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Kraken Up

That's right. Bebe's here!

Dramatis Personae

Aolani, Bjorn, Corrine, Eve, Heath, Iara, Isaac, Nick, and Rick. Loa as GM.

5 January, 2008

A lovely day at Ko Ohina Lagoon turns into a nightmare


Ko Ohina Lagoon, Leeward Coast


Plot:The Gifts of Oahu

The bright sun and warmth during the month of December brought a fair number out to enjoy the weather on the Leeward Side of Oahu when the rest of the island was stormy. But on days when the whole island seems to have come to an agreement and stayed lovely? Well, those were the days you'd find more Locals on the Leeward side than visitors. Mainly because no one bothered with driving over to the less lush side of Oahu if they didn't have to in order to get sun and fun on their Winter vacation. Because of the lack of normal numbers, Ko Olina Lagoon was ideallically mostly empty, save for the few souls that knew today was an excellent day to visit it.

Iara was often nervous around crowds, so she didnt mind the less pppulated lagoon today. She is dressed in her hot pink summer dress today, walking along the perimeter of the lagoon, searching a place on the rocks to set up her sketch pad and art materials. Time to get back into sketching and, by the looks of it, painting too.

Isaac is out for some well needed rest and relaxation, the young man sat on a deck chair facing the water while he sups on a beer. He's dressed appropriately for the beach, a luridly coloured Hawaiian shirt which he has left open covers his chest, his bandaged right shoulder visible under the shirt. Belted Bermuda shorts of a similar colour help to keep his pasty legs from burning, he also has a few pouches attached to the belt, similar to the ones most tourists wear to keep their valuables intact. On the floor to the left of the deck chair he has a large backpack open, a blue thermal bag containing several beers just poking out through the top. He's clean shaven today and has even washed his hair, the cheery grin on his face more a product of the bird watching he is doing than the alcohol he is drinking.

Apparently one soul that knew about the excellence of the day was Rick. He's come in a pair of board shorts and a T-shirt, because what else do you need for swimming? Nothing, that's what. At least, if you don't mind the slightly cooler winter water temperature. He seems to have had the same idea as Isaac, though, because the only other thing he has with him is a small cooler. Considering that there's aren't that many other people on the beech, Iara and Isaac stand out, and he lifts a hand to wave between the two of them. "Aloha," he says, but his eyes stop on Isaac, a brief thoughtful look on his face, before it clears as he, presumably, remembers where he's seen him before.

Nick's head breaks the surface of the water some distance from the shore, and it looks like he's treading water, perhaps for a few moments, one hand coming up to shove back his dark hair. Then it's back to swimming, an easy and lazy freestyle toward solid earth. Eventually he gets close enough that his feet hit the bottom and his head clears the water, so he begins to wade in. Black board shorts and a light tan (as tan as he's probably going to get) are all he's wearing.

Heath was relaxing on the side of lagoon, his skin slicked with sunblock as he baked out on his collapsible chaise lounge chair near Eve. He was the speedo kind of guy. There was a isolated beach bag not far from him, and a daiquiri in his hand. Drawing a sip of his drink. "I feel as if delivery is out of the question, Eve. Though the thought of some local boy hiking and lost in the jungle may be what the doctor ordered. Shall I make the call?" The man grinned as he took another drink.

Corrine came a tromping and a stomping down to the beach, or as best she could in a pair of comfortable sandals that wrapped securly around her feet. She wore a pair of short shorts that did their best to make her legs look long, and a crop top that showed off her flat stomach to best effect. Her freckled skin and blonde-white hair was hidden by a big floppy sunhat and a pair of aviators, the rest of her face just a big ol grin. She spotted Rick and it got wider, waving to the man as she walked towards the beach, walking stick in hand. "Ey, Aloha Rick! How's it going?" Spotting Isaac lounging, she paused for a moment before heading in his direction, coming up behind to bend waaaaay over and stare at him upside down in the face. She stuck out her tongue and laughed. "Hey Isaac. Got one of those for me?" Still half-twisted, she snuck a hand into the bag at his side to steal a beer... and froze. A wide grin spread across her face as she rummaged carefully, finally extracting a beer. "Oh baby I really knew I liked you."

Bjorn decides to apparently get in some time at the beach, this time dressed for it, with some shorts that look like they could double for swim trunks, and a university t shirt that's a little on the small side for the large man along with some sandals. He blinks as his blue eyes scan about, taking note of the lack of people, and therefore looking over each person that is there in turn. No cooler or anything for him, just the clothes on his back it seems as he slowly heads down toward the water.

Eve had already arrived at the lagoon and could be counted as one of the few locals that knew just how good this place was to visit on a day like today. Her things were sitting on a collapsable chaise lounger that was set up next to the water and Heath, including a big, floppy hat, a set of huge sunglasses, a long sleeved, silk, kimono-style cover up in ruby red, a woven bag, an empty daiquiris glass with a little blue liquid left in the bottom, and a pair of sandals that looked absurdly expensive. Eve had left all of this behind, though, walking with bare feet and wearing nothing but her bathing suit. "Make the call if you like, Heath, you know full well I always appreciate your choice in appetizers." She looked back at Heath and gave him a wicked wink, her dove grey eyes glinting somewhat dangerously in the reflection off the water. She scanned the area around them, eyeing each person with a sense of weighing and measuring before turning to look at the next, no context for her final judgement given.

Eve's suit, of course, could have been worn on any runway in the world. A one piece made of cloth that would have looked ivory white against other people with darker skin but happened to match Eve's skin tone perfectly, the suit itself did little more than leave a suggestion of clothing where the lines were trimmed with deep red stitching. The back of the suit was cut low in a dramatic swoop, leaving the majority of her backside uncovered save for the small amount of fabric that stretched over her rear end just wide enough to keep it mostly decent. The front of the suit was a little less revealing, but still maintained a low-swooped neckline, and a high cut along the sides. Her hair was done up into a severe ponytail and then plaited, perfectly tightly to avoid any stray hairs when it got wet. Even without a bunch of makeup, Eve managed to look sharp and precise as she measuredly walked into the water and let the liquid swallow her away inches at a time.

The brilliance of the morning had seriously gone on to give some warmth, more to the rocks along the lagoon than the water itself, really, but the water was still nice. Even if it wasn't quite summer weather, it was more than warm enough to take a dip into a warm pool. The ocean beyond the lagoon crashed, giving the show of lots of white water droplets going up to the sky, and making it look like it was hitting the side of the lagoon. It was lovely, really, and the scent of clean, ocean air was all that seemed to fill the sense of smell.

Iara stretches her arms before settling on one of the larger boulders that overlooks the lagoon.

She lacks an easel, but rests her sketchbook on her knees, testing her blunt pencil against the crisp paper as she starts to sketch the lagoon, dotting it with a vague sketch of a few people here and there.

Glancing upwards briefly, she spies Heath and Eve whom she recognizes briefly from the Hostel, nodding briefly to them both, "Aloha!" she calls out warmly, a bit shyly, before returning to her sketch.

Its a beautiful day for sketching and Iara peers intently at the waves, trying to capture them just right. But..How strange.."Huh? What is that?" she quips aloud, and draws a bit closer to the waves, tilting her head as she tries to discern whatever she is hearing.

