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Catch and Release

Calf Eaters Ahoy!

Dramatis Personae

Aurelie, Bjorn, Felix, Grace, Ink, Kai, Lei, Max, and Molly. Loa as GM. NPC: Aswang

27 December, 2008

Aswang are spotted near a terrible traffic issue, chaos ensues.


Central Oahu, Mililani


Plot:The Calf Eaters

Beautiful nights in the Central Oahu area aren't really all that hard to come across. While the town of Mililani was mostly known for its housing of the multitude of individuals that live on the island, there are also a plethora of small shops, grocers, and different markets.

It just so happens that it's a blessed night for it to be beautiful outside, because traffic has stopped just outside of Mililani town proper, due to a 5 car pile up. It's been stuck since about 7 PM, and it doesn't look like it's going to be moving any time soon. While there are some emergency services on the scene, they're quite busy, but also having trouble moving around. All in all, it's a bit of a cluster fuck. Many people have taken to driving down the streets of Mililani and parking, just to get out and stretch their legs, or to stand around and enjoy the night air in the typically quiet residential area.

Ink is out doing some grocery shopping, the traffic not proving too much of a bother as he is out on foot today. Dressed in a black, round neck t-shirt, navy blue jeans and his brown working boots, his chest is obscured by the large brown paper bag full of food he is carrying. A hand rolled cigarette hangs from the corner of his mouth and he watches the snarled traffic with a bemused expression as he slowly walks past, a flicker of a grin crossing his lips as he looks at the people in the cars.

Grace had more than her fair share of patience, really. But patience while stuck in traffic in a smallish car while your passenger was far too tall for patience to be a virtue meant that pulling off the main highway and into the smaller side streets of Mililani was the only good choice. Grace's small, pale green, Volkswagen Golf pulled up to the sidewalk along one of the residential areas, across the street from a strip of shopping areas that included a decent grocery store, and stopped. Not long after, Grace climbed out of the driver's side and stretched herself up tall, as if she'd been the one with the worry of confinement in a small space. "I believe this might be a good time to stretch our legs, maybe if we go for a little walk everything will be cleared up when we get back?" She bent over a bit to peer into the car at her passenger, Bjorn, and gave him a slight smile. Grace wasn't dressed ostentatiously, really, wearing just a pale yellow, flouncy skirt with little white eyelet detail that shifted around her knees and a white camisole top that likely had a bra built into it. On her feet were just a simple pair of strappy, white sandals, and all of her thick, dark hair had been pulled back into a straight ponytail that flowed down along her spine.

Kai had taken the bus to spend the day in Central Oahu and had walked around, enjoying the sights, talking to the locals and doing what he does best at the moment, being an awe-struck tourist. He was dressed in a blue graphic t-shirt with a picture of Voltron on the front carrying a sword, black jeans, white Adidas stan smith sneakers, short white sports socks and a black backpack. When he saw the emergency vehicles heading towards the accident site, his good Samaritan senses started tingling and he quickly headed to the scene if he could be of any additional assistance. On the way there, he passes Ink whom he barely recognizes since his face was obscured by the grocery bags but he recognized the man's tattoos. "Oh, hey Ink? Aloha. How are you doing? I was just going to head to the accident scene to see if anyone needed more medical assistance." He is also near the blue Volkswagen that Grace had just stepped out of.

Lei had long since given up on her plans to get anywhere, her beat up old truck turned off and the woman herself stretched out on the hood, leaning back against the windshield. She seems unconcerned about the chance of her clothing, jean shorts with a black spaghetti strap tank-top, getting dirty from her doing so. Beside her is an opened box of tangerine Hop Nosh that had been fetched from the bed of her truck, an opened can in one of her hands. Her attention is split between looking forward toward the backed up traffic, to be aware of when it starts to move again, and looking up at the sky.

Aurelie seems quite at ease in the stopped traffic, comfortably draped across the backseat of the black rented Humvee with her head propped on the thigh of her driver, who is regaling her stories of cheating on his community college final exams. Her long, sculpted legs drape languidly out the Humvee's backseat window, crossed at the ankle, her dangerously high-heeled black designer shoes adding a new hazard for anyone moving between traffic. Anyone who peeked in through the window would see the willowy blonde is dressed in a black, long-sleeved sequin mini-dress that hugs every curve of her body and barely skims the tops of her thighs. Her hair is done up in a sleek high ponytail that's currently splayed across her driver's lap, and though it's hard to see her eyes behind her silvery-lensed aviator sunglasses, her glossy scarlet pout is pulled into a laughing smile that might even be genuine.

Felix had, rather thankfully, gone a-strollin' that night, which wasn't hard when you didn't have a car. When the bus had come to a halt in the jam, he'd simply opted to hop out and hoof it. No stranger to walking, he stepped lightly through the traffic jam, wincing as he passed by the mess that had caused it all. But the open, comfortable Oahu nights easily called to him, and he moved freely. Dressed in a pair of long shorts, sandals and a t-shirt with a long, colorful snake and a small, odd fellow riding it. Spotting Ink and Kai up ahead, he grinned and bopped over towards him, his steps a jumping little dance. He gave the tattooed man an up nod. "Hey Ink. Long time no see. How've you been?" He gave Kai a nod, his grin widening as he caught sight of the blushy fellow. "Kai! Aloha! How ya doin'? I heard this has been going on for hours. That's cool of you man." Looking around he spotted Lei, giving her a wave above the crowd. His eyes went through the crowd, spotting Aurelie's legs sticking out the window and tilting his head slightly.

Smiling, Bjorn opens the passenger door and steps out, slowly though as he moves to stand and arches his back. Yes cramped spaces do a number on the body, especially when you're tall. "That sounds far better than just staying cooped up." He's currently dressed not quite as nicely as Grace is in his grey hiking shoes, green board shorts, and a grey tee that says on it, 'I'm great in bed, I can sleep for hours.' Looking about he sees some familiar faces, and some not so familiar faces, offering a nod of greeting if noticed, though Aurelie gets only a passing questioning look toward her car as he can't quite see in from his vantage point that it's her to offer a greeting. Shutting the door he moves around to where Grace is by the car.

Max walked up the side of the traffic clogged road. The silver-haired tattooed woman was wearing a loose-fitting gray tank top with the words 'I am an anti-Christ' written with a sharpie, cutoff jean shorts, a pair of black Doc Martens, a pair of aviator goggles on top of her head, and an olive green satchel over her shoulder. The unlit cigarette danced back and forth as it was held between her lips. Absently, she patted her pockets for her lighter and groaned for the lack thereof. Reaching into her satchel, the woman produced a road flare. Uncapping it, she struck the cap on the flare several times, until it flared with a brilliant red light. And without missing a beat, she grabbed the bridge of her goggles to pull them over her eyes. Leaning in, she puffed on her cigarette until it was lit, sending a stream of smoke into the air to join the sulfuric plume produced by her road flare.

Because the emergency sirens were off, and only the lights were going at rapid intervals, they didn't denote their shrill sound to the audible rumble of engines, the random closing of doors, and the chatter of people standing in between cars and talking to one another in a variety of languages, both imported and domestic. Despite all the random activities, and people pulling off to get out of traffic for whatever reasons they may have had, the streets of Mililani were fairly quiet. The pools of light from the street lamps were bright, and the flashing lights from the emergency vehicles definitely lit up the night closer to where the accident had happened, and far more faintly down the side streets nearby.

