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:<u>'''Wyld Magic'''</u>: Magic sponsored by the Wyld Court of Faerie. Tends to be oriented to the Hunt, and all things wild.
:<u>'''Wyld Magic'''</u>: Magic sponsored by the Wyld Court of Faerie. Tends to be oriented to the Hunt, and all things wild.
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#03104F; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #D4D4D4; text-align:left; color:#D4D4D4; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Faith</h2>
|style="color:#000;"|The Power that comes with being a follower of the White God
:<u>'''Bless This House'''</u>: While you're within the walls of a home, or any building really, the Threshold of your location is increased by +2 provided your Will rating is higher than the base threshold rating.
:<u>'''Holy Touch'''</u>: You are quite literally the anathema to all things unholy or evil. While doing battle with anything in direct opposition to the White God, you gain a weapon rating of 1 on any attack action. While creating an advantage, you have a free tag on the evil entity's high concept to use in order to hold them at bay while you shine with Holy light.
:<u>'''Righteousness'''</u>: God sees to it that your actions are strengthened by your will. Use 1 exchange (round) to pray to Him for guidance and help on your mission. Spend 1 Fate point and detail in the expenditure what your prayer is, so that its effects are noted. For the rest of the scene, your Will complements any game actions made toward achieving the goal of that prayer. Once per scene, if an ally is taken out or concedes while in an altercation with Evil after you've prayed, you may make a single, zone-wide attack action using your Will vs. the defender's Will. This attack gains the benefit of your Righteousness, as well as your Holy touch.
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#03104F; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #D4D4D4; text-align:left; color:#D4D4D4; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Items of Power</h2>
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#03104F; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #D4D4D4; text-align:left; color:#D4D4D4; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Items of Power</h2>
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:<u>'''Tougher'''</u>: Being flat out tougher and harder to hurt is a helpful thing indeed. Gain +1 box to your Vitality stress track.
:<u>'''Tougher'''</u>: Being flat out tougher and harder to hurt is a helpful thing indeed. Gain +1 box to your Vitality stress track.
|class="MainPageBG" style="width:50%; border:1px solid #CD6600; background:#55BBFF; vertical-align:top; color:#000;"|
{|width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="vertical-align:top; background:#55BBFF;"
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#03104F; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #D4D4D4; text-align:left; color:#D4D4D4; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Psychic Abilities</h2>
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#03104F; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #D4D4D4; text-align:left; color:#D4D4D4; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Psychic Abilities</h2>
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:*Soulgaze comes with The Third Eye, as you can see the truth of the world, and the truth within another.
:*Soulgaze comes with The Third Eye, as you can see the truth of the world, and the truth within another.
|class="MainPageBG" style="width:50%; border:1px solid #CD6600; background:#55BBFF; vertical-align:top; color:#000;"|
{|width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="vertical-align:top; background:#55BBFF;"
! <h1 style="margin:0; background:#00004C; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #D4D4D4; text-align:left; color:#D4D4D4; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Shapeshifting</h1>
! <h1 style="margin:0; background:#00004C; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #D4D4D4; text-align:left; color:#D4D4D4; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Shapeshifting</h1>
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:<u>'''Thaumaturgy'''</u>: You are able to create Thaumaturgical magic effects using any type of Thaumaturgy. Thaumaturgical effects are typically effects that occur over long term, though they can be used to attack, create an advantage, defend, or overcome with the Casting skill in the right situations.
:<u>'''Thaumaturgy'''</u>: You are able to create Thaumaturgical magic effects using any type of Thaumaturgy. Thaumaturgical effects are typically effects that occur over long term, though they can be used to attack, create an advantage, defend, or overcome with the Casting skill in the right situations.
:*Types of Thaumaturgy include: Summoning and Binding, Conjuration, Divination, Veils, Wards, Crafting (Magical Items and Potions), Transformation and Distruption, Transportation and Worldwalking, Biomancy, Diabolism, Ectomancy, Entropomancy, Necromancy, Photomancy, Psychomancy.
:*Types of Thaumaturgy include: Summoning and Binding, Conjuration, Divination, Veils, Wards, Crafting (Magical Items and Potions), Transformation and Distruption, Transportation and Worldwalking, Biomancy, Diabolism, Ectomancy, Entropomancy, Necromancy, Photomancy, Psychomancy.
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#03104F; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #D4D4D4; text-align:left; color:#D4D4D4; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">True Faith</h2>