"Hey there Corrine, you're not the first person to say that after rummaging around in my sack." Isaac grins and raises his beer to Corrine, nodding to her to take a beer with a guesture of his head. "Do mind your fingers though, I just threw everything in there this morning so there might be some sharp edges." Leaning back on his deck-chair he does take advantage of the fact that Corrine is leaning over him, having a subtle letch while she rummages for a beer. "Might be near the bottom, take your time." He adds in what he hopes is an encouraging tone. "God it's a gorgeous day out there, stunning views and the lagoon isn't bad either."

Rick sets his own cooler down in the sand, claiming a little spot, before the sound of his name makes him turn to look over his shoulder. "Hey, Corrine," he says when he sees her, giving her a waver, as well. "I'll be better once I get in. This guy has the right idea." 'This guy,' apparently, being his brother in rime, Nick, who he sees as he turns back toward the water. He pulls his shirt over his head and drops it by his cooler as he starts down the beach, though something makes him stop. He looks out at the water -- stares out at it, in fact. His eyes narrow, and his head tips to the side as he watches the waves crash into the shore. He stares for a long moment, before he lifts a hand in Nick's general direction. "How's the water?" he asks, but it sounds distracted, and he doesn't look at him, so it might not be that clear who he's speaking to. He's still looking out.

Wading toward the beach, Nick seems to be aiming for a spot where a towel, shirt, and flipflops have been left to their lonesome while he was in the water. He hears Rick, though, and turns to flash a smile that way. "Not quite like taking a hot bath, but it's all right. Nice day for it, huh?" he says, glancing over his shoulder at whatever Rick was looking at, before getting to his spot and picking up his towel, shaking any sand or debris from it, before wiping his face and hanging it around his shoulders, loosely.

"That's because they set out the freshest flowers for my meals, Eve." Heath smiled in reply to Eve as she made her way into the water. "I'll wait to top you off when you get back in." The man opened the side pocket of his isolated beach bag to pull out his smartphone, running his thumb in a pattern on the screen before he thumbed out a message. Scrolling through his other messages, a slow smile appeared. "I fear the awareness of several more injuries were delayed in their detection. That is a shame really." He shook his head, relocking his phone to put into the bag once more.

Heath offered a nod to Iara, "Aloha!" The greeting passed with a friendly smile.

Corrine winked at Isaac as she fumbled around, finally pulling out a beer and doing her best to press it against the slight knick in the pad on one finger. "Yeah tell me about it..." She winked at him before she patted him on the shoulder and stood upright again, laughing as she nodded to Rick. "Your damn straight! I'm not that far behind." She looked to the man sitting beside her in his deck chair and smiled. "How have you been Isaac? How's that arm looking?" She tapped the bag with her foot and listened to it clink, snickering. "Always ready for whatever?" When the waves crashed against the water she frowned, tilting her head slightly. "That's weird... sounds kind of strange to me." She shrugged, looking over to take in Iara with her work, and Eve and Heath sunbathing. She grinned at another floppy hat and tugged it towards the woman in a gesture of solidarity. "Rock on sister." Her eyes went back to the water, smiling as she spotted Nick getting out. She looked down to Isaac. "You gotta get healed up so you can go out there and strut your stuff man."

Bjorn blinks as he approaches the water. His people watching shifts to watching the water, the waves in particular. He heads up to the water but doesn't enter it yet, instead staying by the edge, watching the waves. His head tilts slightly, as he keeps watching and listening to the waves as they hit, only briefly glancing around to the others to see if they're hearing the same thing perhaps.

Eve turned her head toward Iara and offered her a wide, precise smile while she lifted her hand to wave in a delicate motion of her wrist and elbow. "Aloha kakahiaka, little pet. Not coming in? Just enjoying the view?" Her curious question spoken in that cool, clipped voice without any real accent other than 'posh'. Her hand went back down to stroke at the surface of the water as she went in deep enough to submerge herself to the waist, then turned around to grin at Heath, shaking her head. "Your flowers are only fresh until they realize that you're about to soak them in absynthe and lemon, dear boy. But still, all the sweeter for it." Eve smiled up to Corrine from her position in the water, eyeing the woman's hat and then looking back at the one she'd left on the shore with a grin. "Mahalo and Aloha kakahiaka, my dear. The hat is a must when you elect to drink in the sun, really. Or you have to suffer the most terrible sunburns." She pushed back then, floating onto the top of the water and groaning with bliss at the sensation of weightlessness. "Are you really going to press so hard, Heath? Or is it your father adding the weight and you simply revelling in it?"

Bright, happy birdsong calls from the trees to the side of the lagoon, the palm fronds dancing in the light oceanic breeze. There isn't much in the way of insects buzzing today, as bees didn't tend to be awake this time of year if they could help it, and there just weren't all that many mosquitoes on Oahu anyway, let alone out in the late morning.

Iara smiles a bit and nods to Heath and Eve, "Its a beautiful day for a swim, I might take a dip after I've done a little art.." she nods to her sketchbook, sitting down a bit nearer to the rocks as she attempts to draw the waves again, this time a bit closer.

While she sketches, Iara narrows her eyes upon the water, glancing briefly at Rick as he peers at the water too. "Hmm, did you see something odd in there too? Like some white thing..I dunno.." she scratches her head, briefly distracted from her sketch but eventually she returns to her drawing, determined to get the drawing just right.

"Guess its just some junk that someone dumped in the water or something." she's certainly not gonna go fishing for it though.

"I'm not doing too bad, trying to stay out of trouble. You know how it goes?" Isaac looks over to Corrine, wincing when he notices the cut on her finger. "Must have been some paperwork I left in there, nasty stuff that." At her question, he tries flexing his shoulder. "Nope, still buggered but a chainsaw will do that to you." He lets out a little sigh, regarding Corrine for a moment. "I do try to prepare for everything but then I'd need a much bigger bag...and I'd probably never leave the house. Believe it or not, this is me compromising." He frowns then, something about the scene starting to bother him. "Have you been to this lagoon before, is there usually that double echo thing. It something to do with the walls you think? It's a bit trippy really."

"Uh huh. It sure is," Rick replies, though he is still squinting at the ocean -- or, more accurately, right where the waves are hitting the beach. He does look toward Eve, though as she walks further into the water. "Hold up!" he calls, though she's already in there, so that particular phrase is a little late. He nods at Iara's question, and murmurs, "Yeah," though his attention is still on Eve at the moment, and he frowns, a little worry there. He starts walking toward her, his steps a little quicker than a walk. "Uh..." He continues moving, though seems to be struggling with what he wants to tell her to wait //for//. He pauses briefly right before he steps into the water, but after that little hesitation, he continues into it, toward her. He finally just settles on, "I think there's something in there," and he offers her a hand as he gets close enough, as though to help her out. It's not clear why he thinks that she needs it, but he does.

Nick's oblivious, absently rubbing his hair with the towel, but he squints out into the water when others start looking a little more suspiciously at it. "What is it?" he asks Rick, moving a little closer to where the other man is offering Eve his assistance. "I don't see anything. I was just in there, it was good. If it's a shark, it'll probably fuck off in a minute, now that it sees it doesn't have the place to itself." He peers hard at the water, but shrugs, pulling his sunglasses off a cord on his board shorts and slipping them on.

Heath nodded to Iara, "It is indeed a beautiful day to swim. Apparently Father Winter doesn't take a shine to the place." His brow raised as he watched Eve in the water for a long moment before draining out the last of his daiquiri from his glass. Without missing a beat, he opened the isolated bag to draw out a silver packet, massage the pouch between his fingers. "If I'm only soaking them in absynthe and lemon, I'm having a boring day with the flowers. If they're not interesting enough to merit something more personalized, I'd question why they wasted my time at all." Peeling the packet open, he refreshed his drink, stashing the rubbish in a side pouch.