The sound of heavily flapping bird wings, or perhaps batwings can be heard over the houses. At least it sounded like it could be something big. Stars were blotted out a bit as flying creatures flew overhead in quick motions. A few of the houses had lights on, people eating dinner inside, a couple looked closer to bed time, as the lights were off in the house but there was the definite sense of people within them, especially as all of their cars were parked in the driveway.

Ink blinks a few times before registering Kai, his thoughts in the clouds as he walks and so he comes to something of an abrupt stop. "A noble thought there Kai but it might be better to leave it to the professionals. We're in the land of ketchup and lawsuits here remember." His Welsh accent is quite apparent as he speaks, even over the noise of all the traffic. Turning, he squints as he examines more of the cars, a chuckle escaping his throat as he spots a few familiar face. "You did choose a good day to walk though, as did some other people." He gestures with a nod of his head to Felix. "Hey there Felix, it's a good day for rubbernecking!" Spotting the flash of a road flare, he turns his head once more. "Now there was someone in dire need of a fag, damn."

Grace looked up at Bjorn and raised her brows. "I figured you'd be turning cartwheels, I'm impressed at your reserves of self-containment after escaping the tiny box you wedged yourself into before we left." Her smile grew a little wider as she slipped her arms around Bjorn's waist, rather low, and squeezed him. "Since we won't make it to the restaurant, would you like to go in and maybe do some shopping? I'm sure we could find something to bring back to the loft and cook up?" She shifted to the side of the much larger form of Bjorn, then nodded toward the grocery store that Ink had just left with his bagfuls of goodies. Naturally, when she caught sight of the fact that Kai, Felix, and Ink weren't all that far off, she gave them all a small, but kind smile, and offered a pleasant "Aloha." in greeting. When Grace spotted Lei sitting on her truck, she glanced back up at Bjorn. "If I had a larger vehicle or better still a truck, maybe we could have even had a picnic or something in the back." The flare of bright, orange light from Max's makeshift cigarette lighter caught Grace's eye and she turned her head that way, blinking. "I guess it never hurts to be prepared." The decidedly European lean of her accent carried a little edge of humor, though her smile remained pleasant.

"I know and if the EMT's tell me they have things under control then I'll respect their wishes. But I've got medical training and it never hurts to offer." Kai replies to Ink's comments in a polite tone and then turns as Felix approaches. He blinks and then recognizes the man from the Park, that stranger and very weird time at the park. "Oh hey...Felix. From the park right? Yeah, that is what i heard too and was just going there to check it out since I have to catch a bus back to Waikiki soon." When Felix spots Lei, he turns to look as well and also recognizes her from the Park. He never got her name though but gives her a wave anyways. Following Felix's gaze again, he spots a very familiar face...well more accurately the shapely legs of Aurelie. He also recognizes her Humvee since he's been staying at the Ho'okipa ever since he got here. He shakes his head a bit, noticing Felix's reaction and gives Aure a wave. "Yeah, I'd know those wheels and the legs anywhere." He says to Felix with a smirk. When Aurelie's car is closer, he walks up to it and speaks to her. "Hey Aure. How are you? Fancy meeting you here. How long have you been stuck in traffic from the accident up ahead? I was just going to catch a bus back to the Hostel." He then spots Grace and offers a small polite smile in return when they make eye contact. The big guy she hugged looks kinda familiar as well and met him at a fire dance not too long ago. "Hey Bjorn. How goes?"

Lei furrows her brows, staring up at the sky at the sound of wings. She manages to see the silhouettes of something, before her night-vision, such as it is, is ruined by the bright burning of an ignited flare nearby. Her face twists in a wince as she looks over at the source of the light, likely finding it to be a bit bright. Though it does end up drawing her attention toward familiar faces, which prompts her to lift her beer holding hand in a return wave, before she moves her free hand to grab the box of beers, holding it up and out in the general direction of Felix and the others invitingly. Though she seems disinclined to move and actually bring the drinks to them, instead preferring to continue lounging on her truck.

Aurelie eventually tires of the rambling stories of her driver, and when the new interesting stimulus of Max's red chemical flare lights up, those deadly black heels disappear back through the window. Disregarding any protestations from the man in the backseat with a kiss back through the window, Aurelie slips out of the car and takes a moment to give a token adjustment to her dress. It probably does nothing other than draw attention to the brevity of the garment, but the knowing quirk of her scarlet lips could suggest that might be intentional. Stepping out into the red flare light and the flashing emergency vehicle lights, Aurelie throws her hands up into the air and laughs delightedly, hollering, "We may end up at a party after all! Now all we need is some decent music!" She spins in place, arms outstretched, before she starts moving through the crowd. "Thanks for the atmosphere!" the blonde hollers over to Max, blowing the silver-haired woman a kiss. "And for coming prepared to turn this into something interesting," she adds to Lei, noting the woman's wisdom in bringing beer. "C'mon, how can you grocery shop on a night this perfect?" She calls over to Grace and Bjorn as she moves past them, teasingly chiding with hands on her hips. Auri's dancing exploration of the crowd finally pulls to a stop at Ink, Felix, and Kai, and she reaches out to try and drape a sequined arm around the shoulders of the latter. "When one road closes, something more fun opens," she beams, "Here's two of may favorite people and another I'm looking forward to meeting," she grins at Felix at the last. "My favorite acupuncturist is here, so I can get wrecked and he'll put me back together again. That's a good way to start an evening. I've been trapped with the driver /forever,/" she answers Kai with a laugh, "but you can ride home with us if you want. Pretty sure the hummer can overcome anything silly like landscaping or other cars."

Felix nodded at Ink. "Right? I haven't seen anything this bad since Dubai six years ago." As Kai recognized him, he grinned. "Yep. Been alright." As beer was waved in his general direction, he laughed and clapped his hands, looking to the others and heading that way. "Oh awesome, now it's a party." As he moved he got a better look at Grace and Bjorn, giving them a wave. "Aloha guys. Hell of a mess huh?" As he approached Lei, he gave her a thumbs up. "Aloha. How've you been doing?" When Aurelie got out and introduced herself, Felix smiled widely and gave her a bob of the head. "Well shit, if you have a deck and a sound system and a computer and... well... can't do music at the moment. Felix. Aloha."

A slight shrug is given at the mention of Cartwheels. "Better to stretch slowly after that, I might pull something with cartwheels. He rubs the small of her back as she puts an arm around him and takes note of the grocery store in question. "That could be fun. Then we can eat whenever we feel, won't have to worry about things being closed and all."

A brief glance over toward the house and the sound of the noise, but as he was pleasantly distracted by a Grace and a meeting of people he doesn't really hone in on where it was coming from well. Only the fact they've had run ins with winged icky types gave him the pause to even think about looking up, but not seeing anything and being greeted by more people puts it out of his mind for the moment. "Kai, Aloha... And Aurelie, Aloha, but what do you have in mind if not food...?" He gets a look on his face though that suggests he might have possibly regretted asking that question.

Max lowered the flare, pointing the fount of red flame away from her as she took another long drag from her cigarette. "Someone abso-fucking-lutely needed a fag, a situation that wasn't going to get solved by rubbing two sticks together... Stick Rubbing Flamer... Band name." She nodded as she licked her lips, and took another drag as she raised the flare once more, and started giving traffic directions to the cars. Not that any gesture was actually useful to any driver as the gestures ranged from 'Moving along' to 'Turn left' to 'Throttle up your right propeller'. It seemed to have the effect of causing people to hit their horns in frustration, which was rare for Hawaiians. The cherry of her cigarette blazed as Aurelie piped up, "A Val going all Joey..." Max shook her head as she exhaled the smoke from the cover of her mouth, opposite the cigarette. Tilting her head to look skyward, she frown, "I leave a door open again?"

