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Wet Dreams

When Mer-people seduce...

Dramatis Personae

Felix, Finn, Ink, Kai, Max, and Owen. Loa as GM.

16 January, 2009

A few Mers come to the beach looking for love...


Honolulu, Waikiki, Fun Bay


Plot:Beyond Zebra

2am on the beach, not always the most popular time to be out. It's especially not a popular time to have people amassing in one of the most privately alcoved bays in Waikiki. While during the day the entire area was crawling with staff and random visitors that happened to stay at the luxury resort that owned the bay, at night, it's just pretty damn quiet. With the smaller waves that are so native to Waikiki, the place just has an ideal sort of mellowness to it that calls to a very specific type of person. Or, to people looking for a little fun of a more private sort. It would seem that despite the clear night, not many people were out. Maybe it was the chill in the air. Maybe it was the fact that Friday nights had other parts of Oahu hopping busy. Either way, this bay offers a delicious sort of break from some of the more bustling areas of the island for those that know of it, or happen upon it accidentally.

Things were quiet. Totally quiet. Until from the middle of the sky above the water, Owen literally seemed to pop out of nothing and fall, screaming, with a massive splash into the bay. Luckily, the water he'd landed in wasn't more than 6 feet deep, because when he surfaced, sputtering and choking, he was able to get his mouth and nose out of the water. And then, Owen was scrambling. The water around him churned like someone had put it into a sawmill, and he was struggling his way toward shore like a man being chased by a shark. Or 10 sharks. Maybe 100 sharks. Briefly, as he'd fallen, the heavy hiking boots he wore along with the khaki, just above the knee-length shorts filled with so very many pockets could be seen. He also appears to be wearing a black, A-line tank top. With his head out of the water, the fact that his hair, his ears, and the sides of his face seem to be slicked with some sort of thick jelly is obvious, because it had whitened and reacted to the salt water of the ocean. The closer Owen got to the shoreline, the easier it was to hear the near panicked sounds he was making as he tried to move faster in the water to get out of it.

Kai couldn't sleep, too much on his mind lately and he looked at his phone but realizing the time, he didn't want to wake anyone at this hour. So rather than just lie in bed he decided to go out for a drive. He wasn't exactly sure how he came upon this beach, but he had driven by it in the daytime and always wanted to check it out and now was a good time as any. He had parked the car, gotten out and locked it out of big city habit. He was dressed in a dark blue Adventure Time t-shirt with a Finn and Jake on the front, grey jeans and white adidas sneakers. Walking along the beach, staring up at the sky he was alone with his thoughts but when he hears some sputtering and possibly sounds from the water that may be a cry for assistance, he dashed off closer to shoreline. "Hey, anybody out there you okay!? Yell again if you need help so I know where you are. Help is on the way!" He started taking his shoes off, tossing them aside on the sand and made his way into the water. Hopefully there was enough light he could make out someone splashing in the water.

2 am seemed a pretty regular time for Felix to be out and about these days, the need to get out of the dorm room after too much studying and not enough of anything else. Several beers, a cup of coffee and a few energy drinks later, he'd reached a relative state of equilibrium that had found his semi-wandering steps come down to the quiet, night bay in Waikiki. He was dressed with a nod to the chill air, a light hoodie on over an old, decale cracked FTL shirt, and a pair of board shorts. His usual sneakers were on his feet, and he walked with his usual jaunty, half dancing steps. His ears were free of music for the evening, the curse of forgetting to charge things, and so it was easy enough for him to pick out the sound of panicked splashing, never mind the massive fall that had proceeded it. Eyes going wide, he started heading that way, kicking his shoes off. "Whoa shit dude! Hold on!" He eyed the splashing Owen and half muttered. "Gonna call you Dubstep, cause that was one hell of a drop." Wading in after Kai, he called out to the two men. "I'mma commin!"

Ink cuts a rather imposing figure in the early morning hours, he's dressed in dark colours, his hair slicked back and he is puffing away on a cigar. He's not so concerned with the cool air and so he is wearing a black short sleeved shirt, the fabric clinging to his body and the arms cut high enough to show of his heavily tattooed arms. Dark jeans are held up with an ancient looking leather belt, in contrast the buckle is so highly polished that it catches any stray light. His brown leather boots are dull enough to almost be matt, the material looking as old as that on his belt.

The red glow from his cigar lights up his face for just a moment as there is a call out from the distance followed by the splash of water. This is followed by Kai and Felix calling out, both known to Ink in one way or another. Feeling that the problem is being dealt with, Ink heads over to where Owen is, his eyes narrowing as he notices the gunk on his face.

Finn has a front row seat for the antics of the Amazing Appearing Owen, the redheaded man having been relaxing in a beach chair with his feet up, a flask in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Shirtless and wearing a pair of black workout shorts that matched the black running shoes on his feet, he seems to be rewarding himself for a run well done. He has a resort towel slung around his neck, and glints of sweat still linger in the sculpted lines of his muscles. Finn raises an eyebrow when Owen smacks that water and makes his memorable exeunt, but just as he's about to get up, he sees help in the form of Good Samaritans Kai and Felix head that way, and is relieved to settle back into his lounging surveillance of the beach. The cigar-lit arrival of Ink earns a cherry-lit upnod from the Irishman himself, who then checks the cell phone in his lap, smirks, and turns with piqued curiosity to see what will unfold between the oceanic escapee and his rescuers.

Another sound followed Owen's scream in the form of Max's maddened cackle of joy and another splash in the bay of the bay. She sprang out of the water a moment later, coughing and wheezing broke up the choked laughter. The woman look like had been lost in the wilderness for days if the stains on her clothes and the tiny cuts all over her exposed skin. She wore a white sports bra as a top, a pair of jeans with a series of rips and tears all over it, and canvas backpack on her back. Max's face was also covered in the same jelly, that turned white at the contact with seawater, underproofing a wild tangle of hair on the side of her head that refused to relax even it was wet. When Owen broke into a panic, Max's laughter gained strength over the coughing as she held one hand to her chest and pointed at Owen with the other. "You have to rip them out by the roots, Owen! Go for the roots!" The sound died out to snorting gasp as she stumbled towards shore after him.

The first quarter moon sets, leaving the stars to spangle the crystalline night sky.

