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Revision as of 03:35, 2 July 2017


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Shapeshifting Attention Sponge House Pet


Sometimes Too Catty


  • Purrfectly Prideful
  • Impressive Impersonation
  • Hunting for Hugs

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Paint On My Skin

  • Mr. Protector? - I feel safe around you, perhaps it is how much taller you are than me. Perhaps it is something else. Only time will tell.
  • Mr. Striped Hair - British and Russian with an Irish accent? There is something more to you.
  • My Heartbeat - I am so happy we found one another. Now I don't feel so lost on this little island.
  • Miss Sweet Bat - I am so glad you were there to lead me out of the forest. I hope we grow to become close friends.

Perhaps to be Applied

  • Mr. Disco - Owner of a club opening on New Years.
  • Mr. Short Wick? - You aren't much taller than me but I am rather sure your bite is worse than mine.
  • Miss Possible Landlord - I might go stay in her Hostel on nights I can't find someone to take me in.
  • Mr. Paparazzi? - Did get to chat with you though I wonder why you were taking all those pictures.
  • Miss Musical - I really like the way you play on your harp. And you have an intriguing accent. Pity we keep missing each other.
  • Miss No Mo'o - My future swim instructor. I really should learn since I am on an island now.
  • Mr. Stars - I look forward to a night picnic at the solarium. Though I have always preferred the night to day.
  • Forest Friend - It was a very chance occurrence coming upon you in the woods when I did. Thankfully I didn't do worse to my ankle.

Mixed Colors

  • Miss Confusion - I liked you at first and now I am on the fence. You claim we have similar pasts but we shall just wait and see.
  • Mr. Quickdraw - First it was a lot of questions and accusations of oral fixations. Now, drawing a gun on a beach. I am not sure what to make of you.

Colors to Never Use

  • Bad Dog! - I give you my sandwich and then you give me lip? Fuck you!
  • Mr. Grumpy - Perhaps I wouldn't think so negatively of you if I hadn't just seen someone draw a gun on a dog before you approached and made a threat to it.

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Coming Soon

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RP Hooks
House Pet- She loves walking around as a cat, a fox, or a bunny and thinks that this might be the best way to get a feel for things around here.
New In Town!- She just moved to Hawaii from Salem, Massachusetts.
Shapeshifter- She is indeed one of these and quite good at what she does. Perhaps she can help you in a pinch?
Freshman!- She is a student at the university and is still undecided upon her major.
The Arts- She absolutely adores all types of art: acting, dance, music, singing, all of it!
Nerd!- She is as nerdy as she is pretty/odd.
Big Family- She is the youngest in a large family
Beach Lover- Granted she is upon it with a large black lace umbrella but she finds the water peaceful.

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Played By: Wylona Hayashi

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  • Name: Juniper Jennifer Jenkins
  • Apparent Age: Late Teens/Early 20's
  • Place of Birth: Salem, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Mantle: Shapeshifter
  • Status: New to Hawaii
  • Occupation: House pet and Student
  • Languages: English and French

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Coming Soon

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None yet.


None yet.