took a hasty step back, almost enough to keep her from being hit entirely with the body.

Letting out a growled sort of roar of effort, Nala rushed forward at the man-thing that had hurled the dead body at her. She put all of her strength into the effort, ducking in under the length of his arm and then jerking back behind him. The next moment, she slammed Ronnie the vampire face first into the car, her knee planted solidly between his shoulder blades. "STAY!" She cried the word loudly as the man struggled quite valiantly against her, and then put more pressure against him so that his face was solidly squashed against the driver's door window.

The fog is grey-white in the light of mid-day.

Kai was quite surprised when running through the fog with a bat held high over his head to save people, to all of a sudden get tackled to the ground by a lightning quick silent ninja! He opened his mouth to scream out a warning but found out quite quickly that he couldn't even squeeze out a whimpered meep because the air supply to his lungs had been cut off by a steel vice like grip over his throat. As he started to fall to the ground, he remembered his training and without hesitation, he knew he had to strike swiftly and with much force. Curving his back, relaxing his muscles he tried to create a small gap of space so he could suddenly explode and drive his right elbow into the midsection of the...uhh, very womanly body that had grappled him. He threw everything into that elbow, his technique was nearly flawless and the power generated from the force of the blow he knew would cause some severe injury to any normal human being. He felt the grip around his throat and body loosen, enough so that he could speak. "No thanks...your a little too clingy..." He manages to get back quickly to his feet and call out to his friends if they are nearby. "Watch out!"

Iara continues to follow Nala and Kai into the dark fog, keeping her senses peeled for anything out of the ordinary. Her nostrils flare as the strong scent of blood becomes even stronger as they come upon the sight of an apparent vampire, feeding upon one of the baseball players. "No!" she gasps, eyes widenned, realizing it's probably too late to save the baseball player. When the body is flung towards Nala, she flinches, stepping back before stepping towards Nala to check on her. "Are you alright?" but it seems she is quite alright, and strong enough to pin the guy against the car.

Iara breathes a sigh of relief, and hurries to the wounded man's side, checking his vitals. "Hey, can you hear me? I think he's still alive..But barely!" she quickly pulls off her shrug, wrapping it around his neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding. "Hang in there, I'll call for help!" she does her best to maintain her composure, even though the blood is all over her hands now. With her other hand, she does her best to wipe the blood off before reaching for her phone, hastily dialing 9-1-1.

"Oh shit! What the fuck dude?!" The sight of the heavyset man clearly having killed someone was bad enough, worse for the fact that the body was then hurled at Nala. He'd stepped back to avoid the flying, grotesque missile, too distracted now to wonder what had happened to Kai. When the woman responded by smashing Ronnie against a car and pinning him, Felix let out a cheer. "Ha! That's right! You take that you body flinging creep!" As Iara went to look to the potential and repeated victim, he was surprised to spot Kai become visible in the fog. He looked to the man pinned to the car door by Nala and the fog in general. He sighed. "Ok well... if something's gonna jump out and get me... I want that asshole to hesitate. Fuckers already ruined my jacket." As if that was excuse enough, he shut his eyes and gritted his teeth. "Dry cleaning bills are on these sons of bitches." A declaration well made, as the transformation that occured was intensely violent and certainly bloody enough. Gore sprayed out as tendrils sprung form his back to envelope him. The sound of bone crunching and flesh shifting might make anyone grateful for the obscuring appendages. When the beast that had been Felix finally pulled free, it let out a cry that scorched the air. "Aaaaaalright biiitch. Remember theeese twoo. Where's yoooou aaat?" As if to try and draw any foes out, he reached out an elongated, taloned hand and took a simple, almost lazy swipe at Ronnie, smashing him in the face with a splayed, clawed hand and sending the big man reeling.

Vivica hissed loudly in pain as her ribs were bruised, and the touch burned her enough for her to take notice. Her black, angered eyes fixed on Kai and she narrowed them for a moment before the quick, female vampire skittered off between two cars and vanished into the fog.

Matthew attempted to struggle a bit as Akhlut carried him like a handbag. But his struggling was useless, and his simpering became more piteous as he was taken in closer to the creature Nala had pinned to the car, and the now monstrous form of Felix was beating on.

Akhlut grimaced to see the dead being tossed around, a growl rattling deep in his chest. Eyeing the hogtied Matthew, he stared at the man. "You need to behave while this gets handled." Matthew was then dropped on the ground, and Akhlut went charging at Ronnie. There was a warning click of his tongue before he grabbed one of Ronnie's ankles clear off the ground and folded it up, like Akhlut was trying to wishbone the poor bastard. "If you want to keep fighting, you're going to be dislocating a hip." Akhlut added a bit more pressure to make his point, even as his grip was starting to slip.