In contrast to whatever might be happening, the stars continued to twinkle overhead, the world seemed fairly quiet. Out in the water about 50 yards beyond where Max landed, a shape moved, looking like some sort of aquatic creature, displaying its side to the light of the stars before it slinked back under the shimmering surface of the ocean. Not long after, another shape did the same. They seemed to be coming closer to the shore as well, or perhaps toward the sound of flailing, panic, and laughter.

Owen's eyes were wide in panic when he spotted Kai and Felix. He wasn't drowning, and was definitely maintaining his head above water, especially as it made it into water that was only waist deep. Falling into a bear-crawl position, Owen used all four of his lean, long, limbs to get himself to the shore faster. When he arrived, he flopped over onto his back, then scurried backward along the sand away from the gently lapping waves that hit the shorline. Gasping for air, he lifted his arm up and waved a loosely-jointed sort of wrist and hand at the two men that had been calling out their assurances of salvation. "I'm not drowning, it's..." He gasped a few more traumatized breaths. "It's Ok. Just had a moment." His hand fell to his chest, as if he were taking stock of whether or not his heart was still in its assigned body cavity. When he'd lifted his arms up, it was obvious he had the goop in his armpits as well. The sound of Max's riotous laughter caused Owen to lift his head and stare at the woman, his lips flat and without any sign of mirth. "I didn't get any of them, Max. Dangit." His voice was still thin and breathless. "Get out of the water so I can scowl at you." Owen's head fell back to the sand and he stared up at the stars, trying to calm himself with the pretense that the water wasn't surrounding him anymore.

Kai blinks when he see's Owen coming out of the water on his own accord, then flop down onto the sandy shore with that goopy stuff on him. He throws his hands up in the air a bit as if exacerbated but his expression is more of relief than frustration. "Man, you scared me and I thought you were drowning out there..." He was about to toss his cell phone over his head that he got from his pocket but puts it back now that he doesn't have to dive into the water. Glancing back at Max, he points a thumb at her. "She's going to be alright as well I take it? So what exactly is going on and what is that stuff all over you..." He glances at Felix, nodding to the man quickly. "Oh hey uh how are you?" But as he looks out towards Max to check on her he notices something else out in the water and quirks an eyebrow, "Uh...hey did anybody else see that? It looked there is something else out there...I don't think it is a fish either...dark skinned but no fins or tail? Weird...oh crap, hey lady get the heck out of the water quick!" He starts waving his arms at her to get Max's attention and stays close to the water just in case. With all the commotion he hasn't had a chance to acknowledge or notice Ink or Finn just yet.

The tide is low and slack.

Felix watched with bemusement as Owen and Max managed to drag themselves up onto the shore, following along after with a grin. As he trudged back up onto the sand, he spotted the cigar marking the location of Ink, catching sight of the man behind it and giving him an upnod. "Yo Ink. How's it going?" He looked to Max and Owen with raised eyebrows, noting the gunk they were both covered in and grinned. "You two look like you were having fun... glad to see you made it back." He looked down at himself and wiggled his now wet legs, looking around as he dried his hands on his hoodie. Catching sight of the lounging Finn, he grinned and gave him a wave. When Kai greeted him, Felix gave the young man a wide grin and a nod. "Aloha Kai. How's it goin? What now?" He looked out towards the water, raising his eyebrows and squinting. "No fins or tail? What the hell?"

Ink slowly makes his way to the shoreline, stepping loudly so as not to spook anyone. He's rather hard to miss in any case, he's a tall, muscular man and the light from his cigar don't exactly help him hide. "That's a hell of a 'way' to go swimming." He looks from Owen to Max, it taking some moments before he recognises her. "Ah ha, the wee rocker!" He smiles as he says this although the motion is mostly hidden by his beard. Wading into the water and hearing what Kai has said, Ink does his best to grab hold of the laughing Max and drag her to the shore, helping her get upright so that she can at least walk the last couple of yards. Looking over to Felix, he nods in greeting, taking the cigar out of his mouth to see if it is okay and then nodding happily to himself when he sees that it is. "It's going well Felix, I was just out for another quiet walk when people dropped in as they do."

Finn grins as the beachside melodrama continues to get more interesting when a laughing Max drops into the scene...and the ocean, and when Kai begins his arm-waving, flailing dance of attention getting. It's not quite the hula, but Finn's enjoying the show, all the same. He raises his flask back to Felix in a toast-wave and knocks back a glug, then takes a glance out to sea to see what the two men are talking about. "No fins or tail? Are you saying the girl who fell isn't a mermaid? Because, I mean, disappointing maybe, but not surprising." Not seeing whatever it is (or being able to confirm if Max is or is not a mermaid), Finn reluctanctly gets up and drags his lounge chair over to the gathering group. Settling back into it, he regards Owen, Kai, Felix, and Ink with an upnod and says, "Hey." He takes a drag as Ink wades into the water to help Max, and when he can finally see her legs, he confirms, "Not a mermaid. Probably for the best." He has the scarcest hint of a lilt in his voice, just enough to suggest he should have more of an accent than he does.

Nature was at least kind in the ways of karma as a wave knocked Max front to silence her snorting laughter. She ultimately when with it, her backpack knocking her in the back of the head with the rush of water. She continuing to swim/crawl towards the shore. She was still snickering and coughing when Ink found her and helped her to shove. The punk gave him a slap on the shoulder when she got her feet under her. "That was so fucking awesome. I think a got like five of them trapped in my ass crank." Max immediately started laughing, but this time it had lessened to more of wheeze. Like she looked up at Ink, her eyes widened, and she licked her salty, yet goo covered lips, "You are a fucking godsent! If you have cigarette, another cigar, or are just willing to share your herpies with me, I will give you a handjob right here and now."

Loa dropped Parker.

Loa dropped Portia.

Loa dropped Penelope.