The accident continued to be a scene of much hubbub, people working, people chatting, milling about. The number of cars parked along the side streets of Mililani grew, as did the overall traffic there as people elected to find a way to turn back from whence they came, since it was likely to be another hour or two before traffic actually started moving again.

Not far from the market area, the sound of hollow, tinny, metal wrenching from a piece of wood could be heard. The lights of what would seem to be the house where the sound came from came up a moment or two later, and a few thudding, padded footsteps seemed to move along the roof of said house, away from the back of the house and toward the house next door before they went quiet.

From what would have to be the back yard of that house, a man could be heard cussing "Get back inside, wahine, are you crazy? It's just the damn gutter. Freaking trash pandas." The cussing died down to a grumbling as the sound of metal being wrenched away from wood, with nails coming free, echoed a bit. Then there was the soft, scrapy, hollow sound of the gutter being tossed onto the grass, followed by the door shutting solidly. Lights turned back off in the house after another minute or two.

Ink watches as Grace and Bjorn get out of their car, doing his best to hold in a chuckle as he watches the gymnastics involved. He nods in greeting to the two of them as they pass, it is the Hawaiian way after all. "Aloha folks." The mention of 'style' gets his attention and he breaks out in a grin as he spots Aurielie. "Rubberneck Rave? It does have a ring to it and we certainly have the right sound effects." He turns then and nods to Kai. "Didn't want to put a downer on you there Kai, just be careful and all that, I'm sure they'd love your help." Hearing something, he turns his back to the group as he tries to follow what his ears have picked up. Looking over his shoulder, he tries to get someone's attention. "Is naked Pakour something they do here? If so... where do I sign up?"

Grace maintained her polite smile and nodded in return to waves and nods she was given. When Aurelie mentioned that it wasn't a night to be wasted grocery shopping, though, Grace looked at her with a somewhat curious raising of brows. Though, any question she might have asked was superseded by the question Bjorn gave the leggy blonde, so Grace's words never really had to leave her mouth. She turned her head to Felix and nodded. "With as bad as the traffic gets here, it definitely becomes a hellish thing when we get a bad accident." Grace stayed near Bjorn, looking comfortable and relaxed, until her gaze shifted to the roof of the house that had the noise happening and she blinked, facial expression going to a mask of quiet calm. "I could swear I just saw a naked woman up on the roof of that house, jumping to the next one." Her head cocked to the side and she peered a little, like she'd be able to see more from her position. "Why on earth would a woman be naked on a roof?"

Kai looks over to Lei when she holds out some beers but shakes his head, "No thanks but I would really love to try your coffee if you have any? I didn't get a chance to last time." He hollers at her but in a polite manner with a smile on his face and would be more than happy to head over to her truck to get it but he was sidetracked by the party like dance fever entrance of Aurelie. His cheeks redden a bit when she drapes her arm around him, obviously not someone who seeks attention especially from a rather stunning blonde who called him by name. "You do know that me treating your for hangovers is because I feel bad for you when I see you suffering after your infamous nights out. It wasn't my intention that you get wrecked even more often...I worry about your health and your liver you know." He scolds her in a big brotherly sort of way, stern but in a lighter tone. He glances into the Humvee to scope out the driver and the rear passenger as if appraising them for his approval and hmms. "I appreciate the offer for a ride but I wouldn't want you to accidentally take me to a rave or something." He winks and then glances over to Max who lit her cigarette with a road flare. "Whoa, you don't see that everyday and I've heard of butane lighters but that is some serious style." He nods politely to Bjorn and then blinks when the big man asks Aure the question. "No prob Ink. No downer at all...what the heck...is that?" His attention is now focused on the roof of the house, his eyes widening at what he is seeing. "No, you are not seeing things...everyone just stay here. I'm going to check it out." He then takes off towards the house that he saw some movement at.

Lei scowls at Kai's words, anger and something else flitting across her features as she's reminded of that morning. Then she's shaking her head and taking a breath before calling back, "Don't have any made. Was just shopping before getting caught here." She turns her attention to Felix then before replying in a flat tone, "Well, I'm not made of blocks, so that's a step in the right direction." As others gather around and start to converse she sits up, legs dangling over the driver side of the truck's hood as she sips from her can of beer. The new position and slant of the hood sets her on a slow slide toward the front of the truck, though before she can fall off of it she hops to her feet. "You all can help yourselves to the beer, though if you don't like tangerines, or flavored beer in general, you might want to-" She cuts off at the sound of wrenching metal and human foot falls, turning her head in the direction of the sounds. "-Pass... Why would someone be running barefoot on a rooftop?" Kai's words prompt her to roll her eyes, before draining her beer and crumpling the can up, tossing it into the bed of her truck. "Stay here... Like hell." Then she's stalking her way through the stopped traffic in the same direction as Kai took off into.

Aurelie tips Felix a wink as he introduces himself. "I'm Aurelie, but call me Auri. I'm sure somebody here has something that could pass for music. We might strike out on the turntable, though." And when Bjorn makes the fatal mistake of asking her what else she has in mind, Aurelie's smile turns up innocently...with just a little too much tooth to be entirely angelic.

"Well...think about it. With this many people stuck this close together, crashing into one another...this is the stuff of riots, raves and orgies. Nobody wants a riot, so let's turn it into something where we can all appreciate being...cozy." She grins impishly at Grace at Bjorn's side. "And by that, I of course mean..." she pauses with a perfectly plumped pout while she lets the thought hang in the air for ideas to form on their own, and then moves to Ink's side and tries to wind her arm through the crook of his elbow. "A rubberneck rave, just like Ink said!" She laughs and follows after Grace and Ink's gaze with her own, but it's a bit too disinterested to actually look far beyond the flashing lights. "And if someone's free running naked, we already have some entertainment. Let it never be said you can't throw a great party anywhere people are willing to be naked and stupid."

Kai's big brotherly advice is received with a playfully petulant wrinkling of her nose, and when he departs to investigate, she calls after him, "If she's cute, tell her to come dance with us, or take her home!" Lei's offer to share her beer quirks the blonde's interest, and Auri blows a kiss of thanks. When Lei moves to follow Kai, Auri titters wickedly to herself. "The hunt for the naked woman keeps getting more and more interesting by the second. Happy hunting, you two."

Among the stuck traffic is a bus. The people on the bus are all just as stuck as anyone else. One of those people is Molly, who is apparently on her way home from the beach, and who has spent this time walking back to a convenience store at a gas station back there because darnit, British people get thirsty, too. Now she's on her way back, dressed in a pair of boots that come up to her knees and a black bikini with a beach towel featuring My Little Ponies draped over her shoulders. A half-drunk bottle of ice cold Coca Cola lingers in her right hand, and she's humming along semi-tunefully as she walks. "So, what?" she inquires as she zeroes in on Felix, the only face she recognizes, "You're stuck here, too?" The young student pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose, and she takes a gulp from her coke. "Must've been a rough one up there. I--" she stops, tilting her head and squinting. "...Is it just me or is there some... really gorgeous woman running on the rooftops over there, completely naked?"

