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Early Morning Delight

Sun's up, bun's up!

Dramatis Personae

Casey, Enola, Felix, Kai, Lei, Mila, Muriel, Rick, and Volya. Loa as GM.

26 November, 2008

Free breakfast and an early morning turns into so much more.


North Shore, Wooded Park


Plot:Beyond Zebra

Early in the morning, with the sun just starting to hint at coming over the horizon, it might seem that the island of Oahu should be sleepy. Possibly even still in bed. What often went unrealized is how the difference in time zone can effect people on the island, most often waking up long before sunrise. Also, the fact that many were up at this time to get ready to ride the early morning waves after sunrise meant that any time after 5 am, you could expect to see people moving around Oahu like it was the time to be awake, alive, and aware.

For a group of normal people to come together to make breakfast for a whole heap of others, it wasn't all that strange. Especially in a park that might see its fair share of homeless resting under the bows of trees and sleeping away from the sidewalks where they'd be ousted. And so, this morning, the beautiful, wooded park just off of Hale'iwa was filled with the scent of simmering sausages, bacon, and bread being toasted (see fried) in a couple of the barbeque pits provided with the covered picnic areas.

Mila had arrived at the park at some point, though heaven only knew when. She was dressed comfortably in a pair of loosely-fitted shorts that look like they may have been cut off from a pair of sweat pants some time ago, their dark black color having faded to a washed out gray. Her feet were sparsely covered by a set of black, thong-style sandals, and for a shirt she had pulled on a long-sleeved, heather gray hoodie with a bright, yellow and pink, picture of a sunrise on the front, along with a yellow and orange picture of sunset on the back, both over the ocean. Her long, messy, brown to blonde, hombre bleached hair was left down her back, curling and tangling this way and that as the native Hawaiian grinned at her counterpart, Volya, and walked with her arm around the taller woman's waist. "You wanna get breakfast before we head out to the waves, Vee?"

Felix was up and running early in the morning, dressed in a pair of jogging shorts, a t-shirt that read "Bug Life" showing an ant with a backwards baseball cap, and a pair of sunglasses, though they were resting on his head at the moment as he sprinted along. The sound of his sneakers on the paths turned to softer thumps on the grass as he caught wind of the smell of food (meat!) and veered quickly. His pace slowed and turned into more of a gentle, bouncing trot as he pulled his headphones out of his ears, shaking his body all over as he relaxed himself. With a grin, he gave a nod to Mila and her counterpart, nostrils flaring. "Oh wow do I need to start running in this direction more or what?"

Rick, it seems, has had a similar idea to...well, at least half the people around, actually. He's in board shorts and has a surfboard under his arm, and it's pretty simply decorated compared to a lot of the boards that can be seen, just a deep blue with a bright yellow sun airbrushed onto it. He's moving a lot more languidly than Felix is, but his path is taking him in a pretty straight line toward the ocean despite the scents wafting from the picnic area. He does see Mila, Volya, and Felix, though, and he gives them a wave with his empty hand as he goes.

Its a nice morning for an early walk in the park, and the allure of free breakfast was just an unexpected bonus. Muriel had come dressed in a light white summery knee-length dress and sandals, a harp slung over her shoulder and looking for a place to practice when she chanced upon the breakfast picnic. Peering at the gathering curiously, she quietly makes her way that way, falling in line with the others. Hey, it's early and she skipped breakfast. Those sausages smell pretty good too.

Glancing around, she spies some familiar faces. Mila, Volya and Felix aren't too far from her and Felix is greeted with a friendly smile and wave. "Aloha, Felix? Are ye stopping for breakfast too?" the sight of Mila and Volya however, causes her to take a step back, eyeing them warily and deciding to keep her distance.

Lei is one of those in the park who has started to help prepare breakfast. After a fashion, at any rate. Seems Leilani's contribution was to bring a big, cafeteria style carafe full of coffee, setting it out with styrofoam cups, some sugar, and those little containers of half-and half. She's clad in a somewhat rumpled looking white spaghetti strap tank-top, a pair of blue jean shorts, and her hiking boots. Her little section of the park isn't quite as frequented, due to the fact that the sleepy looking woman has a tendancy to start growling at anyone who gets close to her coffee, though she makes no effort to actually stop anyone from taking anything.

Volya hummed aloud to buy time to consider the question before her mouth formed a grin. "Are we hitting the waves, or am I standing on the shore while staring at the ocean longingly? Because that is a perfect way to spend the day." The half-nymph sniffed the air, and her grin melted away as she groaned, "On the other hand, someone cooking breakfast has reminded me that food is necessary. Trending back a tendril of breeze teased greenish blond hair over her ear, her nose wrinkled as she drew at the scenes in the air. "Breakfast may be the greatest meal of the day as green things almost never hit the plate..." Volya was dressed simply in a pair of short overalls over a white tanktop, and a pair of worn red cowgirl boots. Her mouth fell open as she gasped, "Do you know what's the best for breakfast?" Her lips rolled in on each other as her hand gave Mila's rear end a squeeze.

Loa dropped Zabow.

Loa dropped Grub.

Loa dropped Elgin.

The stars in the east begin to look washed out as the sapphire night sky pales.

As people moved in to get food, and then shuffled away again, there wasn't any real, clear, line so much as a group, kind of shifting in and out, growing larger then smaller, and then larger again. Notably, any children that were around were given food first, and plenty of it, and then it was pretty much anyone that reached out a hand to get a plate got one, as the people cooking continued to chuckle with each other, cracking jokes. Even poor Lei wasn't immune as a couple of the others making breakfast gave her a few ribbing remarks about her making sure she got her fill of coffee before the rest of it got downed by those jonesing for their own fix.

Among the group of people moving in to get breakfast were three guys that looked a little on the sleepy side and decidedly smelled like they'd just rolled out of a van. An old van. An old van that had been lived in for a really long time. The biggest of the three seemed to have the slowest shuffling walk, but as he had the longest legs, he kept up with the other two. His long, black hair was done into loosening cornrows to keep it out of his face, then just fell in a heavy curtain of thick, roiling curls down to his mid back. Other than that his entire upper body was covered in tribal tattoos that didn't seem to end when they hit the line of his well worn-in swim trunks.

The middle of the three looked to be about 70, if you looked at his face, but his body was well muscled and if you saw him from behind he could have passed for being in his 30's. His head had closely cropped, dark hair, but other than that he just looked like he wore the sunshine, other than his own, bright blue, swim trunks.

The third man looked like a walking slab, almost like he'd be as tall as he was wide, and since he wasn't a tall fellow, maybe 5'3", it might not be a huge height to achieve, but his shoulders were easily broad enough to have belonged to a man with an extra 12 inches in height. His arms rested out a little from his body, like he wasn't able to comfortably dangle them to his sides anymore, and he was the only one of the three that wore a Tshirt. It was pink, stretched to the point it looked like it was going to tear, and had a picture of Pinky Pie, from My Little Pony, on the front. Strangely, the blue of Pinky Pie's eyes matched his similarly stressed looking blue swim trunks.

Mila glanced over at Volya and raised her brows. "If you want to go home for breakfast instead just say so, we just have to keep walking over that way, mami." She squeezed Volya around the waist and gave her a wink, looking up at the woman. "I'm good either way." When she spotted Felix, Mila lifted her chin to give him an upnod. "Aloha kakahiaka, Felix, howzit?" When she spotted Rick, Mila lifted her free hand and waved to him, somewhat lazily. "Aloha Rick! Good plan, brah, I'll be out there with you in no time, if you're coming to Waimea?" She gave Rick a shaka, grinning broadly. "Oh man... I knew it was a good day, betchu the beach is gonna be slammed today. Packed, like pickles... or maybe like sardines. but I like to think less like sardines, cause we're not driving." Mila grinned at Lei's disgruntled antics, giving her a nod, because you don't poke the bear.. even if she wasn't a bear. When she spotted Muriel, though, Mila frowned, then took a slow breath, before she turned her attention back to Volya and moved to tiptoes to give the blonde woman a kiss on the curve of her jaw. "Why don't you wait here and I'll get you a plate, neh?"

Felix grinned at the sight of Rick and raised his hand in greeting, spotting the surfboard and raising his eyebrows. He called out after the man. "Aloha Rick! You heading out? If you let me grab breakfast maybe we can do that lesson?" He spotted Lei where she sat nursing her coffee and growling at people, and gave the woman a cautious but friendly wave. "Aloha Lei... how've you been?" He chuckled and shrugged at Muriel's question. "I mean... I wasn't planning on it originally because I didn't know it was going to be in the offing but... yeah totally!" He got into line with the others, tapping his hands on his thighs. He grinned at Mila and Volya. "Aloha Mila! Aloha Volya! Doing alright, how about you guys?" When the three men rolled up, Felix gave them a nod, nostrils flaring slightly though he otherwise ignored them as they waited collectively for their turns.

