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Feast of Plenty

Every so often, you run into something really odd.

Dramatis Personae

Emrys, Eve, Heath, Iara, and Peter. Loa as GM.

6 August, 2008

The Leeward Side of the Island receives and Onslaught


Jagged Cove, Leeward Coast


Plot:Pele's Kids

The jagged cliffs of this particular cove along the Leeward Coast are truly breathtaking, even at night. While people might cliff dive given any time of day, though, the nighttime here usually runs more toward people parking at the vista to overlook the bluff, or people hanging out and having whatever manner of mellow, Hawaiian style party they can manage without getting into too much trouble.

Tonight had been one of those nights, at least earlier, and the remnants of some sort of jungle-juice style bring-your-own alcohol were still being finished off by the hardest of the stalwarts, but most have left. A few people had gone down the cliff side to hang out on the shadowy beach and enjoy what they thought might be a touch of privacy, but some others were just sitting up on the cliff side, legs dangling over the water far below, enjoying the darkness of the night while the warm, soft breeze blew along the shoreline.

Iara isn't much of a party goer, or a drinker, and she had wandered towards the cliffs not to get a thrill out of jumping off the edge, but to enjoy a quiet walk and clear her mind. The dizzying height does not seem to bother her at all and she in fact wanders perhaps precariously close to the edge, almost unmindful of the height or the darkness. Dressed in a red summer dress and black shrug, she is not here for a swim, only for a nightly walk.

On the picnic table near where the giant vat of alcohol had once stood proud and full, there was someone sitting. In fact, it was Eve, and she wasn't simply sitting ON the table, no. She had a low slung, folding, lounge chair set up on top of the picnic table, and she was seated in that, with her long as hell legs stretched out before her and crossed at the ankle. Instead of wearing her usual high as hell heels, Eve had kept the footwear simple tonight, and it was actually just a string lf sparkling gold that started from her middle toe as a toe ring that looked like it might actually contain real diamonds in its settings. The chain that led up the center of Eve's foot them became an anklet, making it almost look like she had the decorative tops of sandals on, without bothering to wear the shoes at all, since her soles were bare.

Other than the mock-shoe foot jewelery, Eve was dressed in a decidedly classy sort of black one piece, the thing fitting like second skin with high cuts up to her hips and a shallow dip along her neckline to just tease at cleavage. Of course, the front was the tease, but the back was completely open, all the way down to the curve of her lower spine, showing two small dimples above her pelvis. Naturally, to keep such things out of the way, Eve had wrapped her hair up into a tight, French-braided, knot at the back of her head. In one hand Eve held a tall glass of something that likely could have allowed her to breathe fire. In the other hand, she held a spear. Yes. A spear. And her dove gray eyes seemed to be surveying the world around her with an imperious sort of ownership in them.

The flame of tiki torch danced as it was pulled through the air, its bamboo shaft cracked and splint to wielded in one hand. The man wielding said torch was downright invisible, but only if you are part of an intergalactic race of big game hunters. Heath was covered from head to toe in a thick layer of mud in various stages of drying and flaking. In the flickering illumination, the man wore nothing but a bright pink Hawaiian malo. That's the wedgie backed loincloth for the culturally unaware. Nearing the cliff's edge, Heath rose his torch in the air as he scanned the darkness beyond, letting out a warcry towards the sea. It was plenty expected that no one would claim knowing the man. His irises rolled around in their sockets, betraying to the only white on his body. Letting out a growl, he strode back to the picnic table. Scratching at the mud on his abs, he flopped a patty of mud onto Eve without a word. Heath stole the drink from Eve's hand, draining the beverage down in short order, twin rivulet forming on the edges of the cup, and running down his chin, neck and chest.

Emrys has come over into the party area... He's not really sure where he was going but he'd decided to meander and hike to see where he ended up... Just happened to be up on the cliff with the vat of booze and the queen of the picnics... And a icy beautiful queen at that. He shakes his head a bit as he looks around trying to clear his head a bit. And taking the time to notice the others that'd gathered up on the cliffs for now.

From the shoreline, somewhere beyond the cove, there was a sound on the air like someone striking a drum. A really big drum, maybe even a HUGE drum, over and over. They were making some sort of music, but it had no rhythm. No real dancable qualities. Almost like it were accidentally sometimes making something with a beat. And sometimes purposefully not.

Down on the beach, there was the sound of party-goers that had snuck away in a small group. Laughter emanated from them in a steady stream, almost drowning out the thudding of the drum all by itself. A glass shattered out in the parking lot as someone dropped a beer, and some guy made a dissatisfied sound as he bent down to pick up the glass. Then, from the beach down below, the sound of someone calling out "GUYS! There's eels! OH MY GOD... Come look at all these EELS!" Down on the beach excited gasps could be heard. Of course, there was also the fair share of "Oh my god that's GROSS, NO WAY!" From a couple of other voices.

Peter wandered slowly between the different groups of party goers, a momentary flicker in the different lights. His facial expression was one of stressed out, and his general appearance was almost feral. His hair, not always the neatest, was wilder than usual. His clothes, while clean, seem rumpled. He didn't seem to be in any sort of hurry, but he also didn't join up with anyone. For a long while, Peter stood near the top of the cliff, peering down at the crashing ocean far below. Then someone started speaking about all the eel, and a puzzled expression settled on the young man's face. He turned and made his way towards the path leading downwards. May as well get a laugh at the others' expressions.