Did he just.... launch a body as a weapon? Oh HELLS NO. It's slight chaos, though the fog keeps the chaos somewhat muffled, as Kai's dealing with someone in the dark, but Nala pins Ronnie... Ronnie who just possibly killed a dude. As Ak drops Matthew and grabs one leg Bjorn snarls and runs after grabbing the other. "Remember the fire escape Ronnie?" He nods to Ak and then says, "This is for that guy you just ate..." And leaning and tugging as hard as he can using Ak's similar weight and strength to counterbalance goes ahead and makes a wish, hearing popping and god knows what else as he makes Ronnie into a senior citizen with severe osteoporosis problems as he tries to maul the monster.

The scream that Ronnie made was something entirely inhuman. It was pain, rage, and shock all combined into one as his lower body was wrenched into supreme states of damage. "RUUUUUUUN!" He screamed loudly into the foggy night, with whatever shred of sanity he had left. The limbs being held by Akhlut and Bjorn twisted gruesomely in their hands as the layer of false 'human' flesh ripped away from them, and shreds of skin slipped out of the ends of Ronnie's pants as well as bunched up around the knee joints. His twisting and writhing managed to get his legs out of the grips of both men, where they fell to the ground limply, because of the hideous damage done to his pelvis and hips.

Nala attempted to get herself in against Ronnie hard enough to keep him immobilized, but the pain and rage building in the man she held against the side of the car managed to keep him from being put into a purely still state. She continued to keep him pinned up against the side of the car with his face mashed into the driver's side window and her knee solidly wedged into his spine between his shoulders, though. "We need to finish him, he may be going to get away from me eventually!" Nala called this out to the people there, but her eyes stayed focused on Ronnie solidly, so he didn't pull something tricksey to escape her.

The sickening crack of bone and many other things made even Felix wince, bright red eyes narrowing at the sound. Not that it made him hesitate too terribly long. Nala had an excellent point, and there was no denying that form and function go together. So when Ronnie fell to the ground with a dull thud and began screaming, the shifter was on it's prey in moments, attacking like the animal he was. Powerful skull jaws tore and bit at the man's chest, trying to tear through to get at the heart as claws scrabbled to get pesky flesh and bone out of the way. The screams ended along with a satisfying yet awful crunch, as ribs gave way beneath those jaws, and the heart was torn from the vampires chest to be crushed and burned in the furnace of Felix's form.

            • Remove previous******

Kai blinks when Vivica hissed at him but narrows his eyes at her when she fixes her angry eyes on him but then she's gone, vanishing into the fog as quickly as she appeared. Glancing around, he notices that Akhulut, Nala and Felix are dealing with Ronnie who seems to be in quite the pretzel. However, he does notice that Iara is tending to one of his mates from his baseball team who happens to be covered in blood. That guy was one of their best hitters and he also happens to be a really nice guy! "Forgive me but I will give you the peace that you deserve." He takes a run towards Ronnie and then launches himself into the air, his foot and leg extended as he does a flying side kick into the vampires face, ala Bruce Lee style.

The sickening crack of bone and many other things made even Felix wince, bright red eyes narrowing at the sound. Not that it made him hesitate too terribly long. Nala had an excellent point, and there was no denying that form and function go together. So when Ronnie fell to the ground with a dull thud and began screaming, the shifter was on it's prey in moments, attacking like the animal he was. Powerful skull jaws tore and bit at the man's chest, trying to tear through to get at the heart as claws scrabbled to get pesky flesh and bone out of the way. The screams ended along with a satisfying yet awful crunch, as ribs gave way beneath those jaws, and the heart was torn from the vampires chest to be crushed and burned in the furnace of Felix's form.

The sound of rapidly running footsteps can be heard through the fog as someone runs away like they've been set on fire. They seem to be headed in the direction of Mililani proper, where all the houses were.

Matthew, as he'd been dropped to the ground, began to struggle in earnest. Obviously he didn't enjoy being tied up like the soon to be roasted beast. He wriggled and wrenched at his arms and legs until finally, he managed to get the two sets of limbs unbound from one another. Sure, he was still in a sticky situation as he was laying on the ground and had his upper half still tied up and hardly able to move, but he was better off now than he had been a moment or two ago, and his whimpering seemed to subside a little as this became the case. That is, of course, until he sees Ronnie get himself completely murdered. Just... obliterated. Matt let out a scream of terror and started attempting to scuttle away along the ground, like a landbound crab on its back.

With Ronnie thoroughly wishbone and mutilated, Akhlut looked back and growled. Stomping back over to Matthew, Akhlut lifted the lad's tied arms to torque Matt's shoulders. "You need to stay still, because we're going to have a conversation about those black eyes. Most of the things that I know that have them, live in the Black Sea." Akhlut caught an ankle once more, "Humans manage to hurt each other without help, so we're going to find out if you're part of the problem, or actually trying to help." Untying Matt's shoelaces, he looped those around to knot of sleeves. "Now, stay..."