Rick grins, starting to walks backwards as he calls back to Mila. "You know it, girl," he confirms as his heels sink into the wetter sand now that he's nearing the ocean, his voice raising slightly to be heard over the ambient noise, of which there is plenty. "You better hurry or you're gonna have to wait all day for the good ones." His head turns toward Felix then, and he gives him a thumbs up. "Sure," he says. "No hurry. Get yourself something to eat. I'll be here." He turns then to continue his path into the water, forward-facing this time.

Pink-gold light gilds the land as the sun creeps over the eastern horizon into a cloudless blue sky.

Muriel passes by Rick, glancing at him appreciatively, rubbing her chin thoughtfully with a charming smile. "Well aloha, surfer. My what a nice surfboard.." She nods to Felix. "It has been a while. We should catch up, aye? Are ye surfing after this? I'd be happy to entertain you for a wee bit." she winks at him, shouldering her harp as she bears the table. As Lei helps prepare breakfast, she nods and smiles to her brightly, accepting a plate. "Mmm, hope it smells as good as it looks!" she chirps with that wry smile of hers. Finally, she looks cautiously towards Mila and Volya, drawing a deep breath and keeping in mind the spirit of aloha. "Aloha, you two. It has been a while.." Volya is eyed more warily it seems, still keeping a cautious distance from them both. The trio of men are noticed last, mostly the guy with the pinky pie shirt which causes her to smirk a bit to herself.

"Tired," comes the reply to Felix's question from Lei. She does seem to be taking the suggestion from those who were ribbing her, as she fills a cup partway with coffee. And then she adds a creamer to it. Then another. And another. By the time she's done the cup must surely be only half-coffee. And it's not her first, judging by the stack of emptied creamers that the others are added to. The cup starts toward her lips before it's lowered, her nose wrinkling and dark eyes flicking toward the three that are the source. She takes a sip of her vaugely coffee-like drink, though an expression of distaste remains on her features. Though it isn't that different from her original disgruntled expression.

Volya tilted her head, "No, we don't have to go home for breakfast. Blame my parentage and the memory of the last time I wore this outfit." Her expression took a more puzzled turn, "It's like the extra same outfit, come to think of it. I think this is even the exact same shirt..." Her attention went down as she picked at the strap of the tanktop. "Woman cannot live on swimsuit alone, it seems..." Volya grinned as she was kissed, "A plate would be fantastic." Nuzzling at Mila's ear, she raised her hand delicately, and wiggled her fingers in greeting to Rick. "Busy or not, it's great when Rick is out there with you, because I get to watch twice the badassness of wave curving. And aloha, Rick." She smiled happily, and waved to Felix as well, "And aloha, Felix, good... Mostly? Having trouble thinking past my stomach at the moment..." The woman trailed off as Muriel neared. There was a wash of emotion in Vee's expression, but she ultimately settled on one eye twitching. "Aloha..." Vee managed through clenched teeth, leaving her smile more a baring of teeth. "Fair warning, ice spears will be met with full conflag."

As the sun came up to reveal the gloriously beautiful and cloudless day, warmth seemed to almost immediately seep into the air. It was shaping up to be one of those gorgeous 80 degree days on the North Shore, when the waves were going to hit high and hard, and the sun wouldn't let anyone forget they're on a tropital island.

The eldest of the trio that smelled like the inside of a live-in van actually moved up to get his food first, and it would seem the other two kind of encouraged it. He gathered a plate of food, and then immediately went over to get coffee, offering a smile to Lei that surprisingly contained all of his teeth, despite his obvious age. "It would be easier if they made the cream with the caffiene, eh brah?" He winked to Lei and proceeded to pour sugar into his coffee, so much so that it might seem he was trying to make it a syrup.

Mila shook her head at Rick, then stuck her tongue out at him playfully. "It's why it pays to live on the beach, brah, I get to watch and make my move when everyone else is still driving!" She tilted her head a little as Volya nuzzled at her ear. "One plate coming up, ko'u aloha." Mila smirked a little and tugged at the side of Volya's overalls. "You're still gonna want to change though, wahine. Jean shorts on the beach all day? Don't want that gettin' wet, cause that chaffes like the evil." Mila shuddered and then grinned over to Felix. "I'm great, brah, just stopping for a little fuel before I kill it all." Mila shifted up to be behind the two large, somewhat smelly gents, but turned her head to look at Muriel and nodded to her. "Aloha kakahiaka, Muriel. Been fantastic, no one's tried to do anything terrible to me lately. Hope you been keeping yourself out of trouble?" Mila glanced at the group kind of huddling in, then couldn't help grinning as she caught sight of the old guy that looked like he was hitting on Lei.

The sun climbs into a brilliant blue sky.

Felix bobbed his head at Rick, giving him a way. "Right on! I'll be there in two shakes of whale's tail." He looked to the others and shrugged. "Cause they're a lot bigger so it would take longer. I'm hungry." With a grin, he nodded to Lei, looking to the guy chatting with her but chuckling at his comment. "Coffee's great and all but I prefer like... a red bull or a monster or something." As his turn came up he piled on the meats and bread, taking a happy sniff. He looked to Volya and laughed. "Oh yeah... I get that way a lot. I feel like I spend half my life shutting my stomach up." As if to prove his point he snarfed down a sausage, looking to the three women as they talked, frowning slightly and raising an eyebrow at Muriel, Mila and Volya. Especially at the mention of ice spears and doing terrible things. He could only shrug, sailing over his head at the moment. "Yeah I'm gonna grab a board and join Rick as soon as I'm done. Uh..." He flushed a bit. "Thanks for the offer but I probably won't have time? Besides... you could sing for everyone I guess?" He mouthed 'ice spears?' and gave up on that, looking to Mila with a wide grin. "Awesome. I guess I'll be out there flailing around myself."

The tallest of the three fellows went next, getting his plate and grunting his acceptance of it along with a nod. He walked over toward the coffee where the older man and Lei had been doctoring their drinks and just eyed it. "Any real drinks or just coffee out here today?" He leaned a little closer and sniffed at the older man's coffee and frowned. "Imma get my drink in the van, brah. I don't think we've got anything strong enough to cut through that so it's gonna be grinds enough." He jerked his jaw a little, making the thicket of his heavy hair kind of tug a bit, but all that happened was that the curls seemed to relax a touch and let him move his head.

The widest of the three men got himself a plate, then got himself a second one, nodding at the lady that handed them over. He gave her a wide, disturbingly charming smile, then a wink. "That's right, everyone likes to feed Pinky Pie." He chortled as he walked over to get himself some coffee, looking downright pleased as punch with the two plates he had stacked on his hand. "Gonna eat, gonna go hit some waves, gonna find da kine wahine.... Alohaaaaaa." He passed by Muriel and turned his head back to her, blinking. "Tell me you're not a vegan?" He veritably begged it of her, looking like he might be truly dashed if she said she was.

Rick just laughs and shakes his head, grinning as he turns back again, this time to call to Volya. "Got some stuff I want to ask you later, yeah?" he says, and he glances over his shoulder again at the water, a little wistful expression there, before he comes out again, stopping right above the waterline and sticking the edge of the board into the sand. He wiggles it back and forth a bit so that it digs into the sand as he waits for Felix. And while he's there, the smell of food does seem to be getting him; whether it will ultimately win out, only time will tell.

Muriel arches an incredulous brow at Volya, totally taken aback by the veiled threat. "I Dunna believe I have ever attacked ye willingly, however if I do get mind controlled and attack anyone against my will once more, ye have my every blessing to do whatever it takes to stop 'her'." she replies rather frostily. "However, in the spirit of 'Aloha' let us do try to enjoy ourselves, mm?"

Glancing at Mila, Muri smiles a bit uncertainly and shrugs, "More or less, I hope ye are enjoying this fine morning.." she chuckles at the comment of the eldest of the trio, "I could use a cup of caffeine too..Tis still so early." to Felix she smirks, shaking her head. "My my, so..Impatient for action. Well, I hope ye enjoy the surfing. Looks like some fine waves out there today." she pauses a beat, nodding to Tick with a sweet smile, "And this be your handsome friend? What a pleasure to meet ye, Rick. My name is Muriel." she nods to him but doesn't offer a hand, as she is now carrying a plate full of tasty food.

Muriel pauses at pinky pie and smiles sweetly, shaking her head, "A vegan? Why do ye ask? I do prefer seafood honestly, especially lobster. I doubt there be any lobster here, alas.."

Lei stares for a brief moment at the bared teeth before looking away, grip tightening around her cup briefly. Her shoulders move in a small shrug and she replies, "I'd buy it. But until they do such a thing we have to make due with coffee mixtures." She watches as the man adds so much sugar before commenting, "My... Girlfriend? Hmm... Very close friend at the very least... Anyway. She does the same thing with her coffee. Just don't get it myself. You're not supposed to chew your drinks." She looks up at the tallest then before shrugging her shoulders. "Just coffee right here. No clue what else is floating around here." She blinks at Felix's statement, before saying in a deadpan tone, "That's because you're a filthy heathen who should be cast into the caldera of Kilauea. Though I am not sure Pele would be too pleased with the offering if you regularly drink that disgusting filth."