Owen groaned slightly, then started to swipe at his head, over his ears, and into his hair with sandy hands. After a moment it became clear he was clawing the slimy stuff off of his face. "Vaseline." He grumbled the word like it was a bit of a curse, even as he slung it away from himself. When the ball of now salinized oil by-product moved a little faster away from Owen had expected, he made a little grimace as it hit Finn's foot and splatted up the front of the red-headed man's leg. "Oh man, I'm sorry. Sand should help, if you scrub it off?" Owen then covered his hands in sand and started swiping away the gloop from his armpits. Glancing over at Kai, Owen just nodded. "I thought I'd drown out there, too. Not exactly a thrill. I'd rather die after leaping off a cliff and having my hang glider fail me. Thanks for coming to help" He lifted his chin to Felix and gave him a sardonic smile. "Felix, how are you man? I don't know about fun, but at least I'm not slowly growing into a tree right now, or acting as the pot to a plant." Yeah, Owen said that as if it made total sense. He seemed a little relieved the moment Max was out of the water, or at least in water that didn't threaten to kill her, and he offered Ink a smile that depicted as much. A moment later, of course, he was giving Max what amounted to a deadpan, entirely unamused face. "If you turned out to be a mermaid I wouldn't be shocked. Maybe a little mildly surprised. But not shocked. Not after that landing." He groaned and looked out at the water curiously. "What did you see out in the water?" Owen's eyes narrowed and he seemed to be peering, his head cocking to the side. "See, this is why I don't do the whole Ocean thing. There's just too much of it for something to hide in."

One of the creatures that had been visible barely breaking surface before seemed to have come much closer, and the side of that sleek, muscled hide could be seen again, this time for a little longer. It broke the surface long enough to show it tapering to a thinner bit, like the end of a body that finished in a tail, but even that was under water completely again in just a few moments. It was, however, at least 30 yards closer than it had been mere moments ago. If it was one of the same creatures and not an entirely different one, of course.

"Oh wait...I know you, your that lady who lit a cigarette with a flare...umm, yeah." Kai exclaims as his cheeks redden a bit from Max's words to Ink after he helped her out of the water. "Hey Ink. Thanks for helping out." He then turns towards Felix, quirking an eyebrow slightly. "I'm okay thanks just having one of those sleepless nights and wait...you just come from a beach party? Smells like you've had a few drinks. Not judging just an observation." When he spots Finn coming over with his lawn chair, he gives him a polite nod. "Aloha. I'm Kai and uh, I don't really know what it is I saw out in the water...but I'm kinda hoping I won't have to say I have a bad feeling about this." He had held his hand out towards Owen to help the man to his feet, but after seeing him flinging that goop that came from his hair onto Finn's foot he quickly retracts his hand and points out towards the Ocean. "See. There it is again and its getting closer...so I suggest we back up a bit and figure out what it is we are dealing with from a safer distance." He's seen Aliens enough times he memorized Newt's wise words from the movie and controls his breathing by inhaling the exhaling to calm himself so he focus better.

The tide is low and rising.

Felix looked to Ink and grinned wryly. "I dunno man. I think that's a fifty-fifty chance around here." Now that others hand pointed them out, Felix squinted slightly and frowned. "Huh... no fins. Long tail... where's the heads? I'm not seeing heads. What has that many sides?" He scrubbed a hand through his hair, stripping off his hoodie and tossing it aside, rubbing his arms briefly. "Not to be shape... ist or anything, but heads are important." He nodded to Kai, backing up a bit on the beach, just far enough away to get a running start in either direction.

Ink lets out a long belly laugh and then nods his head to Max, his grin fit to split his face as he reaches into a back pocket and pulls out a rigid pouch with three tubes. Flipping the top off the pouch to reveal two more cigars, he hands one over to the nicotine addled punk rocker. "They're hand made with a special blend of tobacco and devil's lettuce." Turning he looks over to Owen, his eyes going wide at his explanation. "Vaseline my arse!" He says with a guffaw, his Welsh accent prominent as she slowly says the words. "I just want to know what sort of funky orgy you've been at to get so covered in the stuff. You look like you just got bukkaked by a crowd of the wee folk. On the plus side it does fade after a while." He frowns for a moment after saying this, his eyes going downward for a moment as he mutters to himself. Looking up once more, he smiles. "Sorry about that, it must be the sea air. I'm normally much nicer." He spots Finn then and nods to the man. "How on earth does a red head survive in Hawaii." After another pause, he looks to Kai. "Hello again! Not sure I got your name last time, didn't see you after you ran after that naked bird. Did everything work out? Did you catch up to her? Did she thank you?" While he listens to Felix, Ink puts away his pouch and then reaches into another pocket and pulls out a small gas torch lighter which he hands over to Max to go with the cigar. "Why are you all worried about what's in the water. They get sharks here and we're on the land. They can't walk, we'll be fine."

About 15 yards out from the shoreline in the water, a woman slowly emerged from the surface. Her long, thick, dark hair was plastered back from her rather comely face, leaving the entire front of her easily seen. Her big, slightly uptilted eyes were a pale enough color they looked light grey in the starlight, and her lips had slinked their way to a sensual, pretty damned seductive smile as she breeched the surface. She kept moving, too, until she was out of the water to her belly button, leaving her entirely nude upper body slick, wet, and revealed. Breasts that should have been on the advertising campaign for Perfect 10 adorned her chest and she didn't move to hide them in any way. Her attention seemed fixated on Felix, to whom she lifted her hand, then crooked her finger, urging him to come closer with that come hither smile on her face.

Another long, slinking movement came up out of the water, the side of another of those slick looking creatures, muscled and lean, before it submerged itself fully back into the water. It wasn't far away from the woman that had just come to the surface, really, maybe 10 feet behind her.

Finn watches his world drag to a slow-motion crawl as he helplessly observes a glob of Owen's salty goop land on him. "Duuuuuuuuuude," he mutters discontedly around his cigarette, and scoops up a handful of sand to scrub the stuff away, sanitizing it with a splash from the strongly scented spirit in his flask. "You could probably charge tourists for this all-natural skin treatment, moisturizer and white sand exfoliation. Just charge extra if they want to choose between you or the girl applying it." Somewhat degooped, he gives half a grin as smoke escapes his lips and gives Kai a two-fingered salute from his temple. "Nice to meet you, Kai. Finn. Don't say it, the minute you do, we're jinxed. But..." he pauses and watches the new arrivals to the beach, particularly the the pair of breasts leading the way, "how can anything that leads like that be bad, c'mon now?" He looks aside at Felix. "What d'ya mean, that many sides? You can be shapeist when we're talking about heads, man, they say a lot about a person. Everything for a person, too." Finn snorts back at Ink, which redirects the smoke through his nose. "We only come out at night, daywalkers are rare."