Felix looked up at a sound, brow furrowing slightly. "I wouldn't say it's something people do... but I can show you the best places for a run aerial mooning if that's what you're after." Those brows went up as Grace caught sight of something and he followed her gaze, trying to catch sight of whatever, or... whoever. "Well... safer than running around naked on the ground? I dunno... that's not usually a good thing." As Max waved the road flare about, directing traffic, he gave her a wave. "Hey Max! You got any more of those things?" He watched Kai head off, blinking at the 'stay here' part. "Whoa hey... I don't stay anywhere man." He grinned at Lei and nodded, heading off after her and Kai. "Oh yeah. I've been having nightmares about that for weeks. Guy nightmares." He shuddered over dramatically and laughed, giving a wave to Aurelie as he jogged off "Nice to meet ya Auri! I'm not great with a turntable but I can give it a shot. I'm a little more digital." As Molly came up, Felix paused momentarily, nodding. "Yeah, figured I'd get out and walk. We're chasing after a naked rooftop lady." He frowned at that. "I'm sure it'll make sense." Then he was off.

Watching The naked woman on the roof he says, "Naked beautiful Filipino women running around on rooftops... Sounds just crazy enough to be a problem, and just interesting enough that poor Kai might get himself into trouble... or married." He looks back to Auri and says, "You just want a show don't you, you missed one the Vog rave I was at." A wink is given but then he focuses his attention on Grace. "Well, did you want to make sure they aren't in over their heads? Or should we wait and see what else might happen?" He looks up at the roof where the woman appears hunched down, and waits to follow Grace's lead.

Max gave traffic the bird as her flare started to die down, and she shook it to get out the flame. "Running naked on rooftops at night isn't so bad. Now, fucking on a roof is completely bunk. There is no position in the world that is going to save your hide from asphalt shingles." Her expression soured as Kai mentioned 'Staying here', "No fucking spazz is telling me where to stand." Max dropped the spent flare, plucked the cigarette from her lips and flicked it towards the line of traffic, "I'm going to need your skull for five seconds, Val, chalk it up to shit happens." Joining along side Aurelie, Max grabbed the back of Auri's head to pull her into a kiss, long enough to literally monkey in Auri's hair to take two bobby pins from it before releasing her once more. "There's no world where I'm not part of a B&E." She started bending the bobby pins into their deserved shape. Max nodded in response to Felix, "I got like three or four more of them in my bag. And someone better have a lighter."

A couple of the emergency units that had been called to the site of the accident on the highway pulled off, their rear compartments containing people that needed the medical facilities of the nearby hospital. Two trucks that were bracketed by police vehicles and a final fire truck on the scene began moving the wrecks of multiple cars up onto their flatbeds with the sound of winches and sliding chains.

The sound of wings flapping against the night sky could be heard again, heavy, and oddly solid sounding. They weren't directly overhead, but they were above the roof line, and sounded large and powerful.

"Why is everyone so interested in the naked woman over there when there's a gorgeous woman over here?" Grinning, he gives Aurelie's hand a gentle squeeze. "You're looking ravishing as always, off to a party before this one found you?" His grin looks fit to split his face now, although it is partially obscured by his beard. "While being naked and stupid is fun, I'm still not sure why people are running towards the lass? Wasn't there a bloke telling her to get down? Also, has no one ever seen a horror movie, this is how you end up as a rug." Grinning, he looks over to Max and nods. "If nothing for the risk of falling off." He watches with some interest as Max heads off at speed, stopping only briefly by Auri before dashing off. He finds himself leaning a little closer to Aurelie. "Jasmine and leather. You really do smell wonderful."

Shaking his head to clear his though, he musters a smile as he looks at Aurelie. "You are so very distracting." Turning his head, he looks in the direction of where the others have run. "Guys? The naked Filipino with the very fine breasts does seem to be trying to hide on the roof oh and..." Ink pauses and then takes a breath. "erm... there another equally well equipped naked lass on the roof across from the Filipino lass? Oh...she's also got wings..." That last is said a little quieter now, Ink suddenly keenly aware that there are people around and he's not sure he can believe what he's saying either. "Did I do acid earlier?" He seems to be asking this of himself.

Grace looked up at Bjorn and then motioned toward the direction that people were heading. "We should definitely go, though I think they're already in over their head, the woman's on the roof." Yes, that was a slight twinge at the corner of Grace's mouth as she made the terrible joke. Luckily the only ones close enough to hear her were Bjorn, Ink, and Auri... until Max came up and made sure that Auri's mouth was busy. Grace watched for a moment, not looking so much stunned as she was utterly fascinated, before she blinked and turned away, a slight peachy shade coming to her cheeks as she realized her faux paux. "Let's go..." She started to walk, sliding out from against Bjorn's side, but catching his hand as she did so, holding it in her left as she moved. At Ink's words, though, Grace glanced back at him, then looked up into the sky in the general direction that the inked man's eyes had taken. When she spotted the flying she-creature, Grace's face took on a hardened sort of expression, her mouth setting into a straight line. "We need to go right now." Her feet moved faster, then, and if Bjorn came along, the hand stayed in his, but if not, she let go and started down the street at a quick clip.

Kai blinks, "I'm going to make sure she's not a danger, not ask her out on a date for Tao's sake." He manages to blurt out to Aure's comments before he sprinted off. But then there is Lei keeping up with him even when he said to stay here. Well, maybe he was going for the reverse psychology to amp people up. "That's too bad, it smelled so good and I think I'm going to need one the way this night is shaping up." Kai replies to Lei when he notices that she's running right along side him and probably going to pass him on the way to the house where there's some kinda beautiful naked woman jumping from rooftops like some creepy weird spider. Thankfully his cardio is good enough to keep up this pace while talking without being winded. Perhaps there is more to this shy acupuncturist than meets the eye. He manages to nod politely to Molly as he runs on past her while she stopped to talk to Felix who is also following along with Lei. Then of course Max, not only didn't listen but scoffed at his idea that he would head into some weird danger by himself, like he's some lone wolf hero trying to save the world on his own. He didn't see Max's smooch of Aure since he had already taken off but it is fairly certain what reaction he would have had from seeing it. Bjorn's comments almost makes him stumble but he's able to find his footing again and keep focused on catching up to the neeked torso jumping whateveritwas. Wait a second, that jogs his memory of something he read either in some ancient text, read it on blog, while playing Bards Tale on the computer or a D&D monster manual. "It's an Aswang! We have to hurry and stop it. If we get into a fight, go for the legs boo go for the LEGS." It sometimes sounds like he's stark raving mad, which is odd from a usually calm professional looking acupuncturist but hey nobody is perfect.

The waning gibbous moon rises into the sapphire blue of the night sky, dimming the light of the twinkling stars.

Lei continues to follow along after Kai, replying, "Oh, I'm sure you can find some way to keep awake, yeah? Even if it is not caffeine assisted." Though when Ink calls out his words toward those heading toward the rooftop runner, her step falters briefly, confusion flitting across her features. This is followed in turn by a flash of recognition or remembrance, then a low, almost inhuman growl from the native born woman. Then she's altering her course to take her behind one of the houses. Disappearing from view, sharper ears might pick out the fairly disturbing sound of snapping and reshaping bone. And after that sound dies down, sharper eyes could pick out a large feline form darting through the shadows behind the houses, parallel to the path the others are taking.

Loa dropped Jinn.

Loa dropped Chira.

Aurelie welcomes Molly with a playful wink of one seagreen eye as she stows her sunglasses in her clutch. "She's up there, all right, looks like the start of an interesting evening, wouldn't you say?" She grins at the student then laughs as she calls back to Felix, "It doesn't have to make sense, Felix Babe, I think we're hardwired to chase pretty naked things." She answers Bjorn with an innocent bat of her eyes. "Oh, definitely, I am definitely trying to get a show. Well...just spectating is boring, but it could start as a show to whet the appetite."