Volya held out one hand with her palm in the air, and the second hovered over it as she wiggled her fingers in the approximation of flames licking, all while staring at Muriel. Vee then draw an hourglass figure in the air with those hands, her fingers wiggled again and floated into the air over her head. Her expression soured more, before she winced, "The chaffing is so very real... I think I have bottoms on under these." Now, she just looked more confused. "I'm quickly entering this phase of not being able to think..." Tilting her head, she stared at Felix, and it took several seconds for the gears to end start catching, and her eyes were wide. "Oh! Food! Yeah, it makes so much more sense than what I was thinking..." Her eyes narrowed as if she was attempting to hold the thought between her eyelashes. Glancing at Rick, Vee's mouth fell open. "But we're talking now?" She held a beat before her gaze went back to Muriel, "Oh, that's bullshit, Muriel, because you always have a Choice. It's always right there, lingering at the each of every though and emotion, soul adjacent. So if you didn't want to do what you did, you could have CHOSEN not to. So stick that in your aloha." Vee dotted the air with her index finger, "At least you're not Vegan. Common ground." Volya glanced at the ground for a moment as if it may combust.

Enola wanders out of... wait where did she wander out of? The pale girl was sort of not there then wandering over. She heads to lean on Lei lightly, a big hot basket of fluffy pastry doused in powdered sugar a very large to go cup of something that looks like black coffee but smells odd. "Sometime a girl jus' can' start her day wi'out her chicory and beignet." her creol is thick this morning.

The oldest of the trio threw his head back and laughed, openly, from the belly, like something struck him as truly funny. "Oh man, the rigors of youth. Don't worry, I'm sure that if Pele wasn't satisfied with the offering she'd be sure to tell us." He lifted his coffee to Lei and Enola before giving them a nod. "Aloha, pretty girls, you be sure to enjoy that brown milk of yours, and your chicory." Then he stepped away, moving a little out of the way of the overhead covering of the picnic area so he could enjoy the sunlight on his face, at least that's what it looked like, as he tilted his face up to smile at the sun with his eyes closed. "There's something in the air, really." His brows furrowed slightly and he looked down at his food, opening his eyes again. "Hmmm. Sausage, bacon, bread. That's not it." He peered around, his eyes catching on Volya and Muriel as the two exchanged words. "Hmmm. Perhaps that's it. We need a little more Aloha, a little less /aloha/." He nodded his head once, seemingly satisfied at the answer he'd given himself.

Mila got herself a plate, and then a second one, but she didn't stack them onto one another, she held one in each hand, smiling and giving her mahalos all around for the people giving out food. She nodded to Enola as she passed by, giving a smiled "Aloha" as she waited before moving herself, so she wouldn't run into anyone. Backing away, she turned in time to see Muriel talking to Volya, and then the big, wide, man, which made Mila snicker slightly as she walked back over to Vee, holding out a plate of sausage and bacon, along with some bread. "Here you go, wahine. I'll take your bread so you aren't committing any evil acts of cannibalism, if you want." She winked to Volya, then looked over at Felix with a grin. "Hey man, I didn't know you were a surfer. I mean, that's pretty cool. If you haven't been riding long, though, you don't want to surf in Waimea in the wintertime. You'll get yourself killed. That place is pretty dangerous, even though it looks beautiful, it's strictly pros and old hats only, this time of year. You should see it when we roll the Quicksilver, it's 20 foot waves at minimum, and that reef'll eat you alive if you don't watch yourself." Mila glanced between Volya and Muriel, giving a smile. "All good, yeah?"

As Felix was eating, he blinked a bit at Volya's slow on the uptake response, looking down to his stomach and grinning. "Oh! Yeah, that would be weird. Though I could paint a face on my tummy and put on a show." Still rather confused, his brow furrowed a bit more as he tried to take in the conversation, chewing on a piece of bacon. "Huh. Yeah free will is kind of a big deal. I dunno what happened but..." He shrugged again and smiled at Muriel. "Carpe diem and all that. If not for the breakfast I'd have been long gone by now. Happy accident Rick was by." At Mila's words he smiled, looking out to the water. "Yeah it would probably be pretty bad to try. And uh... more like I was just going to get lessons. I guess now's not the best time though. I guess that means more time for eating." He stuck his tongue out at Lei. "I said I liked coffee! But I'm not keen on trying to chug down an espresso and then go cliff diving." He paused, miming a little cup. "Though that's hilarious. I'd post that." He raised an eyebrow in confusion, looking to Elgin. "More aloha, less aloha? What's one versus the other?" He gave a wave to Enola as she came out of the woods, peering around a bit trying to figure out where she'd appeared from

The taller of the three that smelled disturbingly like an old, decidedly well-lived -in van, came up near the older man and sighed slightly, shaking his head. "Elgin, brah, seriously? I think everyone's just fine. Plenty of the Aloha spirit to go around, man." He motioned toward people, in general, with a sausage he picked up from his plate. "Everything's cool. All will be alright."

The wide man wearing the Pinky Pie shirt grinned at Muriel, shrugging his broad shoulders. "I only asked because meeting a hot wahine like yourself and finding out she's not into meat makes for a real terrible morning." His grin broadened to something of a huge smile, like he found himself terribly funny, or hoped she would, so he was helping her along. "I get liking seafood, but you also got yourself some sausage on the plate, so I figure unless you're getting it for someone else, I might be in the clear. You into island guys?" He picked up a piece of his bacon and bit into it, still grinning while he chewed, but blessedly with his lips pressed together so she didn't have to watch.

Kai went out for an early morning work out, still feeling very much like a tourist but certainly liking the vibe he's been feeling so far by the smiles on his face as he walks along the path in the park. He went for a jog on the beach earlier, so he's worked up a bit of a sweat and wearing a pair of blue/white beach shorts, white adidas runners, short sports socks (yes he hasn't learned yet) and a blue tank top. He nods politely to anyone he passes, giving them a warm smile and an "Aloha" as he continues along the path. The smell of food catches his attention and he can see a gathering of people just up ahead. Curious, he makes his way towards the group and to find out what kind of food smells so delicious.

"Well, yeah," Rick replies to Volya with a laugh, "but I'm not gonna bug you about my stuff right now." He looks back over to Felix, waving a hand. "We're not gonna go in the water," he continues. "First one's just on the beach. You gotta get used to, like, popping up on the board and stuff like that. So this beach is fine. But it's up to you." He shrugs, before he turns to Muriel as she speaks to him and lets out a little laugh. "You lose your contacts or something?" he asks, though his tone is still friendly, as it usually is. "Plenty of handsome guys out here but I don't know if I'm one of 'em. Better hit the coffee a little harder." It does sound like a joke, though, and he quiets once the wall-like guy starts talking to her, gesturing toward the man as though to say, 'see?' Whether or not the other man is handsome. Who knows! Possibly!

Muriel grits her teeth, eyes narrowed to slits as Volya admonishes her, and the immediate air around her may just seem a tad cooler. "I had no choice, Volya. Ye Dunna know what it is like. I fought hard. But I be like a helpless puppet on a string..." she pauses, glancing at the eldest of the trio, relaxing a bit at his words. "Perhaps..Perhaps I Didna fight as hard as I could because I Didna care enough. But next time..I will fight harder. Afterall, I do like a good challenge." she smiles and winks at the eldest, even though her words are mostly directed towards Volya. "Aye. More Aloha."

She munches on the sausages some and nods, "Aye, meat is best, better than veggies I think. Tis well done meal too." she licks her lips, quite satisfied. Looking at Felix she chuckles, "Here for a surfing lesson? How nice. I may try it some day. It does look like a wee bit o' fun.." she winks at Rick, "Perhaps ye can teach me some time too, hmm? You look like a natural surfer." she laughs at his little joke, shaking her head, "Mm I do like a sense of humour.." she purrs, twirling a finger through her ginger hair, nodding to Mila. "Aye, Tis alright, we be just settling our differences in the most 'Aloha' of ways!" she flashes Volya a slightly less cold smile this time before twirling around to meet the pinky pie man.

"Mmm I like all types of men. Including islanders. I'll bet I could learn a lot from a local like yourself, eh, Cutey pie?" she flashes him a flirtatious smile,brushing her fingers lightly against the side of his cheek.

Lei visibly perks up as Enola wanders into the park, the pale woman doing more to soothe Leilani's grumpiness than however much coffee she had previously. Doing her best to affect a completely innocent look, she makes an attempt to swipe some pastry from Enola's basket before waving her cup toward the older man of the trio. "Delicious brown milk," she corrects. Then she looks over toward Felix and says, "While I can't claim to know for sure what he meant, as I'm not him, I'd hazard a guess to mean that he feels we need more... More of the Aloha way of life, rather than the rote phrase it is commonly used as. Aloha means so much more than just hello." Lei trails off as she listens to Muriel's words, her features creasing in a frown again, before she shakes her head, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Which she seems to almost immidiately regret as the smell of the trio hits her again.