Max extended a hand towards Owen, and her index finger flipped up to pause him as she continued to stare up at Ink for his answer. When the man pulled out the two tubes, a shivering moan left her oil-slicked mouth as she tooked the tube. Max popped out open one-handed, checking it for a split-second before bite off the end and pulling it between her teeth. "Light me a fire when you get a chance." Her pupils drifted to the corner of her to regard Kai, "Yeah... I recall you trying to kick the shit out of some naked chicks on a roof. Good news though, I now have my baseball waiting on mine, just in case you show up," Max growled out around her cigar. She finally turned her attention back to Owen, "Dude... If I was a mermaid, I couldn't tell you because both sets of lips are petroleum at the moment." Taking the lighter from Ink, she struck it, rolled her jaw to turn the cigar in her teeth as she puffed on it to get the cherry going. She gave a throaty grunt when the smoke got to her lungs, "It's cool, Owen, once some dude mistook some of the tats on my back as scal--" The words stopped as her eyes were drawn back to the water. She puffed on the cigar again, "I just remembered I need to wash my slit, because those tits deserve more than my jungle and exxon marinaded funk," she send a puff of smoke around the cigar.

Owen groaned slightly and shook his head at Ink. "No, man, literally Vaseline. This isn't NeverNever jelly. This stuff's going to require me filling the bathtub up with Dawn and slithering like an eel for a few hours." He looked over at Felix and Kai, both of whom were backing up from the water like there was some worry. Owen turned his head in time to see the shapes moving, and to see the at least half naked woman come up out of the water. A blush stole its way to the man's cheeks as he cleared his throat and pushed back a little bit further from the water along the sand. "Yeah, sorry about that man... Finn, I guess. I'm Owen. Nice to meet you, sorry to get you messy." Owen managed to finally get his legs underneath him, and stood up with a squelching sound, as he likely had petroleum jelly in other places by the aural quality of his dampened movements. He coughed when he was listening to Max, then looked away out to the water, where more things were moving, and if possible the man simply looked even MORE uncomfortable. "Ok, this... I dunno if it's wrong to say that you have a bad feeling about this, uh... Kai? Like the ocean?" He blinked and shook his head. Owen shook his hands out a little, then tried to wipe some excess goop off of said appendages against the sodden fabric of his shorts, which were hanging a little low on his hips due to the extra weight they held with all the water they'd taken on.

Another female form came up from the water, a little closer than the first. She did, however, stop coming out of the water at her waist as well, revealing herself down to the bare belly button. It was likely a little strange, because she wasn't in water deep enough to have easily stood up and only revealed down to the waist. Perhaps she's kneeling. This woman has short, closely cropped, ink black hair and big, pale colored eyes similar to the other woman's. Her lips were a slight bit less full, and her shape was more athletic than the first woman's, but there wasn't anything unpleasing about the bared set of breasts she demonstrated. She lifted her hand, and gave a delicate wave along with a coquettish smile to the majority male audience at the beach.

The stars in the east begin to look washed out as the sapphire night sky pales.

"Too late..." Kai replies to Finn as the first woman with the uh, huge perfect tracks of land appears from out of the water and he quickly averts his eyes from the perfect globes to the sirens face, the blush from Max's comments pale in comparison to the redness that is now forming and he throws his hands up to cover the naked torso of the first lady so all he see's is her head. "Tao help me....mermaids, why does it have to be /mermaids/." Yes, there might have been a bad Indian Jones impersonation in there. He glances at Max, her comments about him having caught his attention. "Rain check on my side of the story if you plesae." then he speaks to Ink, "It's Kai, we met at Ala Moana remember...and no, it wasn't like that..." He sighs for a moment, shaking his head and then the second athletic looking mermaid pops out of the water and he blinks, "Come on, two mermaids! This just isn't fair...." Now he tries to use both hands to shield his eyes from the dual naked torso's in his line of sight. "Felix...don't listen to her and don't look at her. She's trying the old Jedi mind tricks."

Felix's jaw... dropped at the sight of tbe woman rising from the water. Whatever anyone else had been saying, or doing completely fell away. He gave a halfhearted wave of greeting to Finn, nodding. "Yep. Can't be bad..." He started heading down towards the shoreline, stripping off his hoodie and shirt as he did to reveal the tattoos on his arms and back. He was grinning rather doofily, walking... rather stiffly for a few moments before he managed to shuck his shorts as well, running free towards the water as he spread his arms out to the merwoman. He muttered to Kai's comment. "Jedi are all assholes and they never got laid..."

The laughter that bubbled up out of the first, shapely, and rather well endowed naked woman as Felix came running to her was, to say the least, positively enchanting. Her arms opened and she welcomed the approaching Felix, pure, unadulterated, pleasure glimmering in her pale eyes. When the man finally reached her, she slid her arms up around his neck and pulled him closer. The liplock she laid on the man was something that should only have been seen in XXX porn or behind closed doors. Definitely nothing for pleasant company, or even unpleasant company, especially not when combined with the moan she made as she slid her tongue into the young man's mouth. The nude woman tugged Felix with her a little deeper into the water, her hands moving down to slide over his shoulders, then wrap around him, fingers pressing into his back insistently enough that her shell pink nailbeds turned white with the pressure.

"Ah, my mistake. It makes much more sense that you'd drop in from nowhere covered in vaseline. Oh I get it! No wait...Covering yourself in vaseline is for swimming the channel back home. Surely the water isn't that cold here?" Whilst he sounds confused, Ink isn't really put out. He lets out another laugh as the rather blunt Max heads towards the water, turning to see what the fuss is about. "Ah, there we go. This'll be what the tall slim Daywalker was talking about. Oh and yes, now I remember. Kai it is!" Ink nods to Kai and idly scratches at his beard, glancing at Finn, he asks "Mermaids then?" He looks back to Kai, "Why is it bad to go towards the naked women in the water? I thought folk were all for running at naked women last time we all got together?" He winks to Kai as he says this and then lets out a laugh as Felix charges into the water. "You see, that's more on form!"

Pink-gold light gilds the land as the sun creeps over the eastern horizon into a cloudless blue sky.

The third form came up from the water then, but this one wasn't female. No, instead, it was a lithe, well built male, again, only showing from the nude belly button up over his naked upper body. His long, blonde hair was back plastered away from his face and he had the decided elven features some might attribute to very fair men. He, likewise, had the pale eyes that seemed only slightly different from those of the women. His skin was pale as well as his lips, but he was offering a slanted smile as he looked over the collection of people on the shore, then licked his lips softly with a tongue pinker than the flesh of his lips. When he spotted Max, and Ink, his smile broadened, then turned into laughter as the tattooed Felix was taken into the arms of one of his apparent compatriots. "Ah, so much color. You all have such beautiful skin." He was eloquent, though his voice held an odd tenorous quality, like it came from somewhere deeper than his chest, more like his pelvis, or maybe his damn feet, fins? Somewhere lower than it ought to.

