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| subtitle = A good night out.
| subtitle = A good night out.
| location = Kailua Beach, [[Windward Coast]]
| location = Kailua Beach, [[Windward Coast]]
| plots =  
| plots = [[Plot:Beyond Zebra]]
| categories = Shapeshifter, Scion, Werecreature, White Court, Pure Mortal, Faithful
| categories = Shapeshifter, Scion, Werecreature, White Court, Pure Mortal, Faithful
| log =
| log =

Latest revision as of 13:19, 21 April 2018

Vog Rave

A good night out.

Dramatis Personae

Bjorn, Casey, Eve, Felix, Heath, and Iara. Loa as GM.

2 June, 2008

Parties in the night, parties in the vog


Kailua Beach, Windward Coast


Plot:Beyond Zebra

Pounding music and enjoying the little things in life, like a gaggle of inebriated and possibly high out of their minds youth seemed to call out the strangest of people. The fact that the Rave was in the Vog made it one of those things that most people wouldn't even report, as no one was outside in the Vog to see it. And so, the rave tonight had gone on long and strong, without any Johnny Law getting in the way.

Eve was among those at the party tonight, and she seemed to be enjoying herself a bit, if the cruel cut of her razor blade, red smile could be trusted. She was currently dancing, wearing cold, glowing blue necklaces and bracelets, which made the exposed skin of her arms and neck, as well as under her jaw, glow with cool light. For clothes, she'd elected for the less is more theory and had dressed in a simple, light blue strapless dress that fit tight as hell around her upper body and flared at her hips, but only a little, until it struck her mid thighs. With the way she was dancing and jumping around, it was also obvious that her panties were either exactly the same color as her dress, and brief as hell, or just looked the same color under the spiralling lights of the party tent. (repose)

Heath lounged on a chair. The chair itself was only a lawn chair, but it may have been a throne in Heath's mind. "No, sweatheart, did you fucking hear me start a chant of ass to ass? No, that didn't fucking happen. What I said was human centipede. So I want you and your friends to raid the nearest first aid kit and get to bondage, mouth to ass, and repeat twice." The women he was explaining this too were dressed for clubbing, pleather and latex, making it impossible to indentify them as anything else. Heath was addressed in leather pants that could have been painted on and a black mesh t-shirt. Waving the trio of women off, he added. "And for the love of all that is holy, get some visine." Leaning back in his chair, Heath opened his flask, taking a long draw off it.

Iara didn't like loud places with lots of music as a general rule. However, every so often, everyone needs to relax a little, to lose themselves and Iara is no different. It helps that they are playing particularly catchy dance music and Si, even though she stumbled upon this place by pure accident, the petite Latina decides to linger a bit longer, dancing smoothly and gracefully to the music, losing herself in the rhythm. Dressedin a simple frilly red dress and ahirt black bolero at least she fits in..Somewhat.

It may look like the Zombie Apocalypse outside in the vog, but Casey Grace isn't afraid of any ol' end of the world. She's come to the tent rave to dance like the world is ending, because you never know when it might. The rangy, rock n' roll blonde steers her way through the thronging masses towards the front of the stage, towards the music and away from the dealers and "candy." Her blonde hair breaks free of its black headband and slashes around her face and shoulders, dragging hints of sweat across dark eyeshadow and long lashes and dark red lipstick. She's wearing a white tank top and a red tie (which matches the red bra poorly concealed by the thin shirt) over a plaid, pleated skirt and ripped tights that dip into her black, strap-and-buckle boots that were made more for ass-kicking than walking. Her hands are in the air as she gives herself over to the music, wrists wrapped in white bandanas and stacked jelly bracelets, and one hand has lofted her cheap-ass beer for safety from elbows.

Felix was in the middle of the crowd, moving wildly to the beat. It wasn't so much a dance as a sinuous walk, traveling through the tent at a leisurely pace with a glowstick in either hand. He was likewise festooned in glowing bracelets and necklaces, having stripped off his shirt to party in a pair of tight jeans and sneakers. His eyes caught sight of Eve dancing, watching her as she danced with abandon. He was close enough to hear Heath's comment in passing and stopped, laughing as he watched the bondage partygoers head off. "Wow. Hawaiin raves are way different." He laughed, giving the man a smile and a wave as he spun about. His own eyes were bright and shining, under the influence of a mix of marijuana and E checked by the Dansafe guys near the entrance. As Casey danced past he smiled, watching her go, spinning about to raise his eyebrows, taking in Iara's outfit with a smile and a wave as he leapt past.

As the music moved into something with a little more edge of a beat, people began dancing a little closer together, the electronica giving that pulse of life that made everyone want to cluster up and touch just to feel something alive besides the music alone.

Eve moved in behind one of the nearest young women, grinning over the much shorter woman's shoulder at Felix as she saw the glowing lad move by and talk to Heath. She whispered into the woman's ear she was dancing with, holding her much closer, sliding her hands over the other woman's abdomen and even her chest without fear of reprisal as she did so. Soon enough, the young lady that Eve had been talking to was giggling, and started on her way over toward Heath, stumbling a bit, weaving, but attempting to move with the music as she did so in her inebriated state. When she got to Heath, the girl kind of stumbled and fell against him, speaking to the man specifically as she giggled, and ran her hands over Heath's leather clad legs.

Eve watched, a wicked thrill in her eyes as she allowed other people to move more closely to her, not seeming bothered as they touched her own PVC mesh dress, but instead moving in time with the music and keeping her sharp, hawklike gaze on the young woman accosting Heath.

Heath stared at the woman that fell against him, openly taking in her body like a piece of kobe beef. Taking another drink from his flask. "Hummer? Let's instead explore the muffin top of doom that you're sporting. I enjoy a blueberry muffin as much as the next guy, but you've clearly decided to start the morning right with a baker's dozen. That's not say I'm not interested. So I'll tell you what. You go track down a bag to wear over your head, preferably plastic and tight fitting, and we'll make this donkey show happen." The man stared daggers at the woman. "Since you're clearly heading to Walmart, you may want to double bag." No smile was cracked as he took another drink.