Volya took the plate from Mila, making a groaning sound, "Mahalo E ku'u lpo." She picked out a piece of bacon and pushed it into her mouth, chewing and nodding in response to Mila until she swallowed it down. "This is exactly why I generally carry snacks, no food makes for the ultra wahine pupule." Taking another bite of bacon, she nodded to Felix, "It has to do with the trade currents and wind, but the North Shore and Leeward Coast get massive waves during the wintertime. Starting out, you want to stick to a protected bay like Kaneohe or Maunalua Bay." Her eyes shifted to the Old Man and back to Felix, "The second aloha was stressed which is a nice way of saying I was being bitchy..." Taking another bite of bacon, she chewed it, eyeing Rick, "That's cool... You have my number, so you can just call me... When you're ready to talk." Hearing Muriel, Vee took a deep breath as she focused on Muriel. "Dude... I have the ability to completely cut your strings at anytime. You elected now to do that. You chose to blew people off the boat, AND attempt to shish kabob my girlfriend and her sister..." She blinked as she watched Muriel brush the man's cheek while flirting with Mila and Rick. Vee's mouth hung out as her bottom lip quivered, "My thoughts are burning... I'm going to walk..." The woman turned on a heel and started walking and eating.

Casey is lured into the park by the savory Siren scent of hot breakfast. The lanky blonde is still rousing herself from sleep, ruffling her hand through the back of the artfully tousled yellow catastrophe of hair she'd pulled back with a rolled red bandana. She's wearing a cropped Avenged Sevenfold concert tee that skims above her midriff and falls off of one shoulder where the neckline has long since been ripped out. The skinny jeans she's wearing have enough distressed holes in them to almost count as shorts, and she clomps her way towards the table in black leather boots with too many metal buckles to be practical. When she gets to Lei's coffee stand, she greets everyone nearby with a lazy smile and a drawling "Mornin'...bless y'all for makin' a spread that smells good enough to make the dead sit up and take notice. 'Cause I was one of 'em." She rubs a loosely balled fist across her eyes, trying to will them to open the rest of the way.

Enola gasps "Beignet theft in progress, fines will be assessed." she says and steals a powdered sugared kiss. Then she dips one of her balls of hedonism into her chicory coffee and takes a big bite with a happy little groan and leans more fully against Lei. Seems the pale woman is partial to her fried balls of fluff and sugar, along with her extra bitter coffee. Stranger in a strange land.

Elgin, the older gentleman that was standing near the taller fellow, looked up at the man waving around his sausage and then nodded toward Volya and Muriel. "You see? It needs more. Just relax, Zabow. Everyone needs a good morning once in a while. Without it, people forget just why they should be pleased to get alone with one another. Pleased to see each other. And just think, it'll be the best morning I've had in a good few weeks." He chuckled, then took a deep breath, just looking at the people gathered round.

It crept up slowly, for those that it took to. Like the blood rushing faster through veins. Heat welling up deep in the belly. A blush rose to the surface of the skin, leaving nerve endings more aware of the touch even of clothes, but then also of the touch of closer bodies. Bodies came alive and enlivened, until the press of desire for culmination was imminent and obvious. Curves became more delightful, angles more delicious to follow to conclusions, and overall, the urge to touch and be touched was nearly overwhelming for some. Desire, lust, need, however it's described in the mind of those experiencing it, it hits like a heavy weight, demanding attention once it finally lands solidly at the base of their spine and curls around them like an inviting warmth.

Mila cleared her throat and reached out to touch Volya's arm, smiling to her. "Let's chill, babe? I mean, maybe we can talk to her privately about this another time? Not on a great morning when the surf's gonna be epic and things are going OK?" She winked at Volya, then seemed to flush, slightly, clearing her throat again as she glanced around. Tugging her hand away from the other woman, she pulled on her hoodie to get air to circulate through it and let out a slow breath. "Holy Akua... Uh. Maybe we should take our breakfast to go, Vee, I think you're on the right track with the walk." She nodded at Felix and then Muriel, her breath coming a little faster as she stepped away, in all likelihood following Volya.

Felix could only shrug. "Veggies don't run. I guess if you shot some brocolli out of a cannon it might be fun to chase down but otherwise there's not a lot of joy in savagely dismembering cruciferous vegetables." He nodded sagely, eating happily as he tried to follow along. He shrugged at Muriel. "I guess not. I mean... if I get horribly killed learning to surf I'll never hear the end of it. I'd be razzed for eternity." He shook his head and ate another piece of bacon. "Pass." He grinned at the blond coming over, noting the t and nodding. "Yeah I know that feeling. Nice shirt. You should check out Carpenter Brut." He frowned and blinked as Volya layed into Muriel, shaking his head in complete confusion as the former began to stalk off. He nodded slowly at her explanation. "Ooooh...." And then Elgin was doing whatever it was he'd done and Felix's tone changed. "Oooooohmmmm." He sat down rather hard on one of he benches, looking a bit flushed as he set his plate aside. He also crossed his legs over his jogging shorts, which were already showing a fair amount of leg thanks... "Uh... hey is anyone else feeling kinda warm?"

The group of people that had been handing out food seemed to kind of forget about the food cooking. Or at least mostly. Random women taking men by the hand... or a man taking a woman's hand, or in a couple of cases, three or four people leaving together, it started happening fairly quickly. There were giggles, blushes, men taking off shirts as if they'd gotten far too hot. Women removing overclothes they had on over bikinis. One of the cooks reached out to pull the man next to him closer and planted a full-on NC-17 rated kiss on him right there, in front of a woman who just gaped, as she was wearing a matching wedding ring. A few moments later, however, she walked up closer and slid her hands over the backs of both men, grinning, and speaking something quietly to them in Hawaiian.

The effects weren't limited to the people handing out the food, either. Those people that had gathered it seemed to be struck just as hard by the absolute and rather immediate need to find some sort of fulfillment other than breakfast. All in all, it was like one of those paintings where it seems like you're looking at some sort of idyllic scene by a river, but what you're seeing is actually many a Victorian man and woman in the process of gaining a partner for a very specific horizontal dance number.

Zabow, the tall man that was talking to Elgin, nearly choked on his food as he'd been chewing on a sausage. He glared at Elgin, his eyes wide and filled with nothing like a friendly emotion. Until his gaze changed, and he fixed it onto a flash of blonde coming nearer. Staring at Casey, Zabow started toward her, his eyes rather fixated to the back of her while she was getting herself some coffee. "Aloha, beautiful." His words were sweet, and he seemed almost... starstruck, his voice was so filled with a sense of adoration. "If you're hungry, I have plenty, and I'm glad to share?" He came around to her side, looking down at her from his lofty position at over 6 feet tall, and held his plate out toward her like an offering.

Kai doesn't recognize anyone at Lei's coffee stand since he is very new in town and was looking forward to trying some java, since he is a bit of a coffee connisseur being a west coaster and all. So many new faces, so many really hot laides, no correction really smoking hot beauties!? His heart seems to be pounding faster, louder and feels as though it might burst through his chest. His glance goes from Lei, to Enola, then Muriel, Volya, Mila and then Casey. "A-L-O-H-A, ladies...Uh i mean morning. I was just walking and noticed all your hotness...I mean umm, coffee smell and food..." He then gives his head a shake, lightly slapping his own cheek with the palm of his right hand, wiping the goofy grin off his face after stammering like some geeky highschool boy. "Sorry, let me start over. I'd like a cup of coffee and yeah it does seem like the temperature has gone up a bit." He replies to Felix.

The large, rather wide and muscled man wearing the Pinky Pie shirt hadn't even managed to bite into his breakfast yet, as he was busy flirting with Muriel. When she touched his cheek, he grinned even wider, swallowing the bite of food away before he leaned in closer. On the way toward her ear, though, he blushed a little along the apples of his cheeks and seemed to.. stiffen. "Wow... I always figured milky skin would feel soft, creamy. It really does. Like... nothing, wow." His breath fluttered against Muriel's cheek as he finally managed to get close enough to take in her scent. "You want to get out of here? I have a van... It's big, too."

Muriel's smile freezes as Volya continues to take unprovoked jabs at her. "...Seriously? I thought I already explained all of that. Ye seriously need to chill out and not burn offered olive branches. Tis NOT the spirit of Aloha. At all.." and as the woman storms off she just shrugs and sighs, shaking her head, muttering something about 'lost causes'.

She busies herself with her food for a moment longer, not half-minding the attention offered by mister pinky pie and chuckles a bit as she munches on her food. "Mmm, perhaps. Let me..Think in it.." Muriel is determined to not let Volya ruin a good start to her day. But she can feel something strange in the air, and perhaps a little..Familiar. A warm, welcoming sensation that tries to get ahold of her senses and her feelings. And perhaps if she weren't in such a tense mood already, she might actually allow herself to give in, just a little, to relax..