Max kept staring at the chick in the water as her puffing accelerated to steam engine level. "Yeah... So those four tits are going into the bank," the tattooed woman growled around her cigar, as she lifted her hands to show her palms, one with a fading pentagram tattoo on it. "Don't look at me, Owen opened the door..." Shouldering out of her waterlogged pack, Max maneuvered to her feet. Digging in it, she felt around, growling when she tossed a couple of inch-long twigs onto the sand. They may have moved, but that wasn't important. What was important was the large barreled steel pistol and the two massive rounds that went into it. "Yo Owen! It helps to see to shoot right?" Snapping open the breach of the pistol to slip in a round, and whipping the barrel back in place and pulling back the hammer. Max groaned, "Yeah, fucking hosers..." She glanced at Kai, and shrugged a shoulder, "Sure, if you're buying the beer." When Kai starting shielding his eyes from the waterborn chicks, Max's mouth formed into a cheshire grin as pointed the flare gun to the sky as she squared her shoulders towards Kai. "You're going to need more hands." And Max pulled the bottom of her sports bra up as she fired off the flare gun, illuminating the beach, and incidentally, her now freed and full breasts, each of her tightened nipples glimmered from the piercings. Max arched an eyebrow at the mermaid, "I have this policy about checking downstairs first, some shit about cologue or some shit. I fucking swear, this one guy was all spiders south of the border. It may just have been hair, but I was totally tripping at the time..."

Finn whistles his appreciation. "Well, hot damn. Mermaids. And...a merman. Okay, go ocean equality." He shakes his head incredulously, with a dangerous grin on his lips, and then tips back a drink. "Nice to meet you too, Owen...you know these ladies and gent, too? The ones who followed you and Our Girl Exxon over there?" he asks, with a sweep of his hand towards Max and her cigar. "Might want to stay slick for now," he continues to Max herself this time, "It'll make it easier to slip out of their clutches, or slip...you know what, never mind." He glances aside to Kai, his grin widening. "Ask and ye shall find! I'd take full credit for summoning our merpeople, but they seem kind of intent on dragging our friend down with them, so...maybe we should intervene?" Tucking the last of his cigarette between his lips again, he takes a step towards Felix. "You need an anti-wingman, bro? We can step in, find you a nice girl who can walk on land." He nods to Ink. "Exactly. Mermaids, a la Disney, except this time, Girl Kiss You. Like soviet russia." He takes another swig, and watches Max...'s plan...with interest.

Owen's eyes widened to the point he looked like they might fall out of his head when Felix disrobed entirely and ran into the arms of the first, rather seductive, mermaid. He blinked, because then there were two. And a third set of breasts, more notably recognizable as Max's because of the hardware and the tatoos. The flare of light that came from her hand-held mini canon caused him to blink, then raise his eyebrows in recognition. "Oh, light, right. That flare won't last long." Lifting his hand up, he made a little flickering motion and spoke quietly in Latin under his breath, a delicate sound of 'Illumen' before a globe of clean, white, light appeared about 20 feet in the air, illuminating at least 40 feet in every direction, over the shoreline. It was a bright, warm, light, that didn't seem like it would fade any time soon. He rubbed the back of his hand agains his beard then, glancing at Ink. "It wasn't my first choice, the vaseline. I'd never have chosen it, really. But it's better than having tiny sticks plant themselves in the places I'd rather no sticks ever be planted, you know?" He cleared his throat again and looked at Max. "Better, Max?" He asked in regard to the light, and motioned up to it. Owen glanced over at Finn and shook his head. "They didn't come with us, I didn't even mean to end up in the water. It's just where we fell out. But I definitely didn't drag any mer-people with us." He looked back over to the group of nudists colonizing the beach and let out a longsuffering sigh. "Max, I can take your pack if you want to go deep diving and figure out what you're working with."

The sun climbs into a brilliant blue sky.

The more athletic of the two mermaids lifted her arms and motioned for people to come closer, giving a delicate pout after she glanced the direction of Felix and his watery escort. She moved in slightly further to the shore, and it didn't reveal fishiness below the waist. It revealed the curve of hips, but she stopped moving just before she would reveal anything distinctly between her legs, but it was close enough that the implication was decidedly there. And then, she motioned up to the light in the sky above them, grinning softly, as she flickered her fingers and butterflies made of pure light started dancing in the air around the big ball of illumination that Owen had tossed up. The sparkled and shimmered, playful and moving erratically as the woman who sent them up giggled brightly. "Come and play?" She made the offer to any and everyone.

"Felix? Felix?! Screw it, I'm just going to have to do this the old fashioned way." Kai exclaims as he see's Felix getting his brains french-kissed to death by this alluring mermaid while he's in her seductively most certainly deadly embrace. He drops his hands as he gets ready to sprint into the water to tackle Felix away from the nearly-perfect breasted (yes he's entitled to his opinion) Mermaid creature and nearly trips over a kid's sandcastle when he see's Max light up the sky with her flare now fully bare-breasted herself, "What do you mean I'll need more ha...for Tao's sake! I don't remember reading firing a flare gun had anything to do with taking off your clothes..." He manages to regain his footing, thanks to his Kungfu-honed agility and quickly passes by Owen, "Yes, it means Ocean and very cool, that's a level one mage spell." He glances back at Ink, "Dude! She's either going to drown him or eat him...help me get her off him and drag his jedi-mind tricked butt back to land." He then barrels into Felix, trying to football tackle him away from the mermaid if he can. As strong as he is, Felix is like a brick wall and determined to get his sexy time with this mermaid as he doesn't even budge the guy. "Listen fishlady, I said no tongue on the first date...didn't your mother ever teach you this!" At least he's able to get a life lesson out in the open if he can't get Felix detached from the xxx rated tongue.

Felix utterly melted into the mermaid's arms as she kissed him. Modesty and an audience be dammed, he kissed back with the same passion and intensity. Even as he did, his naked skin took on a similar, shining texture as that of the mer-folk. Colorful scales spread across his back, ass legs and arms, his dark brown hair falling away from his head as fins pushed their way from his skin. He'd begun to scream as the change took him, but with that mouth smothering him as it was the sound hardly escaped. He kept his legs, because legs are useful, but they became digitigrade in the water, and along, finned tail sprouted from his back, which flicked out to send a huge splash of water at Kai in what was clearly another gesture of anti-Jedi policies. He kept everything else too, but being a twenty one year old male well... it's hard not to want to show off.