|style="color:#000;"|The Power that comes with being a follower of the White God
:<u>'''Bless This House'''</u>: While you're within the walls of a home, or any building really, the Threshold of your location is increased by +2 provided your Will rating is higher than the base threshold rating.
:<u>'''Holy Touch'''</u>: You are quite literally the anathema to all things unholy or evil. While doing battle with anything in direct opposition to the White God, you gain a weapon rating of 1 on any attack action. While creating an advantage, you have a free tag on the evil entity's high concept to use in order to hold them at bay while you shine with Holy light.
:<u>'''Righteousness'''</u>: God sees to it that your actions are strengthened by your will. Use 1 exchange (round) to pray to Him for guidance and help on your mission. Spend 1 Fate point and detail in the expenditure what your prayer is, so that its effects are noted. For the rest of the scene, your Will complements any game actions made toward achieving the goal of that prayer. Once per scene, if an ally is taken out or concedes while in an altercation with Evil after you've prayed, you may make a single, zone-wide attack action using your Will vs. the defender's Will. This attack gains the benefit of your Righteousness, as well as your Holy touch.
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#03104F; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #D4D4D4; text-align:left; color:#D4D4D4; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Vampirism</h2>
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#03104F; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #D4D4D4; text-align:left; color:#D4D4D4; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Vampirism</h2>
|style="color:#000;"|{{tab}}Those powers inherit to the Vampiric types.
|style="color:#000;"|{{tab}}Those powers inherit to the Vampiric types.
:<u>'''Blood Drinker'''</u>: You gain sustenance from feeding off of blood, and can live on blood alone without any other other food source. Additionally, you MUST drink blood to live. If you successfully create an advantage using your Fight skill to draw blood from an opponent, gain +1 to your attack actions against that same opponent for the rest of the scene. While holding a target in grapple, you are able to feed from them, and cause 1 extra stress on your grappled target as a free action. Once per scene, you may make a full recovery on your Hungry stress track by killing someone via exsanguination.
:<u>'''Blood Drinker'''</u>: You gain sustenance from feeding off of blood, and can live on blood alone without any other other food source. Additionally, you MUST drink blood to live.  
:<u>'''Emotional Vampire'''</u>: Rather than gaining sustenance from blood, you feed off of emotions and can live alone without any other food source. Additionally, you MUST eat emotions to live. If you successfully create an advantage using your Deceive or Provoke skill, you must then touch someone to feed from them. This ability is augmented by the Incite Emotion power, making it so that you are able to feed from a distance if you've purchased the Ranged Incite power. After a successful feeding, any further feeding attempts in that scene using Emotional Vampirism are made at +1. Once per scene, you may make a full recovery on your Hungry stress track by killing someone via a complete drain of their emotions.
:*If you successfully create an advantage using your Fight skill to draw blood from an opponent, gain +1 to your attack actions against that same opponent for the rest of the scene. While holding a target in grapple, you are able to feed from them, and cause 1 extra stress on your grappled target as a free action.  
:*Once per scene, you may make a full recovery on your Hungry stress track by killing someone via exsanguination.
:<u>'''Tattoos of St Giles'''</u>:
:<u>'''Emotional Vampire'''</u>: Rather than gaining sustenance from blood, you feed off of emotions and can live alone without any other food source. Additionally, you MUST eat emotions to live. If you successfully create an advantage using your Deceive or Provoke skill, you must then touch someone to feed from them.  
:*This ability is augmented by the Incite Emotion power, making it so that you are able to feed from a distance if you've purchased the Ranged Incite power.  
:*After a successful feeding, any further feeding attempts in that scene using Emotional Vampirism are made at +1.  
:*Once per scene, you may make a full recovery on your Hungry stress track by killing someone via a complete drain of their emotions.
:<u>'''Tattoos of St Giles'''</u>: ''Requires Red Court Infectee Template.'' Your affiliation with the Order of St Giles has been quite the boon to you.
:*You now have a warning literally tattooed into your skin that only becomes visible when you're hungry. This mechanically creates a bonus to anyone's Notice when looking at you, equal to the number of boxes filled in on your Hungry stress track.
:*When you attempt to defend using Will, and your tattoos are visible, gain +1 to the roll. If someone you are dealing with has knowledge of the Order of St Giles, gain +1 to Provoke when using it to create an advantage, attack, or overcome vs that person. :*Along with getting the tattoos themselves, the Order has trained you well. Gain +1 to Lore when using it to overcome and identify supernatural threats. Gain +2 to lore when using it to overcome and identify signs of the Red Court at work.
:*Finally, you gain 2 boxes on the length of your Hungry stress track, due to your ability to focus and keep the raging beast of blood hunger at bay.

