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Haunting Decisions - Tabby

A hunting she will go...

Dramatis Personae

Tabby. Loa as GM. NPCs: Lu, Mindy

25 October, 2008

Tabby gets separated and goes her own way through the haunted house


Kailua Beach, Kailua Seaside Fair, Windward Coast


Plot:A Touch of Mischief

Inside the haunted house, people were screaming. There was also the sound of something thudding against the walls. But.. it's hard to tell what SHOULD be heard in a Haunted house.

As Tabby walks into the Haunted House she enters the primary atrium, which is nothing but a large, open hall, with stairs leading up on both sides in large arcs. Ahead of her, there's a hallway leading to what looks like a large, open room. There are issues, however, because the stairways going up look to be blocked by piles of dismembered, bloody, body parts. The way ahead looks to be covered over by a thick, plastic, sheet like you'd see on the outside of a refridgerated loading bay at a large storage facility for meat. That clear sheet also looks a bit like it's been gored on more than once.

Once Tabby was through the doors of the Haunted House, she patted herself down carefully, just so she knew what she had on her which amounted to a wallet and keys. "Micro LED flashlight... Check." When she realized she was panting, she focused on taking her breaths through her nose, sorting the different scents in the air as well as listening for the placement of screams. When she felt confidence, she started through the Haunted House, trying to pick out the scent of a woman and male, "Probably wearing 'O Lay Me' perfume and cologne..." Her bitterness was in her voice as she headed on.

Since the only real way to move through the building was forward, unless Tabby wanted to climb a mountain of mannequin bodies and fake blood, passing through the clearish plastic hanging in her way brought her to the next large, rectangular room. In each of the four corners there were different pictures, all of which were in shadow boxes. And as she walked into the room, all four of the figures in the shadow boxes swung down on wires, making screeching noises like a length of metal cording being jerked through a harnes really fast. Fire lit up brightly around the room, making a sudden rush of heat, and the four Chucky-Doll sized figures that had swung out kept dancing around, though there wasn't much life-like to them. The doorway to the next room flung open loudly, hitting into the wall with an audible THUD and making the whole room shake.

Tabby grimaced due to the metallic sounds that caused all sorts of sounds that were sub-human range. "Watch I lose my shit and go full loba on all this..." The latina jumped and stood there for a moment to growl at the dolls jumping at her. "You realize that you're faced down a god with admittedly mixed results, but you completely helped to fuck up real sea monsters." When she had collected herself, she focused on the door and headed through as fast as she could, trying her best to sniff along the way and sort if the two went this way.

As Tabby walked through into the next room, a group of people were leaving to the left, headed through a doorway, most of them pushing to leave real fast. Of course, the reason why might well be the very, very, tall man standing in the middle of the room. He was stock still, wearing a black set of leather pants and a thick, black, rubber apron. In his hand, held over his head, is a huge meat cleaver that's decidedly covered in drying blood. Around the room, there are knives and cleavers sunk into the wall, some of them hilt deep, some of them just an inch or two. A couple of them have arms or hands that they'd pinned to the wall, the body those arms belonged to is no longer there, however. There is tons and tons of 'blood' drying on the walls. In the room, the overwhelming scent of sickly, sweet peppermint is easy to notice.

As Tabby comes into the room, the scent she's actually tracking moves to the right instead of to the left, where everyone else seems to have gone off to. The still man in the center of the room quickly turns around, throwing his cleaver at the wall, where it sinks in with a solid, heavy, THUNK sound. It wasn't anywhere near Tabby, really, but it was in her general direction. And the guy did move from total stillness, to being fully mobile and throwing a huge cleaver. Afterward, he pulled another huge cleaver from his belt, which revealed a few severed heads hanging from said belt along his side, brains dripping down his legs onto the floor in hunks of gray matter.

The woman jumped as the cleaver sunk into the wall as it was mass hit the wall. "Alright, cabron... Touch me and lo juro por D--s, and you will never walk again. And I'm not here for them, so don't fucking tell me otherwise." The woman turned to head to the right to stay after Lu and Mindy, her jaw tightening as she did so even she kept an eye on the 'Dismembered head carrying man'.

The large man with all the rubber and leather on him lifted the blade in his hand and threw it at the wall after Tabby passed, making another loud, solid, THUNK as it hit, and heralded her leaving the room by throwing a dismembered head more toward her. The thing actually bounced off the casement of the doorway just after she passed through, splattering blood and 'brains' onto the floor behind her.

Tabby now found herself in a hallway. It's pretty dark, the walls are all painted black. The top of the walls seems odd, though, and billows, like curtains. As she walks along the hallway, lights come in behind the curtains and show scenes beyond. The first, it's a man's face pressed up against bars, harder... harder... harder still until his eyes pop out in a burst of gushing gore and his teeth start falling out of his face like pressed cheese from a crust. Gross, definitely. The second scene is that of a scientist covered in gore, hacking off hunks of a person as they laid there on the table screaming, but wearing a ball gag so it was entirely deadened and almost inaudible. Especially as the doctor started cutting off more than just fingers with his bonesaw.

The scent Tabby was following, in particular, led down the hallway she was in, past the vignettes.

Tabby offered only a glances at the scenes offered through the curtains. The darkness was a blessing as most of the human brain was for the visual stimuli. Tabby luckily had some screws loosen and it had somehow allow her to process scents like a canine. So it was following the nose as it was, and she ran after the scent, blitzing her way down the hallway towards the sources of the scents.

The next room Tabby entered into was a broad, rectangular room, filled with mannequins all set up in various positions of contortion. The creepy thing, though? Some of them moved. They definitely weren't alive, but some of them were mechanized to randomly move an arm, or a leg, turn a head. Flutter eyelashes.

Toward the back of the very large room stood Lu, Mindy, and the young girl from out front, Marilee. Lu had his hand on Marilee's shoulder, talking to her quietly, while the girl cried and held her face in her hands. Mindy stood by, looking down at the ground, forlornly watching as she tried to suck more alcohol up through her straw and came up empty.

The sounds of the moving mannequins were somewhat overwhelmed by a steady 'TICK TOCK TICK TOCK' that just kept sounding, and of course, by the screams of people inside the haunted house.

Tabby moved her way through the room, her eyes moving between the third individuals. "Right about now is probably a good point of speaking up as to what the fuck is going on. You two seem to have picked up an extra member to your party. So if she starts screaming, and so much as makes any indication that she doesn't want to be anywhere near you two, I may very well end up leaving someone's throat on the floor." Tabby lifted her hand and pointed at Mindy, "You were asking him not to, and I just offered you an out."