Iara closes her eyes as she sways softly to the rhythm of the sea. Spreading out her arms, she dances and twirls slowly in beat to the waves, enjoying herself, but seeming to be practicing dance steps more than just random twirlings.

The sounds of an irregular drum beat distracts her enough that she stops mid-step, glancing around for the source of the drums. Eve and Heath are noted and nodded at with a slight smile, but the mention of eels does pique her curiosity and she follows the voices down below.

Eve watched the impending form of Heath, her eyes slowly narrowing as he approached in what had to be the druggie's version of a hunt that just wasn't culminated satisfactorily. The chilled, almost dire expression on her face shifted to one of disgust as she had a patty of mud splattered onto her previously pristine thigh, and she let out a sound that fit the facial expression perfectly, "UGH!" When Eve looked over at the man who had stolen her drink, it was so that she could bring the spear she had in her hand around and smack his shoulder with it, not attempting to stab, just using the flat side of the metal to tap him solidly. "TO THE CLIFF WITH YOU, KNAVE!"

Eve's voice had gained an imperiousness that left little to be discussed, especially as she stood and allowed the mud to slide down her leg, where it then fell to the picnic table with a 'plop'. "You have chosen to test your queen, and now your queen will test your bones to see if they break under the pressure of the fall to your doom!" Ah yes... whatever these two had gotten into tonight, it was... effective. As she stepped down off of the picnic table, and alighted the granular sand of the beach, Eve brought the spear up in front of her and held it across Heath's chest. Naturally, she used that to begin pushing him backward to the jagged cliff face.

Downing the container onto the picnic table, the man just stared at Eve without expression as he reached straight into the front of his loincloth. The corner of his mouth pulled upward as he dug around in front view of her. Ripping a muddy pack of cigarettes out of them, he rolled open the flap and bit out a single cigarette, littering the ground with a few others. He got the tiki torch down to lit it, taking several puffs from it, it's cherry burning. "I feel like I've had more flight training than you... So bring it." The cigarette bobbed as he spoke, and sucked in a full breath through it. Eyeing the pointy stick edging him towards the cliff, Heath grabbed Eve by the hips, tossing her over his shoulder. The man spit his cigarette to the side, making three quick steps before leaping off the cliff into the darkness and the water below.

Emrys just blinks as Eve and Heath leap over the cliff... And then the scream and the spear and then there's the dancing woman and... "What's in that punch?" The man heads over towards the punch and sniffs at it a bit before glancing back at the rest of the folks still on the cliff.

Beneath the cliffs at the narrow beach, people were making all sorts of 'ooohs!' and 'aaahs!' at the many, many eels they were apparently finding. A couple of men started laughing when a female voice shrieked loud and high pitched, obviously horrified. The sound of high fives were heard, and then the sound of someone slapping someone solidly. All of this was followed by a chorus of two or three people giving jabbing comments along the lines of "Someone's not getting any tonight!" and "OOooh, brah, you're gonna have to give her DIAMONDS to make up for that shit!"

On the cliff, people were laughing, pointing at the spear and the pack of smokes, one of them still burning, that had been left behind. They shrugged at Emrys, obviously having no clue what those two had managed to get into. They were drinking the mixed alcohol and fruit concoction without the apparent adverse reaction of madness and hallucinations/delusions of granduer. Someone did, however, hold out a red Solo cup to him, in case he wanted some of the high octane drink for himself.

Peter wasn't quite so far away as to miss Eve yell something, and he pauses, watching Heath and the woman interact. He lets out a long breath, and turns as if to walk towards the two, but stops in his tracks as Heath picks Eve up and jumps over the edge. Only raising an eyebrow briefly, the young man turned back to the path leading down and began ambling along it. "This place has more crazies than Oxford, I swear.", Peter says to himself, a thick Irish accent noticeable in his voice. "Bloody colonials." Shaking his head, he arrived near the people at the water's edge, and made and "Ooooh" expression, watching someone getting solidly smacked. "'Is kids will be born with their ears ringing."

Iara reaches the bottom, noticing Peter once she is there, and she steps towards him, but stops short of hugging him this time. "Petey..." she murmurs, a look of obvious concern in her eyes. "How are you doing..?" she has a fairly good idea of what may be stressing him out and doesn't ask further, just standing nearby, offering what comfort she can.

She glances back up at the cliff as she hears the interaction between Heath and Eve, arching a brow as he grabs her and dives into the water, flinching at the dramatics. Probably had too much to drink.

She turns her attention back to the eels, and towards Emrys, peering at him curiously. "Aloha, so what's this about eels? I hope they're not hurting them or anything."

Eve stared at Heath, her jaw set into a rigid line. "Queens need no flight training! We fly from birth!" Of course, she was calling this out as she was picked up, and tossed over his shoulder. The spear fell from her hands onto the sand covered rocks of the cliff side, and she flailed a bit as she seemed to forget she could have just stabbed the man with it. "PUT me DOWN you uncouth... filthy..." Well, whatever she'd been about to say, it was taken clean from her as she screamed bloody murder while falling through the air, a scream surely worthy of any B-Horror flick, until a splash took her voice from her as the ocean swallowed both Heath and Eve in a huge gurgle of frothing wave. It wasn't until a few moments later that Eve's pale face, her hair still slicked back into its tight bun, surfaced, and she sputtered for a breath of air, rising and falling with the wave as she spread her arms out to maintain a little buoyancy.