Revision as of 17:35, 11 April 2017

Powers List

Here you will find a list of the Powers used at Tenebrous Isles along with a description of what they're used for.

Creature Features

Powers for those taking some sort of beast, or beastly, form.
Aquatic: You cannot drown and you ignore all water-based borders.
Breath Weapon:W:1, can hit up to 1 zone away.
Claws: Gain W:1 on your attack rolls due to having some sort of natural weapon.
Diminutive Size: You're smaller than a human by far, likely closer to the size of a normal house cat or even smaller still. Because of your size gain +4 to Stealth to hide. +2 to to notice small details. Your Physique is capped at Mediocre. +1 to Athletics for dodging. Max 1 stress per attack.
Hulking Size: +1 to be hit. +2 stress boxes. Border 1 for normal doors. +2 Physique to lift/break, +1 Athletics to cover distance. +2 Provoke. Mediocre Stealth, no more than 1 shift can be achieved through Stealth rolls.
Pack Instincts: +1 Notice when near pack members. Communicate single words wordlessly. Locate pack members with Notice. All or no pack members are surprised.
Supernatural Sense: You have the sense of something strange. It's not one of your natural 5 senses, but a sense of something that shouldn't be a normal thing you can 'feel'.
Venemous: Prerequisite: Claws. Your natural weapons are envenomed. Use Fight to create an advantage and place a 'Poisoned' aspect on your opponent. Until this aspect is overcome with a Physique roll or the expenditure of a Fate point, roll one free Fight vs. Physique roll against the victim of your venom.
Wings: You have wings, you can fly! Use Athletics for flight and ignore any land-based borders (pay attention to the mountains though, they are tall).

Faerie Magic

Those powers inherited from the Fae.
Glamours: Veil with Will or Deceit. Disguise yourself with Will or Deceit. You can only use this on yourself, things that belong to you, or on those people that have made a Fae pact with you.
Seelie Magic: Magic sponsored by the Summer Court of Faerie. Especially strong (+1) vs. those things of the Winter Court.
Unseelie Magic: Magic sponsored by the Winter Court of Faerie. Especially strong (+1) vs. those things of the Summer Court.
Wyld Magic: Magic sponsored by the Wyld Court of Faerie. Tends to be oriented to the Hunt, and all things wild.

Items of Power

For those walking around with power, but only because they hold something that has power.
Item of Power: These are pretty much entirely custom. They need to be discussed with Staff and planned out. There is no refund for the price of the Item.
  • Items of Power can have a myriad of effects, ranging from strength to talking to animals. To be able to gain this, you need a solid story. (Why on earth do you have this item?)

Minor Abilities

For those with just a little spark...
Animal Speaker: Can talk to animals. Must be able to see and hear those animals, and must speak aloud.
Night Sight: You can see in the dark, without penalties. It's pretty freaky, but you can do it.
Ghost Speaker: You see dead people. Unfortunately, when you can see that kind of thing, you can never really avoid seeing that kind of thing. Ghosts can see you, too. You're able to speak to the dead rather freely if they come up and start the conversation. If you can manage to get the attention of one, you can converse with Ghosts that don't initiate the conversation as well.
Mana Static: Modern equipment hates you, but you hate it more. So much so that you can deliberately hex the modern electrical equipment around you with but a flick of your eyelids, or a finger, or whatever it is you flick to get the equipment to fry out.
Marked By Power: Gain +1 to social skills with the magical community. Mark of Power upon you by your patron is visible to those who can see such things (I.E. using The Third Eye or other beings that can see such things) and is incredibly hard to conceal. (Only available to the Emissary of Power template)

Physical Powers

Powers that deal with how you physically effect the world
Faster: You are literally just faster. Add +1 to all Athletics rolls when defending, creating an advantage, or overcoming.
Stronger: Being stronger is helpful in many situations. Add +1 to all Physique rolls when defending, creating an advantage, or overcoming.
Tougher: Being flat out tougher and harder to hurt is a helpful thing indeed. Gain +1 box to your Vitality stress track.