Portia didn't seem in the slightest to be bothered by Felix's transformation, and bit at his lower lip after he made the scream into her mouth. Considering his transformation, she seemed to be perfectly comfortable as she looked him over. And then, rather forwardly, reached down between them to begin stroking along him with her still rather human looking hand. At that point, though, she started further back into the water. As she did so, the long, slick side of what could have been a dolphin, but wasn't shaped quite right, moved to wrap around Felix's waist, and then the two of them were down into the water, and under it entirely. Presumably for a duration that would be appropriate for consumation. Either way, the kissing had started up again as they submerged under the water.

The tide is high and rising.

Noting the current state of people, an idea comes to Ink. It may not be a good idea but he's more than a little of a hippy at heart and the 'cigar' he's smoking doesn't help. "Hey now. I have a better idea! I'm not a great swimmer so how about you come onto the land to really appreciate what we have?" With this said, he slowly starts to disrobe... although strip would be more of an adequate term. He slowly takes off his t-shirt to reveal a chiseled chest underneath. Covered in tattoos just like his arms, he has impressive pictorials which he flexes as he smiles at the merfolk. "You see what you're missing? There is a whole load of Welsh stud right here. Come on out and we can party!" He continues to strip off, kicking off his boots and then stepping out of his jeans. He stops at the boxer shorts but there is more than enough decorated skin on display to hopefully entice a lusty mermaid, especially given the barely contained bulge at the front of his boxers.

The male of the trio came further toward the shore, smiling at Max as he did so. As the water drew more shallow and he exposed more of himself, the obvious proof of maleness, standing turgid and rather ready, was decidedly NOT arachnidian. In fact, he had hips, and the beginnings of legs, which then seemed to turn into the long, thick, powerfully muscled forms that they'd seen earlier. There were two of them, though, and he moved less with the gait of someone walking, more with the gait of someone using powerful, stroking, movements under the water, despite it being so shallow. In fact, with the blazing bright light overhead, the huge, almost eel-like lengths of those 'legs' was more obvious as it moved in the shallow bay. He was looking directly at Max and not at all ashamed of revealing anything, apparently. "Do I get to check downstairs, too?"

Finn sucks his cigarette to the filter as the scene devolves into nudity and debauchery...a perfect Friday night, really. He shows too much tooth when he grins up at the little butterflies created by the athletic-looking mermaid. "Well isn't that sweet? But you should know, sweetness...up here, we eat fish." His eyes glow positively golden in the magical light and he flicks his cigarette butt up into the air near Owen's globe of light and the mermaid's butterflies, where it combusts into a shower of embers and takes the shape of a lunging predator, all ethereal maw gaping and gnashing of teeth, running down the cheerful little shapes with savage intent.

Thumbing the release on the flare gun to open the breach, Max tilted it to the side to dump the spent casing out. Yes, she was still holding her bra above her breasts if only to keep Kai distracted. She arched a brow as she glanced at Finn, "If a dragon can't take care of himself, there's like nothing we can do to save him. He's officially the reason I carry a gun now. Totally pissed myself." Her tawny eyes squinted, and Max gave him a tiny shake of her head. "Go to some of the dives I go to, and you assume your nethers will set off a geiger counter. Are those traps? Some traps give you shit that penicillin won't fix. It's why I keep to palm rockets and eagle claws." Max, again, grinned around her cigar, "Dude, don't yang on my yins, these could technically feed someone... Someday? I'm like sixty so I have no idea how half this shit works." Max purposely rose up in her Doc Martens to give an inviting jaunt to her womanly orbs, before pulling her sports bra back over them. It was ultimately to load the second flare into her pistol and reclose the breach. Felix's screaming earned a questioning look, "Has anyone asked if they plan on eating him? Before or after the fornication is still up in the air, and it just feels... Karma." Max nodded to herself as she so easily convinced herself that this is all okay, but utterly distracted by Ink's sudden and amazing strip tease by wizard light. She started into a throaty snort, and she looked to the water and the male exposure in it. Max spoke between snorts. "Dude... Seriously. Unless you're packing a bottle of Dawn as an anal plug... My nethers are painted of water repellent goo that makes a newborn free from the cunt look like a fresh hospital bed... And I'm talking those babies born with the fuzz. My panties..." Max shook her head as she frowned, "When I peel those puppies off they're going to make that plastic cellophane sound when it's pulled quick from the roll."

Owen just kind of nodded to Kai. "I guess so, level one is more personal use thoough, man. This is more like... level 3 or 4." Owen motioned up at the globe of light, though he couldn't help jerking his attention back to where Felix was getting frisky with the Eel maid. And then, Felix was shifting, and Owen nearly swallowed his tongue. "Does that count as... safe sex with a mermaid?" The idle thought poured out of his mouth before he could check it, it would seem, and he clapped his mouth shut fast enough that the clack of his teeth could be heard as Felix and the mermaid went under. And didn't come back up. "That's pretty much my worst nightmare." His face had gone pale, despite all the breasts, and apparently other nether regions being shown off. Owen had to pull his eyes away from the dual, or possibly triple, Eeled male form in the water, and he ended up staring at Ink instead. Blinking. The sparkles and dancing lights overhead from the second mermaid's spells combined with Finn's spells only served to make it look like Ink was dancing under a disco ball. And it was obviously attention getting. Though, instead of staring at any specific male bits, Owen seemed transfixed by the man's skin. "Wow... that's really beautiful." Blurting was apparently going to be on the menu for a bit while Owen reoriented to the insane shit that was happening in the real world. "Max... did you slip something into my water bottle?" He asked the question of the woman as he cocked his head to the side to get a better view of Ink's ink, and to some it may well look like he's well and truly attempting to get a measure of the man, so to speak.