And then Aurelie finds her head ripped back and Max's mouth on hers while she's relieved of some of her bobby pins. As the silver-haired woman passes and a few tendrils of golden hair fall loosely around Auri's face, she touches her fingertips to her lips and exhales noisily. "Wow. I've never been a literal accessory to breaking and entering before. Normally when shit happens it just fucks me up, it doesn't even bother to pull my hair first." Her smile cuts a dangerously giddy scarlet curve across her face, and she drinks in Ink's compliments like water in the desert. "Ink, I'm putty in your hands, you charmer. You and I are off to a party of two later, I'm much less likely to make you into a rug." Auri reaches up to trace a black manicured fingertip along his jawline. "Why am I not surprised you'd recognize the leather?" She looks up at him through heavy lashes. "So we have a gaggle of naked women on our hands and no more acid to share?"

But not even Aurelie can deny a great pun, and she breaks into a chiming peal of laughter at Grace's 'over their heads' line about the rooftop women, and she frowns disappointedly as she turns to rush into danger. "Wait! But you blush so prettily..." She sighs and turns pouty, shaking her head at the words Kai shouts back. "Now you're just trying to make me jealous, Kai, paying so much attention to their legs." She hears Lei, but loses sight quickly of the woman as she disappears into the shadows. Aurelie starts after the group, tugging on Ink's hand with an inviting smile. "Shall we go play, too?"

Molly takes a moment to drain her coke, before lobbing the empty bottle in the general-ish direction of the nearest trashcan. "Wait, we're chasing the naked women? I'm coming too!! Wait for me!!" The young woman adjusts her spectacles before she breaks into a slightly awkward run, taking her towel off her shoulders and clutching it in hand as she goes. She wouldn't want to lose it, afterall, it's a nice towel afterall -- and who doesn't like Rarity? "Wait! They're not Aswangs, I don't think, they're... they're..." The young student turns beat red, and then a bit green. "They uhm... they're *icky*," She pronounces, looking for a moment like she might actually double-over. "But we can't just... No, that can't be right," she mutters, "Maybe he's right, I don't know."

Up on the rooftop, for those that can see it, the woman starts to pull herself up a bit higher. Her hips take on a terribly unnatural angle as one of them is far lower than the other. A moment later, a disturbingly hollow 'POP!' is heard, like someone opened a Snapple bottle, and then everything from her pelvis down goes slack, like it's not alive, or not real. As she moves her torso up over the easement of the house, the Aswang on the roof, reaches back, grabs her own thigh she'd left behind, and drags her legs over the upper angle of the roof behind her, to the other side where she couldn't be seen so easily.

For those that had spotted the woman in the air, she came a bit closer, moving to be about one house away. Her teeth were exposed as her lips pulled back and she made a disgusted face at the throng of humans, and not so humans, coming toward the roof that the other Aswang was on. The batting of her wings can be heard more surely by all as she makes her way over to where the other Aswang had slid on the roof.

Felix's running slowed for a moment as he mouthed something, frowning. "Filipino flying... FUCK!" He looked to Lei, calling out after her as they ran. "Remember the spider ladies?!" He looked back to Max, holding out a hand. "Gimme a couple of those flares would you? I'll head em off at the... well... fuck. Be right there Lei!" He let out a cough, then a grunt. And then... he started to scream. The enormous wings that tore free from his back certainly looked painful enough, a shower of blood turning into a river as scales slide out of his skin, cutting through mercilessly. His eyes swelled and popped, replaced by nictitating, bright yellow eyes, the sound of his pained cry cutting off as his face turned into a jutting muzzle full of razor sharp teeth. Expanding his enormous, feathered wings, he put out two long fingered hands. "Who's up for a ride?" The voice was surprisingly high and trumpeting, sounding as though it would come from a bird, wings flapping impatiently. At the sound of... separation, Felix watched in horror. "Oh god... even I don't do that. Nasty."

A groan at the pun as it's given, but Bjorn runs along with Grace, keeping up with the long legged stride. A brief wave behind him to Auri and Ink as he continues on toward the house, and the...whatever they are. He asks Grace as they run, "What are we dealing with?" But then someone's yelling about Aswangs and he just mutters something rather pungent sounding in Norwegian under his breath. "We need to hire exterminators for those things." As he looks up at the house he starts to lift his shirt then pauses. "One of the few times I'm gonna be better off like this to start. A little heavy the other way for making it up there..."

Max continued to adjust the bobby pins until they were a decent paired tools of a tension bar and rake. When Kai piped up again, the punk woman started shouting, "What kind of bible beater are you!?! I get that anal isn't everyone's cup of tea, but kicking in doors or climbing onto rooftops to stop it to all sorts of fucked up. And another thing, a bit of ass play when you're going down on a guy just wrecks those mental blocks, and gets that shit over before the jaw cramp set in. So I completely understand why another would give the star a tickle while rubbing one out." The woman paused for a moment, her mouth opening wide to let out a long 'OH!'. "You totally thought you said 'Ass-wank', completely confused my shit there." Max shook her head as she placed two fingers into her mouth to fire off a sharp whisper up towards the rooftop, "Hey cunts!" She paused for a second as she came to a stop and cupped her hands around her mouth, "No fucking baby eating tonight!" Her hands dropped down again as she shrugged and dug out her cigarettes from her satchel, "I'd just ask for a fucking lighter, but, apparently, unless you're using a zippo for a kegel weight, I'm guessing the answer is no, right?" Her eyes narrowed as Felix asked for the flares, then immediately turned into a fucking dragon. "WHAT THE FUCK!!" Oh, she was reaching for the flares, alright... She dropped her cigarette pack and immediately went to back peddling away from Felix while she dug out another road flare, hastily getting the cap off of it.

When a sudden dragon appears to rip its way through a man on the side road, a few of the people that weren't running toward the naked women on the rooftop started screaming. Car lights came on and illuminated the road from where they were parked, not that it was all that dark at street level with the street lamps on. People ran into the grocery store. Nearly tripping over themselves, and flashes went off as tourists took pictures of the group of people and the dragon moving down the road in Mililani.

"Okay, so that was a dragon." Ink says slowly, looking at Aurelie from the corner of his eye to see if she reacts. Turning to her he manages a smile. "It would be rude not to join in but I have a question first. Do you ride?" He raises an eyebrow at her and then ducks into the alleyway, the sound of heavy boots hitting the floor follows and then other items of clothing come off, all left neatly on the boots. A completely naked Ink steps out into the light briefly, his back turned to Aurelie but still giving her a wonderful view of all his... artwork. There is a buzz of energy in the air and then Ink lurches forward, his muscles expanding and stretching, his back elongating and it all gets odd very quickly. Black fur seems to spread from his body, his own hair turning paler until it is almost completely white. There is more muscular gymnastics but it is thankfully over very quickly, the shift taking moments and leaving just the flanks of a black horse with a beautiful white mane and tail in view. There is a whinny from the horse as it turns it's head, revealing a glimmering silver horn that protrudes from the top of his head. Letting out a huffing noise, he gives Aurelie a meaningful looking before gesturing forwards with a shake of his head.

Grace had been moving with Bjorn, and nodded to him when he went about taking his shirt off. "Would you boost me up onto the roof, mi tang?" She reached down to undo the straps on her sandals, kicking them away and into the yard of the house where the Aswang had been roofed on. "From what everyone's saying, this is a terrible thing, as she pulled off her legs." Her dark eyes turned to scan the area and figure out why people were screaming, and she caught sight of an honest to god Rainbow Dragon. Stilling for a brief moment, Grace blinked, then looked back at Bjorn. "Should I be surprised that you aren't the most exotic thing I've seen today?" And then, of all things, a truly massive Unicorn moves into her range of vision and Grace had to clench her jaw to keep it from falling off. Clearing her throat, she shook her head and moved to reach upward, toward the roof of the house. "I'll have to talk to my costume designer about this later, I'm feeling decidedly beaten with the ugly stick when it comes to showing off my true colors." Glancing over her shoulder at Bjorn, Grace gave him a subtle wink. "Lift me, please? But don't throw me over the house, that would be counter productive."