Psychic Abilities

Those with the Power of Mind.
Fortune's Gift: You are able to toy with fate.
  • Blessing of Fortune: You can roll Discipline to place aspects on people or objects, referring to enhanced luck. The default (but modifiable) difficulty is Mediocre, which gives you a fragile aspect. Higher results create sticky aspects, lasting for a scene, and every three shifts gives you an extra tag. Normally, these aspects last for a scene at most. If you are blessing someone or something in a certain endeavor, then the aspect is narrower, but can last longer: until the endeavor is either accomplished, abandoned, or definitively failed. You can make a blessing 'conditional', in which case the aspect will vanish if the character betrays a certain condition. (For example, a weapon might be blessed, but only if it is not turned against innocents or surrendering enemies.) A conditional blessing can last up to a week. Note that after the tags are used up, characters must use fate points to invoke this aspect.
  • Curses of Fortune: You can roll Discipline as an offensive maneuver, placing aspects on people or things, referring to damaged luck. The target defends with the better of Discipline or Conviction. A tie results in a fragile aspect, while shifts result in a sticky aspect, and every three shifts gives an extra tag. Normally, a sticky aspect lasts up to a scene. A conditional curse, such as 'you will suffer hardship unless you reconcile with your long-lost son', can last longer, depending on the roll: a week for 1 shift, and each further shift is one step up on the Time table. However, note that once tags are used up, characters must use fate points to invoke this aspect - and any time the aspect is invoked to the sufferer's detriment, they claim the fate point.
Incite Emotion: Touch is required for this to work. You are able to trigger Emotions within others, usually to your own benefit in some way, and usually the negative emotions are the ones used. Use Provoke in creating an advantage to trigger Anger or Fear, Deceive for all other emotions. The typical emotions triggered are: Lust, Fear, Anger, Despair.
Additional Emotion (Incite): You've become adept at triggering another emotion within others. (Any upgrades purchased for Incite Emotion effect all emotions purchased.)
Ranged Incite: Requires Incite Emotion. You no longer need to touch someone to trigger emotions within them. Up to 1 zone away, you can trigger emotions in another person. (Single target only.)
Lasting Emotion: Requires Incite Emotion. Instead of simply creating an advantage, you can now use Provoke or Deceit to inflict mental damage upon someone via an Attack with a bite to it, as you have a weapon rating of 1.
Potent Emotion: Requires Lasting Emotion. Not only can you hit someone mentally, you're particularly adept at it. Your mental 'teeth' are sharpened to the point that they bite quite deep and your weapon rating is now 3.
Psychometry: Use your Notice to assess the history of an object as either an overcome or creating an advantage game action. The difficulty for time goes up incrementally from -1 for the last hour, to -6 for the last day.
The Third Eye: You're able to open your 'third eye' to view the world in all of its glorious truth. This can be quite scarring. Use Lore to make sense of the world around you with an overcome action. Use Will to resist the damage looking upon the truth of things can inflict.
  • Soulgaze comes with The Third Eye, as you can see the truth of the world, and the truth within another.


Powers involved with physically changing form.
Animorphism: You can take the form of any natural animal. Deceive is used to take the shape of any uncoded form. (Requires Modular Abilities for alternate forms to have their own Creature Features or Physical Powers)
Beast Change: You can take the form of one specific animal. (Comes with Form Powers for alternate form to have Creature Features or Physical Powers)
Fluid Shapeshifting: You can take any human or animal form, including the unnatural. Deceive is used to take the shape of any uncoded form. (Requires Modular Abilities for alternate forms to have their own Creature Features or Physical Powers)
Gaseous Form: You can take the form of gas or mist. One exchange to transform. Cannot attack/defend. Nothing can harm you via physical attacks (Though other clever attacks could cause you problems), you fly instead of walk, and are insubstantial. Just remember, the wind can blow you away, someone could capture you in a bottle, fans are the enemy.
  • Liquid Transformation: In lieu of transforming into your full gaseous form, you can instead transform into a liquid form. This uses the same rules as Liquid Form (-2). Transforming from solid to liquid, liquid to gas, gas to liquid, or gas to solid, is an additional shape change.
Liquid Form: You can take the form of liquid. It's difficult to move unless you're on an inclined surface (in which case it's nearly impossible to stop moving). You are immune to physical damage save for anything that would be a problem for liquid (I.E. being frozen, boiled, steamed).
Modular Abilities: Required to be taken by all shapeshifters that want powers in their alternate forms that are different than those on their native form, save for those with Beast Change. All powers purchased for your alternate forms cost double. (I.E. Wings will cost 2 refresh instead of 1.)
Shapeshifter's Mystique: You can take any human form you like. Deceive is used to take the shape of any uncoded form.
Skill Shuffle: Purchased individually for each alternate form you want to be able to use Skill Shuffle in.
True Shapeshifting: You can literally become anything. Person, plant, animal, inanimate object. You can shapeshift into any form. Deceive is used to take the shape of any uncoded form.