Without so much as a laugh or cackle, Heath slipped silently through the air, ejecting Eve from his shoulder during the tumble before hitting the water. When he did surface, the mud was oozing from his hair and down his face. Accepting the waves are attempting to drown him, he disappeared under the water again.

Emrys shakes his head at the offered solo cup, "No thanks. I'm more partial to moonshine." Like that wasn't more octane than the jungle juice... He walks over towards the cliff a bit and glances over the edge, "Wow that's a long way down... Were they talking about a buncha eels down there?"

For those arriving to the strip of sand below the cliffs, the group they come upon is easily 4 men and 4 women, all of whom were either in the water anywhere from ankle to hip deep, or standing near the water's edge on the beach. Three tiki torches had been stuck into the sand to illuminate the area, and one of the men standing in ankle deep water had a vivid red hand-print on the front of his shoulder, clearly the one that had been slapped. The sheer height of the cliffs from this angle made it impossible to see the top, as they were at least 20 feet up. All you can see from the beach is the ocean, the strip of sand around the cove, and the tall, craggy, cliff sides.

With the arrival of the falling pair, people laughed and clapped, pointing at the pale faces, one of which had mud trailing down off of it. The man that was about hip deep out in the water was busy laughing when all of the sudden, he was simply falling backward into the water with a surprised "Whoa!" And then he was gone. The water just kept moving, there was no flailing, just.. dark ocean.

Up on the top of the cliffs with Emrys, one of the large, Samoan men that was enjoying a drink from his red Solo cup (it looked like a miniature in the man's mitts) came over toward the edge of the cliff and shrugged a little. "Eels, brah. They happen, they like the moon and all that, and like all of the stars and stuff. They come up, making the baby things, then they leave. Just like all the tourists, neh, brah?" The big Samoan clapped Emrys on the back with a hand the size of an oar's blade, making a hollow THUMP sound as he did, then the large man made his way back to the jungle juice vat, refilling his seemingly thimble sized cup.

Peter blinks at Iara's arrival, and smiles lightly. "I'm alright, I guess. Just watching some people have an eely good time. How have you been?" He blinks again, and takes a few steps forward, having watched someone get pulled under. "Ah, shit, that guy just got pulled in." The young man shrugs out of his backpack, and runs into the water, diving in after several steps. His flip-flops are left floating on the water.

Iara frowns softly at Peter, seemingly..Bothered by something but just shrugs and walks past him, focusing instead on the person who just vanished in the water. It could be nothing but it might be something, given the odd things that happen around here.

She shrugs out of her dress, still wearing her swimsuit underneath from earlier that day, and she dives into the dark water, navigating more by her hearing than by sight in the dark waters.

She emerges briefly, looking a bit tense at the sight and sounds of all the eels, shivering. "Lots of eels, everywhere, they're so loud! I think he went over there..Hey, are you alright out there?!" she calls before diving back down, swimming further out, trying to be cautious about getting too near the eels if she can.

Eve tread water for a few moments, just attempting to get herself acclimated to her new watery surroundings. She shifted to the side, quickly, a surprised little shriek coming from her, then another surprised sound, as she nearly leapt out of the water entirely, batting at the surface like she was attempting to get something away from her. "If you grew tentacles I'm going to kick your ass, HEATH!" Eve looked over at Iara and blinked, cocking her head to the side, then hissed out softly "EEEELS?" This, ladies and gentlemen, is the moment that Eve stopped to take stock of the situation. She shuddered a little, but stopped flailing, and kind of side stroked her way toward the beach, slowly, attempting not to strike anything that might electrocute her.

As the wave passed, Heath thrashed around in the water, breaking the surface once more. "Eve? Eve!" The man coughed as he attempted to get his breath. "I just had an epiphany... Reality has condensed and solidified in this moment, and our social lives are officially Aurelie's life..." The man slipped in the water, kicking to stay up with the next wave. "The world is teeming with faceless, lubricated phalluses... Squirming to find the nearest orifice. I think the swimming is part of it, metaphor for buckets of semen. Tentacles? I'm not sure the plural is proper grammatical number. I have fingers and thumbs, I can work with it." The man spit, keeping his movements calm as he moved along side Eve. "Just leave me for dead... Damien would understand."

Emrys just shakes his head as he goes the long way around the cliffs and down to the beach. He'll be a while but he's not jumping off a cliff... I mean even if his friends were doing it it still doesn't seem safe...

The man that had gone under stayed there for the time being and the people up near the shore, or on it, remained where they were, laughing. "Brah, stop horsin' around man! You actin like this is some Jaws shit up here, and you're just being a puss! It's just a bunch of eels!" This could well have been called out at the dude that dunked under, or perhaps Eve with her lack of desire for tentacles. Perhaps it was to the two people that were swimming out to save the guy that had likely just jokingly dunked himself to punk his friends a bit. Either way, the jovial 7 of them were laughing, and kind of messing around with the eels along the beachfront.