However, her eyes do snap open suddenly, smirking at pinky pie and his companions although she is not entirely certain where this feeling is coming from.

"Sorry, but I Dunna need more bad karma blamed on me." she flips her hair, winking at the man, slipping him her business card. "Enjoy your breakfast, til we meet again." towards Felix, she seems vaguely concerned. "Felix, do not be so fooled by parlour tricks. Not all is as it seems. Take care.." and with a final smile and wave to Felix and Rick, Muriel drifts off, away from the park, as far away as possible from Volya and somewhere towards the sea, to enjoy the rest of her breakfast without 'trouble' coming her way. On her way out, she pauses only briefly to shoot Kai a most dazzling smile. "Aloha, pretty one, party's back that way. But I am afraid I must take my leave." she winks, "Do take care, mm?"

"I sure will," Rick says with a nod to Volya, before he looks back to Muriel. The wink doesn't seem to change his demeanor -- he still has the friendly look on his face that he generally does, and continues easily, "Sure, that's cool, if you want." And he might have said something more, but all of a sudden, whatever it was is cut off as color rises in his face. He looks around, from Muriel to Felix, then Mila, then the other people who have started doing things that they were definitely not doing a second before. He shifts from foot to foot decidedly uncomfortably, rubbing a hand back over his head, before he abruptly turns, pulling his board out of the sand and starting toward the ocean. This time his steps are purposeful, and he drops his board into the water, paddling out with quick movements and without looking behind him again.

Lei looks toward Enola and replies around a mouth full of pastry, "I don' know what you're talkin' 'bout." She gives the pale woman a smile, before her attention is drawn to the things going on around her in the park, one hand reaching up to absently rub at her temple. She frowns, eyes narrowing slightly and comments, "Something is wrong here..." Then Kai is approaching, and vomiting words. She blinks at him, then blinks again before commenting in a bemused tone, "You... Are not very good at this." The tall native looks around the park again before pushing herself to her feet, unconsciously placing herself between Enola and the majority of everyone else. She glances back at Enola and asks, "Thoughts?"

Volya was walking and pushing pieces of bacon in my mouth. When the wave hit her, she let out a long unabashed moan, slowing her steps to a complete stop, shivering in place as if she was hit with a bucket of ice water. The plate in her hand shook like a leaf in the breeze as she slowly turned her gaze towards the water, expecting some Hawaiian demigod to appear in the waves. She was busy listening to those waves, when she turned her head to follow that velvety sound back towards one Hawaiian semi-goddess, Mila. Staring at Mila with pupils that had nearly consumed her irises, Volya slurped the piece of the bacon, that was hanging from between her lips, inside her mouth like a wayward noodle. Chewing thoughtfully, her nostrils flare to pull at the scents in the air and she shivered again, "I just remembered what I wanted for breakfast.... Maybe with a side of egg?" The half-nymph popped her toes inside her boots as she took in a long licentious up and down Mila, and nodded slowly, "Side of egg..."

Casey grins at Felix and throws up metal horns. "Thanks, I'll check 'em out. I caught this tour and would've followed them for a couple of weeks, but our driver got high and missed the tourbus." She laughs and sips her coffee, her expression softening like she was drinking pure ambrosia. Wandering down the breakfast line, she comes to a stop next to Elgin, and bobs her head in affable agreement. "I know, right? Free breakfast makes for the best morning every time!" She is enjoying her sausage, but man...apparently everybody else is -really- enjoying their sausage. Casey blinks a couple more times and muses, "Damn, this is actually -just- like that week at ULTRA music festival. Flashbacks, dude." But Zabow's friendly greeting is received with a warm, lopsided grin and she pivots around to face him. "Well, good mornin'! That's a mighty kind offer," she drawls, having finished one sausage and helping herself to the one offered by the tall gentleman. "I'm Casey, and I'm pleased to meet you" she introduces herself between bites, when her mouth is clear and her fingers aren't greasy so she can offer a hand. "And this is about the, uh, friendliest park I've been to in a long time." She can't help it, Kai's line has her busting up laughing and she almost spits out coffee. "And H-O-W-D-Y to you as well, darlin'." She watches Mila and Volya make a beeline for each other, and Rick and Muriel take their leave...and she can only conclude as Lei takes her position to guard Enola, "Folks around here really have some strong emotions about their breakfast, don't they? My mama would definitely appreciate that, well...that it's the most important meal of the day, anyway." She asks the question idly of the tall man next to her, but the stream of consciousness memory is directed at the erm, churning mass of humanity in general.

Elgin gave a happy sigh as he watched people start to become more enamoured with one another. His gaze trailed after Muriel as she left, though, and he shook his head. "Some people need so much aloha in their lives and still refuse it. One day, little girl, one day, you might enjoy it." Then, he just moved over to lean against a nearby tree, eating the food from his plate, and watching. As he did so, he almost seemed to grow younger. The lines on his face filled out slightly, and the ever so slight hunch to the angle of his shoulders completely went away. He looked like he might well have lost 10 years just after eating a few bites of his breakfast.

Enola dunks another Beignet. "MMm, well... it looks like someone put aloha in the breakfasts?" she "Good thing I brought my own." she takes a bite and mommmmmmmms happily and leans against Lei again lightl. "So...uhm... who opened the can of spanish fly?" she asks "It's like... cool but not cool... doubt anyone came with wraps and dams and shit you need for this kind of breakfast party." she stuffs another bite of chickory soaked pastery into her mouth.

Mila looked at Volya for a long moment, her smile slowly blooming to the point it overwhelmed everything else about her. She watched as the blonde ate her bacon like it was something truly seductive, then chuckled softly. "You really want to do this, pupule wahine? I mean... I guess it's a great day to tell someone, hey, your mom and I made you today." She chuckled, then blinked, looking around. Something was catching her attention. "Whoa... I guess everyone wants eggs." She turned her attention back to Volya and walked the few steps to her in order to plant a solid, searingly delighted kiss onto her lips. Bacon grease be damned, Mila didn't seem to mind that it was there as she happily kissed Vee.

As people began to pair or even quad together, Felix watched in a mix of shock and rather uncomfortable hunger. But not for food anymore. Eyes scanning the crowd and all the pretty people, he couldn't help but wince as Kai went up to Enola and Lei and offered up his hellos. Setting his plate aside, he looked about a bit flushed, nodding to Casey. "Nice... to meet you Casey. Felix. I think I saw you once." He looked the blond over for a moment, watching as Mila planted a big kiss on Volya and swept her girlfriend up. He grinned. "Damn... well, I guess the old saying's true right?" He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he /changed/. His body's proportions altered, growing a bit leaner as curves began to develop, the swell of hip and lengthening of leg as his jogging shorts... HER jogging shorts rode a bit higher on her hips. A flat, toned mid drift of tan skin was revealed as a shirt that fit well on a man rose under the sudden addition of breasts. Felix... or Felicia's hair grew long and strawberry blond, falling free down her shoulders. With a laugh and a wink she strode to Kai, putting a friendly arm around his shoulders and grinning at Lei and Enola. "Yeah man that was... that was rough. You should lighten up a little." She grinned, leaning in to try and get him in an affectionate headlock and noogie.

The tall Zabow chuckled softly as Casey offered him her hand. "Aloha Casey, I'm Zabow, or Zab, and you are just about as amazing as the sunrise. And longer lasting." The tall man reached out to take her hand and instead of shaking it, he bent over and kissed the back of her knuckles... very warmly. Turning his eyes back up to Casey, he spoke against her skin. "I think tall women are one of the most beautiful creatures placed on Akua's fine creation. Would you like to perhaps go somewhere a little quieter to share our breakfast? It seems a little distracting here." His big, brown eyes were all for her, though. Luckily the tight cornrows kept his mass of thickly curling hair back, or she'd likely not even be able to see.

The rather wide, muscle-bound man that had been talking to Muriel looked physically pained as she simply flitted away. He reached for the top plate of food he'd gathered earlier and took hold of a piece of bacon and two sausage links, biting into the handful of food as he looked around, his gaze limpid and wide. He was obviously searching. When his eyes fell on Elgin, though, poor Grub blinked a couple of times, then he looked around for Zabow, who was of course busy romancing Casey. He moved stiffly, quickly cramming the rest of his handful of food into his mouth so he could less than artfully adjust himself, as his already tight clothes were now ridiculously made tighter. It didn't seem to bother him overly much, though, as he made his way toward the coffee and those gathered there.