Corrine smiled, raising an eyebrow as she took a long pull from the beer can. "I can't stand it myself. Trust me, I was just telling someone the other day how much I have to wade through." She shook her head. "This is the second time I've heard this chainsaw thing. I have got to get someone to sit down and tell me the whole damn thing." She laughed, frowning as she shook her head. "Nooo. Actually I heard about this from a friend of a co-worker blah blah blah." She made an aligator mouth with her hand to illustrate. "It's a nice spot though and I figured I could check it out. I... don't actually spend a lot of time in lagoons. I take it that's not some natural, majestic lagoon based feature of nature that I've failed to hear about up until now?" She looked rather hopeful. She was out trying to relax after all!

Bjorn frowns as he looks at the water. As people mention something in it a brow raiese. He makes his way along the beach, toward the others and then further down, pausing briefly to sniff at the air, though putting sunblock on ones self doesn't help to notice anything else. Still he slows and watches the others, especially the ones that also seem to notice something is off.

Eve grinned, remaining in her laid back position, eyes closed and enjoying the sensation of floating in the water. She idly lifted her hand and danced her fingers through the air, the droplets of water on them catching the sun. "Ah yes, enjoy your art dear girl, relish it. Use it to fill the soul as little else will fill you the same way." Her words were wistfully idle as much so as her blind wave had been to Iara. The impending Rick, however, had Eve opening her eyes just a bit, looking at him while her dark brows moved into perfectly twinned arches over the pale grey of her eyes. "I certainly hope there is, or I'd be nothing but a thought on the ripples of the surface, young man. There are fish, and little crustaceans, but even your sweet friend on the shore is wrong, sharks can't get in here because of the natural barrier of the rocks."

Eve motioned to the side wall of the lagoon, the rocks there quite obvious, and making Ko 'Olina particularly unique. "Still." She purred the word and reached out to place a long-fingered hand onto Rick's, offering a smile that could have doubled for a razor blade. "Being saved by a young man from imagined dangers has its own merit for intrigue, don't you think?" Eve glanced back at Heath and chuckled, shaking her head. "I'm not sure I want to be reminded of all the things you soak your flowers in, Heath darling. It might render some of our gentler neighbors here speechless." She slowly moved to stand in the water, looking back to Rick. "So then, will you hoist me up over your shoulder and run me to safety, or is this just to be a gentle lead by the hand?" Her eyes sparkled with wicked levels of amusement. "Just how urgent is your need to free me from the depths of the lagoon, dear boy?"

A sharp, definitely harsh, loud, crack rumbled. And it didn't come from the ocean. No. It came from within the depths of the lagoon itself. Something like a hollow echo caused the water itself to shudder, then splash against the shore along its edges, harder than usual by far, hard enough to actually get many wet that were enjoying a rest on its usually drier beach.

Iara arches a brow as she watches Rick's heroic efforts to save Eve from..Something..Real? Imagined? Well whatever it is, it has her too distracted to draw anymore and with a sigh, she closes her sketchbook and peers into the water, watching the interactions there. Nick's comnent about sharks warrants a nervous glance his way and she shakes her head. "Umm I really hope there are no sharks laying in wait.."

And then there's that loud crack and she frowns, stepping back, in dact, giving the water a wide berth. "Get away from the water!" she calls out loudly enough for those around her to hear, getting a bit nervous, anxious as she stumbles back, "No..Not again, not like Oxford!"she murmurs, clearly scared, reminded of something similar that had happened, probably traumatized her by the looks of it.

"Sounds like someone just let rip in the pool, must have been an epic brown note though." Grinning, Isaac looks over to Corrine. "You see? This is why I stick to public swimming pools, they have the chlorine in there for a reason!" Letting out a laugh, he points towards the lagoon. "Looks like someone spotted a floater!" He takes a long swig from his beer as he watches Rick splashing around in the water, "yup, sounds like someone was pretty bunged up alright."

Rick shakes his head at the mention of sharks, first from Nick and then from Eve. "No, not sharks," he says, though when Eve starts talking to him like that, well...he does hesitate just for a second. Wouldn't anyone? The moment does pass when that crack sounds. He doesn't answer her, just grabs her arm and pulls her around so her back is to the shore, sliding his arm underneath hers. He looks behind him just in time to see the harder wave coming in, and he braces for it, using a little bit of it to help them to the shore. Luckily they're not too far out. He makes sure she's on her feet as soon as they hit the beach, and doesn't let go of her arm until they're past the -- now quite a bit higher -- water line.

"Well, fuck, that's not a shark," Nick says, his brows lifting at the loud sound, and then he gets doused by the water. "The fuck!" But, well, he was already wet. He shakes his hair a little like a dog. "What's crackin' out there?" Crackin'... Kraken... he may be making jokes, but he's definitely not happy about whatever that noise was, his brow furrowing as he pulls off his sunglasses, now that they're splashed with water and harder to see through. "Less condescending, more moving of the ass, lady, he's not kidding," he calls to Eve. Of course, Rick's playing the part of tug boat just fine. Nick doesn't seem like he's going to get much closer to help out, but he'll give direction from where he's standing. He's useful that way.

Heath seemed more concerned with the possibility of his drink spilling than the rambling of the lagoon. "If you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength." Eyeing the chair that he was in, his eyes darting from a shouting Iara to Rick grabbing and motoring his way to shore. Taking a sip of his strawberry daiquiri, the man sighed, glancing at Isaac. "This is the cost of choosing water with the lack of staff and pool boy." Taking another drink, he swished it around in his mouth, frowning a touch as he reached for his bag to slip out his flask and another daiquiri pouch to warm up his drink and pour Eve's.

Corrine let out a loud laugh despite the sudden, terrifying sound that had come from the lagoon. Leaning against Isaac's deck chair for support she giggled helplessly, shaking her head as she tried to hold down a swig of beer. After a coughing fit and an amused glare from the woman, she peered out into the water, taking a few steps forward and fast chugging the rest of the can. She set it down with a belch, gripping her staff as she eyed the water nervously. "Uh... Isaac? You don't come here often either I take it? Anyone know any stories about what might be /living/ in this lagoon?" She ulped and cast her eyes around the beach, taking in the others, raising an eyebrow at Iara's exclamation. "Oxford? Do you know what this is? Some sort of Nessie shit that followed you here or something?" She shook her head. "Not a shark... I don't want to see the shark that makes that kind of noise. Didn't they make a bad Sci-Fi channel movie out of shit like that?" Quite the mouth on the little pixie...

Hearing the crack and seeing the wave, Bjorn takes his shirt off and tosses it behind him back onto the beach further. He crouches down letting the water wash over his calves as the wave breaks across the beach. Looking down at the water he's not sure what it is there, but as people try to make their way out of the water he waits there, trying to watch for what might come next. He keeps sight of Eve and Rick from the corner of his eye at least until they safely make it to shore.