Iara closes her eyes, enjoying for once, the ominous mystery of the vog, of the music, the madness of so many drunken happy dancers packed under a small tent, hidden in the darkness of the night. Because when you're in the dark, you're free to do a lot more, when no one can see you.

Spmewhere along the line she had grabbed a spiked iced tea, chugged it all the way down as she tried to numb the ever present pain and loneliness, to lose herself in the darkness and the overwhelming rhythm of the music. And it felt good for once, to not have a care in the world, to forget her pain and loneliness as she danced blindly in the darkness. She slips through the crowds, feeling crowded in but not caring for once as she reaches out and touches Eve's hand briefly, then passes by Heath and then Felix..Casey is next and she smiles faintly at her as she passed her by next, laughing and spinning, losing herself in the music. Tomorrow she will probably berate herself for her lack of responsibility. But tonight? Tonight hers...

Casey felt the crush of bodies against hers as the beat changed, and she ceded her spot at the front to a young man whose dancing bordered on epilepic, giving a motion to her mostly-empty beer as she wove her way towards someone who could rectify that situation. As she moves, she feels a hand on hers, and she reaches out to give Iara's hand a squeeze, and she offers the girl a warm smile. "Let the music take you away," she says, probably downed under the thumping beat, but the sentiment is a familiar one. We're all one in the rave tent! Continuing on, she upnods the glowing, gyrating Felix with a wide grin, and near the bar she passed three women in latex in dire need of eye drops and found herself at a lawn chair throne near Heath and Eve...just in time to hear talk of plastic bags and donkey shows. "You kiss your mama with that mouth?" she asks Heath with a quirked brow as she reaches down to help the girl away. "Don't you worry, Baby, he probably can't even get it up in those tight pants, it ain't you," she consoles Muffin, trying to drag her away. "'Scuse me please, that's a lovely dress you've got there. Looks like it's nice and ventilated," she tells the pristine vision that is Eve.

Felix was still close enough to have seen (and heard) the exchange between Heath and Muffin, his senses missing little despite the beat and thrum. His eyebrows went up as he looked from Eve to Heath and back again, moving away as Casey came through with muffin. He gave her a wide smile, looking to the enthroned man. "Wow. That was rough. Did she accidentally knee in the nuts or something?" He moved past to the bar, looking to grab something to drink, having long ago learned the importance of being hydrated at one of these things.

Poor Muffin looked a bit shocked by Heath's words, her mouth opening and closing, as if she wasn't quite processing things well. A moment later, she looked a bit pale and pekid. When Casey helped her up, she nodded her head, then rushed away with the back of her hand pressed to her mouth as she found a safe place to empty the contents of her stomach, away from most people watching.

Eve let out a sound that was somewhere between a groan of pleasure and a triumphant cry, her arms lifted up to the sky above her. Well, to the tent above her. Tall as she was, wearing the light blue PVC and mesh dress that was so well ventilated, she made an obvious sort of image of herself, no doubt. When her eyes opened, they were glowing bright blue like her necklaces, reflecting the light of course, and she looked positively beyond glee into near ecstacy.

When Casey addressed her, Eve grinned to the woman and winked, leaning in a touch closer. "The better to feel the world in, my dear. And mahalo. You look positively grunge adorable in that tie." Reaching out, she actually tugged on the tie and allowed it to go free through her fingers, the expression on her face one that likely should have been used only by the Big Bad Wolf.

Iara passing by caught Eve's attention then, and she turned to follow the young woman, reaching down a bit to wrap an arm around Iara's waist to pull her back against Eve's front, holding her close. "Little dove, you look ravishing tonight. Out enjoying some natural color?" The blue glow bracelets around her waist glowed brightly against the red of Iara's dress, and Eve began to dance with the smaller girl, dipping her chin so she could nuzzle her cheek against Iara's from behind.

Heath's seemed sparkle with glee as he glanced at Casey, consoling the girl. "It's funny that you ask, I did kiss the nanny with this mouth. Sure, I wasn't expecting her to have so much hair on her lips, but it was a milestone." Taking another drink from his flask. "The world would be fucked with too many white knights." His eyes drifting across the crowd to sort out Eve, as he leaned back to dig out a small velvet bag, picking out a couple of pills. Knocking them back with another drink, he arched an eyebrow at Felix. "Pawns are meant to be taken off the board before they become queens." The man scanned the rave once more for a trio, "Plus I'm waiting for the headers."

Talk of muffins and what not run right past Iara, lost and caught in the moment as she is. Anything to make the pain and loneliness go away. She closes her eyes, lingering a moment longer as she leans in against Eve with a faint smile, a hazy Twinkle to her golden eyes as she dances in perfect sync with Eve. "Eve.." she murmurs, "Long time, no see..But this little dove has become a fearsome bat.." she smiles at her, a briefly wild flash in her eyes, enjoying the attention that she so rarely gets. But tonight is different. Tonight she is freer, no longer constrained by duty and honour to an empty relationship..She continues to spin and twirl, moving to the ever changing beat, finding a strange peace in all the chaos around her..

Casey saw Muffin safely to her feet but lost her when the poor girl bolted to...detox. The gentle tug on her tie brings her attention back to Eve and she grins lopsidedly. "That's kind of you, Miss. I was channeling the old days. Plus, it helps me meet folks," she drawls pleasantly, touching the tie where Eve's fingers had been. She winks a dark-shadowed, pale green eye at the tall woman in PVC and mesh. She fetches herself a used-up keg and pulls up a seat near Heath's lawn chair throne, looking between him and Eve. "Y'all believe in destiny? I'm thinking you two might just be the reason I'm here tonight. Just a got feeling. And hell, if not, y'all are interesting. Glad to know you let your nanny know she was appreciated, at least. Body hair an' all." She smirks back at Heath then waves to Iara again when Eve addresses her in the crowd. "This ain't your normal scene, honey?" she asks the little Latina. "Just let it be about the music. Don't you be worrying about what's going on in the outskirts, the music has everything you need. Take it from an old pro." Felix's question to Heath makes her laugh. "Glad it wasn't just me, thought it might be Hawaiian custom or something to lube yourself out of leather with the tears of a stranger."