"What...oh, wow...thanks. You take care too. Byebye." Kai's goofy grin returns when Muriel gives him that dazzling smile as she leaves. The wink from her hits him like a punch to his face as he stares longingly after her. But when Lei speaks to him, his attention becomes focused on the sexy Jaguar-like beauty. "Hmm...your pretty. Oh uh...I'm not good...at asking for coffee?" He blinks and then looks even more flustered than ever, glancing between Lei and then Enola who is standing behind her but then gets distracted by Volya when she speaks who is eyeing up Mila, who are also look like they are Aphrodite's Victoria Secret super models. "Woah...it's like I got teleported into some crazy Aerosmith music video or something. I must be dreaming." He mutters under his breath and just stares as Mila kissses Vee but then Felix or Felicia now has just put his arm around him for a headlock noogie. "Wait...what? Uh...miss, wait weren't you a dude a few seconds ago?!" He then closes his eyes and pinches his arm. "Wake up, come on wake up...please wake up." It's like he's chanting a mantra or something. When the mantra doesn't seem to wake him, he removes himself from the headlock of Felica and slowly backs away. Holding his fingers together like a cross, "By the power of the Tao. Steven Tyler I banish thee." He tries to focus his thoughts on his faith rather than these sinful thoughts or feelings he's having with all these beauties around him.

Lei shakes her head slightly and mutters, "I don't think it's a simple aphrodisiac." Her features twist into a scowl as things continue, then she looks toward Kai when he reacts to Felix's change. Something that had gone unnoticed by the native woman, prompting her to do a double take and look at Felicia. She opens her mouth, before shutting it again, shaking her head, seemingly at a loss for words. After a second she looks toward Enola and comments, "I think that this all needs to stop. But I have no real idea what is causing it. Is there... Anyone or anything you can ask to find out?"

Volya managed to keep the plate upright only until Mila crossed the distance between them. When their lips met, Volya melted onto Mila like a second skin. There were several hummed responses into Mila's mouth as Vee's hands worked their way up the back of Mila's hoodie as if her fingertips were starved to the warmth of flesh. Whimper needfully, Volya was nearly writhing against the shorter woman's frame. She broke the kiss with bite to Mila's bottom lip, allowing it to snap back in place as it slipped from her teeth as she panted, and shook her head slowly. "We're not going to make it to the condo..." She didn't seem terribly bothered by the prospect. Vee hauled herself if all of two seconds before she started to groan, her fingernails biting into the small of Mila's back. "Now? Yes? Flag flying?" The woman snarled, "WHY DO WE HAVE OUR CLOTHES ON!?!" Volya howled as she leapt onto Mila and wrapped her thighs around the surfer's hips.

Casey grins and nods to Felix. "I wasn't sure you remembered! We danced together at that rave on the beach, in the tent. The night of all the vog. It's great to see you again, Felix, someplace we can hear ourselves thing. On this, uh...very welcoming and um, loving morning." As he becomes -she-, Casey blinks several times, and examines her plate and her coffee and then looks up at the sky, talking to...Someone? "Now, I ain't dropped acid in a looooong time, this ain't fair..."

Apparently not getting the answer from On High that she was looking for, Casey finishes her plate in time for Zab to introduce himself. She lets him take her hand and her brows pop as he kissed her knuckles. "Well Zab, you're a rare kind of gentleman, and I'd be lyin' if I said I wasn't flattered to little tiny pieces. So I've gotta be upfront and tell you I'm an' old fashioned kinda girl and breakfast is about all I'll be sharin' this morning. Except my phone number. I'll be sharin' that with you as well. Then the ball's back in your court, Zab."

Casey winks a heavily lined blue-gray eye and gives a coy squeeze to the hand holding hers. But the look she shoots towards the direction of Felicia and Kai pulls a little to the killjoy side. "And I'm nervous for that young buck. These fillies seem ready to stampede." She catches Lei's assessment about the unnatural aphrodisiac, and nods in agreement, if she can catch the Hawaiian woman's eye. She looks like she's about to call out something more, but then Volya leaps on Mila and well, it's hard not to stare a little at that. "Lord have mercy."

Enola leans against Lei. "Well sorry sweety... I'm more psychopomp and less magical do things girl... I'm just a traveler through frames of reference and act as a guide." she smiles a bit wryly. "Uhm... is he looking.... spry to you sweety?" she asks tugging Lei's attention towards the older dude who was flirty to start with.

Elgin continued to eat, looking by far fresher faced than he had when he arrived to the little breakfast cookout. A jovial smile curved his lips even as his skin regained some tautness it had almost imperceptibly lacked. The man seemed perfectly content to be eating his food alone, leaning against his tree, while watching the events of the morning unfold to their unnaturally natural conclusion.

As people moved to where they thought they might have more cover, or some of them didn't even seem to care, the noises that were being made certainly had gone a bit past the happy sighs, and more into more active, and interactive, territories, as some people may simply have had less on. The wooded areas were certainly filled with more than just the wind moving through the trees, though.

Mila attempted to hold onto her plate, but unfortunately, many sausage and bacon soldiers, along with their toast compatriots, were lost when hers fell to the ground near Volya's. Of course, it was mainly due to the fact that Volya was currently climbing onto Mila like a tree, which had Mila attempting to steady the somewhat taller blonde by spreading her own feet a little wider apart, the muscles in her legs clenching noticably under her dark brown skin. She sucked in a breath, leaning her head back so that she was outside of the range of Volya's lips, and blinked, looking at the sky. "Vee. HEY. VOLYA." Her tone was concerned now, a bit on the side of confused. "Wait a second, WAHINE. We don't just... screw in public, you know. Especially not if you want Eggs, too." Mila grunted slightly, as Volya was being fairly insistent. "Mahalo Akua for reminding me to wear the big shirt last night!" She managed to grunt out her words as she moved her arms in between herself and Volya and literally pried the woman off of her, setting Vee firmly to her feet. "Get ahold of yourself, baby. Come on!"

Felicia (as she was now) nodded with a grin as Kai asked his question. "Yeah well, sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you feel like a mounds. You know how it is." She waggled her eyebrows and looked rather shocked and annoyed when Kai started mumbling to himself and backed away. At the mention of that name she stood with hands on hips. "Hey man! This is all new one hundred percent girl! I've got a uterus and everything!" She slapped her stomach. "Bow before the all mighty uterus!" Then Felicia was looking down at herself for the first time really and running her hands along her own body, cupping her own breasts. "Wow these things are great. How do women get any work done?" He looked to the women around, apparently looking for an actual answer. He grinned at Casey and shrugged. "Of course I remember! You looked really amazing. I'd love to go dancing again..." With Kai backed away, she looked back to Lei and Enola, blinking at their conversation. "I mean... it's a little weird right but hey... weren't we all just talking about being more aloha?" Then Mila and Volya were on each other and she was licking her lips. "Wow holy shit that's hot..." She looked down at herself and frowned. "Shit all this fun and I'm driving a fuckin' ferrari on a learner's permit... Oh yeah... how do I look?" She twisted this way and that, trying to check out her own ass. She looked to the others. "Did I get anything wrong? Anything sagging? Oh damn!" She held her hands to her chest. "Anyone got a spare bra? If I'm not gonna have fun here I'm gonna need to get to a place to have fun soon, and I don't want to slap myself in the face when I run."

Zabow frowned slightly but nodded to Casey, looking like he'd just watched his favorite kitten be run over. He swallowed, then just nodded again. "Sure, yeah, I'll take your number, Casey. I.. uh... I get it." He blinked, then looked around, his gaze falling onto Felicia (once Felix) and becoming a bit of a fixed stare as he watched her checking herself out, or at least attempting to. Licking his lips, cleared his throat, then set down his plate, wiping his hand off on his board shorts to get rid of the grease that had gathered on his fingertips. And lo, the tall man of the many tribal tattoos covering his upper body, and presumably his lower body, took a step toward Felicia, reaching out to stroke his fingers down the back of her arm as she turned this way and that. "You're perfect." He managed to mumble the words without drooling, but it took him a moment to swallow after he spoke.

The massive wall of a man that was Grub was on his way over to the coffee, and those gathered there, but kind of stopped, watching with his mouth slowly chewing food as Felicia started dancing around, and uh, feeling herself (once himself) up. "How did I not see you before?" He sounded shocked, possibly awed. Then his vision tracked to the other women at the coffee, Casey, Lei, and Enola all getting long, likely invasive, looks as he examined them thoroughly, from top to bottom. "Hey, you girls like island guys?" He called out the question with a quirked grin.

Kai looks at Felicia with scrunched up confused expression at her/his response when his feeble attempt at banishment epic failed him. "This is /not/ the A-L-O-H-A, I was /looking/ for..." He continues to back away slowly but he can't help but glance back towards Mila and Volya, who were entwined with one another momentarily until Mila ruined the moment by being a sensible not-affected-by-lust kinda gal. Pity, no...it's good! He gives his head another shake as those sinful thoughts assault his frontal lobe. He then turns his attention to Casey, whom in his mind looks like a blonde version of Xena Warrior-Princess and his jaw kinda drops a bit as he stares at her. "That southern accent is so sexy..." But then he clamps his hands over his mouth shocked by what has come out of it and then blurts out. "What the heck is wrong with me!?"

The sun blazes overhead in the clear blue sky.