Up above the beach, at the cliffs, the sound of something thudding could be heard. It was as if the huge, drum thing was coming closer. It wasn't in sight range yet for sure, but its echo seemed to be coalescing more solidly into the craggy, jagged rocks that made up the cliff-side. As that sound grew louder, it seemed almost like MORE eels were filling the water. To the point that when it splashed onto the beach in waves, it delivered hundreds of them along the strip of beach that made up the cove within the semi-circular cliff.

Peter comes up for a breath and looks around, peering at the laughing people first, and then at Heath and Eve. "Hey, there's guy who got pulled under. Do you see him anywhere over there?" The young man glances around at the water around him, and makes another dive.

Iara hmms, "I thought I heard thrashing over here, Peter.." she calls out, still moving cautiously through the water towards where she heard the thrashing, still aware and cautious of the eels. "Hey, can you hear me?" she calls again.

When the drum beat picks up, Iara pauses, peering intently at the eels around her, studying them thoughtfully, seemingly bothered by the sounds of approaching drum beats.

"Everyone get out of the water. Now." there is a sense of urgency to her tone, even as she moves further out towards where she last saw the man. "There's something wrong. The eels..They seem..Frantic. Frenzied about something. I wonder if whoever is beating in that drum has something to do with it..." her eyes widen, darting to the side as they start to head inland. "Something seems to be pulling them inland!"

Eve frowned slightly and looked at Heath, stopping her sideways progression to the shore as she thought through what the man was saying. "Oh... my. That's almost horrifying enough to make me want to hug her the next time I see her. Be a dear and don't die via multiple penetration, if you would? I feel like your father might be cross about that, even if your brother managed to forgive me one day." She reached out and grabbed Heath's arm, tugging him closer, then starting her movements back toward the shore. "Yes, darling girl, we're moving... I'm just trying not to get them too excited about the fact while we try to get to land." Eve gave a hollow chuckle, attempting valiantly not to let the stress of the situation give her a sense of hysteria. "I don't see anyone else over here but Heath, though." She offered, scanning the water a bit as she continued to side-swim until her feet could touch the ground and she just started walking through the chest-deep water instead.

Heath reached at arm up and gave Iara a thumbs-up. "It's that sort of thinking that leaves people to drown!" Spitting a bit of ocean water, Heath trended water in place. "I'll swim in--" Eve latching onto him to pull him towards shore, the man purposefully worked against her. "Comon Eve, you know how this works. I'm here. Person drowning. The sooner he's found, the quicker we can go back to drinking... I'm not sure what we were drinking, but it's better than sea water." When his feet found the sandy bottom, the man halted their progress as he scanned the water, squint and scratching some of the remaining mud from his brow.

Emrys makes it to the beach eventually and walks towards the water, "Ohhh eels. They are working on repopulating their entire species right now according to the gentleman up top... There sure are a lotta them." He's not really talking to anyone in particular but likely ended up near where Iara and Peter are at and where Eve and HEath are likely to end up making it to shore or getting chewed to bits in the water.

Up above the beach, sounds of shock and alarm could be heard as people called out. Of course, being down on the beach with the waves crashing and the strange, not at all steady, deep, drum beat coming in an echo off the cliffs, it was hard to hear it other than in short, sharp bursts of mouth given sound.

A bit away from Iara and Peter, well.. a little further from Peter after he'd gone out in search, the man that had been pulled under suddenly stood up, gagging and coughing for air. He clutched at his throat, then shoved two fingers into his mouth, deep. What came up when he wretched was clearly a mix of alcohol, seawater, and a few small, black streaks that wiggled in the spewed arc of liquid. All of it blended in rather quickly into the ocean setting. The poor man looked around with wild eyes, blinking, panicked. "What the HELL was that all about?" Turning his head this way and that, he started to thrash-walk his way back to the shore. As he did so, eels and water splashed of him, the water getting thicker with the slightly mucous discharge from the eels filling it and turning it into almost more of a gelee agar than anything. At about knee deep, walking became highly difficult for the man, and he fell to his knees to crawl.

Peter is chest deep in the water, when Iara calls out to him. He swims towards where she bobs in the water, looking around for the person who went under. When Iara says for everyone to leave the water, the young man shakes his head. "No, I can't just leave the dude to his fate, not without trying." As Heath and Eve make their way ashore, Peter frowns. "Where did he go...? Then the poor bastard surfaces, and Peter makes a face as he hurked up a wonderful color and several eels. "Get out of the water, man, go go go!" Looking relieved, Peter looks to Iara, "Time to follow your instructions." He offers her his hand, and he head in. Getting to knee deep water, he starting to wobble. "Ewwwwwh. They're squishing between my toes. Uuuugh I am going to shower for weeks after this."

Iara makes sure that none of the people on shore are foolish enough to step into the water, before she continues to search the darkness for them, diving back underneath and keeping her ears peeled for sounds of thrashing.

She doesn't seem as concerned for her own safety and perhaps willing to risk the danger as she cautiously me bed around the eels, focusing more on trying to find the man.

Fortunately, he finally re-emerges and Iara breathes a sigh of relief, nodding to Peter and following after him. "Right, let's go.." she swims back to shore, but stumbles to her feet at about knee deep and struggles to crawl out of the murky eel soup. The eels are not regarded with disgust however, but more with concern. "I have to stop this..Something is hurting them.."