Kai nods to Lei's comments, keeping his breathing even and steady as he makes his way to the house where he saw the non-winged Aswang with the legs jump to. Ink's words ring true as well but he only saw one Aswang, not two which is a bit confusing to him. But then it dawns on him, "Wait...two? We have to keep them separated. Don't let them join together or they will be more powerful...yeah, like Voltron on my t-shirt!" But when Lei suddenly disappears and he catches a glimpse of what he swears could be a panther or Jaguar, like the one he saw on Dora the Explorer that one time that almost made him skip a beat. "I'm positive these are Aswang. I'm going for the one with the legs, so lets split up and take them out before they hurt anymore babies." Yes, he must save the babies that is the right thing to do. He didn't intend to make Auri jealous but he needs all the help he can get right now if they are dealing with these creatures. "Felix, what spider ladies? You've dealt with these before..." But as he glances back just for a second to get a reply from the man, he suddenly see's a freaking DRAGON instead! "By the Tao...holy SHIT...now I've seen everything! No, no thanks I'm good don't need a ride and i'll get up on the roof the old fashioned way." He channels his best inner Jackie Chan to parkour up on the rooftops and succeeds like he's a spider monkey.

Kai does a running leap, then wall walks up a few steps, grabs onto the lip of the roof, pulling himself up and shoulder rolling, so that he can come face to face with the Aswang without the wings. "Stop. I know what you are and you will not feed tonight or any other while I still stand. Go back to whatever dimension or alternate plane of existence and do not torment the good people of my earthly plane." Yup, he's probably waited his whole life to give that speech and now that he's done it, while in a Kungfu pose on a rooftop to face down evil. Scratch off the heroic monologue from the bucket list.

Lei continues to run along in the direction of the Aswang, the screams breaking out at Felix's transformation only prompting a brief look from the jaguar. A powerful leap carries the feline onto a dog house, the roof of the canine's shelter torn apart by sharp claws as Leilani leaps again from that vantage onto a shed. The leap from the shed carries the jaguar to edge of the roof of the house the Aswang are atop, fore-paws finding purchase in the shingles of the roof, while rear claws dig into the siding, and the wood beneath as the feline pulls herself up. Once atop the roof the jaguar stalks forward, fangs bared in silent snarl.

Aurelie steps toward Ink as he steps into the alley, stretching out her fingertips to give Ink's tattoos a more...tactile appreciation...only to find her fingers gliding down the sleek coat of a magnificent unicorn. She. Is. Delighted. "Of course I ride! This is the ride of a lifetime, how can I resist? You know, it strikes me that we might need a distraction from some of this. I think maybe we should re-enact that famous Coventry protest?" The leggy blonde disappears into the alley, and the quiet sussurus of sequins sliding over skin precedes the emergence of a very naked Aurelie, wearing nothing but those dangerously high black heels as she strides over to the unicorn and winds her fingers through his mane. "Show you mine if you show me yours," she purrs to Ink as she hops up onto his back and pulls her hair free of its ponytail, so her golden hair falls freely around her shoulders. "Let's go be distracting, shall we? If I remember my Lady Godiva story, this is supposed to be about taxes...well, whatever, let's go turn heads."

"...Everyone else gets to be naked, and I should probably keep my bikini on 'cause I'm not a citizen yet. No fair." Molly, at least, will take Felix's offer, after staring in Aurelie's direction for... perhaps longer than might be considered proprietary. Well, the woman is gorgeous, afterall, and has the benefit of not being an Aswang, or a... a whatever. A thing. Yeah, a thing. She wriggles her nose to move her spectacles back up into position, and turns to clamber up on Felix's back. "I think I'm the only one coming; ready to chase them?"

As Kai and then Lei came upon the Aswang on the other side of the roof, it's in time to see her stuffing her legs into an air vent, likely designed to allow heat and moisture to escape the house. Eight long, vicious looking legs had punched through the flesh along the sides of her torso and were holding her to the roof and side of the house. When she lifted her head, her jaw dropped open to reveal its distended nature, and the fact that her mouth was filled with numerous horribly sharp teeth. The Aswang launched herself at Kai, the man who dared to challenge her, long arms outstretched with fingers tipped in dagger-like, filthy claws. At the last moment, though, it would seem that something caught the Aswang's eye and she just barely missed gouging out a runnel of Kai's flesh.

The second aswang, still in the air, fell like a dive-bombing bird of prey at Lei as the jaguar bared its teeth on the roof. The screech it made was akin to nails on a chalkboard, like her teeth were vibrating together in response to her own harrowing sounds. It would seem that the shock of white and silver from the dark Unicorn along with the pale, naked woman riding him took a little of the falling Aswang's attention as well, because the moment her eyes didn't stay on Lei, the jaguar was able to move, and the Aswang simply landed on top of the roof with enough force to destroy a portion of the asphalt shingles beneath her multitude of sharply tipped legs and her clawed hands.

Felix trumpeted in surprise and hurt at Max's response, watching as people began to flee at the sight of him. His eyelids closed quickly and sighed. "Figures." He listened to the name being bandied about as he started to get a good wind up, hunching his legs. "Aswang... if they weren't so fuckin' awful I'd be laughing my tail off." He showed teeth to the others in a definite reptilian grin, shrugging scaled shoulders sinuously. He jumped back and snorted as Ink stepped out of his clothes and stepped into a dry Unicon suit. "Oh sure... everyone likes a pointy horse." When Aurelie emerged nude to get onto the unicorn's back, the dragon rolled it's eyes, . "Jeez... I'm picking the wrong fuckin' forms here." Felix grumped as Molly tried to climb onto his back, dumping her off and scooping her up in his arms as he took to the air. "I guess. And shit, why does everyone try to climb on? I need those muscles for flying goddamn it!" And with that they were off, his wings beating into the air as Felix and his cargo began to rise. "I hope you have a way to defend yourself, otherwise Ember's gonna be pissed."

Chaos. Moreso than usual. Screams behind them, and then a dragon in public, and then a unicorn, and a naked Auri... well some good out of it. Ahem. Looking back to Grace Bjorn picks her up and says, "Alright, I'll be up in a bit, don't kill them all before I get there." And with that he flexes his muscles, and crouches down a little then holding her tight launches her up toward the roof. Fortunately Grace is fairly light, that always helps. Looking up to make sure she cleared the roof or at least didn't fall short so he'd have to catch her, or worse overshoot...nah couldn't happen.... He starts his climb up, with much less flourish and parkour-ness than others.

Max glared at the dragonish Felix as she fumbled with the road flare, striking madly at it until sparked and burst into brilliant red light. "This shit is so not happening." Scanning the nearby area frantically, she completely lost her train of thought upon seeing a naked Aurelie riding a... Max raised the flare higher in the air, her jaw dropping open as she made out the silvery horn. "That's... Like not something that I'm ever supposed to see..." Quickly shaking the thought out of her head, she went back to scanning the area, only to bolt towards a well tended flower garden, "Oh... I bet you money, that the other side is all sorts of fucked."

The screaming had died down a little, as most people had fled entirely, or were in the market with their faces pressed to the windows like they were some sort of magical barrier from harm.