Making his way into the rave, Bjorn...Well he stands out, mostly because the man is too large not to. His hair is pulled back into a tail, and he's gone with the generic 'black' attire one wears when they don't have proper rave attire. Black jeans, boots, shirt, and a bikers jacet of all things, though he looks a little warm in it with the heat of the crowd. He looks about as he makes his way in, spotting some familiar faces as he does so, body swaying to the beat some but not committing to the dance floor as he stays out of the way.

Eve continued to dance with Iara, allowing the girl plenty of room to move when she wanted to spin or shift directions, but regularly pulling her back so that Eve could slide her hands along Iara's mid section, or up along her back if she pulled them face to face. Eve definitely had the expression of someone that was a touch on the high side, or perhaps a good bit on the high side, when she looked over at Casey and gave her a wink. "Don't worry, the little dove... or rather, the mighty bat, is safe with me. I won't let her fall without a little safety net, and my driver is outside in case someone needs a ride home."

Eve nuzzled against Iara's cheek again, rubbing her entirely too silken cheek against the other girl's. "I'm happy to hear you've become fearsome. It's a delightful thing to see someone blossom and grow into what they could have been if not for holding themselves back, or allowing others to restrain them." She grinned wickedly, her lips a cruel, ruby slash along her face. "Restraints are only useful when someone feels like being tied up for a little fun, not to keep them immobile indefinitely."

Eve's eyes were drawn to the large, black void that moved through the dancing, glowing crowd. When she recognized the mammoth form as Bjorn, she lifted her head slightly and brought her face away from Iara's, giving the tall fellow a wide, dangerous smile. "Bjorn. Come, show me if you can dance." She maintained her hold along Iara's abdomen, but reached out with her other arm and motioned Bjorn closer with a delicate series of movements from her long, thin, fingers.

Heath took another drink from his flask before leaning from his side to pick out his phone, thumbing to unlock it and sending a text before replacing it. Glancing at Eve and Iara, Heath smirked before looking back to Casey. "For I know the plans that I have for you, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope... I may know a thing or two about destiny, we are exactly where we are supposed to be." His eyes drifted back to Eve, "Eve, I would hate to see your dancing partner go without a gumdrop. Though I trust you to know what you want at times like these." Chuckling, Heath stood up, flask in one hand and small velvet bag in the palm of the other. Flowing into the crowd, his fingertips tracing against people on his way to Eve, pressing the velvet bag into her hand. Grinning, he turned to Bjorn, "No salmon, but plenty of fish anyway."

Iara just closes her eyes and smiles, grabbing another drink, a vodka raspberry blend from a random waiter padding through perhaps, chugging it down quickly, stumbling a bit against Eve dizzily as the alcohol hits her system. Doesn't matter really, as long as it keeps the pain at bay.

Somewhere in the crowd, she hears talk of chess pieces and she smiles blindly as she continues to swirl around Eve, pulling away, then pulling in close, hovering ever near the talker woman, continuing to enjoy the attention that is given her only rarely.

"Not everyone can be a king or queen. Sometimes the pawn's job is just as important. Kinda like feeling like one has a destiny, because that makes one feel special. Not everyone is special and not everyone has a destiny. Maybe it's easier that way, because us pawns don't have as heavy a burden to bear.."

She smiles faintly at Casey as she says that. "Good to see you again.

Iara says, "I did have questions for you, but I'm a little dizzy at the moment..," she murmurs in a half dream like state, eyes glassy and dreamlike, pupils way too dialated. Bjorn is greeted with a faint driwsy smile and a crook of the finger. "Aloha Bjorn, come join us!""

Casey drains her refilled beer in a well-practiced pull and leaves her cup by her keg-stool so she can rejoin the dancing, stepping into the fray with Eve and Iara. "Now breaking your chains and becoming fearsome, that's something I can get behind," she agrees with Eve, hands thrown up in the air as she brushes her hips against the two women. "Of course, when Iara and I first met, I saw plenty of backbone in our girl here, so I don't know how much fiercer she needs to get," Casey slings an arm around the little Latina to pull her briefly in at her side. "Kicking ass and politely taking names, that was our first meeting. I have a few questions of my own, but let's talk over pancakes," The raucous blonde laughs and releases Iara, staring openly at Eve as she dances along side the sinuous tall woman. "Your eyes really catch the light..." she notes, before Heath's caught her attention with scripture. "Jeremiah 29:11...not quite what I expected out of this party...or you, Monsiour Tight Pants. Color me impressed. But you know in verse 12, He goes on to say "then you will call on Me and come pray to Me, and I'll listen to you." Don't know who most've these folks are prayin' to, but at the moment, it ain't Him." She follows everyone else's gaze to the new arrival, and she tips back her head to grin at the Man in Black. "Hey there, Bjorn. We haven't met, I'm Casey. Come'n dance with us! I'm horning in on your friends' little party, here. Got an interesting bunch."

Felix returned from the bar, having downed a bottle of water. Now he moved back through the crowd, noting the incredible large presence that had joined him. He looked up at Bjorn, grinning at the big man as he moved past. He let the music move him, happily dancing to the driving bass, even as the crowds pressed tighter together. He eyed Iara, having heard talk of bats and blinked at her, not exactly easy to see with all the abounding distractions. He moved around the three women dancing, glow sticks spinning around in his hands.

Seeing everyone dancing, at least all the attractive dance partner types, and calling him over! How could one refuse? And so he weaves through the crowd and makes his way up to them, bowing his head slightly, though also to avoid bumping into anything low hanging. "Well hello there, I didn't expect to bump into so many familiar faces... and new ones." He gives a secondary nod to Casey. His hips get moving a bit more as he gets onto the dance floor proper, though it helps him weave through people without bumping into anyone too badly. He offers a hand out to them and smiles. His eyes are no where nearly as glazed, seems he's stone sober. A brow raises at Heath at the fish comment, and then he just gives the fellow a knowing wink.

Eve accepted the little velvet bag from Heath and gave him a saucy wink that looked entirely too natural on her face, especially with the pursed lips as she blew him a blood red kiss. Licking her fingertip quickly, she dipped it into the bag to come free with two small, white pills stuck to the end of it. One pill went to her own tongue, set to the tip, showing a bright, pink cross on the front of the pill before she swallowed it away, the other pill stayed on her fingertip as she pulled Iara in closer.