Some women may well have let out a scream, some sort of shocked response to the world electing to come alive in some horrid way beneath them while enjoying a lovely dip in a lagoon. Eve, on the other hand, only had a moment when her eyes opened wide. She turned her head to look at Rick with that surprise fully registered, and then simply held on as he maneuvered her around and began the even more surprisingly quick rescue. Not wasting time or attempting to divert his attention in any way while he gained them purchase on higher ground, she waited until they were standing without being covered by the balmy liquid to offer him a slight smile and a nod. "Mahalo, for that. I couldn't have made it out faster with a motor up my rear end." She patted his shoulder softly, letting him know he could release her, and then she stepped away from him, eyes for the water. "Heath, darling, are you sure you want to stay sitting so close? It felt... big." She narrowed her eyes at the water and took a couple of sidesteps toward the man steadily prepping the refill for her daiquiri.

The first loud crack was followed by another, and the churning from under the water was making the normally pristine lagoon murky and dark. About 20 feet out, where the water was easily 8 feet deep, a ripple came to the surface. Then, it started moving closer. Fast. Soon enough the shape of a 'head' could be seen, but it wasn't a human face so much as it was a vaguely humanoid form of one. As the figure came up to about chest deep, and kept on moving, it became more clear what it was. Blocky and bulky in build, this creature looks like it was formed of molten lava and then hardened to a dull, black finish. It may well look like it's rounded and muscled, but those bulges are all from the hardened lava that had created it. Where it's head is mostly just another messily shaped lump of hardened lava flow, its eyes opened to burn with the red of purely heated magma.

Iara sighs, glancing back at Corrine, heart pumping madly, eyes darting around anxiously. "If I told you, you'd think me half mad..All I can say is that if it's the same thing, we need to get out of here, it's too dangerous!" She glances back at those still in the water. "Seriously! It's dangerous in there! Eve, are you alright?"

She peers back at Rick too, making sure he was unharmed by the cracking noise in the water.

And then it comes. No, not the same as before. Creepier perhaps. "No.." She shrinks back, away from the water, ducking behind a large Boulder and hopefully out of sight.

Isaac can only stare as the figures come out of the water, sipping slowly from his can as the forms become more distinct. "If that slid out of someone's anus, I need to find out who it is so I can ask them where they eat." Grinning, he looks over to Heath. "Going to need more than a pool boy with a dinky net for these ones I think." Glancing over to Corrine, he raises a questioning eyebrow. "Nah, this is my first visit. There something I should know?" Taking another look at the rock like figures emerging from the water, he glances over at his bag. "I'm going to need a bigger gun. Damn those liberals and there harsh stances on anti-tank hunting equipment." Shaking his head at the general sorry state of affair, he drains the last of his drink and slowly gets to his feet. "So uh...run?"

Rick does finally let go of Eve when he gets the go ahead, and he gives her a thumbs up, replying, "Any time." He doesn't have any better quip than that, though, since he still has no idea what was actually //in// the water. When that thing starts coming out, his eyes widen, and he takes a big step back and away from it. "Holy shit," he murmurs, his head jerking quickly toward where Nick is standing. "What the hell is that?!" he exclaims. As though since Nick was in the water, he would know.

As the huge figure came walking out of the water, something on its back began to move once it was in water more shallow than waist deep. Two massive, black wings reached out and shook themselves with the sound of wet leather slapping against concrete. A moment later, the creature on the massive, moving form of frozen lava alit to the sky, the form of it like that of a shrivled imp, made of hardened, congealed lumps of oil and rubber all melted together into a horror. It's wings were the same, disgusting black shade and when it opened its eyes to look down at the beach as it swooped in a huge circle overhead, those eyes burned with pure, red hate.

A good bit behind the first large creature made of hardened lava, another head appeared in the water, looking much the same as the giant form that had previously started its way toward land. As the water level lowered and it came closer, it too opened eyes of burning magma, trudging forward in a line behind its obvious brethren.

"It wasn't there when I was in there. I sure as hell wouldn't have taken my time getting out," says Nick, backing away. "I'll, um, go call the coast guard or something. Phone's in the car." He grabs his shirt and begins toward the road, glancing over his shoulder and then his lope becomes a jog. No need to be a hero, right?

When the second walking figure of hardened lava came up high enough through the water, a second winged figure started flapping its wings from its back. And then, there were two of the flying creatures in the air, making a circle of lazy flying over the lagoon while the two mountains of hardened lava made their way to the beach.

Swirling his drink with his index finger, Heath sucked it clean before taking a drink of his daiquiri. The man's eyes drifting to the magma men and he wasn't sure if Isaac's observation was inaccurate. Taking another drink to get the flow of juices flowing with the proper mix of fire and ice. His eyes followed the line that the creatures were making. "Now I'm not from around here, but... These are Pele's servants. They are sort of the area effect sort of guys with the fire and the cheerful dispositions. So get in the way at your own risk!" Heath raised his glass to the sky in toast before lowering it to his lips. "Hail Pele!" And the man continued drinking.

No need to be a hero... would be true. But people are there, people that could be hurt. Bjorn looks up in the sky a moment, then kicks his sandals off as the hulking things starts to head out of the water. "And I thought Chicago and Los Angeles were weird..." He starts to back up making room between him and the big baddies, though he glances over to the others, perhaps trying to gauge if they're going after them as they head out of the water or not. Also if he backs up hopefully no one will be paying attention to him over the Big Nasty Things (tm) if he needs to try to do something about them.

Corrine just boggled as the two enormous shapes emerged from the water. She stood quietly shaking for a moment, nodding as she looked back to Isaac out of the corner of her eye. "Yeah... running sounds gooh fuck..." She watched as a shape took to the sky, and shook her head. "Oh that's never good..." She sketched a strange form in the air with her left hand before gripping her staff. "Hey! Don't go shitting on my car or anything!" She swept the walking stick out in a wide arc, a rainbow in the air as water flew through the air, lashing out like a devestating whip against one of the flying beasts. Then what Heath said sunk in and she looked in horror. "Oh well shit this did not look friendly...."

"I'm alright little dove!" Eve called to Iara in response to her question. "Saved by the gentleman of the hour, it would seem." Eve made her way to her chaise lounge near Heath and kind of plopped down onto it with a slightly shocked expression on her face when she watched Corrine fire away at the airborne inkblot. "Oh no, you... just shot at Pele's servants?!" Worry had her brows knit together for a moment, and then the tall woman reached over to take her drink that Heath had prepared for her, electing to swallow down half of the rather chilly contents in a couple of heavy gulps. "If I have to ruin another set of choos for this island, I'm going to start billing the Mayor." She grumbled and licked her lips, then reached under her seat to pull her lovely, expensive sandals out, drying off her feet and legs with a luxuriously thick, ruby red towel from her bag.

The first creature that came forward let out a terrible, burbling sound, as a mouth-like structure opened and revealed more glowing, heated magma. In response to the attack on the winged creature that had once been on his back, the massive form moved toward Corrine and swung a long arm her direction, the fist the size of a small boulder. When he made contact with Corrine's face, the cooled lava flow that made its 'skin' broke open and heated lava splattered out from the cracks between the blackness, dousing Corrine in spatters of burning liquid rock.

Iara chances a glance from behind the boulder, glancing up at the winged creatures, resisting the urge to run..

Then Heath speaks up and she glances at him curiously. "Wait..Pele's servants? But what would drive them out of the water like that? They must be trying to..Protect something, maybe?"

She narrows her eyes as she glances about, trying to figure out what they're looking for, or if they are looking for something. "The winged ones..Circling in the sky, are they searching for something..?"

But it's too late. Corrine instinctively attacks one of the Wingies, and a walker reacts, punching her hard. She gasps, running to her side, a desire to help momentarily overcoming any fear she feels at seeing the scary monster. And perhaps in the oath of the angry creature, bowing hopefully in a placating manner.