The more lithe of the two mermaids, and really now the only visible mermaid, seemed similarly transfixed by the show happening on land. She watched the fiery sparks dance along her butterflies and clapped her hands together while making excited squeels of laughter. Which of course helped the more womanly attributes she was revealing to be extra jiggly as they wetly reflected the light. "Alright, I can come up, but you have to make sure I can come back down again." She turned her attention to Finn, giving him an ever widening smile, then she looked at Ink, and watched as he slowly disrobed to some rhythm that only he seemed to be hearing. Of course, in response, Penelope (otherwise known as the mermaid) began to sway side to side as she came up further to land, displaying the fact that she indeed had utterly human genitalia with a dark thatch of hair at the apex of her thighs. While she came into ever more shallow water, the eel-like texture of her legs from the thighs down actually split open, and she stepped out of those long, moving appendages, leaving them behind in the water as she took to the shore on gloriously defined, perfectly human looking legs. It would seem she had no shame in showing herself off, either, as she made her way directly toward Ink and his inviting little solo number.

In the water, where she'd left them, the long, thick, and powerful looking 'eel' lengths of her legs seemed to move on their own, writhing around one another in the shallow water, illuminated by the overhead ball of light.

Kai desparately tries to grab a hold of Felix's hand or flipper of whatever he just turned into but after he gets splashed by water after his failed tackle attempt, he's too little too late and see's the shifting Fishlix get dragged under by Portia the french kissing sea skank. "Felix!? Oh no...wait, can he breath under water..." He glances around, not in panic but to survey the scene and takes a deep breath calming his mind in the process. Seeing the mermaid known as Penelope walk on land now, leaving those eel like thingys in the water he tries to figure out his next move. Glancing towards Ink, erm the now naked Ink who is illuminated by the light causing his tats to glow, he blinks shaking his head as he notices that he's coaxed her out of the water to land which probably gives land lubbers like him more of an advantage should he choose. Then he spots Max, hearing her words about Felix being a Dragon so he can probably take care of himself. Those wise words do have an effect on him as he nods to her, "Your right....about Felix...and thanks for covering up." The rest of her comments causes him to snort laugh, shaking his head incredulously and wanting to facepalm were the situation not so dire. "If we live through this I'm inviting you all out for drinks because this is one of the craziest night's of my life..." He then spots Finn's anti-light show and quirks an eyebrow, saying to both Owen and Finn, "Sorry, I got confused with the cantrip light spell this is at least level 3 for sure." He starts making his way towards the male Merman that is trying to approach Max, just in case it starts trying to get a little too fresh with the tattooed magician so he's in a better position to intervene if needed.

Still dancing to his own rhythm, Ink sees no point in keeping the rest of his clothes on now that he has at least one mermaid approaching. Grinning, he looks over to Owen. "Thanks mate, I'm right proud of the work. Oh and seeing as how you're the mage, does that make me the bard in this party?" At the word 'party', Ink steps out of his boxers, freeing or perhaps the better word would be 'unfurling' his own very distinct male member, although it does call into question his possible heritage. "As you can see, I am completely unarmed. Well, mostly." With a grin, Ink looks down before looking up again and into the Mermaid's eyes. "I will not stop you from getting back to the water. It's not like I'm hiding anything here." He lifts his arms until they are horizontal and then does a little twirl, the movement almost comical. "Come on now, get it while it's hot!" Ink does a little body shudder, flexing his muscles in a steady rhythm and making his tattoos seem to dance.

The male merman looked over Max from head to toe and let out a longsuffering sound, mostly a groan, likely because he was being directed on where to go by his rather obvious dousing rod. "I was wondering where the smell of oil came from, I'm almost sad to hear it's from between your legs. But I'd be more than happy to figure out a way to get you clean so you can enjoy yourself... and I can enjoy you?" He offered out his hand to Max and smiled softly. "Everything can be washed away by the sea, I assure you." His smile was almost as alluring as the promise that would have seriously crowded his pants, had he worn them.

Finn drains the last of his flask and slides it away into a pocket, pausing to admire the spectacle of light and color that is Ink and his dance for longer than he will probably admit to anyone who asks about this night later. Penelope, having shed her eel-like appendages for rather nice legs, has a sudden new appeal, and with a belly full of whiskey and eyes full of twinkling lights, Finn and his cheeky grin make their way over to the athletic mermaid. He reaches out to take her gently by the waist, and leans in to whisper something into her ear as his fingers glide across the small of her back. Anyone close enough to hear what passes his lips as they graze against the mermaid's ear might hear suggestions of alternate definitions of eating fish, among other things.

Max stared at the water as the mermaid came out of it, and her lips pursed into a ring. "O-Okay... This is where I fall back on my experience. With something looks terrifying, it's terrifying. When it look infinitely suckable, it's your death." She gestured to the eels parts in the water with her flare gun. "Just saying... A bitch starts taking off pieces in front of you before the fucking begins... That's a lie with a pretty bow." Max shook her hand several times before focusing on Owen, "If I slipped you a mickey, then we're both fucked, because I drank out of the same bottle." When Kai walking up to her, her thumb rubbed on the hammer of the flare. "Dude, I wouldn't be thanking me. The girls were enjoying a bit of freedom, but the reaction of cool night air on piercings has my nipples trying to bend the dumbbell piercings into horseshoes. Add the dicks and pussies waving around, my Christina doing the same." Her eyes narrow as her brain sorts out Kai's intercept course, "Flare gun... Doc Martens... All the makings of the worst anal play of someone's life if they fuck with me, so unless you're planning to show me something worthy of me rubbing one out..." The non-gunned hand made a brushing motion so she had a clean line of sight to the merman, and she gesture the other way too so she could watch the mermaid as well, "And I'm a sushi fan, so blow or get to disrobing." Her attention went to the naked Ink, and she pointed, "Like exhibit A for instance... Owen!" Max growled around her cigar, "I watched that ass wiggle through the jungle for countless hours, you can give me something too!"

Max let out another throaty snort, coughing a bit from the cigar smoke. "Duddddde...." Max flopped her pistol onto her bag. "You don't want to go there." And the woman crossed the distance to be nose to nose with the mermaid and she reached down to unsnap and unzip her jeans. Without breaking eye contact, Max reached into her panties and back between her legs. She shivered bodily, but growled around her cigar to get the excess vaseline onto her hand. Then she grab his rod, her grip slicking and likely pulled uncomfortable. "This ain't lube... It's cement! No amount of friction is going to save it. This flesh will come off, and my labia will end up hanging down like Dumbo's ears." The cherry of her cigar blazed as she pulled smoke into her lungs. "Some shit broken doesn't fix. Vaginal dentata would be blessing!"