Eve ran her hand up Iara's jawline, then slowly slipped her finger into Iara's mouth, all the way to her second knuckle, gently forcing the other girl's jaws open. Once the pill touched Iara's tongue it started to disolve, and Eve withdrew her finger, slick with salive, from Iara's mouth to slide it along the other girl's lips, making them shimmer. "Delicious little bat." She murmured, before she brought her mouth down against Iara's and gave the smaller girl what would have to be described as an entirely erotic kiss. Arms tightened and pressed Iara wholly against Eve, face to face, one of the taller woman's hands dangerously low on Iara's spine. Her tongue obviously and notably slipped into Iara's mouth and she pressed her close enough for every contour of her body to be obvious while she kissed her long and deeply, until she pulled her lips away from the small bat-shifter with a wicked grin and a deep breath. "A little present, my bat."

Looking over at Casey, Eve winked to her, the glow of her eyes having died to something that was definitely just reflecting the glow sticks around her neck. "It's a gift of genetics, really, but mahalo again. Come, enjoy the dancing with us, I've always liked having more beauty around me than I could curse at in one breath." The little pouch of pills slipped into the side of Eve's dress near the curve of her breast, leaving her hand free to snake out, long fingers and palm coming around Casey's hip to drag her closer. The movement, of course, brought the three women into very close proximity, and allowed the movement of each to be felt by the others. Undoubtedly, it was a sight to see, for any that happened to be looking their way.

As Bjorn moved closer to the trio of gyrating women, Eve gave him a luciously formed grin that could have called to mind a cat, holding a mouse in its mouth. "Come closer, I'd like the feel of a wall at my back." She motioned behind her, still grinning to the large man, even as she moved with the other two ladies in time to the throbbing pulse of the music. Nothing wrong with wanting something large and stable behind you when you know you'll be rolling soon, right?

Iara smiles at Casey, eyes still glazed, still lost in her own world as she briefly bumps hips with her. "Thanks for the confidence, now if I can just be as strong inside as I am outside...But it's not so easy.."

She sighs, reaching out an arm towards Felix as he swings his glowy sticks close by. "So bright..." she murmurs, trying to grab one of them if she can.

She flashes Bjorn a brief smile, and Heath too, glancing at him briefly, admiring his too-tight pants. But Eve is her main focus, mostly because she craves the attention after having her heart broken twice, in rapid succession. Somehow the attention, even if from an unexpected source, is enough for a distraction at least...Even if the hangover after will hurt like hell.

Eyes widen I surprise as the ecstasy is shoved unexpectedly down her throat, followed quickly by the taller woman pressing an erotic kiss against her lips.

She moans softly, hungrily pressing against the other woman blindly, madly shuddering as the powerful drug takes effect, perhaps imagining her long list love have returned at last, had not abandoned her afterall..Who knows?

And let's go briefly, but attempts to grasp Eve's hands, to pull her in a dizzying spin as she laughs madly.

Casey let herself be drawn in by Eve's grasp, tightly enough that the gyrations of the other women caught the hem of her short skirt and dragged it in utterly unintended directions. She looped an arm around Eve's waist, and draped the other across Iara's shoulder, holding herself close enough to both of them that not even the vog could make much headway between them. She also grits her teeth as tiny pills are exchanged, and turns her face up into the lights, despite how tantalizing the erotic display might be. "It's not a bad idea to have another someone stable around," she says to Bjorn over Eve's shoulder...well, around Eve's shoulder, since Eve has half a foot on Casey. But then she's caught up in Iara's sudden spin, taking Eve along with her, and Casey ducks out before she's taken out by whirlwind IaraEve. And she can't help but laugh at the laughter spilling out of Iara, too. She whirls herself, short skirt and all, over to Heath. "Dance with me, Captain Tight Pants. Just don't keep talking Scripture at me or I'll lose my buzz. Or maybe it would have the opposite effect. Either way, ain't neither of us ready for that." She reaches one jelly-bangle stacked hand towards Felix. "Hey brother, hook a girl up with a glowstick?"

Felix had been dancing, staying close to the group as the crowd pressed around. Even as he had he'd kept his eyes on what had been going on, watching with more than a little interest. He blinked as Casey spoke to him and smiled, handing one over. "Enjoy! Do they do this every time the air gets all crunchy like that?" He laughed, pushing hair out of his eyes. "I haven't been to a party like this in a long while!"

Bjorn moves to get behind Eve, but then Iara is twirling them about. He keeps a step or two back at least until the spinning is done, then watches as Casey heads over to dance with Heath, though only briefly as his attention is fairly focused on the two ladies that just had an interesting kiss session to exchange pills, as one would be apt to. His shoulders and hips keep swaying to the beat but he keeps a step back until he's sure the spinning is over with before sliding up fully behind Eve saying, "Was gonna stay home because of the Vog but glad I didn't."

Eve's grin didn't leave her face, the slash of red amidst the pale of her skin and the cool, blue glow of the necklaces around her neck actually grew wider as her eyes dilated and the drugs took hold. As Iara spun her around, Eve went with her, the tall woman's feet clad in shoes with a heel high enough to make it clean through a skull managing to keep her upright and in balance, a feat only those with a perpetual love of stilettos could achieve. If the loss of her third dancing companion was noted, it was with a wicked smile as the spin slowed and Eve pulled Iara back in closely, doing a bit of a very dirty dance that would have the girl soaring, and decidedly enjoying herself. Nothing wrong with giving someone a few orgasms when they're rolling, especially since it only required a little pressure, just about anywhere, to get them going. Glancing over, she noted Casey asking Heath to dance and her grin turned up a notch, the idea scintillating to her for some reason.

Glowing Felix had Eve's attention for a few moments as she spotted his bright lights moving along her vision, especially when he donated a glow stick to Casey for the cause. Laughter, somehow bright and nearly so youthful it didn't suit the entire crowd, let alone Eve's face, burst from her. A sound of something that was so much more youthful than the woman delivering it that it was somewhat jarring. But a delighted, and rather delightful sound none the less.