Lei shrugs her shoulders at Enola's words and replies, "You're more suited to it than me." Then she's turning her attention in the direction indicated, dark eyes narrowing as they lock onto the older, or previously older, man. Her features, previously a scowl, twist into something more akin to a snarl. At Grub's question she replies with a rather rude growl, not removing her eyes from the older guy, "Not even slightly." Then she's grabbing one of the empty styrofoam cups, filling it from the carafe of coffee, steam rising from it, and stalking toward Elgin. Once she judges herself close enough, her arm jerks, sending the coffee flying toward the old man. Though she seems to have rather severely misjudged how close is close enough, as the liquid fails to make contact.

Volya shrieked as she was lifted off of Mila, and was set on the ground. The woman's chest was rising and falling as she panted, drawing in a deep breath. "WELL FINE!" The woman screamed at the top of her lungs, the breeze of hot Summer air swirled around her, picking up leaves and dust as it expanded around her and slowly died out. Pink and purple highlights burned down the filaments of the grass blonde hair as dark green veins grew through her skin. She stared at Mila as she licked her lips, then slowly shook her head. "Nope... Still want to get out of these clothes and fuck you... So normal day that ends in 'Y'." She giggled as her vibrant green eyes scanned the rest of the orgy-to-be, and the humour drained from her face, "Did you ever have one of those moments when the world is doing exactly what those fantasies that play in your mind all day? This is one of those moments for me." She frowned and pointed to the table, "Except I'd be naked on that table while you ground me to a nub in front of all these people..." Her hand slowly dropped as she chewed on her lip, and she started looking at Mila again, "So not helping, I know... But I'm like two minutes from the worst case of blue balls in my adult life."

Kai is usually quite calm but this rather vivid experience has pushed his patience over the top. His heart is pounding yes, but his blood in now boiling as well because he doesn't feel like he's in control of himself. Thanks for nothing Admiral Akbar and not even popping out with one second left before the trap is sprung to holler, IT'S AN EFFING TRAP then taking the only escape pod to safety. Kai's face is a mixture of emotions, he looks up at the sky as if seeking answers but finds only the sun's early morning rays beating down on his forehead. Clenching his fists, causing the veins in his forearms to pop out he starts glancing around as if looking for a fight. Instead he fixes his gaze towards where the exit of the Park, back where he walked from. "This is messed up. I'm outta here. Sorry, I'll have to take a rain check on that coffee." With those parting words, he takes off in a sprint running as fast as he can away from here and probably won't stop until he finds the Ocean where he can jump into to cool himself off.

Casey watches as Zabow takes rejection like a champ and resets his sights on Felicia. "I don't blame you, Zab, she's a work of art, but it's a shame that's the kinda fella you are. The chase can be as much fun as the catchin', if you do it right." She shrugs, and something almost nostalgic crosses her face as she looks out at the bodies, lavishly draped around each other, voices raised in harmonious ecstasy. Her fingertips drag up the flesh of her forearm, and she bites her bottom lip hard. Then her hands clench into white knuckles and she shakes her head vigorously. "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it an are safe."

Pushing down the baser urges, Casey looks over those few who seem to want to be in less a state of bliss, and instinctively, she grabs the first big vessel of liquid she can find - the hot pot of coffee. Then her better judgment takes over. "Oh, Lord have mercy, that's too far." She rolls her eyes at herself and jogs over to Kai when he compliments her. "You're just the sweetest darlin', but I think you might need a cold shower or a dip in the ocean. Might help that runaway mouth of yours. If you still feel the same after a dip, maybe it's somethin' worth pursuin', but if it's not, you've got your answer, honey." Then she turns her attentions to Volya. "Honey, you're on fire but you need to cool it for now. Can you think of somethin' real unsexy? Like the top of your grandma's cleavage? Or the Senate? Just close your eyes and think of the legislative branch, baby, you'll be alright."

Enola sighs, and maybe it's the agressiveness, or the way her muscles move when the spirit moves her, or maybe the pale rich girl just got too much of an eyefull of other people and would rather drag her tall Hawaiian off somewhere. She slips up behind Lei, slides slim arms around her pressing her skinny self against the womans back and then rests her chin on Lei's shoulder, her mouth moving to the woman's neck. "What say, I show you a shortcut to your apartment that doesn't include a drive I wouldn't make it through?" she says in a husky tone.

Elgin dodged a bit to the side, avoiding even a splatter from the coffee that Lei threw his direction, and finished chewing the most recent bite of his food he'd taken. He cocked his head to the side and looked at Lei, raising his brows. "Ah, someone disinterested in Aloha? I can help, it's no bother at all." His smile veritably lit up, though, as Enola came up behind Lei and made her offer of a more enjoyable morning. "Or perhaps you have no need for help, as it's already arrived in the form of your lovely woman?" Even his voice sounded younger, though he still spoke as if he were ages beyond Lei's years.

Mila gave a throaty laugh as Volya pulled herself back together. Reaching out, she put her hand around the back of Vee's neck and pulled her down a bit, so Mila could press her forehead against Vee's. "Don't worry, I promise we'll take care of everything you need once we get cleared out of here. I just never like it when things... push." She pulled her head back and gave Volya a grin and a wink. "But I promise you won't be doing much more than praying for the knees to be able to walk later. Just for now, give me a minute, neh, ko'u aloha?" Then she turned her head toward where Lei had thrown the coffee at the older man against the tree and frowned slightly. "HEY! Kapuna! Is this you?" She grumbled slightly, her eyes lit with her rather famously fierce temper instead of lust as she started walking over toward the man, the tree, Lei and Enola.

Felicia looked to Zab, smiling widely as she laid a hand on his cheek. "Aww you're sweet big guy." She laughed and patted his cheek, looking over his shoulder to Casey and grinning at the big man. "But it looks like you missed out on another chance. The ass you wake up next to might not be the one you went to sleep with." She waggled her eyebrows at him. "That being said... I bet we could have some real fun. I once spent a month as a woman just to see what it was like and to win arguments. Didn't have any sex though. You'll show me a good time right?" When Kai freaked out and headed off she pouted. "Huh. You'd think I'd Crying Gamed him or something." She harumphed, hands on hips, watching as Mila and Volya seemed to get a hold of themselves. She had to hold her shirt down as the summer winds blew this way and that, her hair flying in the breeze. "Damn there's so much more to keep track of like this. I won't lie... it's a lot easier to move around without external genitalia though." To prove her point she strutted and bounced around a bit, grinning at Lei and Enola as she leaned against Zab. "See? It's like a hep groove." She watched Mila stalk over, blinking curiously.

Zabow's eyes lit up like he was, indeed, now having a much better morning. "That only matters if I fall asleep, right?" He asked the question endearingly naively, even as he reached out to wrap his arms around Felicia (Aka El Gato) and pulled her closer. "I have a van, if you want to go there. Or... we can just go find a really sturdy tree?" All this said as he moved to bury his face into Felicia's long, flowing hair and inhaled her scent, hands gripping firmly against the skin of her abdomen.

The big lug that was Grub seemed a little crestfallen as Lei said she wasn't interested in Island guys... until! What Luck! One of the girls that had been entertaining a couple of attentive people, both women, raised her hand up high into the air from where she was currently laid out on the grass, just beyond the barbeque area. "I AM!" And that was all dear Grub needed. He started her direction, grinning at the fact that it was not one, but three women, and even set his plates down onto a nearby table to avoid losing all the food. At that point, really, whether Grub was aware of anything but the lovely ladies who certainly DID like island boys, it wouldn't be noticeable.

Lei reaches up to lightly caress Enola's cheek and purrs, "After I've made you a necklace out of his teeth." Then she slips out of Enola's grasp and moves toward Elgin. She takes a quick step forward to put herself into striking range and lashes out with a punch. Though at first it seems the blow, while it would land, wouldn't have much force behind it, but then she's giving her body a bit of a twist, adding a little extra oomph to the attack.

Volya listened to Casey and started drumming her fingers together as she worked through the options. The half-nymph winced and shook her head, "I think it was working, right up until you said branch, and my brain sort of..." Her hand cruised drunkenly through the air before it was sent towards the ground. "If this was a sci-fi show, like all power has been sent to the ovaries..." Volya let out a breathy laugh as Mila touch the back of her neck, and pulled her in close, causing her hips to sway as she listened. "Oh ko'u aloha... You have no idea what you asked me to do. I think David Bowie said it best..." The changeling sang a few words, "And i've been putting out fire..." She tilted her head as she watched Mila's backside march towards the old man. The woman blinked the green orbs that were now her eyes as she focused on Felicia, "You say it's easier, I say jog three steps without any support, you'll feel completely different." She rolled her wrist as Elgin got punch, and she exhaled her breath over the flat of hand. The trees around seemed to groan in an Entish disapproval, which was most likely sexual frustration. There was a digging sound in the ground as the roots broke free of the earth as they grew around Elgin's feet and ankles locking him in place. "Does anyone know how frustrating it is to be a horny tree in the middle of winter? Like... They're pissed right now."