"Please forgive us! She was scared. Please..How can we help?" Hopefully they understand her. Glancing sidelong at Corrine, she tries to help her to her feet. "Are you alright? Please, you must now to show respect if we are to have a chance.."

"Oh Christ!" Isaac calls out in alarm as Corrine is man-handled by one of the lava people. "Hang on, I've got just the thing!" Getting to his knees, he fumbles around with his good hand, finally pulling out another can of lager and a devilishly sharp looking diving knife. "Just one more moment!" He calls out as he wedges the can between his feet, muttering about 'bloody arms' and then he jabs down with the diving knife, piercing the can in at an angle and then holding a thumb to stop the rush of beer. Getting to his feet, he aims carefully for a moment and then pulling his arm back, throw the can with all his strength. "Fire in the hole!" The can fizzes through the air in a nice arc and then smacks into the side of Corrine's face, the can bursting open and dousing her in cold lager.

"Shit!" Rick's fraternal name twin clearly had the right idea. Rick takes another few steps back, his eyes following the various things that rise from the lagoon. When Corrine gets smacked by that burning hand, he starts to move forward to help her -- somehow -- when Iara's words stop him. He looks quickly over to her, but he doesn't argue, and as Isaac extinguishes Corrine, he turns back to the beings, and bends at the waist in a bow. It's maybe not the best bow, but he hasn't really had a lot of bowing practice.

Corrine screamed as she was struck, the lava scorching her as she went flying back. A moment of panic had her freezing, unsure of how to deal with the molten rock searing her face. Seconds later it all went blessedly cool as the taste of beer (and a can) hit her, dousing her and putting out the burning stone. She was quick to peel it off her face, gritting her teeth to bite back a scream as she got it all off, revealing raw, pink skin beneath. She was breathing hard, shaking her head in a desperate bid to clear it as she got on her hands and knees to press her head to the ground. "Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Reall sorry. Ow shit... really really sorry. Gut reaction. Won't happen again. Sorry..." She winced and spoke through clenched teeth, doing her best to recover from the sudden shock.

The two winged creatures over head made horrific sounds, not squawks like you'd expect from something flying around up there, but burning, terrible moans of rage for what had happened. When the large creature moved in to handle Corrine, the two fliers started moving outward, leaving the lagoon and heading more towards the edge of Ko'Olina beach proper. The slightly wounded one travelled behind the other, holding close but still searching, turning its head this way and that.

The other large, walking creature of Magma came up and looked down at the bowed forms of Iara and Corrine, its eyes unblinking blazes of magma. That gaze moved to look over at Rick, then it scanned the beach, brushing past Heath and Eve as well. A moment later, it turned and started walking out of the lagoon area to the beach proper, after the flying ones.

Heath gave an up-nod to Iara in confirmation, "Yup. Mean bastards with the worst friend-or-foe recognition." He stared at Corrine and the fight breaking out. "My first thought is to slip a folded twenty dollar bill into that bikini. It seems fair to leave a tip when you're watching someone kiss their own ass goodbye." The man adjusted the towel to hang mostly off the edge as he slowly slipped off the side toward Eve, and pulled his chair over on its side to provide some concealment for himself and Eve. "They live in the earth, so my guess in that their sense of smell isn't the most keen. So no sudden moves, or screaming and flailing about." Securing the towel better on his makeshift screen, he took another drink of his daiquiri. "By the way... Fuck you, Eve. We're relaxing at the resort next time." The man's fruit dyed lips curled into a grin as he watched her. Heath walked the birds mostly overhead for a moment and nodded as he eyes Eve putting on her shoes. "Run now and you may miss the blood of the virgins to bathe in."

So, big magma people, flying things, and a burned person. And on top of that they're being told to bow. Hmm... well they've only attacked the person who attacked, so better safe than sorry Bjorn goes and gives a bow to the things, though staying still is probably just as important. He does gather a quick glance at the two flying things, perhaps curious what they're searching for.

Eve blinked and looked at Heath, then moved closer to him and nestled behind the makeshift 'blinder'. Sighing softly, she popped her head up and spoke in a soft, decidedly delicate voice "Don't move any more than you have to! Just.. think quite certainly to yourself that you are a rock!" Then she ducked back behind the chaise divider and looked at Heath, her eyes sparkling with what looked like some sort of baser emotion. "If you feel as though anyone on this beach is a virgin, you may need to get your radar re-calibrated, darling." She abandoned the hope of drying her legs and feet enough for the shoes, and set them back onto the ground under her own, upright, collapsable chaise. "As for the resort, are you honestly saying you've seen monsters less terrifying than this quartet emerging from the water there?" Eve did a little bow of her own, tucking her legs underneath herself and leaning over her knees, though it could be as much a 'Ready pose for the end of the world' as any bow.

The huge form of magma-creature that had struck Corrine looked down at her, and at the others going to their bowed positions. Hands that were more moving constructs of hardening lava clenched, causing flakes of cooled lava to fall away from them and litter to the beach, revealing the burning glow from beneath that 'skin'. As the other three that had joined it carried on, however, it unclenched it's 'fists' and turned on its heel, to walk towards the beachfront proper.

Iara just..Stares at Isaac as he tosses an open beer can at Corrine. '"Err..Hey, wait aminute..!"

But looks like he's possibly helping with the cooling of magnma-punching.

Still, Iara does not move fron reverant bowing until the magma creatures walk past her, peering over her shoulder at them curiously.

"They are definitely looking for something..But what?" she glances at Heath again, frowning softly at the 'slipping money in a bikini' part but nodding at his other words of wisdom.

"Move slowly..Right! I'm..I'm gonna help too! With whatever they're looking for." and she moves slowly after them, peering around intently for anything out of the ordinary.

But it is back towards the ocean that she returns, spying..Something there..And she shivers, hugging her sketchbook close to her chest.

"N-no..Not again.." Iara shivers, remembering the last encounter she had with a water demon, and every instinct tells her to run. But there are innocents here. She wont abandon them. She wont run, not this time.

"There is..Something..Something HUGE under the ocean..I..I think that's what they're after. Or..Fleeing from?" Another vautious step is taken towards the lagoon..

Looking over to Corrine to see if she is okay, Isaac looks over as Iara calls out. "Yeah! This is familiar! I got...well, we got attacked in the woods, turned out the 'things' were pissed off about pollution or something." Eyeing the water as Iara heads over to it, Isaac is forced with an agonising decision as he looks to his bag. "Okay, perhaps just one knife." Dipping into his bag he starts unloading items, clipping a large knife along with sheath to his belt and then another on the other side. He is about to step away when in a moment of indecision he reaches into the bag again, bringing out another sheath with stacked blades on it which he struggles to find a place for on his belt. Still dealing with his new fashion accessories, he starts to head over to the water, squinting into the depths to see if he can figure out what is going on.

Rick is still in his semi-bowing position as the magma creatures pass him by, but either his bow is good enough, or they're not paying them much attention. Probably the latter. He straightens as Iara speaks, and takes one step forward, shading his eyes and squinting as he peers into the lagoon. Then his eyes widen. "Definitely running from!" he cries. "Don't go in! Run!" And with that, he takes his own advice, turning to start to run up the beach.