With Ronnie defeated, making the island a little safer for people, Bjorn is ready to run after the other one. He actually starts to, but with the fog, and the danger of being cut off from the others holds up short, especially as Matthew tries to get free again. "Matt! Stop fighting, what happened to you... possibly I assume isn't your fault it's theirs." He lets Ak keep him immobile and then looking where Kai's fallen team mate is asks to no one in particular, "Someone call am ambulance yet or should I?"

Nala stepped back away from the corpse of what was left of Ronnie, a little disgust on her facial expressions. "Vampires. The false skinned ones. I've heard they look like disfigured bats under their fake flesh." She knealt down and looked at the shredded flesh mask falling out of Ronnie's pants leg, and at the tear in that mask across the dead creature's face, revealing the leathery, dark skin of the bat-like fiend beneath. "This isn't good. It means they're here, and will be eating people." Nala stood back up, looking at the others gathered, and then to the one that Akhlut had hogtied rather effectively. "We'll have to keep him somewhere secure. If he's like this one, he can't be in sunlight. I can get a cross or two from the main house at my parent's place, and we'll have to rig him up well. Unless one of you happens to have a dungeon somewhere?" Nala looked over at Bjorn and nodded. "Iara did, I heard her talking to them on the phone, and they're likely on the way, the fog just makes it hard to hear, and hard to see until they're on us." Frowning slightly, she looked over at Felix and raised a brow. "Can you grow wings and chase that other person? Maybe give us an idea of where... no, never mind. The fog would make that just foolhardy. We'll have to find her again another time, when we aren't running through soup." Turning her eyes to Akhlut, Nala offered him a soft smile. "I suppose we should carry him out of here before they get here, or they'll just arrest him and who knows what will happen then."

Kai turns to look away when Felix rips out Ronnie's heart from his chest, "May you find peace in death that you could not as a cursed undead life..." He says in a soft voice when he turns to look at the body as Ronnie's spirit leaves his mortal vessel. "Everyone alright? Keep an eye out for the clingy lady...she's got a real strong grip and moves like the wind. I'm going to go check on Iara and my...buddy." He turns to walk but stops and glances back. "We have to meet soon and find out what this fellow knows...hopefully we can find her again soon before more innocent people get hurt." Looking at Nala, he nods solemnly. "I've heard of this type before...but I'll need to do more research. Thank you for your help." He continues quickly towards Iara, checking on his wounded team mate from baseball and utilizes his medical skills to stabilize him as best as he can until the ambulance arrives. "He's lost a lot blood but we have to get him to a hospital ASAP. Good job Iara for stabliziing him." He's going to do everything in his power to make sure his baseball buddy makes it through this.

Felix the... whatever raised his bloodied muzzle from Ronnie's ruined torso, stepping back slightly from the corpose and plopping down on his backside, he stared with burning red eyes at the mess he'd caused. Finally he scrambled to clawed feet, marking up the pavement as he did so. One heavy hand wiped across his face. "Not like I ever eat barbeque neeeatly anywaaaaaay." After a moment's thought he nodded to Nala. "I could, but only tomoooorrrow. Can't shift again." He looked to Matthew. "I'll help thooough." There was a snort from Felix at Kai's prayer, and he shook his skulled head. "Tooooo little, toooo laaaate. Niiice bat wooork.""

And then thankfully it was Felix again, mass and shape retracting suddenly so that once more there was a college student in running clothes, making a face and sticking out his tongue. "I can definitely help yeah. But right now I wanna go get super drunk and forget I just did that." He grinned at the two big men and Nala. "That was some damn good team work. You really are the hellzapopin boys. And girl."

"I'm not like them! Not totally... I can be out in the sun, I promise! Please... if you're keeping me safe from them, you don't have to tie me up." Matthew whimpered and plead for himself, craning his neck to look at Akhlut while he spoke to him. Notably, his eyes had gone back to being dark brown, and were no longer orbs of blackness. He was still shaking and stank of fear clearly enough that noses not accustomed to smelling it could still make it out.

Akhlut nodded to response to Nala, "So we get him out of here... It seems like the farm may work as a place to keep him, and he can choose between walking or being carried." Looking down at Matt, Akhlut rolled his tongue against his cheek. "Your choice little one, but you need to tell me if you have false skin as well, else the place I find for you may be too bright." Looking at the others, he took a deep breath, "Atworth Acres, if any of you have questions for him. But it's better that we're not all here when the police show." Untying the shoestring from the rest of the knot, he pulled Matthew to his feet, "So you can walk then... That is good." A smile reappeared on his lips, "Let us have our march then."