Eve looked somewhat horrified as Heath suggested they stay in the water filled with eels to look for the man that had gone under over by Iara and Peter. She opened her mouth to argue, luckily able to keep her head above water just as he was, considering their comparable heights. But then, the guy came up on his own, and Eve heaved a sigh of relief. "There you go, he's up, we can get out of this, now." And she started back in for shore. She moved at a decent clip, putting long legs to good use, until she was at almost knee deep. Her steps slowed considerably and she pulled a face that spoke of walking through something deeply unpleasant. "Ooooh... man that's just... it's like walking barefoot through a slaughterhouse." She pressed the back of her hand against her mouth and pushed forward the rest of the way, kicking her feet a little once she gained dry land to get the bits of eel and thick, heavy, water mixed with other ICK off of her foot. "Good God..." She shuddered, then of all things reached up to check her hair, making a little sound of dismay as she pulled an eel from where it had slithered into the braided chignon. She threw it at the water, almost hitting Heath with it, the thing about 3 inches long. With as thick as the water was where it landed, there was hardly a splash, more a Gloop.

Heath blinked as he wiped his eyes once more, trying to listen to the screams, he gave a small nod. "There we go Eve, the party is officially over." The man took a couple steps towards the beach, moving like a man with lead weights on. Groaning, Heath tripped into the waves. When he broke the surface, his entire form was sheeted in a thick mucus. Heath has had some training in crawling, so it was more than normal for him to able to continue the slog. One limb moved at a time, like a beautiful baby rhino being born without the extra pep of centrifugal force. Laughing like a mad man, Heath made to last of the movement with a half turn and roll onto the sand. Swiping the slime from one eye, he grinned up at Eve. "Like a sexual tyrannosaurus, lubed and ready." He paused a moment, his unslimed eye narrowing, "Does the island have a slaughter house? I think I could pack the place."

Emrys blinks a bit and shakes his head, "You lot should probably get yourselves tested." He looks over at the other partiers before he glances back at the water, "So do eels normally do this? They seem to be gathering and that was a lot of slime..."

The uneven, rhythm-less drum sounded quite loud now, and it almost drowned out the cadence of the waves. Of course, the waves weren't doing what they usually did at this point. All along the cove, within several feet of the beach, the waves were now thick, hardly moving. Like they'd been turned into some sort of gelatinous mold. There was a little wriggling here and there, but not so much that the water could even splash. Strange, scuffling and scraping sounds came from the pathway, way up high, where the path started from the cliff top down to the beach. Thump...scraaaaaaape. Thump.....scrape. Slow and steady.

The other partiers that had been down at the beach had all gathered around the guy who was still managing to wretch up a few mouthfuls of nasty mixed with random, small eels. They weren't exactly touching him, or anything that close, but they were essentially a semi-circle standing around, watching him. A couple of voices chipped in "It's all good brah, just get it all out." And there were lots of worried glances. "What the hell is even going ON?!" One of the young woman sounded a bit on edge, like she might burst into hysterical laughter. She looked over at Emrys, then the others, lifting her arms up in an exaggerated motion. "Tested for WHAT? Like.. Eel Aids? Are we all freaking pregnant? Oh my god... is Kane pregnant?" She turned and looked at the guy vomiting, then gagged a little. "Oh god, he is pregnant."

Peter finally steps ashore, and looks back to Iara. "What do you mean? That drum?" He cants his head slightly to one side, and then looks to the messy eel soup. "Are they dying? Or uh... mating or something?" He glances over at Heath and Eve as they too struggle to shore. "You two alright?", he calls over to them, his facial expression that of concern. Emrys' comments causes him to blink a moment, and then the woman starts to sound upset. Looking to the woman in particular, Peter shakes his head. "I think he might be referring to the drinks you've been having, something about the punch? And uh, as far as I can recall, only women can get pregnant. And since eels are not the same species as humans... you can't be impregnated by them. So... chill."

He looks back to Iara. "What do you think is going on? And what the hell is that thumping sound...?"

Iara sighs and shakes her head. "Don't know but the eels' behavior is being influenced by a drum of some kind." she glances at the crowd, but her priority remains get now is finding that drum and she runs off to wards the cliff where she last heard it.

Eve shuddered and looked down at Heath, her eyebrows raising. "Wherever you're going that you need that much lube? I'm not sure I want to as what sort of Saharan monument you've claimed that couldn't quite be coaxed to more readiness before you slathered up and went diving." She walked over to Heath and grinned, sliding her foot under his side, then pushing forward, to roll him in the sand properly. She's helping, surely. Looking up at Emrys, Eve grinned darkly. "I'm pretty sure that if I've caught something from the ocean filled with Eels it's nothing they have a test for, darling, but I appreciate the suggestion." She watched Iara head up to the cliffs, blinking, then she looked back over the water, her precise lips turning into a slash of a frown. "Milk! We need milk! The enzymes! It should work against whatever they're building! I bet they're building some sort of nest.. this WHOLE cove is going to be an Eel NEST!" Eve pressed her hand to her heart, then looked around. "Does anyone have any Milk?! Or are you lactating?!"