The creature on the wing that hadn't been struck by Corrine's lash of water moved out over the curls of tide, staying a good 20 feet above the ocean. It started to fly in a wider and wider circle. Opening its mouth, it started letting out a horrid, wailing sound of pure anger that shimmered the air around them. Hot, globules of magma dripped from its gaping maw and fell to the water, hissing and sizzling as they struck the surface.

The walking creature of Magma that had moved right past the group continued toward the edge of the water. Its head tilted up to look at the winged creatures flying over head, then at the water, raising its arms up and out to the side. A slow, steady roar came from its mouth, the heat of it's open maw causing distortions in the air around its head as it did so. All of the cooled lava that formed a thin skin over its hands started to flake away, leaving flowing limbs of pure magma formed into arms and hammer-like fists.

Aolani bursts onto the beach through a thick patch of foliage. The hapa-haole Filipino-Hawaiian woman charges full speed towards the magma creatures, her long, silken black hair streaming behind her beneath a haku lei of orchids. She's dressed in a pair of knee-length yoga pants and a plain white tank top, but her tote bag rustles with a grass skirt and ti leaf wrist and ankle leis that tumble out as the bag is tossed aside. The woman bows deeply to both creatures, raising her voice. "Aloha kakahiaka, honored hoaloha. Hi'iaka-i-ka-poli-o-Pele bids me greet you. I offer my services on behalf of O'ahu." If she's seen anyone who isn't a giant magma being yet, she hasn't let on.

Something was indeed in the water. The surface of that shimmering sea started to move as a large, heavy object came into a shallow enough area to breach. And there it was, a thick, blackened hide that just seemed to keep coming. A massive, bulbous main body protruded up and just kept coming, while 8 tentacles slowly came into view, writhing and moving the huge form further in toward the beach. As it came up enough to give view of two indescernably deep black eyes, it leaned that gigantic head back and let out a sound that had to be described as a shriek, though it was loud enough to cause the very beach to shiver with reaction to it. The water of the lagoon vibrated and looked almost like it was going into a boil as the sound wave travelled through it.

Overhead, the flying creature that had been struck earlier let out an alarmed sound of fear mixed with the outrage of seeing the creature beneath it. Lava droplets fell from its mouth and seemed to sizzle as they struck the tentacle'd monster's skin, being cooled by the layer of water there before doing any harm. While it held back for a moment, instead of staying far away from the creature of the deeps, it swooped in, flying close enough that it came within a zone of the monstrosity.

Heath smirked at Eve as she hunkered down for the end of the world. "Two words for you, Eve: Wait Staff. I can deal with the worst monsters in the world if I have wait staff to give me one of everything on the drink menu. If I wanted smoking pool boys with no rules, I'd be sipping my daiquiris in Bangkok." Holding up his index finger, he leaned his head to the untoweled portion of chaise divider. Nodding to himself, he looked back to Eve as he reached over to tip her lounge chair on its side as well. "No recalibration required. Most everyone is Kamasutra-challenged, this is why I stick with escorts. I get bored and decide to change up positions or holes, there's no fuss or I love you save for the tip." Killing the last of his drink, he pursed his lips. "Speaking of holes, when is your cousin go--" The rest of the sentence was cut off with the shriek. "Lines, Eve... Terrible lines. Like the line when you realize that you were on my calendars and I have enough drinks in me to feel surly." He winked at the woman and stood up. The man started marching out to the Deep Trouble with an empty daiquiri glass in his hand.

Corrine had no problem moving away from the water and the thing that had come out of it. In fact as soon as the lava creatures had turned their attention away from her she was up and scrambling, trying to get clear of whatever the hell they were after. When the huge beast reared out of the water and shrieked she turned to look, even as she sprinted some distance away, stopping and pointing in sudden surprise. "HOLY SHIT NO! I've seen this Youtube clip, I'm not going anywhere near that fuckin' thing. Last time something weird came up out of the water a friend had a shitty date." She kept her staff gripped in both hands, having retrieved it on the way up, and now kept her eyes focused on that thing as she yelled. "This might all be pretty self correcting!"

"Okay, now is that moment where some big superhero turns up to kick a gratuitous amount of arse. I'll just go find him shall I?" Not quite waiting for an answer, Isaac starts to pack up his things, removing the various knives and other items and stuffing them in his bag. Deciding to relieve a little wait, he pulls out a four pack and leaves it next to his deck chair. "I suppose Pele has had worse gifts..." He says with a shrug as he starts to move. "Back soon! You all keep it occupied, get him in a head lock or something!" Cheerful and inspiring advice given, Isaac waves mournfully to those who are staying and then does his best three hundred meters nonchalant jog towards the main road.

Rick is almost to the trees when Aolani bursts through them, and she runs right past him. He whirls around back toward the water that she seems to be intent on getting to, and throws up his hands. "Are you kidding me?!" he exclaims at the unknown woman, but also just in general. "Don't run //toward// it!" He has turned just in time to see the tentacled thing start rising out of the water, and he watches it, rooted in place for a few seconds as it shows just how massive it really is. Then he shakes himself, and turns right back around, disappearing into the trees as he'd been planning on doing before. He is, apparently, out.

Eve lifted her head to stare in utter horror at the sight she beheld. "No. No. Not at all what I consider a good time, no matter what my internet history looks like." She let out a sharp sound of consternation as Heath stood up and literally started sauntering over to the giant tentacled monster. "HEATH! This is how all the terrible Japanese porn starts. I thought you only liked to play the Monster?!" There was obvious worry in her voice, but Eve couldn't get herself to even move closer to the Kraken to stop Heath from approaching it. "Oh for Christ's Sake!" Having to deal with fear being part of her to the core at the moment, Eve shifted over a bit to look at the situation with the wary eyes of someone ready to GTFO if need be. She absolutely did NOT go closer.

Fear... There's a moment of fear, it is something practically unworldly after all. But Bjorn has faced big and scary before. Bjorn's family is a family of big and scary, though not on such a scale... He shakes his head, much like a bear shaking his head after crashing into something would then watches the magma things to see what they do to the beast. He frowns and starts to move forward, more to be in front of the others like Eve and the like, just in case the thing tries to get toward the land.

The primary and largest of the Magma creatures moved foward, walking up to one of the tentacles and wrapping its arms around it. The steady, burning sound of the magma sizzling against the creature's thick hide could be heard as the Walker held fast, attempting to anchor at least one of the tentacles to the ground.

Iara glances at Isaac, "Familiar..? When..Where? Pollution, huh..Could that be an oil slick..?" And she is tempted to step closer and peer in further, but it could be dangerous. She nods and smiles instead to Rick, "Sound advice. I'm sure that Pele's servants have this covered..Right?" For now, she keeps a safe, respectful distance away from the magma servants and just watches for now, a safe distance from the water, entranced. Aolani's hurried arrival is noted with a soft frown, but when she starts talking in Hawaiian, bowing to the creatures and ignoring all else, Iara holds her tongue, more concerned about huge scary monster right now.

And it's only when it releases that wave of fear that she remembers the last time she encountered a gigantic sea creature. But this time she can't, she won't run! Iara narrows her eyes, intently focused on the monster, smiling actor at the creatures that attack it, grappling and burning it.

"Thank you, this time I won't run, but I'll help too!" And she ducks behind a nearby Boulder, though in her haste probably easily seen by anyone watching her, and kneeling briefly, Iara spreads her wings, climbing into the sky as a giant bat, circling the creature as she ponders the best method of attack.