As Bjorn brought himself in behind them, after the spin was over of course, Eve leaned back against him and rubbed up along the entire front of his body, providing the pressure of not only her form, but Iara's, as the girl was along the front of Eve. Looking up, she grinned to Bjorn and lifted her chin. "I'm glad you didn't, I like a little rock with my roll." It could have sounded cheesy as hell, really, the line. But Eve purred it, making the entire statement suggestive and sensual as she shifted her hips and moved to the music, the PVC and mesh of her dress sliding easily over Bjorn's clothing.

Heath watched without an ounce of shame as Eve fed Iara the pill, when his attention was stolen by swirling glow sticks. The man had to blink to get his mind back, and too another drink from his flask. Eyeing Casey, Heath shook his head as he moved towards her. "Tight pants? This is my long chastity belt." Stepping up to Casey, wrapping a hand around her rear to pull her close, and a slow grinding dance, his mouth formed an impish grin. "I know desire when I see it... I sure my friend Eve would be sweet enough to give you a kiss too." Glancing back to Eve and back to Casey, "Though she may be busy climbing Everest at the moment." He offered the flask to Casey, "No more scripture? Not happening. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled... One of my favorite."

Casey accepted the glowstick from Felix with a wink. "Thank you kindly, darlin'. I, uh...I was kinda hoping you could tell me if this is normal. I mean, I just met all y'all except Miss Iara. You ever just find a really interesting group of strangers and latch onto 'em? That's me right about now. Literally, in the case of me n' El Jefe de Tight Pants." She notes this as she finds her offer of a dance accepted by way of Heath's grip on her butt, and of course the only approprite response is to find out via tactile exploration whether those tight pants have butt pockets. She side-eyes Heath with a grin and takes him up on the offer of the flask, knocking it back a little too easily. "And they committed whoredoms in Egypt, they commited whoredoms in their youth: there were their breasts pressed, and there they were bruised the teats of their virginity..." she quotes back at Heath, dark red lips smirking as she tries to slide the flask back in its pocket home. "Old Ezekiel might be right, Egypt's probably as close a guess as any as to where this group left its bruised virginity," Casey laughs, riding Heath's hips with a whoop. "I knew y'all were gonna be fun," she concludes and hollers over to Bjorn, "I almost didn't come, 'cause I was worried about temptation. Silly me, right?" Her green eyes sparkle as she slings her glow-stick wielding hand around Heath's shoulders. "Is your lady friend gonna be okay? I think she left Everest and is close to the moon..." she says, watching Eve.

Looking down at Eve as she does that he swallows a touch hard. Bjorn's hands move to her arms though, sliding up them as she slides down him, and as he glances over to Heath and Casey briefly while they do the Bible quoting thing he says, "Good think I didn't wear tight pants like your friend..." Clearly women making out in front of him helps hit all the right spots, said woman rubbing against him after that indeed only helps further fill in said spots. He starts to move with Eve and Iara (for as long as she stays) and then adds more to Eve though his voice has to carry some so she can hear over the music, "I'll do my best to keep the only tent pitched the one we're all standing in."

Eve held Iara close, stroking along her arms, her abdomen, a few times up over the mounds of her breasts, down along her ass. Anywhere really, to help the girl climb her own mountains. By the time sweat had formed on Iara's brow and she was sagging, Eve had a monstrously wicked grin on her face. "Poor little bat's gone and found the best place to let go." She chuckled, kissing Iara again on the lips as she danced her over to Heath's seat, and set the red-dressed girl into it. She lifted her chin and grinned to Heath. "One pickup when Jonathan gets in here!" She called to him, before returning to her dance partner, Bjorn, who hopefully hadn't cruised off elsewhere while she'd been setting Iara down to chill and wait for the driver.

As she moved back to Bjorn, Eve gave him a wicked grin, moving along in such a way that she was quite obviously giving him a show. She danced, lowering herself down in a crouch, flashing the spare flicker of cloth between her legs and demonstrating its brevity before she came up to standing and walked right up to the man, pressing the front of her body along his instead of her back. "I don't think I could be more dissappointed. What if I wanted to ensure your attention was as fixated as I was hoping? Would you refuse the obvious demonstration of whether you enjoyed it?" Without the slightest hesitation, she slid a hand down the front of his body, between them, and cupped him in a very, very forward fashion. She seemed satisfied as her dove gray eyes almost completely blown black with her gigantic pupils gleamed with sinful intentions as she started to move with the music against him again, leaving her hand just where it was unless he moved it himself. Her other arm snaked up, allowing her hand to cup the side of Bjorn's neck as she enjoyed the music.

While Eve was making herself amused with Bjorn, a man dressed in a black suit, complete with a cheuffer's cap entered the rave. He walked with purpose toward Heath, holding a bottle of some insanely expensive Scotch. He glanced at the girl in the chair and raised his brows, looking at Heath with some curiosity, as if he knew the chair belonged to the man in tight leather pants. He waited, though, the obvious driver, until the man was willing to give him the flask that needed refilling, and provide him with any other orders that were necessary.

Shifting Casey over by inching, Heath slipped his foot before hers pointedly offering the plane of her thigh before Casey called his attention back to Eve, narrowing his eyes. "She's... If she makes it to the summit with no oxygen to fill her lungs, she'll be more than ecstatic to find her body split upon the rocks. And if she leaves the mountain beaten, all the better to left her flag planted." Taking Casey's wrist from his shoulder, he drew her into a spin, releasing it to trade out his flask for the fresh. "You are a godsent, Jon. My escorts seemed to have disappeared, so if you could round them up and like two or four ace bandages... The train is behind schedule." Unscrewing the new flask, he tipped it back to take a deep drink. "Fuck, I needed that."

There was also a motion to Iara, letting Jon know that the girl needed to be driven home, or at least brought to the car to rest until he and Eve were leaving.

Casey tips her head back to grin up at Bjorn. "I don't think Miss Eve is going to give you much of an option. Looks like she's been reading the good bits of Ezekiel, too. I...OH!" She snaps her head back around as Eve makes a...power grab, if you will. "Well. Son, you've just been measured and not at all found wanting. So...congratulations!" As the driver walks in with the Scotch, she offers the fellow a two-fingered salute from her forehead before being spun out so Heath can refill. "You come with /staff/? Well shit. Y'all fancy." Casey laughs, the liquor and the music seeping into her head and infusing her cheeks in equal measure. Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as she lets her eyes rove over Heath in his tight pants and back to Eve and Bjorn's late night telly kind of dance. "Neeewp. Newp newp newp." she chides herself, suddenly shaking her head. "Somebody get me a bucket fulla ice water, stat. Not today, Satan."