Owen watched as another man decided to go for the surf instead of the turf that night. He looked between everyone that was there, and the fact of the matter was that when Max passed his line of sight, his vision was finally pulled fully from Ink to her, especially as she reached out and put a hand smothered in the jelly that had been cementing itself between her legs onto the poor merman's junk. He winced, then shook his head. "Hey.. Max. Ok, you want something that'll get your attention?" Owen actually squared his shoulders, like he was about to go run with the bulls. His ass almost visibly clenched, his jaw set, and he strode toward the water, though quite literally kept his gaze on Max instead of looking at the terror of the ocean waiting RIGHT THERE. When he made it to be in line with Max and the merman, he reached his arm in between them, and encircled Max's wrist with his hand. "Hey." He spoke to her in a quiet tone, almost breathless, and then his other hand moved to the back of her neck, because he bodily moved her backward with his shoulders, and dipped her down, until he was holding her like this was Gone With the Wind. Once he got her hand to let go of the other semi-man's phallus, he brought his mouth down onto Max's in a devestatingly slow, languid kiss that wasn't light, but likely filled with hours, maybe days, of frustration after spending them stuck in an evil, otherworldly jungle with the woman. If background music were to flare up as it happened, it would have sounded like a movie from the 50's, and damn if Owen wasn't playing Rhett's part just fine.

Penelope, AKA the Mermaid, that Finn had managed to really get the attention of moved up against him with a langorous sort of slink as he made his whispered promises to her ear. There was a series of hushed giggles, and then Finn was being led to the sea. Yeah, she was leggy before, but when they walked into the water, she grew ever more so as her eel-appendages seemed to cling themselves to her legs and grow back into them. She passed her hand over Finn's face and little gills opened up along the sides of his neck, before she wrapped him in her 'legs' and proceded to take Finn into the water. Soon enough, his mouth was too busy to breathe anyway, and they slipped under the water, where the mermaid's eel-like appendages moved them deeper and further away, out of the light. Presumably to encourage some alone time in the dark, much like Felix and his lady of the evening were enjoying.

The tide is high and slack.

Kai blinks, not sure if his lack of sleep has made him hallucinate this whole thing or he's dreaming he's awake here on this mermaid/merman orgy infested beach in some twisted REM sleep xxx-fantasy porno. "Okay, this is just fucking too weird...I'm out." He shrugs at the Merman, who just got cock-blocked literally by Own. "Sorry dude your out of luck on this one and /don't/ look at me, I've got a girl friend." He watches as Finn and Penelope the mermaid walk towards the water, then they both dissapear after she gets her eel legs back and she gives Finn gills in the process. "Huh, never knew they could do that. Learn something new everyday." He glances back towards Max and Owen, a little grin on his face and nods. "Now that is what I'm talking about." He shakes his head at the Merman, glancing at his face. "Dude, seriously put your eel legs back on and go find a dolphin or porpoise of maybe a nice sea lion somewhere. Leave those two alone, they obviously are having a moment." He takes one last look towards the ocean and just keeps walking away from the water, up the sand dune towards where he parked.

"Typical, you get all dressed up and then they wander off with someone else. Story of my life." Ink laughs and takes a puff from his cigar. "Actually it ain't but it's a good line." He looks over as Owen and Max embrace, grinning widely and then he nods to the Merman. "Just ain't your night buddy." Slowly and with far less fanfare than when he took off his clothes, Ink starts to get dressed once more. "Got to say, these moonlit walks are getting more and more interesting." Getting his pants on, he leaves his shirt off and just flings it over one shoulder. Taking a deep draw on his cigar, he exhales upwards in a huge plume of smoke. "See you later Kai, don't go running up any strange alleys now!"

The merman looked with interest, watching as Owen dipped Max back into a kiss that was worthy of a film. He cocked his head to the side, then reached down to wrap his hand protectively on the now rather cemented length of his own manhood. He made a small sound, then backed up a bit, looking around the beach a bit as if he were scanning for any other available females. As he did so, he went under to the waist, like he was actually trying to get the gunk that Max had put onto him OFF. He nodded once, to Kai and Ink it would seem, before he simply sunk down under the water entirely, and then moved out of the light in less time than it took a mortal human to blink.

The news for the kiss was Max completely forgot about what she was holding a moment ago. The bad news, for Owen, was that particular jelly hand, with a couple of twigs(?) stuck on it, lifted to the back of Owen's head and hair. The worst news was the cigar that was between her lips fell out of her mouth and into the sand to become unsmokeable. In lucky news, it didn't find the mermaid thicket to start a fire. Moaning her appreciation of the kiss, she broke the kiss to pant. "So this mean you want to break into the nearest garage and steal their lava soap with me? The place, I squatting in, has like no soap save for a tub of pink stuff from a gas station..." She shook her head, "It's mostly water." The woman grinned, the spidering the red through the whites of her eyes apparent to the wizard light, "I'm also feeling thoroughly baked, so we could go straight to anal."

Owen was definitely glad that no merman thicket was caught on fire tonight. That would just be cruel, considering what the poor creature had to remove from his genitals already. He did, however, seem to have a moment where he was breathing slow and deep, and just staring at Max, looking at her eyes. He turned his head away purposefully and cleared his throat, before he looked back at her, focusing more on her eyebrow over the left eye. "I can agree with soap. I have some good stuff at home, because of all the work I have to do on that dumb jeep just to keep it running. We don't even have to break into anything. We just need to make it there without our bodies lighting on fire from all the vaseline." He hefted Max back up to standing and nodded to the road beyond the parking area. "Let's get going and we'll see where the night takes us after having to scrub ourselves clean from this crap for the next three hours? I'm pretty sure you're going to want breakfast before you really want anything going... there." He shook his head and started toward the road, but reached back to offer his hand to Max, if she wanted to take it, as a little stick thing about an inch long tried to pull its legs out from the gloopy glob of vaseline on the side of his neck.

"Oh, catch ya later Ink and uh better luck next time? But seriously though, I know you could do better and I'm pretty sure those two should probably get checked out by a doctor after they are done." Kai replies to Ink after he stops politely to turn around to address the man in all his nakedness but keeps his eyes on the man's upper half. "I'm sure I'll catch you around the hostel and yeah, I plan not to go into any strange alleys at least for the rest of this night anyways." He gives the man a sage nod and a small wave, before glancing at the Merman (Mr. Parker) who has taken off back into the ocean. "Huh, I didn't actually think he would listen...sweet." He pauses once more to survey the beach, seeing that everything else seems to be balanced in order and brushes his hands together in a my work seems to be done kind of gesture, then heads to his car.