The creature flying overhead spewed forth a spray of molten hot magma at the upper curve of the mammoth creature's head, but it missed when the large thing shifted out of the way, causing the heated rock to fall into the water and cool instantly.

The second of the tall Magma men came forward to attempt to grab hold of another of the tentacles, but this time, the Kraken was able to pull its tentacle back before the deadly heat of the creature seared its flesh or took hold of its tentacle.

Before the second magma creature went to grab the tentacle, it nodded solemnly to Aolani, then motioned to the huge beast that had come to shore, threatening Oahu.

Aolani is quaking in her dancing shoes as the magma creatures indicate the kind of service they require. "Oh...is that all?" she says shakily, dropping the haku lei from her head and bolting for the water, running horizontally away from the Kraken. "Everyone stay away from the water!" she shouts, as if anyone needed to be told, before diving beneath the surface. The dark-haired woman with the amber-rimmed eyes swims down to the sea floor, and reaches one hand out in front of her while the other keeps her submerged by tangling in a piece of seaweed. Aolani digs her fingers through the fabric of reality and wrenches open a door in the seafloor - right through to the Nevernever. The seawater all around it begins flooding into the Nevernever, and the water table in the lagoon begins to drop.

Even as it was tugged to the side by the current of the vast oceanic gallons be poured into the NeverNever, the gigantic form of the Kraken continued to make that high pitched keening, shrieking sound, keeping the majority of animals off the Leeward coast as they flee for safer places to be. It also has the added benefit of keeping most of its would-be attackers at bay.

The previously wounded flier came around and let loose a fiery lance of pure magma from the tip of it's leathery wing, but the magma missed the huge creature entirely, again, leaving a hissing line of water as it plunged into the depths and doing no harm.

Heath looked stared up to the spreading his arm. "No, I think I understand the message, Lord Above All. Kraken is deliciously terrible. So I'm going to punch it in the ink sack or whatever. It's not going to be pretty. But I'm here with no weapons, just my absolute trust in You, and I'll see what I do." He kissed the side of his hand as he bowed his head. That was when he went charging straight at the Kraken, screaming like a madman. Full speed without an ounce of self-preservation, waving his arms like a fucking bird of prey. The line was straight, there was more than a little alcohol involved. But if it wasn't the damnest thing that the Kraken shivered and its bellow ended, its slimey head shifting to regard Heath is one of the bestest moments of WTF in history.

Corrine staggered to an area safely away from the tussling, watching as Aolani came swooping in to start speaking in what she assumed was Hawaiian. Pele's servants had gone after the Kraken, and that was all well and good as far as she was concerned. When Iara launched herself into the air as a giant bat her eyes nearly popped out of her head, simply staring for a moment. "Well honk my hooters. What the fuck is up with that?" She shook herself free of the thought, squinting as she realized that the ocean had started to recede all of a sudden. Doing her best to shrug that off too, she watched as the Kraken fought to keep itself from being pulled to... wherever. With a snarl she started forwards, stopping as she weighed her options. "Well shit I've only got the one option!" Raising her staff again, she brought it around in an arc, a droplet of water forming towards the butt, and growing ever larger as the staff spun, By the time she launched it the drop had become an enormous ribbon of water, lancing out to smash into the Kraken and disrupt the very framework of it's existence.

Slipping his shorts off, Bjorn shifts and changes and gets even larger, if such a thing were possible. He grows white fur, and soon a giant polar bear is running toward the Kraken and moves to leap onto one of the tentacles with claws and maw. He latches on and starts trying to tear the appendage off of the beast.

Eve was watching, yes, and then... well. Eve was seething. What does one do when one is an angry, angry Eve? Well, one steps out of hiding from behind the makeshift defensive guard that Heath had set up. Her eyes were already starting to sheen with a silvery light that turned their soft gray into something more akin to the Chrome finish on the edging of a car. "So then, I see you've managed to bring your terribly disfigured ass closer to the beauty of Oahu." Her voice carried a knife's edge as she walked forward like she was entering a board room, in a skin toned one piece designed to get attention. When she stopped moving forward, it was to look at the Kraken with utter disdain. "You are nothing here, squid. Leave the island, because your cock isn't strong enough to hold open the door, and you sure as hell aren't going to get it up enough to take this beach." The vile disregard for the creature dripped from her voice, as Eve started glowing like the sun were somehow shining through her skin, like she'd gone transluscent and was only a thin veneer for the bright, silvered light of the world to shine through. And by the time she finished speaking, her eyes were glowing bright enough with a burning silver purety that they cast shadows from her own eyelashes onto the beach, and onto the people nearest to her.

After so many truly excellent jabs at the creature, the walker that had first gripped it moved to grab ahold of it again, but the wiley limb of the huge beast managed to wiggle its way away from the arms of the tall Lava figure.

The golden Spectral vampire bat shrieks as she circles the massive creature below. For a moment she lays back as a magical water spout hits it, arching a bat brow at Corrine as she spins her staff around..Then there's the big man who turns into a bear and leaps at the kraken...Hmmm interesting..

And this may be suicide given her lack of any impressive abilities, but with Pele's servants seeming to have trouble managing it on their own, the bat starts to dive for its eyes, razorsharp claws ready to tear them out if she can get in close. Though she pauses briefly at the warning, but only briefly as the creature and the water lurch to one side.

Once she has blinded the monster, Iara pulls up swiftly, darting out of the dangerous tentacles, fluttering to the safety of a tree on the shoreline.

The flying creature that looked like it was made of so much oil and rubber or.. god only Knew what, dived in after it saw the small bat attacking the Kraken's eyes, and attempted to do the same, nearly being beaten down by a flick of a tentacle for its efforts. Not quite so able to help in the situation.

The huge man of molten lava that had previously, and unsuccessfully, tried to grapple the Kraken looked over at the form of the mighty Wyborn, and nodded it's molten head. coming over closer, it brought its liquid death dealing arms above its head and then down onto the tentacle that Bjorn had held immobile, causing a nearly ear shattering searing sound and a screech of pain from the deep-living monster.

As hundreds of gallons of ocean water thunder into the Nevernever from the rift she's created, Aolani is treated to a sudden lesson in physics. Stifling the instinctual panic that rises when the undertow drags you further away from breathable air, Ao swims perpendicular to the current until she's able to break free of the drag and swim up to the surface. Her head pops over the surface and she sucks in a few gasping breaths before she throws a shaka to the shore and calls over, "'A'ole pilikia, no trouble. Keep up the good work!" She treads water a moment before heading in towards shore to rest her tired limbs.

With a horrible, rattling scream of defiance, the massive Kraken threw its head back and then whipped a tentacle out like it was going to clothesline the world. That vicious, whipping appendage came across and slapped firmly over Heath's upper torso, then continued on its muscular swipe until it hit Aolani, just after she threw her Chaka to the shoreline. The flailing didn't stop there, but the other limbs were wildly going every which way and missing any other enemies it might strike at.

Taking advantage of the way the kraken was wildly flailing about, the second winged creature, the one that Corrine had previously doused, dove in and directly at the second eye that hadn't been taken out by Iara. With a sickening pop, the little imp of Pele blinded the sea creature completely, taking out its second eyeball.