Well he said try, the Mountain of a man said nothing about succeeding. Chewing on his inner cheek as Eve walked back over, he blinks as she gets her hands on the goods... well some of his goods. His hand reflexively reaches around to grab her backside and pull her close to him, a glance over to Heath and Casey at the comments and he says as he looks down at Eve, "You'll have to reach down the left leg there if you want more than the hill at the base... Yeah I suppose if you wanted to see results all I can say is... As you wish." He keeps his body moving in time with Eve's to the music as he looks down into her eyes as her hand finds his cheek, his deep blues having a sparkle of mischief to them.

The cheuffer that had come in and traded flasks with Heath just nodded to the man when he was given his instructions. The empty vessel of alcohol was put into his coat pocket, and then he walked over and picked up Iara gently, though the poor girl was in no condition to avoid a happy moan and cuddle up to the fellow as he walked out the door with her, headed to the car and apparently to call up a particular trio and ask them what was taking them so long.

Eve glanced over as the red color of Iara's dress was seen moving, and she simply nodded in a short movement as she saw the girl was taken care of. When she looked back up at Bjorn it was with a smile that could cut steel, sharp enough to be deadly, or at least sever a limb. "Well then, I've never been one to stop at base camp." She quite assuredly moved her hand lower, purposefully feeling Bjorn up... or down as the case may be... and let out a slow, vicious sound that could have been a mix between a purr of delight and a growl of some female jungle born cat. "Oh, nice to know you aren't exaggerating. Let's see if we can't make it so you lose the ability to think straight?"

And with that, Eve turned around and pressed her back to Bjorn again. This time, however, both of her arms went up over her head, the glowing bracelets on her arms making his neck and face glow with the cool, blue light. Dancing at this point could be likened to something someone might pay for, but the PVC and Mesh dress on the long, willowy form of Eve mixed with the glowing from the blue necklaces, the stretched arch of her back with her arms up over her head, and her own, obviously alterred stated left it a sight to be seen, even if the person watching wasn't enjoying the music driven attention that Bjorn was.

When her eyes caught sight of Casey and Heath, Eve flashed them a grin that was equal parts scintillating and wicked, and when she licked her lips, the deep red of the stain on them shimmered in reflecting light. Being watched wasn't bothering her in the least, and she even lifted her chin a little to invite them over to join in the dance she was performing.

The corner of Heath's mouth curved upward as he stared at Casey out the corner of his eye, giving her a shake of his head. "The Adversary doesn't tempt, the world does that just fine. It's called the joyest sin of Adam for a reason. Mankind took knowledge and with it, the ability to choose with full understanding. You're here to bath in the sweat of choice. If you think that the Serpent has time to whisper in your ear, I think you've misjudged the situation." He offered the flask to Casey again, "So you have the choice before you. You can keep denying yourself in the name in the name of Old Nick. Or you can have a drink, enjoy yourself, and watch the human centipede and feel the music and emotion pouring through you without shame or regret." He winked at the woman, glancing to Eve, and just smiled for a long moment before looking back to Casey. "Of course if you'd like to join the centipede, you are more than welcome. You may think being at the front is optimal, but you get some much more from the tail."

Casey just stares agog at Eve's excursion down Mount Bjorn, and the call for cold water turns into a pronounced loosening of her tie. "Lord have mercy..." she says, the battle between her shoulder angel and demon rather obvious on her face and in her body for long moment, with a fair amount of thigh-pressing and fidgeting. "Fuck it," she says, "Ain't nothing wrong with dancin', anyhow," she says, snatching the offered flask from Heath and taking a long pull that just adds more fire to the heat in her cheeks. "Then the young women will rejoin the dance, and the young men and old, together...Jeremiah said it, good enough for me. So, Captain Tight Pants, that mouth of yours just for kissing hairy nannies?" She fixes Heath with those pale green eyes and tugs off her tie to try and sling it around his neck, aiming to lasso herself a fierce, Scotch-flavored kiss. Of course, aiming can be tricky under the influence of strong drink. "I think you and me know a different Satan, but we're on this ride and I'm not getting off now."

As Eve commits to reaching the summit of Mount Bjorn, his hands in turn move to glide over the form before him, fingers running over the mesh and PVC. He groans as she moves against him, and a shiver passes over him, the slight sheen of sweat on his forehead from the heat of the room, and what's going on a contrast to said shiver.

He might have had something clever to add to Casey or Heath's statements but he probably only registered half of what they were saying at best. While not completely shut down, his mind definitely had something taking the majority of it's attention at the moment, and it wasn't them. The sparkle in his eyes starts to shift into more of a hunger as the dancing continues, a brief chew of his lip and the statement, "Evil, evil woman..."

Looking at Casey and Heath, there was a sparkle of amusement in the light, dove gray eyes of Eve. She grinned, dancing to the music continually as she quite enjoyed the evidence of Bjorn's fixation, but also enjoyed the visual of someone pulling Heath in for a kiss, using a tie no less to get the point across, and the angle. While they may not have come to join in on the dance, they certainly weren't leaving her bereft of sights.

Eve laughed again, the sound still that much more youthful sonorance than her usual tone. Like something that just wasn't used as often, so it hadn't fully grown up with the rest of her. Joyous, though, and decidedly almost pure, it was the sound of a woman enjoying the hell out of herself. She looked up, her smile wide and flashing most of her teeth. "You have no idea, Bjorn. Care to find out?" Sure, she might be only 6' tall with her bare feet, but with the heels, she was easily pushing 6'6" tonight. It left her high enough in stature that she wasn't as short comparatively as she might have been, so when she craned her neck around and lifted her chin, her ruby stained lips offered, it wasn't as if he'd have to bend in half at the waist to get to her. "I should probably warn you though, I bite."