Casey is glad she isn't the first one getting pissed off for a change. Closing in on Elgin after Lei and Mila, the blonde Arkansan gets right up in the man's face. "So, what's your deal, darlin'? I mean, you might like to watch an' all, but everybody else has lives and societal expectations to get back to after this. You think it's -aloha-, makin' folks forget the person they've built themselves up to be? What if somebody in here is a recovering sex addict? What if somebody has HIV? There are consequences to your actions, honey, and it doesn't matter if you think it's harmless - you'll be judged for what you do, and what you cause. So you might as well own up to it, because repentance is the first step of forgiveness."

Enola slips close to to hook her fingers into Lei's waistband. She peeks around the large agressive woman. "Hey, you know... fun is fun, but if you start an orgy without bringing party favors... that's just not Punk. Cut it out and me and Lei can get somewhere quite that much faster and you keep all the teeth she wants to make me jewlery with?"

Elgin takes the hit from Lei, his head rocking back a bit as it happens. Though when he looks back to the woman, it's while rubbing his jaw and grinning at her. "I don't believe you realize just how much easier life is when you listen to your lovely woman, child." And then, there are roots and angry, groaning trees around him. Elgin looked a little shocked as his feet were suddenly held into place by unwillingly randy trees. Looking around himself, he sucked in a breath, then let it out slowly. "Fine. I've had my fill today, anyway, anything more is gluttony and wasteful." And with that, the man simply seemed to slip backward. It wasn't that he untangled himself from the roots, more that he blended into the tree, or maybe through the tree. One moment he was standing on the ground, held in place rather solidly, and the next moment, he'd simply slipped, rather handily, into the bosom of whatever lust-filled other place he was heading to.

Mila was still mid-stalk up toward the tree when Elgin made his little disappearing act a reality. She stopped moving, threw her head back, and let out a moderately beastial roar at the sky. "UGH. Fucking... FINE." Mila turned her attention to Lei and Enola, giving them a slow nod. Then she glanced around the rest of the still-happening love-in, frowning slightly. The native Hawaiian almost vibrated with unspent energy as she wheeled back around and looked at Volya. "Home." Then she started walking toward the taller blonde with a sort of sure, purpose-driven gait that might have been intimidating to some.

Felicia laughed, wiggling back against Zabow. "Oh wow you REALLY need to stop mentioning that as a selling point babe. I'm all for convenience but I dunno how many women are gonna dig your van." She patted his arm, face flushed. "A tree'll do just fine. I'll prop you up there for your friends to find when I'm done." She grinned, showing teeth that might have been slightly sharper than they should have been. When Lei struck at Elgin and managed to crack a fist into his face she started, apparently quite surprised and knocked out of sexy time mood. The roots that tore from the ground to wrap around Elgin had her flat out staring, mouth agape as she looked to Volya, hands going to her head. "Holy shit! Did you see that?!" Casey's words brought Felicia up short and she blinked again. "Wait what? What are you talking about?" She looked to Elgin and back to Zab, frowning and folding he arms across her chest. It took a few times to get right and she snarled in annoyance. WHen Elgin simply vanished she rubbed her eyes furiously. "Oh now what the fuck is this...?" Confused, she looked from Volya to Lei and Enola, looking a little worried as she stepped away from Zab, giving him the hairy eyeball. "If you want to find that sturdy tree you better start talking pal..."

Zabow chuckled in a very manly way as Felicia made her suggestions, not at all seeming to be worried about anything, other than one specific thing, of course. As Felicia turned to watch the events near Elgin's tree, Zabow reached out to grab her hips instead, and as she stepped away, he made an uncomfortable grunting sound. "Uhm... Yes. I can talk all you want. You've got the most beautiful hair I've ever seen, I could turn it into bracelets and sell them for hundreds of dollars for a single band. Your eyes, they glitter like stars on a black sky, perfect and the only thing needed to make the night beautiful. Your hips, I want to hold them while you squirm and I make you feel enough pleasure that you make the ocean look dry..." Yep, Zab was totally OK talking and trying to get Felicia (See Felix) to some sturdy tree somewhere.

Lei starts toward Elgin again, only to find herself being held back by the grip Enola has on the waistband of her shorts. She looks back at the pale woman with an angry expression, though it quickly becomes confused instead, before her head snaps back around at Elgin's words. A frustrated scream escapes her when he disappears and she starts to pace back and forth for a few seconds before grabbing Enola by the coat and starting to drag her toward the entrance to the park. Then she stops abuptly, turns, and starts to stalk toward her coffee carafe, still dragging Enola with her. As she does this she growls out, "We are going to the forest so I can kill something. Then we are going to my apartment. And once we are done working out both those frustrations, we are going to have words about why you do not do something that might make the woman with a jaguar in her head lash out at you." She snatches up her carafe before spinning on her heel again and dragging Enola toward the park gate once more.

Volya arched her nose as Elgin slipped through to the Nevernever. Her month fell open like she was going to say something, then she looked around to take in the sights and sounds. "This is exactly what Alice must have felt when she saw the White Rabbit... No, Volya... We are not going to take a trip to the lusty lands in the Nevernever... It is the special sort of --" Her green eyes widened as she listened to Zabow. The women stared for a long moment before she had to squeeze her eyes shut, "Can someone please give that man a handjob, because all I heard was 'Feel pleasure that you make the ocean look dry'." She leveled an index finger at Zabow as she skirted by, "RELATIONSHIP! BAD TOUCH!" The half-nymph literally hissed at the man as she tiptoed to the exposed roots to crash down on her knees as she could pet them. "Thank... You can rest now. Spring will be coming soon enough." She cringed at she heard Lei scream, "And that would be another case of blue bean..." She shushed the roots as they slowly pulled back into the ground.

Casey sighs as the offending instigator just blithely ignores her sermon and just poofs back into...elsewhere. She just shakes her head, and closes her eyes and, presumably, imagines the legislative branch. "All y'all need Jesus. I'm goin' to Church." And, with her hand firmly clapped to her forehead, she does just that.

Enola doesn't really fight it, altho in her current mood Lei just MIGHT not find herself in the forest she THINKS she's walking into. (Sadly Enola player must sleep so wandering into the Never to hunt something more than boar will have to wait.) Turn left at the big tree, and there's a couple game trails. Which is really all the warning Lei's getting for the womanhandling that's going on. Enola does get her chickory and beignets to eat and drink as she's nearly carried off, at least she hasn't been caveman married.

Mila couldn't be pissed at Volya, really, not for helping the roots back into place. That was the right thing, after all. She did, however, stop her rapid strides and turn to watch as Vee did her thing, her eyes scanning around, then narrowing suspiciously at Zabow as he made his statements to Felicia. She wasn't seething, but the air of nearly crackling energy around her was likely somewhat palpable. Maybe it was the way her muscles were still mostly flexed, and noticeably so, along her legs. Or the fact that her hands were in tight fists. Or because her jaw was being held firmly enough that the muscles stood out along the TMJ. No matter, really, because she only had to wait, even if it was with a sway instead of pacing, until Volya was ready to go.

Felicia frowned at Zabow, watching Lei and Enola head off and Casey disappear. She eyed Mila and Volya for a moment before shaking her head. "Sorry buddy... you're sweet and all but you sound less like you want to admire my eyes and more like you want to put them in a jar. Also your friend pretty much slipped me a magical mickey finn. I might still be raring to go but shit man, I'm just gonna head back to my dorm room and surprise my roommate." She grinned and started jogging off. "Lighten up on the serial killer stuff and I'll think about it next time!"

As people began leaving, Zabow made a dark sound under his breath. "Humans." He muttered the word like it was a curse, before... the man that was Zabow literally just kind of dissolved. It was like watching something fold in onto itself. Instead of being a tall, very tattooed man, where he'd been standing there was now a lizard. It wasn't larger than a forearm, but it was covered in a lacey, delicate sort of design in multiple colors, over its whole body. A moment later, the lizard skittered off into the bushes, likely intent on finding a mate that DID speak its language.

Once the roots were back in place, the tree seemed to groan, though this time it seemed like more of relaxed sigh. "Things are... Righting themselves, so there's that." Vee hopped back to her feet as she dusted her hands. Volya stared at Mila as legs flexed. Licking her lips, she wiggled her fingers in the air, "Keha, disappear!" Nothing happened that could be seen. Her mouth slowly formed a frown as she bent over, and pulled at the legs of her overalls, "And the chafing will be real." She took a deep breath as she walked over to Mila, trailing her fingertips over Mila's rear. "Do you have any idea of the amount of Summer Fickle that is humming through me? Because we may be in trouble." Volya grinned as she started walking back towards the condo.

Mila, malcontent to walk as she was, moved in front of Volya, ducked, and slung the other woman over her shoulder before she started walking in much longer strides. On her way to the condo which wasn't all that far off, the resounding sound of Mila smacking Volya's butt could be heard.