The last firetruck on the scene of the accident pulled away as the final car was moved and the majority of the glass and debris from the accident were cleared from the road. As traffic started moving, people climbed back into their cars and started driving, the hours long line of vehicles creeping along to get past the scene of the gnarly collision.

The Unicorn trots into view, the expression on it's... well, not a gelding so 'his' face can only be described as a smirk. Watching everyone leaping about, he turns a quickly circle, showing his backside to the creatures and reaching over with his head he lets out a sound that could honestly be called 'Oi!'. The Unicorn whinnies then, completing the turn and then backing up, quite aware that he has delicate... well, delicate bits on him at least. His chest and back vibrate as the Unicorn chuckles, his head rearing up and then turning to look at the rider on his back.

Grace seemed perfectly content to literally be tossed fully up onto the roof rather than just getting a boost to help herself climb. Her pretty, buttery, yellow skirt fluttered out as she landed, then launched herself forward at the creature that had nearly caved in the roof while zooming down to attack Lei. The Aswang had a rather capable ability to dodge away, and despite the fact that Grace had perfectly capable strikes at her, it was to no avail, and Grace ended up catching no strikes against the creature.

Kai blinks as the Aswang named Jinn attacked him so suddenly after his cool monologue. "Huh, not much for chatting I guess. How disappointing that I have to resort to violence as a solution. Forgive me but I know Kungfu." He narrowly is able to dodge Jinn's first attack and luckily she was distracted by Aurelie's nakedness riding the Inkicorn. Unfortunately he too was distracted by them as he spotted them. Recovering quickly to counter attack he lashes out with a kick towards Jinn's spider legs hoping to dislodge them but he loses his balance and the kick landed just a grazing blow. He can't help but stare for a moment but quickly gives his head a shake to get back into the life and death struggle of his current conflict.

While the formerly airborne Aswang may be able to dodge out of the way of Grace's blows, it does leave Leilani an opening to pounce. With the scuff of claws on tile, and the sound of a few being torn free, the jaguar launches herself at the winged Aswang. The tawny missile barrels into the creature, clawed paws and fanged maw latching on, not to do damage, not yet, but just to maintain a grip and get a hold on the thing to hinder it.

Aurelie reaches forward to lightly brush her fingertips down Ink's cheek when the unicorn looks back at her. "It tickles when you laugh," she giggles and prettily curls a fingertip against her lips. "Now you're the distracting one." She looks up at the Aswang the unicorn had taunted, Jinn, and joined in the fun. "Having a little bit of trouble with your legs, up there? You want me to show you how to use them?" All languid motions and coy stolen glances, Auri arches backwards, draping herself against the unicorn's sturdy back and one after the other, she draws her legs up, toes pointed like a dancer's in those shiny black stiletto heels. She curls one toe around her opposite ankle and caresses her way up the calf, calling up with a saccharinely sweet mocking in her tone, "You know, try to pretend like your legs are part of you, and like you might have something appealing between them."

Riding a dragon is great. Riding a dragon into battle is just plain fantastic. Realizing that you're dressed in a bikini and armed with nothing more than... well, better than average looks and a dose of harsh language, well, that's not so great. "...Felix, We'll have to do the battle thing next time, I don't think I'm quite... ready," she admits, blushing fiercely. First opportunity she gets, Molly picks herself a decent spot to hide where she can at least watch and cheer on the home team. Because they need to be cheered on, afterall! Especially Felix, because he's cool.

Jinn, the Aswang that had been hiding her legs, hissed loudly in Kai's direction, though her gaze, black and devoid of anything kind, moved between Kai and Aurelie for a moment. As if she were taking out her frustrations on the nearest target, the Aswang spun herself on two of her eight legs and swiped at Kai's abdomen, leaving red welts behind but not quite breaking through the skin enough to draw blood.

While Lei did have a good hold on the form of the previously flying Aswang, it would seem that the creature had a deep, in fact very deep, reserve of rage and strength to call on. Using her eight legs to her advantage, she wriggled them underneath herself and pushed with her arms, tipping her body so that she could wrench herself away from Lei, barely managing to get herself free from the grapple.

Felix beat his wings furiously, soaring over the top off the roof to join the fight. As soon as he'd cleared it he let Molly tumble out of his arms to find a shady spot, rising high into the air to survey the situation below. Spotting a mooning unicorn and the nude Aurelie giving sick burns, the dragon blinked, shaking it's head in bewilderment. "Right. Monster bitches..."

Kai got distracted a little bit too much from Aurelie, especially after her rather provocative words towards Jinn. He may be strong willed and not easily affected by things but he's not a super hero damnit! In that moment of mouth agapeness towards Auri, he gets pincushioned by the sharp spider-like legs of Jinn. The force and the pain causes him to lose his balance and he slides, then rolls off of the roof. Luckily he lands on a bunch of plastic garbage cans beside the house, which breaks his fall from any serious injury but he does bangs his head on the ground. First he see's stars, then blackness and passes out. The last thing he see's is a garbage can lid landing on his face. Not exactly the heroic ending he envisioned.

Bjorn was making progress up the side, though it was slow going, when you're as heavy as he is that takes a lot of your strength. Seeing Kai coming over the edge didn't help. He reached out to see if he could catch him but the man was just too far out of reach. That caused some near slippage himself, but eventually he keeps himself getting to the lip of the roof so he can make it up.

Max scanned the ground for the exact point she was looked for in the flower garden, as she stepped carefully over the plants as not to damage the potential connection. Kneeling down, she plunged her hand into the air, her fingers disappearing. And carefully, she stood, peeling the thin air open like reality had hung a zipper there that anyone could have undone had they seen it. "Alright..." Stepping aside, she peeled back that layer of reality, opening a rift to the Nevernever. "Alright, you crazy bitches! I think you overstayed your welcome, so here's your way out!" Max called up to the rooftop, waving the blazing red road flare over her head.

Traffic was now starting to actually move, and some of the people from within the market were leaving, fussing and rushing to their vehicles to hop and and join the conga line of cars heading toward the other side of the island.

The Unicorn lets out another chuckle as Auri plays with his mane, turning his muscular neck to look at her once more. At her comments, he waggles his eyebrows and then does his best to whistle but he just doesn't have the teeth for it apparently. The Unicorn then almost breaks his own neck as he tries to get a better view of what's happening on his back, his head going left and right as he tries to get a better angle. Seeming to give up, he seems to start chewing on something as he looks to the two Aswang that are still about, then choosing a target at random and spitting out a lump of cud at the creature. It's not a good shot but then he hasn't really done this before.

Grace looked at those people now gathered on the roof, and watched in dismay as Kai fell down, and didn't seem to be climbing back up. Her nearly black gaze traveled back to where it was fixed first on Jinn, then on Chira, and Grace let out a slow, quiet, breath. When she spoke, she motioned back toward Max. "She's got the right of it, now is a better time to leave than to fight. Leave, I won't stop you." Grace even moved slightly out of the way, giving both creatures easy lines to simply fly off toward the rift that Max had created to the NeverNever.

A faint sheen touches the clouds in the sapphire night sky to the east.

With a growl as she's shaken off, Lei scrambles a bit on the roof to regain her footing. Then the jaguar snarls, and claws once again bite into the roof of the house, guaranteeing further expense when the time comes for repairs. But that's not on her shoulders at least. Once a couple feet away from the Aswang Leilani launches herself up into a jump, landing against Chira with all four paws, and using her momentum to push the creature toward the edge of the roof. Then with a flex of those powerful legs Lei is jumping off of Chira, adding more force to propel the creature off the roof and to the ground, and twisting her feline body in air, so that she once again lands atop the house. Stalking toward the edge of the roof the jaguar peers at the Aswang before letting out a loud roar.