Heath just laid there on the beach, winding a rope of mucus between his fingers like he was knitting. "I think it's time, Eve. Time to check myself into rehab, take up painting." The man paused and watched Eve put her foot under him and rolled with it. The man remained motionless with his face in the sand as he listened to the insanity coming out of Eve's mouth. Craning a gritty hand up, Heath let it hang there. "We're good. But Eve has just asked me for a thorough breast massage to get her lactating again... It'll be gritty and scratchy. I'll have to leap into the water three more times to prevent my chaffing." Flicking his wrist, he sent a rope of goo onto Eve's foot, "It'll be creamy and white, and you'll like it, Eve."

Emrys shrugs, "I figured by now they'd have a test for everything." He looks over at the water and shakes his head, "This is really disgusting. You think they're building a nest? Why would we want to destroy that it's what they're supposed to do isn't it?" Yeah he's not a beach bum by any stretch.

The party kids looked terribly unnerved now, and started moving as a crew toward the pathway out of the cove. The girl that had been freaked out already looked at Peter and raised her brows. "Oh yeah, you chill the fuck out when your boyfriend starts puking up eels, yeah brah? Until then, I'll get as unchill as I fucking want!" She moved over to said boyfriend and slipped his arm around her shoulders so she could help him up the path. As that crew of people made their way up, though, a sudden, surprised scream came from the girl leading with the tiki torches. "What the hell are TURTLES doing on the path?" The movement of the kids to the top suddenly slowed down monumentally as they had new obstacles in the way, it would seem.

Down in the cove, the thickened, heavy water continued to spread outward. Like it really did have the goal of growing across the entire cove and filling it in with nothing but thousands and thousands of slick eels and gelatinous water. Out at the mouth of the cove, something huge was there. Dark, dark against the night. Barely visible as it bobbed on the water save for the fact that the moonlight glinted off its heavy, bulbous frame. It looked to be at least 15 feet high, and 10 feet wide. The rounded, heavy thing didn't come any further into the cove, though.

Through all of this, the uneven, odd drumming continued to echo off the walls of the cove, coming from overhead, as if someone were randomly striking a giant drum.

Peter blinks and slowly turns his head to look at the girl again. "If you dive under water and inhale water full of eels, guess what yer going to puke up later? You wanna freak out, go ahead. But at least freak out about sensible shit! Omg your feet touched the eel goo, your feet are going to get pregnaaaant." The young man spits at the ground, and waves submissively at her. When she freaks out about the turtles, he looks over at said path. "Looks like they're walking around, and fucking each other. Try not to get pregnant!" He spits again.

Peter smacks his forehead when Iara takes off towards the sound of the drum, and he calls up after her. "Don't go runnin' up there on your own!" He turns and begins to follow her, but something out in the water catches his attention, and he stops to stare. "Is that not the biggest fucking slug you've ever seen?", he says to no one in particular, but loud enough for those around to hear him clearly.

Eve crossed her arms over her breasts and looked down at Heath, jaw dropping. "No! No, I went through that once before, I'm not going to stand around on this beach for however long it takes to make them milk up again, there is absolutely no way." She shuddered and continued to protect the soft mounds of flesh on her chest via the arm bars of inscrutiny. Looking over at Emrys, Eve shook her head. "You heard little Iara, right? It's not natural, something's wrong about it, so we should probably not just leave it." Eve sighed slightly and then looked at the people fleeing up the cliff, before turning her gaze out to see. She squinted, her light gray eyes looking like silvery slivers. "What do you mean? I don't see anything but all of these eels nearby... and the water thickening up farther out." This said to Peter. "Wait.. Turtles? Coming down a cliff trail?" She sounded like that might have surprised her, and Eve looked at the trail, staring at it for a while, though with as much length as there was to cover, there was no way any such thing was yet in view. "I wonder if they'll get stuck on the sides?"

Heath gathered his limbs, managing to do all of one pushup without groaning too loud. Pulling his feet under him, the man stood up. He froze as he checked out the entirely of his arms and chest coming to the realization that in spite of jumping off a cliff into the water, he had somehow maintained his original look for the evening. "He wanted us here, Eve. It's a glorious fucking sign." Heath pointed to the waterborne blob of darkness moving towards the cove. "If it's an fucking Kraken, I'm punting its beak down its throat too. Heath Idle, Kraken Slayer. It won't even see me coming, its last confused thought as it's choking on beak was how the beach just stood up and starting whipping its ass." Heath moved around the edge of the cove, sorting where 'IT' may attempt landfall. "Eve, you've still of course, in my planner, so the potential of being asked questions in a manners medieval is. So get to titty rubbing if you don't want to see Krakenmania 2." Running his shoulders, Heath bounced on the balls of feet, raising his sandy fists.

The water continues to thicken, now a good 20 feet past the shoreline it's just thick and heavy like sturdy jello, barely moving with the rolling tide. Eels would upon occasion flop out of it, but then be sunk right back in. The continuing sound of the weird drum along with the Scraaaaape. Thunk. Scrape........ Thunk continued coming down the trail to the thin strip of sands that made up the beach. Of course.. the beach was even thinner now, as the layer of eels seemed to be claiming it inch by inch.