Getting pulled in by a tie lasso, Heath captured Casey's mouth in a fire-water kiss, leaning back and licking his lips, he smirked. "Good vintage, you taste like a hundred dollars. And yes... We probably know different Satans. It's thinking you know someone before you meet them." A grin crossed his lips, "Not knowing doesn't mean someone isn't a complete dick anyway. And I..." Heath stared straight in Casey's eyes as his fingertips rode down her spine, over the curve of her rear to pick up the back of shirt and underneath. "Would reduce you to being a drink coaster." And with that, he slipped his flask against bare cheek.

Casey licks the last of the Scotch and Heath off of her lips. "Credit for the vintage is all yours, darlin'. From my lips to God's ears and back to your lips." She yelps as the flask touches bare skin and the red tie hits the floor. "Well, hell, I can be a drink coaster. It's less messy than being the shot glass. Body shots are hot as hell but you just waste so damn much perfectly good liquor. C'mon," she clasps her own hand on top of Heath's and the flask, sidling backwards towards Eve and Bjorn. "I wanna see what happens when our big friend goes tripod. And I think I might be loosened up enough to keep up with Miss Eve on the dance floor." She sinuously winds herself around Heath and adds, "But I ain't doing anything centipede related. No matter what you or Satan whispers in my ear." She runs her fingertips up her hips and stomach, pulling the hem of her shirt with it as she pulls up beside Eve.

As those lips are so enticingly brought close to his face, at least closer than most could pull off, He licks his lips briefly, lowering his head to bring those lips close to hers, his breath hot against her skin, even with the heat of the room. His fingers tighten upon her backside and he says, "So long as you don't mind that I bite too, I'll try not to draw blood..." He lets his lips touch then, but only briefly, jaw opening and quickly moving to nip her lower lip between his teeth before leaning back, though he pulls Eve in as he does so she can be lifted slightly off the floor as he lets go with his teeth after a moment.

Eve makes a nice block of view to the tri-podness of Bjorn's current predicament in this state, at least unless she ultimately moves from Bjorn's grip and moves out of the way, though if that were to occur one could simply assume he was shoplifting at a grocery store earlier... Yeah that would explain his pant leg completely.

Eve shuddered slightly, the moan that slipped free from her mouth mostly for Bjorn's ears, though anyone close enough, say for instance Casey as she came up beside them, or Heath, as he was dragged along, could likely have heard it the moment her lip was bitten. She didn't fight against being lifted from the floor, her weight slight enough despite her height that there wasn't even the fear in her of being dropped. Or maybe that was the drugs talking and she didn't know she wasn't touching the ground anymore. Ecstacy was a helluva drug, and the fact that her whole body seemed to react to the touch was obvious, just as it was obvious it was a positive reaction. When he let go of her lip, Eve licked it softly, then lifted her chin so that she could lick at Bjorn's lip, or perhaps attempted to lick into his mouth, either way, she was tasting him. "I wouldn't put that much limitation on you, Bjorn. Bite away." She spoke with a deep shudder to her voice that suggested the thought of being ravaged by bites amidst a storm of hormone and drug driven pleasure didn't bother her in the slightest.

Once she was set back down to the ground and she felt the presence of Casey nearby, Eve turned her head to look at the other woman the same moment one of her arms left where it was reaching up to Bjorn's neck to allow her hand to grip onto the other woman's waist. Pivoting slightly, she turned so her side was against Bjorn's front, and then dragged Casey closer, her eyes fixated on the other woman's mouth. "You smell delicious." She murmured darkly, before tugging Casey in close enough that they were pressed together, and her mouth was suddenly against the other woman's. Gripping Casey's hip tightly, Eve kissed her deeply enough that she was tasting the age old scotch from the very recesses of her mouth. Using Bjorn as a sturdy backboard to lean against, the tall mountain of a man was the support structure for the rather intense, long lived lip-lock that had Eve's breath starting to move faster through her chest, until she finally broke away and licked her lips free of the shimmer of saliva. "Yes... delicious." Naturally, she glanced at Heath, and smiled in a slow, wanton fashion. "You always do have such fantastic taste, my beautiful heathen."

Heath arched an eyebrow at Casey as she spoke. "Body shots aren't a waste. I've snorted enough coke off of hookers to know I'm going to be doing it again tonight. And how the fuck are you going to turn down anything human centipede? You have the opportunity to eat out a prostitute anus while another is eating out yours. It's all so perfectly artful. I'd get a webcam going except my attorney specifically adviced against evidence." Stealing back his flask from Casey as Eve pulled her into the web. He took a drink, keeping his eyes on the show before offering the flask to Bjorn. "Drink." The man's mouth curved into a smile. "My dearest Eve... I don't know if I prefer you on the sober ones or the altered ones. She doesn't want to have anything to do with my vision for the night."

Casey is caught up in Hurricane Eve and she's got no mind to resist being pulled into the raging storm. No, she leans eagerly into Eve's kiss, pushing up on her tiptoes to meet the tall woman's mouth with an unbidden little moan that slips free. One hand slips up and behind Eve's neck, winding her fingertips through the dark, silken locks, the other hand stretching past Eve to brace against Bjorn as she presses into Eve, skin and thin cotton skidding against mesh and PVC. When Eve breaks away, she quirks a lopsided grin with those dark painted lips and nips at the taller woman's collarbone before settling back down from tip toe. "He gets credit for the Scotch," she grins hazily, reeling back and leaning sinuously into each movement, "but I picked you out. I'm taking credit for that." She gives herself a self-congratulatory feel-up that starts at her navel and ends up lingering near her breathless lips...but she cracks one eye open to peer at Heath with a smirk. "You can do all the centipedes you want, darlin', but the closest I'm gettin' to a prostitute's anus is kissin' you." She looks back to Eve and Bjorn for confirmation, "I mean, you're with me, right? Centipede is right out."

Eventually Bjorn lets her down, and therefore lets her get into her lip locking session with Casey, illiciting a sharp intake of breath from the man, and his hand moves to tug at Eve's outfit on her shoulder some if there's not enough shoulder/neck area exposed, as Casey's hand is occupying Eve's neck Bjorn opts to lean down and give a bite down on her shoulder, not enough to draw blood but enough to definitely leave a brief mark, since she liked the earlier so much and there was talk of no limitations.