Aurelie pulls herself up to sitting again, leaning forward with both arms stretched forward to give gentle caresses along the sleek black neck of the unicorn. She lays her head against his mane and looks at the younger aswang with a disdainful gaze that's almost bored. "You're sloppy and you have no tact. Leaping around houses like this, with so many eyes on you. You don't even make good sport, it's just sad how pitiful this hunting attempt of yours has been. You're lucky there aren't any hungry predators over here, knock-knees, because you'd start to look like a fun plaything. Run home before something here decides you've imposed long enough on its food supply."

The Aswang that had struck Kai off the roof seemed like she might follow him, continue striking, but there was talk. Conversations of leaving. People making doorways? People standing down.. and then the other Aswang was knocked off the roof. She looked over toward Lei, hissing darkly, before she turned her head to Aurelie and set her jaw, looking piqued beyond belief. Wings burst from the spiderling-woman's back, cutting through her skin and stretching wide with a horrendous tearing sound. She lifted herself up a little, before reaching into the vent she'd shoved her legs into. Instead of carrying them like a bird with its carrion dinner, she wrapped her own legs around her neck like a scarf, and then started toward the rift that Max had created, slipping through it into the NeverNever.

The Aswang that Lei knocked off the roof went tumbling, the cat-attack just way too much for her to stay upright during. Her wings flexed out before she could thud to the ground, however, and she started toward the rift as soon as she saw the other Aswang flying over the house. She looked back over her shoulder, watching the humans and not-so-humans with wary eyes, before she, too, disappeared into the NeverNever with the other.

As the two Aswang were given and took the opportunity to flee, Felix let out a grunt and a sigh as he headed back down to land on the ground. There was a trumpeting cough as he eyed the tear in space. "Not going through the dammed thing this time. I hope they go to goddamn blocko land." Shaking his reptilian head, he looked to Aurelie. "That offer for rides still available? Otherwise I gotta fly back to the dorms." Looking around and the panic-emptied streets he rolled his yellow eyes and changed back, revealing Felix as he was, clothes and all. "Right... probably don't need anyone tracking the dragon monster back home..."

The sun rises, painting the eastern clouds with a pink and pale gold glow.

And Bjorn makes it up to the roof!.. Just in time for the Aswangs to leave. A sigh, and his shoulders slump, catching his breath a moment. "That was a waste of time, I should've just stayed by the unicorn..." Something you don't say everyday that's for sure. But instead he looks down and sighs. "Well, time to head back down." Looking over at Grace he asks, "Grocery store still open?" Apparently he's not in the mood for Auri's other three options, the 'riot' portion almost fitting what happened however.

Once the two aswang were their the portal, Max groaned as she pulled veil closed once more. Max watched the others warily, but mostly the no-longer-dragon and the unicorn. "Remind me not to hang out on any rooves naked without my basebat ball handy, because fuck all of you." The woman walked away from the weak point she had opened, scanning the ground for her cigarettes. "Yeah, they eat babies. It doesn't take a long fucking glance around to know that life isn't fucking sacred. Sure, everyone bitches when... I don't know... A fox breaks into a chicken coop, but no one bats an eye when they dig up a rats nest, and eats all those babies." Finding her pack, she plucked it off the ground, getting out to put between her lips. She lit it with the flare once again. "If anyone of you had see some of the shit on the other side like me... You pray of a swarm of aswang to land over there and strip the land like locusts..." The woman shook her head, and pointed at the down Kai, "So fuck you..." Pointed to the cat, "Fuck you..." Pointed to Felix, "Fuck you." Pointed to the unicorn, "Fuck you." Pointed to Aurelie, "Fuck you, but you're hot..." She sucked out her cigarette, exhaling through her nostrils, "And in case someone doesn't feel special." She raised both the flare and her other hand with her middle finger held high, "Fuck all of you..." And with that, the tattooed woman headed back towards the street.

With the Aswang leaving, the seems little else for the Unicorn to do except to just stand there, chuckling to himself with his head held high. He does slowly start to come to his sense though, the situation more than a little surreal. Turning his head, he turns to look at the others present, offering them a companionable nod, his long silver horn glinting in the moonlight as he does so. The farewells given, he turns to look at Auri, raising his eyebrows and then gesturing ahead into darkness. Seeming a little skittish now, he dances on the spot, his hooves stepping lightly he shifts left and right. At the comment from Max, he tilts his head to one side, seemingly confused and he sniffs loudly before pulling back and holding his head up once more. He can't speak, that much is certain but there is a certain something in his expression that says 'Fuck you, I'm a Unicorn.'

The sun ascends in a bright blue sky filled with fluffy fair weather clouds and a few wisps of cirrus.

Grace turned to watch the Aswang fly off into the rift that had been opened up by Max, nodding her head absently as she did so. When the tall, rather broad form of Bjorn was up on the roof with her, she finally turned her attention his direction and offered him a small, very quiet smile. "I'm imagining it is. I'd be more than happy to go and get something to make at home, if you want to stay in fr the rest of the evening? We should likely check on the young man that fell down behind the house, though I believe he knows your friend on the... Unicorn." Grace shook her head, sending her ponytail swishing from side to side. "But I think most important, I'd like to get off the roof, and out of here. Before this place gets madder than it already was." And with that, Grace climbed off the roof, swinging down in her sunny yellow skirt from the eave. Because it was definitely time to go.

Lei doesn't stop simply because the Aswang are flying off, the jaguar jumping off the roof to land lightly on the ground. The feline stalks after the fleeing flying forms, simply serving as a physical promise that if they were to turn around, to change their mind about leaving, she'd be right there to meet them. Once both are through the rift, Leilani turns, changing course for the house she'd changed behind and her clothes.

After disappearing for a few moments she's emerging once more, human again with her top back on, if backwards, and laces of her shoes tied together to drape over her shoulder. As her fingers busy themselves she mutters, not making much attempt at being quiet about it, "Fucking spider-women. And not even the kind that wear tight spandex. Fucking lego sarlacci. Fucking dragons with their clothes changing with them. Fucking unicorns..." She pauses, as though her mention of that reminds her of something and her eyes are drawn toward Aurelie, giving the woman a frankly admiring look. Then she's moving again, toward where her truck is parked. "Fucking incredibly sexy women riding unicorns. Should have stayed enlisted if this is what my life is now."

Aurelie stays draped over the unicorn's neck and shoulders, handfuls of mane clutched to her chest except when she raises a hand to give a wiggly fingered little wave to the departing aswang. "Well, that was exciting. Onto the next excitement, then? My Humvee will still be waiting - everyone who needs a ride is welcome to pile in and come back to the hostel. After a night of disconnecting legs, I think a dip in the pool and copious amounts of drinks are in order. You're all fun, come over! We'll start something new." She chuckles as Max makes her departure and notes, "Back at you, Babe. I like her." With a lazy smile at the antsy stallion she leans around and gives him a wink. "You're driving, I'm along for the ride, offering witty commentary and the occasional accidental photo op." She nods in agreement with Grace's assessment that it's time to go. "Yeah, this place is getting boring. There's still so much night left." Aurelie catches the departing Lei's words and shrugs a little bit, tucking her chin to her shoulder in a gesture that would be positively innocent if not for the devilish smile on her lips. "There's probably room for two on the unicorn, if our unicorn is amenable..." And with that, she's scheming again.