"That big, black bit there... with the two eye stalks.", Peter says, crouching a little and pointing out at what he sees. "Anyway, we should get out of here, the eels and their goo are taking over this beach." The young man turns and begins heading up the path that everyone else took. He looks down at Heath. "Are ye daft? If ye want to fight something, come take on whatever is making this noise up here. I'm sure it must be yer ego coming back from the local titty bar."

Eve shook her head sharply at Heath. "I can't get them to let down in a few minutes, or even a few hours, Heath." Eve hissed the reply to the man that was getting ready to rumble, just in case it was another kraken. "This is absurd, we'd be able to find milk far faster just going up and hot-wiring a car, or smoke signaling for Jonathan to come and get us sooner than we'd planned." She maintained her arms crossed over her breasts and looked over at Peter, raising her brow. "Hey, stop it now. He killed a kraken once already, I'm sure if he wanted to, he could do it again. Being pissy won't help this current situation." She stepped back from the line of goo that was taking over more of the beach and leaned her head back, staring at the sky. "Where are all the Hawaiian Gods and Goddesses when we need a little milk?" She called it out with a sort of frustrated edge to her words, Eve finally releasing her crossed armed hold on herself and then looking to Peter. "Do you happen to know any Gods or Goddesses by name that might help out? Because I haven't breastfed in far too many years and contrary to Heath's suggestion that a little rubbing will get it done, it's not exactly that easy."

Emrys just looks at the slime and then at the others and shrugs a bit, "I'd say find the drums seems like they're not on the beach with the ever creeping ooze..." He starts to head up towards the drums but likely gets lost and ends up wandering around for a while in the wrong direction.

Heath raised his hand, lifting his index finger without taking his eyes off of the blob of darkness. "Already murdered one kraken with my bare hands! If you want the some random musicians on the cliff beat, go find some psycho with an oar!" He then pointed that finger at Eve, "Dammit Eve! G-d has given you all the tools necessary and all I'm hearing is why you can't do it. It's a matter of divine inspiration, woman! If He didn't believe in you, you wouldn't be here! Work it!" Letting out a battle cry, Heath started grabbing eels barehanded and flinging them in random directions. Was it useful? Probably not, but dammit the possibility of another Kraken makes it all seem worth it.

The sound at the top of the cliffs hadn't subsided, just kept booming in it's less than artful, completely tactless way, echoing all through the cove. The sound of Scraaaaaaape. Thunk. Scraaaaaape. Thunk. Continued as well, until a huge, truly magnificent sea turtle managed to make its way down onto the beach via the path from above. It kept moving forward, making the same Scraaaaaaape. Thunk. sound as it did so, movements not fast really, but determined. A second turtle followed behind it.. then a third... there might be more coming as the scraping and thunking sounds didn't quiet down. As Heath started to throw eels all over the beach, the first turtle actually moved up and snatched an eel right off the sand, gobbling it up heartily, like it was starving and eel was the best thing ever.

Peter points out at the sea again, and looks to Eve. "It's a giant slug, not a kraken. It just may be the Hawaiian giant slug god, for all we know. He wants to fight it, fine. But I'm betting the drums have something to do with it. And even if they don't, you wanna fight something while the eel ooze is wrapping up around your legs? And what the fuck is your fixation on milk?" At Heath's mention of the psycho with an oar, he flinches, and glares at Heath. "Have fun drowning in eel sperm, fuckhead." The young man turns and runs the rest of the way up the path. "Oh I'm going to beat the drum alright... the fuck?" Peter gets out of the way of the first turtle, and looks to the others coming in behind. He calls back down from the top, "It's going to be a feeding frenzy... get out of there!" And then he vanishes from the sight of those below.

Eve groaned slightly and looked at Peter "The milk, I already told you!" She seemed a touch frustrated. "And the least you could do is tell me that you don't know any helper Gods! This is Hawaii! It's almost impossible to throw a stick without hitting a God or some kid of one!" She grumbled darkly and backed up a big more as the muck from the cove moved up the beach further. At the sight of the turtle ravenously devouring the eel, Eve stilled and stared. "Heath! HEATH!" Her voice was like a slice of ice through sunshine. "They're eating the eels. And they've all come down the path. Maybe we should actually get out of here and let them do their job?" Eve walked over to the mouth of the pathway up the cliffs, peering at the seemingly unending line of turtles thunking and scraping their way down the path. "Oh my God, there's so many of them!" Shock registered there, and Eve blinked, staring at the huge forms coming out and munching away on Eels almost immediately.

Heath was still flinging eels in random directions when the yelling drifted into his mind. "Turtles don't fly!" The man's throws became more directed as he whirled to toss the eels on the path leading down from the climb. "Death by turtle flood? I'm good with that." Grabbing another couple of eels, Heath slung them towards the path again. "It's not that I don't believe a fucking turtle can eat eels, but that!" Heath pointed to the dark mass in the water, "If that decides to slip in, I'm ax kicking it to death!"