One arm around Eve lightly cupping her backside the other hand moves to lightly rest on Casey's shoulder/neck as she holds onto him for support, though he's careful not to slide around her back in case Heath is still there, he's admittedly still a touch distracted. Matter of fact what was that, a question about centipedes and anuses? Anus..i? Whatever the plural for the anus was he wasn't too concerned about it. "Whatever you enjoy.. Sounds like you wouldn't so... no. Sides I don't deal with prostitutes. Not against them making money I just feel you should be able to obtain that kind of interaction with your own... How you say... Charisma?"

The fact that Eve's dress was literally a boustier top with no straps made it pretty easy to get to any skin on her shoulder or neck, provided it wasn't holding a glowing necklace of cool blue. When Bjorn bit into her, her knees nearly gave way and she allowed her head to fall back as she let out a low, gutteral sound that suggested the bite caused more than a simple shiver. Eve's hand still at Bjorn's neck moved down to his shoulder to grip at his coat, causing the material to whine in protest slightly. The other hand on Casey's hip gripped tighter and pulled the girl closer again, as if Eve just needed a little pressure on the front of her body. As the shuddering passed, Eve blinked to clear her vision and then looked up at Bjorn, grinning darkly. "Want to go outside and fuck on my car? I don't mind if we bring this beautiful girl along, if you need the added stimuli. I could always enjoy getting her to scream a bit in the parking lot. And I know Heath wouldn't mind the show, before we move on to the after party and he shows me what his grand plan for the evening is."

Eve blinked, and looked between Bjorn, Casey, and Heath for a moment, her smile shifting slightly as she shrugged. "There's nothing wrong with using prostitutes. It helps the economy and gives them a night where they make a good amount of money. Most of them have mouths to feed, and we pay well, so they feed the mouths well for however long they make the money stretch. It's at least an honest profession. As for whether I'll be one of those in the centipede, no, that's not where I find pleasure, but I'll likely watch just because I can't imagine not satisfying my curiosity, and I want to see the final culmination of the night, not leave halfway through it." She winked and looked directly at Casey a moment, grinning. "Your good choice in choosing your own adventure tonight is one I give you credit for, definitely. And it's been enjoyable, you have a nice mouth for kissing." She glanced at Heath and winked. "The nights are always an adventure."

Heath just smiled. It was the sort of smile without a shred of shame or need to be defensive. "Oh you poor girl. You have no idea what you're missing. When you stare in those eyes, you can see the years of abuse that flowered into the shaky scaffold pretending to be human. And when they're bent before you, flower open. You can watch the winks of their body, the last shreds of their pride quivering before you." The man laughed and shook his head slowly, "The best part of this is you're scrambling to find those to stand beside like you actually have a vote as to how this night to going to go." Heath took another draw from his flask, and shook his head to Bjorn. "You don't need charisma when you have money. Some enjoy the thrill of the hunt, I'm not knocking it. Others prefer to avoid a conversation about how the participants feel about it in the morning by purchasing a service, and have the resources to do so. I'm in the latter." He gestured to Eve, "And the world turns, thank you." Slipping the phone from his pocket, Heath thumbed at it for a moment and it buzzed a moment later. "And thank god for Jonathan." And he just wandered to the entrance of the tent.

Casey is listing, at this point...the drink in her cheeks having apparently made it to her legs, at last. "And what an adventure it's been," she grins back to Eve, coming in for one more kiss. "That's awfully sweet of you to invite me out to the car with you. But I need bed. A bed. My bed. It's been..." she hiccups, "just a pleasure to meet you both." She rises up on her toes to offer Bjorn a farewell kiss as well. "Get...get home safe. Do you need a cab or anything?" She starts patting down her skirt, which besides having no pockets...has no room for pockets. "I don't have a phone or anything. But...I could borrow a phone...to call a cab. Yes. I need to...would y'all excuse me?" And with that, she makes a beeline for the bathroom, holding her cupped hand to her mouth.

A look to Eve and Bjorn looks about a moment, "I could... Would be risky people and phones and being a teacher, but you're well worth the risk." But then Casey is backing out it seems. He returns the kiss to Casey, and lets her back away and head out, a blink as she makes way for the nearest bathrooom. "And that is why I'm careful with my booze..."

He wataches Heath depart, perhaps thanking himself for not imbibing the offered drink earlier, as his mouth was otherwise distracted. "Either that girl doesn't know how to handle her booze or your friend is drinking on an entirely different level than she's ever experienced." He leans down and gives Eve another nip on her neck, then earlobe, and then adds, "So now that we're down one more what would you like to do?"

Eve grinned to Casey, the slash of her blood red lips sharply defined against her pale, blue glowing skin. "Be safe, little one. I might see if I run into you again some night for more fun, though we aren't out in this area of town all that often." She glanced at Heath and nodded to him, winking. "We'll be right out, or I will. Either way make yourself comfortable. We'll get to the afterparty soon."

Eve shivered as another series of bites were given along her neck and ear, her hand clenching onto Bjorn like she might topple over. "Oh, I still want to go outside and fuck. You can come with us to the afterparty if you want, we might fuck there, too, but right now we need to get this worked out or I'll just be squirming in the car while we drive to wherever we're going. And in traffic, that could be pure hell." She looked up at him and grinned, using her grip on his shoulder to turn herself, and pull herself up along the front of him, allowing every contour of the front of her body to slide over his. Once she felt she was close enough, she lifted her chin and licked at his bottom lip with her tongue outstretched. "Let's go. And if it gets filmed, my lawyers already know what to do and have all films of me on the internet removed. So don't worry, just give it your all and we'll see where the night takes us." Eve winked to Bjorn, then stepped back away from him, allowing her hand to drag down his arm until she caught his wrist, attempting to tug him to follow along.

There's only the slightest of hesitation. As she tugs on his wrist Bjorn follows suit, if anything to keep her a nice buffer between his tripod and the crowd. No need to assault anyone else with that visage, or worse. His other hand moves to lightly rest upon the back of her neck, rubbing there, fingernails just lightly digging to give her an added tease until they get outside. He does his best not to bump anyone out of the way, hopefully for their sakes they take the impending mountain approaching as a sign to move because he appears quite unwilling to get separated from Eve by the crowd.