Heath stumbled back into the sand with groan as the creature hit him in the chest. "Alright lunger... You asked for it..." Pressing back up to his feet, Heath let out a yell as he charged right in at the Kraken, wilding hitting and sliding on the tentacles until he was the the head. "I said-- I was going-- to keep hitting-- Until I found -- your fucking -- Ink sack!" And Heath keep whaling around, the Kraken's head twitching and smiling Heath until sure enough there was a flood of ink. The creature tried to back off, caught on grappled tentacles. At some point, his foot was thrown in there, and there was a crack that broke off a piece of beak that was sucked into its throat. The thing twitched and threw it violently as it literally choked itself on a piece of its mouth. Heath was thrown back on the sand in its throws, covering ichor, slime and ink. Panting heavily, he gave a thumbs up to the sky, "In Your Name." He coughed, "Eve! Need a daiquiri stat!"

Corrine was breathing hard, looking rough after the exertion of her last attack, but being out of breath meant she could at least enjoy the spectacle going on before her. When the creature was blinded in both eyes she gave a cheer, roared in savage agreement as Bjorn mauled the Kraken and held it fast, and finally laughed as Heath went in like a madman and just tore it to pieces in a good, old fashioned slobberknocker. Wincing at her recent wounds she slid down to the sand, letting out a breath and a nervous laugh as she looked to the other still around. "God I saw my life flash before my eyes when that thing came out of the water. I looked terrible with braces." She shuddered, eyeing the now dead Kraken. "What the hell was that thing? Where did it come from? Where did all the water go for that matter?" She looked to Eve and Heath. "And where can I get a good daiquiri? After I go to the hospital..." She winced again.

The thing stops moving, after Heath finished it off. The polar bear gnaws on it a little longer, then noses it to make sure it's not moving. After that he starts to move off back onto the beach, perhaps going to pick up some clothing left there for when he goes to change back later... >.>

Eve likely couldn't have looked more pleased if someone had procured her a bed made of nothing but the tears of babies and teenagers. Her lips were a knife-sharp slash of pleasure across her face, and her glowing eyes were fixed on the image of the Kraken being torn apart, first by bats and imps, and then by the bare hands of Heath. Her appreciative gaze took in Aolani as she came up for air, and then the form of Bjorn-Bear, as he held the creature fast and prevented it from getting away. Still shining like a cold, hard sun, she looked over at Corrine and gave her a wink, which had much the effect of a flashbulb going off, with the light spilling from her. "Don't despair, little one. You grew out of it and are lovely. I like your trick with the dissolving. Very nice." Eve seemed almost a little... tipsy... as she shifted and started walking towards the insulated bag that Heath had brought along on their trip to 'relax'. "Fine, I'll make you a daiquiri, but you have to bring me some sushi. Dip it in the ink, it's a marvelous umami flavor to add to such fresh fish."

The two flying creatures stayed aloft for a moment after the mighty Kraken stopped moving. Circling overhead two times, they then dove down, flying literally INTO the creature. Then, the sound of slow, burning, bubbling could be heard, followed by a thick, rich smoke as the creature started to cook and dissolve from the inside out, aided by two beings born of Pele's volcanic estate.

The two walkers stayed where they were, and shed the thin coating of their 'skin' entirely, allowing them to start melting the creature into fat and dissolving the connective tissues. Hissing and popping could be heard as the water content of the very creature steamed away and aided the large servitors of Pele in removing the giant Kraken from the shoreline.

Of course, it really wasn't over there. From the backs of the huge, molten creatures, popped black things. They were each egg sized, large egg really, and shimmered dully as they landed to the sand on the beach and began rolling. One for each person that had taken part in defeating the Kraken. They rolled to each person's, bear's, and bat's position on the beach and stopped, some of them tapping against a foot with a warm touch like they'd been heated by the sun all day, some of them laying in wait under a tall branch for a bat to come down, while another waited at the shore line, being bathed by the shifting tide for Aolani. Each egg was made of pure obsidian, and carried that vicious, reddish black hue, but with the size of it, it looked almost purple.

Aolani had been appreciating the free air in her lungs, right until she's smacked back under the water by a spiteful tentacle. So alas, she was under the surface of the water then Heath punched through the Kraken...but that does make for a very nice surprise when she surfaces again. She paddles to shore as the magma creatures make short work of the Kraken's form, slinking up onto the beach and just laying in the surf beside the curious obsidian egg. She picks it up and rolls it between her fingers, then lays it on her chest and smiles. "No'u ka hau'oli, the pleasure is ours, Madame Pele. It's all for the aloha 'aina." She rolls over and scrambles to her feet, flashing big, soaking wet grins at everyone remaining. "Nice to meet you all. Good work. It's been - Oh no, I'm so late for work!" And with about as much ceremony as she arrived, Aolani grabs up her tote bag and sets off at a frantic run, back through the foliage.

Heath smiled up at Eve as he sat up, taking a handful of sand to soak and scrub off the slime. Eyeing the walkers burning the Kraken, Heath shook his head. "Sushi here isn't an option, but I may know a place that keeps a table ready." He glanced at the egg, and took it. At the very least, be it bomb or token, not picking up seemed like a terrible idea, so he nodded to the molten men and slipped it into his bag. "My dear Eve, you look positively beaming, have you the desire of chaser?" Dugging into the main part, he picked up 3 off the foil pouches and daiquiris. Tossing one over to Corrine as he got to his feet. "There's your daiquiri. Never leave the sorceress unpaid." The man had no fear apparently, walking into the ocean to scrub off the nasty.

Blinking in fascination, Corrine bent down to carefully scoop up the obsidian egg with a hand, brushing sand away from it as she held it up to the light to look at. Cradling it gently, she looked over to the water, smiling at Pele's servants and giving them a bow. "Aloha! And thanks! Sorry about earlier! Won't happen again really!" She blinked as Aolani sped past, frowning. "Aww man I was going to ask her stuff." She looked to Heath and Eve. "I could ask you guys stuff instead... I think the bear wandered off? The bat certainly did." She looked around for it before shrugging.

Still bearing the cool, silvery glow of her skin, Eve's swimsuit actually looked more like a suit and less like her just walking around nude as it blocked some of the shine. Taking her own silver pouch from Heath, Eve moved back over to her chaise lounge and plucked up her glass from earlier as she rolled back to lay across the red silk kimono she'd been presumably wearing over the suit earlier. Closing her eyes partially so her eyelashes glowed with chrome colored light, she poured the frozen drink into her glass and grinned, enjoying the shimmer as the brilliance reflected off the glass from her eyes and made the ice crystals shine. "Mmm, like eating diamonds." Once she'd poured, her hand went down to pick up the beautiful, smooth, obsidian egg that had bumped her bare foot, and she examined it, opening her eyes wider as the brilliant scarlet and deep purples shone more obviously under the high wattage incandencense her eyeballs were putting out. "Oh that's truly beautiful, I'll have to find a wonderful place for it in my condo, where it can paint my bedroom the color of fire and lava." She glanced at Corrine then, illuminating the woman like a second sun, but this one made of the chilliest of fires. "It's sad, I always enjoy a good bear hug. And I've never had a more luxurious rest than on the hide of a polar bear. I can only imagine a snuggle would have been delightfully akin to bliss." Eve took the time to sit up a bit, setting her drink down, then poured Heath's daiquiri for him, so that he could drink it when he was done cleaning up in the ocean.

It took a bit go get somewhere out of the way to revert back and get dressed. Bjorn does so though, and looks at the obsidian egg by his feet. Picking it up and holds it next to his chest and then notices he's short on his sandals. With a sigh he goes back to the beach to see if he can find them, if not he's gonna have to start investing in cheaper attire, maybe flip flops.