As people either looked up the path or started moving up it toward the cliff top, the sheer number of sea turtles that were coming down, single file, made it so that to move up you had to walk along their backs. They were enormous, and at times they'd get stuck on the narrow walkway, the other turtles behind them shoving forward until their shells scraped along the lava-formed cliff sides enough to move them. Each time a turtle made it to the beach, it began immediately devouring eels. Not just a normal pace of eating, either. They ate quickly, biting and swallowing at the same time, munching through them like they were easy enough to eat as air was to breathe. It was somewhat disgusting, the sound their eating made, but it was also fast enough that each sound only lasted a brief moment until the turtle moved on to the next morsel. Within a matter of just a few moments there were literally a dozen giant sea turtles on the beach, with more following, like they were all just patiently waiting their turn at the buffet.

Peter manages to make it past the line of turtles eagerly awaiting their turn down the path to the eely buffet. He blinks at the staggering number of them, and he goes back to the edge. "There's like... two hundred of them up here waiting to go down. Get out of there, you morons!" His civic duty done, Peter turns back and wanders over to the drummer. "Er, so. You're calling the turtles? Or, uh, that thing out there?" He gestures vaguely at where the dark form is in the water. The young man grins, in spite of things. "It... does sound fun."

Eve chuckled darkly and shook her head, raising her brows at Heath's antics. "Darling boy, if it comes to the beach I'm sure you'll do whatever you feel is necessary, but we should leave as much of this sand as possible for the hoard of turtles, I think, and just wait up top to see if whatever that thing is happens to show up. We can always come back down again." She motioned to the trail, then started onto it, carefully placing her foot onto one of the turtle's backs, then moving to the next one. "We'll see if we can't get you washed off with the rest of that bucket of whatever the hell it was up top." With as far down as they were, Peter's voice calling them morons and mentioning something about hundreds had Eve looking up the path and narrowing her eyes. "You know, I'm pretty sure he's the kid that served alcohol at Aure's party, right? I'm going to have to talk to her. There's no need to be an asshole, after all, it's not like I threw him into the water." Eve obviously wasn't feeling the most charitable, as she had to walk up the backs of many, many turtles to even get to the middle mark of the path upward.

Heath stared at the whipping and slimy eel in his fist and rather nonchalantly tossed it to one of the awaking turtles. The man took a careful step back from the water's edge, grabbing a handful of sand to grit between his hands to remove some of the slime. "No, Eve. This is us, once again, choosing not to go to a resort with wait staff." Heath arched a brow as Eve stepped on a turtle, "I just watched them eat eels, it developed a solid level of respect for one that has a similar appendage." Heath waited between taking a leap between the turtles to move closer to Eve before looking up at Peter. "Employment records, contact information... I wonder how many phone calls it would take to make it so he couldn't... Wait a second." Heath's index finger dotted the air, "Were you part of the whole illegal exotic animal lawsuit? Because as I recall that's still in the court system."

The woman spoke words in Hawaiian with a voice that resonated darkly, like it was being spoken from somewhere deeper than her chest. She just raised her brows at Peter and continued to beat the drum. The turtles kept coming, moving in their droves down the pathway to have their feast.

Down at the beach, turtles were literally feasting, pouring onto the sand as some of them fit more easily through the tight space than others. But it was an eel murder-fest down there in the cove.

Peter blinks at the woman, and lets out a low breath. "I am sorry, I have not yet learned how to speak Hawaiian. Uhm, well, enjoy the march of the turtles." He smiles brightly at the woman banging the drum, and waves. Straightening, he stretches. "Crazy place, never a dull moment." He clears his throat, looking back to the beginning of the path. "It's been fun, folks. Mind the turtles, I think these ones are the protected species. Might not be a good idea to stand on them. It's been swell! Ta!" He turns and heads back towards civilization.

Making it up to the top of the path, Eve climbed out of the hollow between two ragged faces of rock and slowly stood, one foot on a patch of sand-covered lava rock and the other foot lifted so that her knee was nearly to her chest to avoid another turtle. "Oh my... It's like one of those insane paintings." The knife-sharp line of her smile included a little lighting of her dove gray eyes. To the woman playing her drum, she inclined her head and spoke with an honest sort of reverence. "Mahalo nui'oe." Then she peered at the turtles again and sighed. "Alright, more back dancing.. until we get to the parking lot. Jonathan should be by any minute now and we can probably find something worth drinking on the way over." Eve eyed the giant barrel of alcohol they'd pass on the way. "Let's make a pit stop at the barrel on the way by."

Heath took one look at himself with all the slime and sand, then took a long look up Eve's supporting leg before taking another step to dodge into the rock cropping beside Eve. Reaching his arm up to take a handhold on the rocks. "It's a damn fine thing that I love Damien, or I'd have those thighs knotted around my hips like a cummerbund." Heath made a sound like he had just tasted something delicious. "You're damned straight we've hitting that barrel on the way up, I'll hike that fucker to Jonathan if I have to. I could use the exercise, that water was kicking my ass and causing me to embarrass myself." Looking back to the drummer woman, Heath gave her a nod. "So was it the need for sales or did you find a slab of Samoan to slip his tongue so far inside you, yours learned the dance as well?" Heath picked his spots to move up the cliff after Eve.

The woman continued to drum, and the turtles continued to flow. There was an end to them, of course, as there had to be an end to all things, but as there were at least 150 of them just up on the cliff top, and at least another 40-50 already below, it seemed there were more than enough to clear up the cove of all eels. Banging away on her drum, the Hawaiian woman doing so just nodded to Eve, and continued her beating in irregular time.