The powers of Magic Use
Channeling: You have the ability to make magical, quick effects with a single element. Channeling can be used to attack, create an advantage, defend, or overcome with the Casting skill. Each use of Channeling causes 1 stress to your vitality track, at minimum. All attacks are made with a W:1 rating.
Evocation: You have the ability to make magical, quick effects with 3 different elements. Evocation can be used to attack, create an advantage, defend, or overcome with the Casting skill. Each use of Evocation causes 1 stress to your vitality track, at minimum. All attacks are made with a W:1 rating.
Master of The Third Eye: You are remarkably good at seeing through your third eye. Add +1 to your Will and Lore skill rolls when overcoming and defending while using The Third Eye.
Ritual: You are able to create Thaumaturgical magic effects using a specific type of Thaumaturgy. Thaumaturgical effects are typically effects that occur over long term, though they can be used to attack, create an advantage, defend, or overcome with the Casting skill in the right situations.
Spellsinger: Music is magic, at least for you. You may use your Performance skill rather than your Casting skill for using Magic.
Thaumaturgy: You are able to create Thaumaturgical magic effects using any type of Thaumaturgy. Thaumaturgical effects are typically effects that occur over long term, though they can be used to attack, create an advantage, defend, or overcome with the Casting skill in the right situations.
  • Types of Thaumaturgy include: Summoning and Binding, Conjuration, Divination, Veils, Wards, Crafting (Magical Items and Potions), Transformation and Distruption, Transportation and Worldwalking, Biomancy, Diabolism, Ectomancy, Entropomancy, Necromancy, Photomancy, Psychomancy.

True Faith

The Power that comes with being a follower of the White God
Bless This House: While you're within the walls of a home, or any building really, the Threshold of your location is increased by +2 provided your Will rating is higher than the base threshold rating.
Holy Touch: You are quite literally the anathema to all things unholy or evil. While doing battle with anything in direct opposition to the White God, you gain a weapon rating of 1 on any attack action. While creating an advantage, you have a free tag on the evil entity's high concept to use in order to hold them at bay while you shine with Holy light.
Righteousness: God sees to it that your actions are strengthened by your will. Use 1 exchange (round) to pray to Him for guidance and help on your mission. Spend 1 Fate point and detail in the expenditure what your prayer is, so that its effects are noted. For the rest of the scene, your Will complements any game actions made toward achieving the goal of that prayer. Once per scene, if an ally is taken out or concedes while in an altercation with Evil after you've prayed, you may make a single, zone-wide attack action using your Will vs. the defender's Will. This attack gains the benefit of your Righteousness, as well as your Holy touch.


 Those powers inherit to the Vampiric types.
Blood Drinker: You gain sustenance from feeding off of blood, and can live on blood alone without any other other food source. Additionally, you MUST drink blood to live.
  • If you successfully create an advantage using your Fight skill to draw blood from an opponent, gain +1 to your attack actions against that same opponent for the rest of the scene. While holding a target in grapple, you are able to feed from them, and cause 1 extra stress on your grappled target as a free action.
  • Once per scene, you may make a full recovery on your Hungry stress track by killing someone via exsanguination.
Emotional Vampire: Rather than gaining sustenance from blood, you feed off of emotions and can live alone without any other food source. Additionally, you MUST eat emotions to live. If you successfully create an advantage using your Deceive or Provoke skill, you must then touch someone to feed from them.
  • This ability is augmented by the Incite Emotion power, making it so that you are able to feed from a distance if you've purchased the Ranged Incite power.
  • After a successful feeding, any further feeding attempts in that scene using Emotional Vampirism are made at +1.
  • Once per scene, you may make a full recovery on your Hungry stress track by killing someone via a complete drain of their emotions.
Tattoos of St Giles: Requires Red Court Infectee Template. Your affiliation with the Order of St Giles has been quite the boon to you.
  • You now have a warning literally tattooed into your skin that only becomes visible when you're hungry. This mechanically creates a bonus to anyone's Notice when looking at you, equal to the number of boxes filled in on your Hungry stress track.
  • When you attempt to defend using Will, and your tattoos are visible, gain +1 to the roll. If someone you are dealing with has knowledge of the Order of St Giles, gain +1 to Provoke when using it to create an advantage, attack, or overcome vs that person. :*Along with getting the tattoos themselves, the Order has trained you well. Gain +1 to Lore when using it to overcome and identify supernatural threats. Gain +2 to lore when using it to overcome and identify signs of the Red Court at work.
  • Finally, you gain 2 boxes on the length of your Hungry stress track, due to your ability to focus and keep the raging beast of blood hunger at bay.